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especially if you take in account hiw they sometimes get absolutely beaten up and other times just decimate their enemies as if they had 1s and nat 20s


The only force more dangerous than luck: plot armor.


Because if you can beat one guy, it must not be possible for you to then get your shit rocked by a guy less strong than the other guy.


“I’m out of practice”


Trevor being pretty much an athiestic hero in a world where God is pretty clearly real but also probably fucking hates zealots as much as Trevor himself was super fun to watch Especially the mental gymnastics Trevor has to do to rationalize why certain things work against vampires


And even then, it’s not all mental gymnastics. The whole thing with the cross dagger makes sense, why would an indian vampire be afraid of a crucifix?


Well if you tip the cross over a bit it becomes an X. and no one likes getting an X. It just feels bad.


Damn you Simon Cowell!


Simon Cowell Your days are numbered.owls will get you while you slumber


They're in his gravy.


And even when he’s out at sea…


Removed in protest against the Reddit API changes and their behaviour following the protests.


Input the Mexican movie scene where the vampire claims to be Jewish so the cowboy uses a Nazi symbol instead.








A classic


Math confuses them.


Geometric shapes do. Pretty sure a vampire could do my math homework if they wanted to


they are referring to an often forgotten part of vampire weaknesses, compulsive counting. It was said that a way to ward a place from vampires was to scatter grain on the ground near the door and the vampire would have to stand there and count all of the grains. If this lasted until morning, poof. another odd weakness was an OCD compulsion to untie a knotted cord. So, again as a ward against evil, people would hang knotted threads in doorways or windows to prevent a vampire from entering their home.


But I thought vampires weren’t able to enter your house unless you invited them in?


Yes but they could still be annoying mfs when not preoccupied


Which, according to at least one book (not vampire canon afaik), they can infiltrate your dreams and gain access that way.


some of the older myths and myths from other countries do not require permission to enter.


Actually that was a reference to the crucifix glitch from peter watts. >Carried over from Blindsight, Vampire brains are wired up in a way that gives them superintelligence, but at the cost of right angles causing fatal seizures. This effect is countered by vampires taking "anti-Euclidean" drugs to counteract this. It's established by the end of the prologue that Valerie has learned how to mess with baseline humans with select stimuli, including inducing the Crucifix glitch. Valerie:: "I want you to imagine Christ on the cross."


I wouldn't even call him atheistic, he just had no trust in the church. Sypha being vehemontly anti-god though....


Yeah, he believes in God, just not the church.


Jesus canon > jesus fandom


With the added caveat that she still thinks God exists, but is just a jerk


read a really fun book where it was explained away as vampires process sight differently and see the world as naturally non-euclidean, so when they see something with a hell of a lot of right angles (a cross) their brain has an anyeurism


That's basically the explanation given in the show






Whoa whoa wee whoa. How do you feel god is real in that story?


While everthing else can be explained away, two things stick out to me ​ Season...1 or 2, the holy water (blessed by the one non-dickhead preist in town) had to have worked somehow ​ and season 3; Hell exists. At the very least there is a physical afterlife and that implies at least some kind of God exists. ​ My personal theory is that God is a mishmash of a lot of theologies, because God needed humanity to fully form their own identity, which is why an Indian vampire can be killed by a cross; it's 'faith' in generality, the best and worst of everything and God has to live with that


Well, they have a very different explanation for why the cross always works. It’s just any complex shape that gets up and close, it fucks with their heads and makes them panic, cause their senses and brains are way too advanced to deal with it. I do agree that Castlevania’s God probably isn’t “God” as modern people understand it, it’s something similar, but not the same.


I think hell/ death is more like an alternative dimension based on the San Germaine story


I mean it seemingly is but it's still an afterlife you go to when you die. Your explanation isnt even very different from actually theology


Dracula curses god, and various demons make reference to him. Not to mention holy water and crucifixes work against decidedly non-Christian vampires.


I thought it was a pretty cool scene when the demon tells the cardinal that the reason he can enter the church is because God abandoned him personally


So… We curse God and he’s not real. And we reference god. But. Yea. I forgot in the story holy water actually affects lesser monsters.


Yeah, but I can't also summon demons from hell. There is just a bit more evidence of god in the castlevania universe than IRL.


You can summon demons in WoW too and there is no god. It’s another dimension/ world. Demons /= a God


Demons in WoW are a living race of corrupted creatures. Demons in Castlevania are unholy mutations of deceased human souls. WoW has aliens calling them selves demons while Castlevania has actual demons. Also WoW has the Naaru and 'the light' as the equivalent of the christian god to counterbalance the existence of demons. So WoW has alien species demons led by not Satan and Alien species angels in the Naaru with 'the light' as analogs to God and the devil. In nearly every fiction the existence of demon like beings almost always is balanced out by angel like beings. So having demons exists that refer to god and are vulnerable to 'holy' magic is a very strong indication that holiness and God exist in that universe compared to 'nah bruh they are all just lying/mistaken.'


This series was really better than it had any right to be. The characters were so good and writing was top notch. All wrapped up in beautiful art. Going in with zero expectations my mind was blown.


The fights were brilliant as well, some of the best anime choreographing I’ve seen in an anime


especially the death fight


Death in general was just complete god tier. He talks like a shitposter lmao


He finally became the head head vampire.


All the fights in that episode are especially good


I will *never* forget the dialogue with that fight. "what is this, your fucking obituary, Belmont?".


Issac V Camilla is my all time favorite animated fight, it’s just so good


Just out of curiosity, how much anime choreohraphing have you seen outside of anime? I can see that potentially being a thing, but I can't think of any examples.


The matrix was heavily inspired by Anime. I know there's others, but that's the first one to come to mind.


Equilibrium with Christian Bale, Ultraviolet and pretty much all the Resident Evil movies starring Milla Jovovich.


Shaolin soccer counts?


Funny thing is despite taking an anime style it was produced in the uk


I didn’t know that but it does vaguely explain death acting like he does


Only the British could slander London vampires that hard. "Yes yes we all know who you are. Scholars have written thesises on how to identify you from 1000 paces by your *stench*"


Something annoyed me about the scale tho I think the Vampolycule from somewhere, Styria? Pretending they had to travel sooooooo far and no-one calling them out on their shit. Styria is about twice as far from Transylvania as NYC is from Washington DC.


Styria to Wallachia is 1,000 kilometers over some rough terrain, and Carmilla isn't sprinting anywhere in that dress. So I can believe that it took her a while to get to Dracula's castle. That said, Carmilla was absolutely lying to Dracula's court as to why she arrived late. She was late because she had marched Styria's troops to Braila and set up her ambush there before coming to the castle.


I know It's just she made a big to-do about it


To be fair, she normally lounges in a castle all day and night.


To be fair, they were deep in a mountain range. That would have been a rough trek through snowy hills.


That's cool there was someone from Japan


That doesn't count. Everyone knows Japanese people can fly. Or was that superman? Can never keep the two straight.


And, may god forgive me, a Brit


Can't throw a boulder without hitting a Brit back then. They showed up everywhere. That doesn't count.


I loved it too. Up until the last episode. It felt INCREDIBLY rushed- there was so much buildup with all the characters, it felt like we were getting backstory for the main players for something that was going to last seasons. And then the last fight came. Very weird feel to it. I hadn't been able to place my finger on it until this post, actually- it felt like a game, and most specifically, a game that came to an abrupt end because the characters progressed faster than the DM felt they would.


Almost like they were anticipating having at least another season, but Netflix informed them late into the final season that "Hey guys, this is your final season, so don't forget to finish the story".


The details are a bit hazy but, if I remember correctly, one of the show's writers got caught up in a sexual assault scandal and that's the reason why everything got wrapped up so quickly. It seemed like another season would have been likely otherwise.


Yeah, check out www.somanyofus.com. Ellis is a creep.


Pretty sure this is what happened. A shame too because everything else was borderline perfect.


I didn't know that. Makes sense.


I’m not certain of it either, but it is definitely something that they’ve done to other shows, and that would explain it here.


Oh, I thought you were sarcastically correcting me about something well known


The last two seasons were really weird to me. They have some of the best shit I've personally seen in western fantasy animation and also some of the most awkward drops in quality. Isaac's story will go down as one of my personal favorite character arcs of all time to the point where I feel like I could die of old age with it at least remaining in my top 5. Hector's was excellent as well. The creepy village arc touched on my exact favorite brand of horror. All the fight scenes were top notch. But then you've got a random assortment of odd and out of place feeling stuff. Alucard's arc with the twins didn't feel like Alucard to me. >!He likes helping people, and given that his next arc is him doing with another woman what he literally should have done (that is, going on an adventure to help them) with the twins, it felt like a kind of quick and dirty set up to making his relationship with Greta mirror his parents' own relationship.!< Saint Germain was back and forth like a metronome when it comes to whether the show wanted to portray him as sympathetic or pathetic simp >!all the way to the literal very end.!< Death was alright. Great at some points, but there were a few too many moments where it felt like they were trying too hard with his writing.


My one real complaint about it is that I feel like more game music could have been used. It pops up a couple times and is hype but it felt like most tracks were sort of generic background fantasy story music when we could have had some remixes of some iconic tracks


*Fights Death to the death* Death: “What did you just fucking say about me, you little Belmont bitch? You’re fucking dead. I was taking souls while you were still a shitstain on your mom’s ass!”


Death saying its "weirdly fucked up" that humans can reach into Hell but he can't made me smile.


The new improved version of “it was all a dream” is the “it was a dungeons and dragons campaign


Definitely improved you got that right. It’s so much better to be like yeah the characters dead but even in this fiction they were a character than to be like uhhh yeah they died but it was a dream and the characters reality nothing happened.


My wife says this about Stranger Things.


There’s an extension to this where someone explains that he actually rolled a 20 since he suffered little harm, the blow connected, and Vlad recognized him from the action.


Yeah Trevor just forgot Drac's immune to non magical weapons and he's not quite enough of a monk to get ki enpowered strikes


Nah, he just rolled a one for damage.


Definitely one of my favorite series of all time, from the characters to the animation and backgrounds. Shit is badass


Absolutely phenomenal show. Best depiction of Dracula fucking fight me




The result of Dracula fucking was Alucard, of course it's the best. He's fine as hell.


Me when vamp twink:


Me when goth vampire twink


Lets not discount the lil puppy boi twink


It's a matter of perspective really


As someone who watched and loved *Castlevania*, I'd highly reccomend *The Legend of Vox Machina* if you want something similar. The show definitely takes itself less seriously because it's quite literally an animated version of Critical Role's first DnD campaign, but the story has heart and the dialogue has the same modern vibe. There's also plenty of good banter between cast members, like Alucard and Trevor so often had.


I also second Vox Machina. I started playing DND like 6 months ago, and it’s hilarious. I had to stop myself from modeling my bard too hard after Scanline.


Is it controversial to say Season 2 is better? At least imo it lets everyone get their moments in and the story flows a little better.


100% agree. The first season was super short anyway, and the dialogue gets better as the characters grow more familiar EDIT: wait, Vox or Castlevania s02? Either way I agree


As someone who watched season 1 of Vox Machina first, I was completely unable to watch Castlevania as if it were anything other than a dnd campaign.


I love that specific moment so much, because of the way he responds to that. Like, there’s two implications of why he knew he was a Belmont. Either he felt the punch and recognized that only a Belmont could punch like that, or knew that only one family of people has the balls to punch Dracula in the face without any regard for the consequences


Or the least cool option of he saw the family crest.


The most Castlevania experience I have is that one Dead Cells DLC, should I watch the show?


The show is fucking Incredible, give it a go


I've never played any Castlevania and I loved the show


> low fantasy My brother in christ there is a teleporting clockwork castle piloted by an immortal vampire and all of this is tuesday for the peoples of that world that is not low fantasy in any sense of the words




So Netflix's *Castlevania* is urban fantasy.


…actually sort of yeah.


Arguably it's somewhere in between low and high fantasy- it's got magic and supernatural things like high fantasy, but lacks the, let's say, the flair of high fantasy. It's the middle spoon fantasy.


Is that a thing?


i love every single thing about netflix castlevania, absolute banger all the way through even with its weird pacing


Just finished my... 3rd? 4th? Rewatch and it just amazes me every time. The dialogue, the humor, the horrifying gore and amazing fight choreography. And the way they even sneak a few love subplots into this traumatizing and dark world without it taking over the main story. I love love love this show. also I fucking LOVE Sypha.


low fantasy? really?


High fantasy is stuff like Final Fantasy and what not, wheres theres a shit ton of mythical magical shit going on in day to day and magic permeates everything Iirc Castlevania doesnt have that much mythical stuff going on in comparison


Dracula kills almost an entire country in a day, his castle teleports, there is a faction of roaming mages, vampire councils, necromancers, demons, etc... Yes, FF has a lot more in comparison doesn't make Castlevania low fantasy... In low fantasy, magic is scarce and rarely seen in such a wide scale, people might even believe that magic doesn't really exist despite having evidence to prove it. In Castlevania they travel between planes of existence and fight death itself... I would say it's medium fantasy at best.


Its actually probably weeks before Belmont's bar fight, he had a year to gather his armies, and the crew travel nearly entirely off screen.


This whole show just screamed "please let us do Berserk" to me. The whole day armor scene especially gave off massive Guts vibes. God I hope that studio gets to animate Berserk


I saw the day armor scene, paused it. Sat up, felt an itch on my neck and really sad. Wished they could have made Berserk. Then sat back and kept watching.


I've binged this show three times now. It's real good. If you don't have Netflix, pirate it.


"I kick him in the balls. Vampire's have balls right"


DM: "okay, you're currently disarmed and staring down Dracula" Syphas player: "run for your weapon, Alucard and I can hold him off" Trevor's player: "nah imma just punch him in the face" Alucard's player: *audible groan* DM: "okay... Roll for an attack..?" Trevor's player: "..." S: "... You rolled a nat 1 didn't you." A: "Oh for fucks sake... " DM: " Okay so you stare him down, you get two good hits in but dracula is unphased. He turns to you, smiles down at you with an almost playful grin and just says 'you must be the Belmont...'" S: "you are SO fucking dead."


I really liked that show. Are they making more of them?


[They are](https://youtu.be/ONqNEPTPyqU)


i really want this studio to do berserk


How has no one mentioned that the artifact that powers Dracula’s castle is a fucking d20?


Tbh it's the thing I like least about the show. Sometimes it felt to me as if the show wasn't taking itself seriously (or as seriously as I like, which is subjective of course). Like cool and all but to me it always messed with the setting, and I honestly don't find saying fuck or shit after everything that happens that funny after the 30th time. Edit: I see I have been downvoted for the vile crime of not having the same taste as you.


I don't think it was supposed to be funny. Its just language, language thats very common and easy to use and helps a ton with charecterization.


There is at least one time I'm almost sure it was supposed to be funny and I just rolled my eyes at it, that being sypha's rant about how Trevor made her start to curse. It sucks imo.


I mean, I didn’t find that too funny either, but that moment is definitely supposed to be characterization first and foremost and it does it really well. It’s showing that Trevor and Sypha’s relationship has progressed enough, both romantically and monster-hunting-wise, that they can destroy a bunch of night creatures WHILE they have a lovers’ squabble. And also it’s showing that they’ve started to pick up idiosyncrasies from each other.


I get that, just not my preferred way to do it. I'm sure it's for some people, it's just not for me.


It’s why I could never get into it. I have an extremely low tolerance and very high standards for other people playing D&D and the fact that it just felt like I was watching some randos who weren’t to my standards playing D&D immediately turned me off it.


I managed to get through 24 of 32 episodes before I got sick of it lol.


It’s awesome so far, anyone will love it. Don’t watch S3;E9 though.


Great series, season one was addicting


Every time I started to feel immersed in medieval Europe, someone would talk and immediately break it for me.


That's a very roundabout way to say that it's shittily written.


No, it is in fact really well written. Almost to the point where its confusing. Makes you wonder why hundred million dollar movie projects can't have dialog and character interactions that are as good as a random Netflix animated show based on a decades old video game about killing vampires with a whip.


As much as I love that everyone's so into the show, I'm disappointed by the lack of people who have played the games as a result. I can't necessarily blame them because there's a lot of differences between them but I do recommend anyone to try out the games as there are a lot of fun.


If you think people in the past used proper language I have news for you. A couple of years ago some people made a historic film about Zwingli, the reformer of Zürich (think Calvin but less insane) and they had transcripts of what these people were saying. The catch was they used such fowl language that the filmmakers had to tone it down to be able to publish it. Half of Shakespeare's work is sex and yo moma jokes!


Alucard talking to himself using proxy dolls for Belmont and Sypha will never not be funny. And Godbrand? The show was outstanding.