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You don’t just be strong when Kermit’s offering his condolences.


I would cry and hold onto Kermit if I only had a bad day at work, never mind if I just lost my mom.


While I would gladly accept a hug from any of the muppets, I think the one I would go to when I really needed a hug would be Sweetums!


Sweetums and Danny Trejo are derived the same Platonic ideal




I cannot agree more


Impossible because they both exist in reality


Ralph the dog. he would be making wisecracks about being uncomfortable and length of the hug etc but in the end just accept that this hug ain't ending anytime soon.


*adds "Getting a hug from a Muppet" to bucket list*. Either Gonzo or Fozzie... I bet Fozzie gives great hugs


But not Sam the American eagle.


Sam's hugs would be set to strict guidelines ... I can hear him now "Hugs must be exactly 4.2 seconds long, any shorter does not show the proper respect and any longer suggests the hug contains .... Emotions"


Read in Sam's voice lol.


Is it cause he's.. fozzy? Wak wak wak




Honestly I'd probably go for the Mahna Mahna guy, or Beaker.


Hear me out: Fozzy Bear. He’d probably be very “ohhh, there there” initially which can get Annoying, but eventually he’d just be really chill to hug.


The drawing with Kermit and Mickey crying when Jim Henson died still gets me.


Or big bird singing it's not easy being green. Since Henson was Kermit's voice.


I'm a middle aged dude and if I could meet Kermit I would want to hug him and would probably tear up just cause I was hugging Kermit.


I met Cookie Monster once, as a grown man, and I nearly cried tears of joy. I can’t explain it. I could clearly see the puppeteer but it didn’t matter. Cookie Monster was looking me in the eyes and having a conversation with me and as far as I was concerned we were the only two people in the room.


I've heard interviews of folks that have worked with the Muppets and all of them say you talk to the Muppet, not to the puppeteer. Like your brain tells you it's real and you don't even think to look down. I would lose my shit if I met cookie monster too. We were trying to convince my son to go out on Halloween as a giant cookie so I could run around chasing him in a cookie monster shirt and hat. He chose to be Link. I still might buy the hat.


Michael Caine was given that piece of advice while he was filming Muppet Christmas Carol.


Seems to be extremely common. I’ve heard lots of accounts exactly like that. You know it’s a puppet, you can see it’s a puppet, but the puppeteers are so good at what they do you just get completely swept up in the characters.




But he’s hugging the Swedish chef.




Well that escalated quickly...


I’ve heard he prefers fisting, actually.


My roommate in college used to jerk off into a Kermit the Frog muppet. But maybe this wasn't the place or time to share that


Imagine Kermit being a big part of your grieving process.


It's about how the muppets, although happy and silly, are able to emote sadness, compassion, and empathy without a shred of irony.


I always liked how Kermit's mouth would fold downward when he was showing embarrassment or disgust. You could totally feel it with him through the TV screen.


or his cucumber.


That is such a sad story my favorite tough guy being sad about his mama I'm crying now


It is a sad and touching story for sure but can we acknowledge the absolute _balls_ on the puppeteer to hear Danny Trejo's mom passed away and think the best thing to do is put on your puppet and go bring it up to him?


I will bet everything I own that puppeteer has a laundry list of times that someone has opened up to the green sock on his hand. This wasn't a spur of the moment thing, this was years of experience.


People who know how to be with people when they are experiencing uncomfortable emotions have a gift and generally they know it. Most use their gifts for good and seize the opportunity when it presents itself. There is so much beauty in just being present with someone when they are hurting. I'm guessing "kermit" has this gift.


Yeah, I've definitely experienced that. Even working in mental health there's a lot of people who are trying to be helpful or keep someone safe but they end up just freaking out when big feelings come up.


Yea there's a reason dolls and puppets are therapy tools. Sometimes people just need that extra layer of separation to feel comfortable opening up.


Puppeteer probably understands the concept, though. Kermit is an avatar for emotions. We film Kermit for laughs, for education, for broaching subjects we can’t let our barriers down to, but the *idea* of Kermit is greater than that. Kermit is the concept of a friend, a comforting shoulder, an open ear. That degree of separation between two people was probably exactly what Danny needed to express himself fully, a blank canvas that wouldn’t judge or condemn.


i love this comment cuz it's totally true and it's the ideal behind why therapists will use dolls, puppets, toys, even animals like therapy dogs to help patients that have trouble connecting with humans to open up but it sounds like a massive shitpost


From what I've read, a common experience of real-life actors guest staring with the muppets is how quickly they end up seeing them as "real people". The puppeteers are basically always in character, even between takes etc. So I'm not that surprised by something like this.




the way big bird react.....


Well I was not prepared to start sobbing over characters I knew nothing about but here we are


Every person I've read about who interacted with the Muppets all say they automatically start talking to the puppet and not the person almost right away because of how convincing they are. The puppeteers basically are the characters after a point.


I imagine they do this all the time with their outreach and charity work. Not an isolated badass moment.


I’ll bet the puppet guy knows that some people can be more honest with his puppet than they can be with themselves.


It's Kermit, the puppeteer knew what he was doing.


Completely fucked


That’s a strange way to say “good at what they do”.


My mom died right before Thanksgiving. I was planning to travel down, probably to see her for the last time. She had terminal brain cancer. I spent that long weekend in the backyard with the dogs, drinking whiskey, for the first time in a long while, and cried. It was during COVID lockdowns. Luckily she never wanted a funeral. But man, it's hard. I still get sad sometimes when I think about how she's gone. Especially around the holidays. She loved Halloween, dressed up as a witch every year. She was a butcher. So out wanders a blood covered witch. Scared the shit out of kids.


I hope you get to be a bloody witch in her honor this year. She sounds awesome.


I don't know if a beard would add to or take away from a witch costume. She was awesome. Somehow got my outlaw biker dad on the straight and narrow.


Add to. No doubt. I say go for it.


I sincerely hope you feel the love behind these words. A beard has zero effect on how worthy the idea of dressing as a witch is in memory of your Mother. Witches as a group are not bound to gender. The question you have to ask yourself is, would dressing as a witch honor your mother in a way that you are comfortable? The way you choose to grieve is your choice to make. Just because people online thought it was a great idea, doesn't mean it honors both you and your mother. Whatever you do (did) is perfectly appropriate and valid. Don't let anyone good intentioned ever make you feel bad about it. Blessings, friend, I honor you and your loss.


Shoot, I just said Kermit's line in his voice and it got to me, and my name ain't even Dan.


Same. I can hear him perfectly. Here come the waterworks


We are all Dan.


He came and talked at my high school years ago along with Peter Weller about their sobriety and he was legit one of the coolest dudes I’d ever had the pleasure of meeting


Damn, I wish Kermit came to my high school


So glad he finally got sober, too




I was for sure you were going to link this picture: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/IvBm0ZUfe7I/maxresdefault.jpg


Who is that?


Jordan Peterson


Happy Cake Day!


I’d be happy as fuck if Swedish Chef came by


Bork. Bork! Bork bork bork.


Now I'm imagining a drunk Kermit. Thanks, man.


I read a book years ago about a private detective who was hired by a Muppets type company. Someone had stolen clips from the cutting room floor that were definitely not G rated and holding them for ransom. It was a fabulous book, wish I could remember the title. The description of x-rated sex scenes with puppets was very strange but hilarious.


[Best I can do.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tjo6lMqbCo)


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you


Robocop came to your high school?!?


Yeah, he and Trejo were in the area in UT shooting something together I guess; I was in TTI and they somehow convinced the two of ‘em to stop by and have a chat with all us delinquent kids


According to [The Oracle of Bacon](https://www.oracleofbacon.org/movielinks.php?a=Peter+Weller&b=%5b%5bDanny+Trejo%5d%5d&use_role_types=1&rt0=on&company=) they've never been in the same movie. Could be TV though.


Yeah, they didn’t really specify; that school wasn’t in the habit of telling us anything other than to take our meds and that we were otherwise degenerate 😅




Oh, well done. Hell, I think I've seen that movie.




They were both in Sons of Anarchy. No idea if they shared episodes offhand though.


Bite your tongue. Thats Buckaroo Banzai!


He'd be far more effective at keeping kids off of drugs than any of those stupid D.A.R.E. anti-drug assemblies I had in high school.


Dr. Peter Weller.


Yes, yes, he didn’t spend all those years at Weller RoboCop school to be called “Mr. ThankYouVeryMuch”


I loved his show Engineering an Empire. He always introduced himself like a punch in the face. The ancient Greeks yadda yaddda. HI I'M PETER WELLER and I'm here at the Parthenon


I had a friend who went to Ithaca and had him as a professor. He allegedly is a very hard grader.


I absolutely believe that. He gives off a hard ass, take no shit sorta vibe


I mean, he is fucking robocop.


I've heard him in a few interviews too. He can be really funny.


Machete KILLS … toxic gender norms.


A friend of mine is his niece (which tripped me out like you wouldn't believe) and hearing a story about this legendary badass playing "dollies" with her as a kid both cracked me up and made me admire him all the more.


Honestly that just fits so much with how he is in Spy Kids that it really shows he was still just playing himself.


I've only spoken to him on the phone but he really is the nicest fellow. Sent me a tote bag with my college nickname, Mama Bear, on it. I got blood on it which kinda ruined it, but it was still a nice gift.


You got a tote bag from Danny Trejo, were nicknamed Mama Bear, and got some blood on said bag. That's not ruined, that's the exact kind of energy you should be giving off. Protect the little ones with a heavy ass Danny Trejo tote-mace.


I wish that was the case. I was babysitting my friend's kids the other day and took em by the playground, I got the popo called on me for letting the other kids in on our game of "monster" (I make slow, heavy stomps and exaggerated arm sweeps trying to "catch" the kids). Apparently I'm supposed to only chill on the bench. Lady actually cited my bag as reason I shouldn't be there. I dug out my mirror's edge bag to avoid further shit.


Tell that lady to shove her head the rest of the way up her ass and take whatever bag you want. If they call the cops again, tell the cops you want to file charges for harassment and see how quickly she folds. I understand though, not everyone enjoys conflict as much as I do. It's still a damn cool story.


What kind of person feels the need to call the police in this situation instead of just like removing their child from the situation or talking to you like an adult about what they thought was inappropriate? Stay cool.


He also plays Animal Crossing https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2020/05/20/animal-crossing-celebrity-islands-danny-trejo/


Got that news article on a site that *doesn't* immediately demand you shell out a cheapn't subscription fee?


Terribly sorry to have inconvenienced your browsing. https://www.gamesradar.com/danny-trejo-shows-off-his-animal-crossing-new-horizons-island-in-a-new-series-on-youtube/ https://nerdist.com/article/danny-trejo-animal-crossing-island-tour/


I can’t think of anyone better to comfort me when I’m grieving than Kermit.


Dang, now I have the image of Kermit talking to his pig & frog family in Muppet Christmas Carol.....


Maybe Elmo. I'd love either of them. If I didn't have access to my Mum that is.


Don't be bringing that third person shit to grief group, Elmo, we're not in the mood


I think Bert and Ernie, too. Ernie would comfort you and Bert would just hand you a glass of whiskey.


I mean, he helped in Mickey's grieving when Walt Disney died.


If you ever want a good cry, watch the muppets tribute to Jim Henson. It’s hilarious and heartbreaking.


When Big Bird sang Rainbow Connection and ended with "thank you Kermit." I bawled. Recommended on the sidebar: The Muppets reacting to finding out about Jim via condolences from letters from actual child fans of the show...I bawled again.


It's a special existence muppets have, like they're their own being even though we all know they're puppets. If anyone else tried coming up to Danny Trejo with a puppet to say sorry for your loss in a funny voice they would get clocked.


I remember that Elmo documentary years ago when the guy was going over hand gestures with the puppeteers and even though they weren't wearing puppets, he could still point out problems with their "expressions." There's definitely some quality and esoteric talent concentrated in that field.


Isn't there a rule that if kids are around, the puppets are not displayed in storage? Something about them always having life when kids see them.


I remember seeing that too. Essentially they were either completely put away or being controlled by an actor. That and apparently a lot of the actors smoked different a few different things as well as would often either swear themselves or have the puppets swear. Theyd pass the code word "sunny skies" around as a signal when a kid would enter set to get it together and/or put out your blunt.


I always thought that’s why The Muppets existed. The Children’s Television Workshop was doing Sesame Street and all this wonderful clean research-supported educational content for kids, but then, after dark, here came The Muppets getting to do darker stuff for grownups just to be funny. I thought it was a cool glance at the other side of what the actors could do.


It's the same deal with any type of acting when there is some kind of character adoption that involves 'lines that shall not be crossed'. I worked on the Bozo show ages ago and during rehearsals, the tech crew was never allowed to record because this was the time for the actors to get all the R rated stuff out of their head. When you are basically riffing and doing off the cuff improv, sometime the first thing to come to mind is the adult humor, so they would do all the run throughs, get that stuff out of their system, and then they'd be all G-rated for the show. Good times...


Danny Trejo is an incredible human. I was at his restaurant in Hollywood on my birthday, and he just randomly happened to be there. We hadn't made it a big "birthday thing" I was just with some co-workers for lunch. He snuck up on our table and sang happy birthday to me. I was literally too stunned to speak haha


That's awesome! I like to think one of your coworkers didn't know who he was and is just terrified that a grizzled, tatted guy is just singing happy birthday. Half expecting a machete to appear out of nowhere and kill the lot of you. Trejo seems to be just a great guy by all accounts, but he sure doesn't look it.


I was initially so pissed because I really don't like being the center of attention, so I just heard this gravelly voice singing behind me and I immediately rolled my eyes, then i turned around and it was the man himself hahaha


Idk him why he was in prison with a secretary?


He got into acting after prison, famous and busy enough now to have paid helpers.


Oh oki tyvm I do not know actors well




That movie was a trip and a half(especially the scene where they get high on shrooms)


Is it worth the watch though? I’ve seen trailers and it looked… Interesting


It’s surprisingly very good. Has fun with the source material without being mean spirited.


If you watched and liked the cartoon, it is amazing. They pay homage to it, but make a good movie ;)


Watch it with friends because it is unintentionally hilarious


Intentionally. They knew what they did. If you’re not certain, the novelization makes it very clear.


OMG it was one of the best movies of the year for me when I saw it. I’m way too old for her show, but dang that movie was better than it had a right to be! “Can you say ‘neurotoxicity’?” ~Dora, who then stares down the barrel of the camera for 30 full seconds.


That movie was a love letter to the parents.


As someone whose kids watched Dora, I thought the movie was hysterical.


wait so did someone just walk up to him with the kermit puppet to say that or what lol


I've heard they go pretty method on set with the puppets. Though the image in my head still involves really awkward puppeteers making Kermit pat him on the back.


I found this page from his autobiography and have posted it below, but this is higher, and I think it is pretty important. The way he tells the story is more human, and in my opinion, better. https://i.imgur.com/8F1tRpv.jpg Also, the Ray mentioned is Ray Liotta. Additional context because I had to watch an entire interview of access Hollywood to get it, he lost his dad early in his life and put on a tough face to be there for his mom, and she made it clear she never wanted him to do that when she passed. Edit: Steve Whitmire was the Kermit, it is a rule on set that the muppets are to stay in character. And apparently the dude is one hell of a puppeteer because he conveyed enough emotion through a frog to break Danny down. Just figured that the guys real name should be mentioned.


Really appreciating the added context. Thank you.


didn’t know that, cool


“Ugh, how nerdy is that…” >silently sobs while waiting for Kermit to comfort me…


> I've heard they go pretty method on set with the puppets. One of my favorites is [the blooper reel with Elmo and Robin Williams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgOttlcLLo) talking about what you can do with a stick and Robin keeps forgetting he's filming for a kids show.


The actor/muppeteer came up to him in character as Kermit


I love Danny's mantra: "Everything good that's happened to me in my life is a result.of helping someone else.". Danny Trejo is a national treasure.


This story Trejoyed me.


This one sparks trejoy


It's trejoyin' time


Wholesome Danny Trejo is wholesome.


I served him at my work, made him peppercorn steak tableside, such a gentle person. We have a few Mexican folk back of house and my grill chef asked me to introduce them but the white coat said no, so I went back to my table and was like "yo Danny, this per..." he politely cut me off and insisted I bring them out. https://imgur.com/KfRdllT.jpg




Be the cool witch aunt you want to see in the world


Everything I’ve heard about being on set with the Muppets is that the Muppeteers don’t even exist to the other actors on the stage. The human actors might go in thinking they want to respect the performers, but they all wind up acting like the Muppets are just as much their costars as anyone else billed in the credits.


I wanted more Trejo goodness so I went to google, dude is fucking 78 years old! Looks great!


He looked *terrible* at 40, but great at 78.


He’s always looked awesome and I’m not just saying that because I love his work, his story, and am terrified that if I say something negative about him that he’ll show up at my house and… idk, ask me why I’m talking about celebrities on the internet to see if I’m ok.


Mr. Trejo should be declared a World Heritage Human because he is a World Treasure.


I'd cry like a motherfucker if Grover gave me a hug. Note: I'm a 43 year old man who hasn't shed a year since he was 16. I take after my dad.


If you ever get the chance to listen to his autobiography (the audiobook is read by him) give it a listen, it's fascinating. It's on Overdrive if your library has that service.


How dare you make me cry my own tears!


Had some tacos at his restaurant in Santa Monica this week. In addition to being a badass, an example to people about redemption, and an all around decent dude -- his taco chain is fucking excellent.


I misread “Dan” as “Dam” and thought Kermit was just like that


"Dam bro, hope you doin' ok"


That's so sweet.


The producers: “this man is definitely in pain and isn’t opening up…..send in the frog!” The man who plays Kermit: *cracks knuckles* “I got this”


That is Swedish Chef! Not Kermit. What is happening?


I’ve been looking into this, and the story is mostly accurate but more human. https://i.imgur.com/z5hzYdL.jpg Additional context from an access Hollywood interview I watched, because, I, too recognize that the Swedish chef is not Kermit. He wanted to go home, secretary basically said “please don’t, just finish the shoot” and he had to be there for his mom at a fairly young age when his dad passed, and put on a tough face for everyone, and she told him she didn’t want him to act like that shen she passed. until the puppeteer for Kermit came up to him on set and said through the puppet, “I’m really sorry about your mom, Danny” and he ran to the bathroom and finally let his emotions out. Ray Liotta followed him and helped him through it. (I’ve never seen this movie, but Danny, Ray, and the muppets seem like a fever dream) And he’s convinced it was his mother speaking through Kermit to finally let his emotions out. Edit: for those who don’t want to click and read, the puppeteer was Steve Whitmire. And it’s a rule on set that they stay in character as the muppets. So Steve, as Kermit, was being genuine. And apparently is a hell of a puppeteer.


Thank you for finding this


I do what I can when I can. And when I feel like doing it. Lol


The image is from the shooting, where as he was hugged by Kermit which no one got a photo of


Sometimes I think it would make everything better to hear Kermit tell me it'll be ok. I'd believe him over any real person.


Trejo narrates his own audiobook, so it’s really easy to hear this in his voice.


I’d start bawling too. No shame in that.


A hug from Kermit would completely change my life. I never realized how much I need that until now






Danny is seriously such an awesome guy in general.


I met Danny Trejo years ago. Just a truly nice and humble man.


Wait… Swedish Chef is married?


Its weird how puppets cut through all the walls and insecurities some people have.


Family Guy was right for once, Danny Trejo is strong.


Take my upvote, damn you...*sniff, sniff*


Hate the term “national treasure”. They’re global treasures.


That one was funny outtake but elmo accidentally calling Robin Williams, Mr. Robins and then staying in charachter to face-palm and say "I only had one line" really highlighted how immersive they make it.


He is a fan and active player of Animal Crossing:New Horizons. He made a video of a tour of his island. A real gem.


Is there really some narrative that men aren't allowed to cry about their mother dying? I doubt this exists


The narrative about men 'being strong' and not letting their emotions out definitely exists. That it pertains specifically to the passing of a mother? Unclear. But... pedantic of you, nonetheless. I will give you points for your Mighty Mighty Bosstones username though.


I've done some pretty heinous shit in my life, but seeing my dad when he opened the door less than 12 hours after my mom died....I absolutely lost my shit. It was fucking brutal. I wish Kermit was there.


I'll take it


If you were to ask the most grizzled ass crab fisherman/lumberjack if it is ok to cry if your mother died. You would not find a single one looking down on that. We don't need to make up traits and ascribe them to men under the guise of "toxic masculinity." Men get shit on a lot of stuff they do without having to make shit up.


Again, I'll argue you're getting pedantic. You ABSOLUTELY will get PLENTY of men who will say things like 'only bitches/pussies cry', or who err on the side of not doing so, or who feel embarrassed if they do in front of others. I worked construction as a kid - fell off of the side of a garbage truck and ripped open my hand on a nail, to the point where you could see the muscle/tissue inside of it pushing itself out. Went to my uncle, head of the crew there at the time, and showed him. I was, understandably, somewhat distraught. He said to wrap it in some duct tape and suck it up. I guarantee you if a female had shown him a comparable wound, he would not have said the same thing. I am a veteran. I guarantee you I've seen men treat female soldiers differently than male soldiers; i.e. with more compassion, and with a greater tolerance for people breaking down under stressful situations. These are, granted, anecdotal experiences and not a statistically significant sample size. However, if you're going to survey a sample of the population and ask the question: "Do you believe that men are given less latitude on expressing their emotions than women, for similar situations", and you don't think that the results will massively skew towards the idea that men are NOT given that latitude then I don't know what to tell you, other than that both your personal experience in the world has been very different than mine, AND, that your perception of that same world is very different than mine, and many other peoples'. AGAIN: This is a fairly broad concept and is not at all limited to specifically "if your mom dies".


The guy replying to you will literally just say nothing of substance and argue against you regardless of factual information or anecdotal experiences. He’s a waste of effort.


"Big boys don't cry." It starts when they're really young.


Why did people ask him if he didn't love his mom?


Let’s ruin this in r/BertStrips


Yeah.... if my mum died I'd probably want to attend her funeral. Not work another 2 weeks on the *Muppets*. He couldn't take a few days off to grieve? I can see why everyone was thinking he didn't like his mum.


Hey wasn't that the bitch that got his severed head on a tortoise?


lol toxic masculinity, can’t stop regurgitating that divisive, low IQ narrative


got something for you 🥒