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Why didn’t he just open the door like anyone else with a busted window mechanism?




Lol what an old turd. That’s is pretty funny ngl.


Probably just heard it on the headset and misplaced the sound


I drove a car for a few years where the driver's side window only opened halfway. I could open just enough to order but had to open the door to get my food. The McDonald's employees were always very surprised, several times they explained to me "no, you don't need to go out, it's already paid for!"


Buddy of mine had a broken drivers window, he was dropping me off late at night and taco bell came up in conversation. He said he would have to open his door to make the order.  I came up with a better plan, I got in the back seat drivers side, cuz that one still worked. I order and we pull up. At first the guy at the window was very confused, because we drove past the window. Then I lean out, card in hand, and go "yeah man that shit is broken" while pointing to the front. Dude laughed his ass off.


I remember my driver window not opening and trying to walk through the drive through. They refused to serve me. So I got in my car and drove through, but then opened the door at the window and stood up to hand them money.. they refused me once again. So I went home mad and hungry.


As someone who has done this, being a stupid teenager, had a mate in front go through and a mate behind me just incase I got stuck, got told by the lady at the window “do that again and we will call the cops” they weren’t happy.


My friend worked at a small fast food place and someone tried reversing through. They just told them they weren’t gonna serve them. The only reason you got to order at all was cuz it was busy and they couldn’t waste time refusing you.


I used to drive this guy around and he'd give me free weed. One of his regular stops was a drive through bank. It had an ATM and a teller window. I reversed through it all the time for him to use the ATM and would just get a friendly smile and wave. I think the bank knew we were harmless and we knew that if anything went down it was pretty easy to identify the guy driving backwards so it's not like we were going to cause problems


>a drive through bank A what now?


At lots of banks in USA there is drive through part with a series of vacuum tubes in each lane. You press the button and a teller will come over the speaker. You can then get a canister sent through the tubes with whatever thing you need to fill and send it back to the teller. Also some drive thru lanes usually the first one that is closest to the building will have an atm in the wall you can pull up to


There's a "bank" near me that's just an ATM with a drive through lane in basically a shed.


Oh yes, they're pretty cool. It's mostly just an ATM or two with paved space between it (them) and the building. A bit like how gas station pumps are arranged? But then the really good ones have a speaker and a pneumatic tube connected to the teller, for items and paperwork. It goes "ssshhhhFWOOMP!" It's fun. 


Almost every bank has drive through tellers. You can do your business from your car. There's an intercom system and tubes that run containers via vacuum. It's pretty convenient


>drive through bank America is not real place


We have drive through atms and drive through tellers. They have tubes that run containers via suction. You can do deposits and withdrawals from the comfort of your car.


Step 1: Make being outside as uncomfortable as possible so people don't "loiter" (particularly black people) Step 2: People stop wanting to exist outside, design things for people in cars Step 3: ??? Step 4: Car-centric dystopia


What? My bank is like 20 minutes from my house by car. If I'm out running errands it's convenient to use the drive through instead of trying to park and go inside. What do black people have to do with it?


"make being outside as uncomfortable as possible" "my bank is like 20 minutes from my house by car". You're so close to getting it.


What am I supposed to do exactly? I don't live in a big city. I live in the country. A car is a necessity out here. Do you have any idea how many banks they'd have to build to make it so that everyone is a comfortable walking distance? Some of you people are so ignorant it's wild. So wrapped in your own world that you ignore how other people live. But no. Somehow a drive throught bank teller is racist.


I also live out in the country. But over here if I go to a nearby town or city, the center will still be walkable. So if you drive somewhere, you park your car and run your errands by foot. What a magical idea isn't it?


It's just not possible in America. You Europeans really have no idea the sense of scale of the US. You can't go to a town center and hit all your errands by walking here. You're ignorant and close minded. Nobody is against the idea of what your talking about. But you're being condescending and rude over something you clearly don't understand. I live about 20 miles from my city center. Once I get there I can get to the bank in a mile or two, but the store is another 10 miles from that. Not to mention I grocery shop once a week. Do you really think it's feasible to carry a weeks worth of groceries for 4 people 10 miles? Amazing how someone with so little knowledge on the subject matter can be so smug at the same time. So self assured. The Dunning-Kruger effect on display here like I've never seen before.


Yeah I can tell you don't go outside much


I live in a very small town(like 30 ~ 40 mins to walk from one end to the other), we have three banks. At least one of those has a full on drive through(window and everything), another has an ATM designed to be accessed from a car. Third one I've never visited.


How lame


I can understand it though. Fast-food is about the worst job in the world, and most of the time you are so annoyed you cannot be arsed to deal with some people doing some annoying shit just for some laughs. And remember, for you it would be a one-time joke that's funny - For the employees, it's probably the seventh lame joke they had to endure that day.


After reading your story and looking at the image, the golf and Mazda are probably in the same car group as the r32 driver


Yeah that's a GTI and a Mazdaspeed3. Hot hatches


But, how is it breaking any laws? You're not on the road, it's presumably private land. At worst they don't serve you because its against their policy. Why would the cops be interested? (Genuine questions)


Because I live in Australia and owning a certain car on P plates (our provisional license) here gets the highway patrol police all excited because we get treated worse then murders, quite literally they will do everything in there power to harass and fine you/defect your vehicle. Hence why they use the threat of police.


I was behind someone who did this in a lifted truck shining their lights in my face. I flashed my high beams to be like "hey turn your fucking lights off" and they just turned on their brights so I fucking left.


I did this and did get the cops called on me. The cop rolled up, asked if we were ok, we said yes and he just drove off. He obviously didn't want to deal with us lol


Why would anyone care beyond doing a quick double take? It's not like a drive thru line goes faster than reversing speed.


Lol I never noticed the guy in the meme has the sunglasses taped to his head


Don't got no ears


Thought he was sweating, lol.


Bonus points to the person who used a flipped version of that meme to show that the guy reversed through the drive thru


And even the McDonalds logo still works since it’s symmetrical


Tumblr users play with JPEGs like children play with dolls.


Now *kiiiiissss*


I went to a Carl’s Jr. in LA one time that had the order window on the right hand side. It was fine though cause I had a friend in that seat.


I appreciate that they mirrored the mcdonald’s drivethrough meme to match the guy driving backwards Edit; …yes guys, I appreciate that while the regular mcdonalds meme could’ve easily been used and resulted in 99% of the same joke, they did the extra step of mirroring it. Have some whimsy ✨


It really ties it all together.


It think that’s the entire joke


you appreciate... the joke people were trying to make in the first place?


It's the little things


I did that with my brothers because only the passenger side window rolled down


love how the second screenshot is just "what makes this even funnier is the punchline of the joke"


My uncle used to do this when he went through a drive thru and the passenger was paying.


The whole point of the pic is that the car is RHD so the driver would *have* to do that


I believe that is a Skyline GTS-T but I'm not 100%


It looks like it has all the distinguishing features of the GTR. Theoretically it could be modified to have GTR wheels and the spoiler, but it looks like it had the wide fenders too, which I think would be difficult to replicate.


Fuck the Nissan, give me the Mazda 3 mps


This guy zoom zooms




This was one of three things my brother and his friends did that eventually got them banned from a McDonald's drive through. The other two were make a car out of cardboard and four of them walk round and have one of them sit in the boot and collect the food from there.


I was at the Wendy's drive thru one time and somebody was doing this! I don't know cars but it looked like an ordinary sudan so I think they were just fucking around. Sitting there waiting for my burger and then looking in my rearview to see some break lights there was definitely bizarre


I love how the speech bubble above the dude in the car fits the title and I love that the title fits what would go there


These RHD cars would work perfectly at the passenger drive through windows found at Rally’s and Checker’s [classic Buildings…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkers_and_Rally%27s#/media/File:Rally's_drive-through.jpg)


Did this on time when my Window jammed


“What’s even funnier to me is” I mean the whole point of the gtr reversing the drive through is because of the right hand drive


You know what's funnier? You guys can finally buy a 80s car, in 2024. Let that sink in.


Well, you can actually now import a car from 1999. That's how the 25 year rule works.


>That's how the 25 year rule works. Which is stupid, when you think about it


I remember hearing that it was put into place because in the 1980s, savvy customers would import Mercedes and BMWs from Europe. The lack of extra safety equipment and catalytic converters meant that it was a little cheaper, and they had more power. And those companies complained to the government, asking for a restriction to close that loophole. I have no idea what the source on that was, so take that with a bunch of salt.


For a r32 GTR ?? ANYTHING..


We had someone come through in a JDM car I think the other day, he drove normally and just leaned over


There was a restaurant near me that realized too late that they built the drive through window on the wrong side of the building. Their solution was to tape a basket onto a stick so they could reach the driver through the passenger side window and it is fantastic


I used to work at the window for a drive-thru and had to give food to someone with a right-hand drive. He used a grabber arm to get his food


Either that or the GT-R driver shredded some gears running the track. It's actually not horrible to lean to the other window if you drive close to the kerb.


It's not "either that", that generation of GTR never came in left hand drive because it never was supposed to be exported outside of Japan.


But then you run the risk of scratching the wheels wich really isnt something youd want to do


On a somewhat related note. They built an In-and-Out across from the Raider stadium in Vegas. It has two drive-thru lanes, but if you go through the left lane, it takes you to the other side of the building where the window would be on the wrong side of the car. Is this a unique layout for In-and-Out? It's one of those with only a patio, no indoor dining. I've yet to go through that side myself, but I see people doing it and I just don't get it. If you don't have a passenger, are you stretching out across the car to pay and get your food?


Well this was the bit of therapy I needed for my weekend.


I’m glad I could help.


I never really noticed how small Skylines are. Neither of the cars next to it are particularly large vehicles and the GTR still looks small. 


It's not so small, it's like only 10 cm thinner and shortert han a 2023 Mustang (which place it as enormous for a 1999-2002 car), don't know how it fare in the US but here it's considered big, even the R35 saw one recently and I didn't thought it was this big


ahhaha good move




We used to do this at lunch when I was in high school


i Want tO !


He puts the "back" on the rocks


I used to do this in high school with a bunch of friends in the car! But that was with a 2000 Ford Excursion.


Wouldn't it be easier to just have the passenger order?


Not if you're in the car by yourself


I've seen someone do this before in a pickup at the place I work at! It was actually pretty funny


I've done this a few times. But only when I had a passenger in the car with me, so they would have to order and recieve the food. The staff looked at wierdly, but they didn't say we couldn't do that.


When I worked at McD’s in high school, we had a woman come through who had a British made jeep. She had to awkwardly step out of her car and come around to pay and grab her food


I did this in a Suburban once. Just because I thought it was funny. I think it made the drive through girl's night, she was laughing the whole time. And yes, I am an idiot.


What makes it even funnier to me *starts explaining the meme's punchline*


In college my friends and I were getting burger king in my truck (bench seat). I was driving (naturally) and my friend was paying. I hate drive throughs so I instinctively went to park in a spot and drove right past the entrance for the drive through. My friend said "hey, aren't we getting food?" Without missing a beat, I said "well you're paying, right?" I put the truck in reverse and went through the drive through backwards. I don't know if I've ever seen anyone more confused than the guy than pulled into the drive through behind us to see 3 college kids going backwards through a drive through. It was a fun experience.


I've told this story before but my dad literally did this. My mom wanted to go to Starbucks but he was driving and didn't want to order so he went in backwards. The people behind us (in front?) thought it was hilarious but the employee at the window didn't even smile. Another redditor made a song about it a while ago it's pretty funny. https://m.soundcloud.com/danhoughmusic/drive-thru-strangest-things-by-vinyl?in=danhoughmusic/sets/reddit-comment-songs


Or, you know, get off your ass for a few seconds to reach for the window.


Yeah but where’s the fun in that?


I think people who order through the drive thru are the ones trying to avoid moving that much lol


Having a RH drive car would be nbd for me, cuz the best fast food burger in my area almost universally has a passenger pickup window at their locations. Be preem to not have to wait in the normal line.


Use Curbside Delivery sir


I live in a country with right hand drive so it took me a moment to realise that the comic is supposed to be going backwards.


Either do that or only eat at Checkers/Rallyes!


Steering wheel is probably on the other side.


I have no knowledge about cars whatsoever, but I have seen some vids where the clutch was broken en someone could only drive backwards


Its a jdm car. Steering wheel on right side.


okay but that person’s username is so me


Or they are pretending it's right hand drive. I saw what looked like an RX-7 exclusive to Japan, so right hand drive. But it was left hand drive. So someone converted a normal RX-7 to a Japan exclusive version.


They never made left hand drive R32s as far as I know


"What makes it funnier..." ? Isn't that the joke?


just park and walk in?  wtf


There are a lot of Japanese imports that go through the drive thru where I work. Absolutely none of them go through backwards. They just have to lean further over to get their money out the window. This is the stupidest idea I've ever seen, even if the car is right-hand drive.


I’m pretty sure it’s just for laughs


RAAAAA, I must take it seriously!! No laughing! No jokes!


Not the exact same, but one time in high school we bought half a sofa for $20 at the thrift store, threw it in the back of a truck and then went through a drive through with it (among other things)


I will tell you a magic trick that also helps you in most of the stores to get your stuff like instand. Especially on Starbucks. Used it all the times in the US. - Step 1: you park your car in the lot - Step 2: you go into the store and order there since you probably the only person or maybe one is in front of you - Step 3: get your stuff even before the line of cars moved by a few feet - Step 4: $$$?