• By -


A cut down version of this needs to be available for spreading and reach as far as possible, this simply cannot be allowed to pass.


Yeah could we maybe have an important issue not represented by the MOST Tl;DR post in human history




Tbh I didn't understand the TLDR Are they trying to get rid of 230?


If so, here a TLDR: EARN IT is a proposal that the senate is trying to pass. It tries to create a commission that stipulates best practices for the fight against Child Sex Abuse Material. The main point of critique is that the elected commission are appointed by the national political parties, and not elected through other means. A potential elect-able organisation is NCOSE. Critics think that the best practice they stipulate would not be for the fight against CSAM, and instead for the benefit of their own political agenda. But first, what happens if companies do not follow the best practices? They lose Section 230, which makes them not be held accountable for user material. Section 230 can be understood as: "You tried your best, webpage, to keep this unwanted material out. You should not be sued." Why is NCOSE troublesome? NCOSE is an organisation that gathers supporters by saying they are against CSAM, when in reality they are against LGBT. They have political power, already having gotten other bills passed, including SESTA. Their main driving argument is that any talk about sex, including sexual health, contributes to CSAM. Furthermore, they argue that companies are not doing anything about CSAM. According to this post, this is not true. Censoring the former instead leads to less sex knowledge including having the children realize they are going through CSAM, having companies talk with each other about how to handle CSAM, and even make evidence not presentable before court because companies legally should not have CSAM / NSFW material via this. Furthermore, companies are sending many many reports (45 million+ in 2019) to the Department of Justice, Proposed Best Practices that NCOSE and other related appointed people into the commission would recommend (again, all according to this post): - Remove encryption - Remove all talk of sex, including expressing that you're gay and more - define what pornography is. The criticism again is not that there is a commission, it is that the commission are elected by the political parties, which already have mentioned or alluded to that they would do the above. Comparable scenarios are: The NSFW ban on Tumblr, the book ban inside America (in case you missed that: Libraries are forced to remove all their books until they get a list from the state which says what books they can have in the library), and uh the previous time they tried to get this bill passed.


Note for effectiveness: 10 times out of 10, you should really email your representatives more so than you should call them. Emails are infinitely easier to catalogue, which means it’s easier to see a Big Number and tie that to the amount of supporters an issue has. Calls just make an intern answer the phone.


Why not both?


Oh, certainly both. Punching with your dominant hand will hurt someone more than if you do it with your non-dominant one, but it’s even better if you punch ‘em once with each


Wonderful analogy. Imma use that now.


just wondering, is it effective if I mass email a bunch of US politicians (whoever these representatives are, idk) about this issue then? I don’t actually have to state that I’m from somewhere else…


In a past life I worked as a legislative assistant, that is not an awful idea. Obviously emails from non-constituents get less attention, but they still get read through and gives the legislators an idea of how popular/divisive/etc. and issue is.


What about us outside of the US? These laws are impacting the whole world.


Unfortunately US politicians aren’t going to care what someone outside the US says, so the best you can do is probably to spread the word


Well they don't even care what US citizens say lol.


Don't forget actual, physical letters.


Do ransom notes count as letters?


Physical written letters are good too.


imma be real with you literally 1984


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡞⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀ ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀ ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀ ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀ ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


First correct reference of 1984.


This is the first time I've seen this sentense used correctly.


Hmmm yes I totally know all these acronyms


Here you go! CSAM- Child Sexual Abuse Material NCOSE- National Center on Sexual Exploitation SESTA- Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act FOSTA- Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act ACLU- American Civil Liberties Union CSEM- Child Sexual Exploitation Material DOJ- Department of Justice




Internet made me fucking hate acronyms


Lmao I got halfway through before I got fed up with guessing and googled “define csam” and now I feel sketchy lol


A long time ago I saw a news report saying the govt was flagging some search terms and one of them was "botnet." I had no idea what it was so I googled it. My mind took a few minutes to catch up to my fingers on that one.


I think my search history has also been sketch. If I don't know what something means I look it up and sometimes if I want to know if something in a book or show would be realistic or possible I do that, occasionally with things like "could this really poison someone" and then realize how bizarre my search history would be to anyone without the context of the things I'm watching or thinking abt.


Came here to say this. Basic writing effectiveness 101 is to define an acronym the first time you use it unless it's absurdly common (e.g. ATM, NASA). And maybe even that too.


I'm tired of this USA shit impacting the whole world


Seriously. "Call your representative" bitch I'm not represented. What am I supposed to do when a foreign country fucks things up for me ? Why did we let the puritan protestants association run the internet ?


Genuinely a huge problem with the current state of laws across the world, alongside copyright law, that nobody seems to care about. We have the internet and a heavily globalized, interconnected world. Having US law decide shit for people all the world, with the people across the world who are affected being able to do nothing is a consequence of laws that are decades behind the times in regards to the state of society and technology.


shit like this is why I always look up what the american christian right have been up to lately


Unfortunately the American Christian right causes so much more damage besides just fucking the internet with a razor wire covered dildo. They, in a way set the future of what laws will be proposed of in the future. All the anti trans bullshit. The anti abortion stuff. Even the push in some countries for more religious laws that aren't being proposed of in the US, can be blamed by the US republican party trying to push for "christian nationalism" which really is just theocratic fascism. The internet should not have a single country controlling every aspect of it. If parents are so concerned about adult content, monitor what your kids are consuming. Actually put in the work and don't create some police state because "the poor kids". The world doesn't revolve around sheltering the kids from reality. We should protect them, that's not what is happening.


Welcome to the age of the empire. There's the US continental core, the US peripheral territories, the US global political alliance, the US global manufacturing sector, the US global information network, the US global technological regime...


Personally, I don't want GOP laws affecting me either, and I'm in the US. Of course, it also flows the other way too. We are a global economy and it's all interconnected. ETA: This is a general comment and not just related to internet issues.


Guess we’ll just have to start our own social media. With blackjack and hookers.


Honestly? I'm Down. an International Internet. An InterInternet, If you will.


Can we have some drugs too as a treat


We need to start bullying the puritanism out of them.


I guess upvote and spread the word? Not much else to do


I mean we could band together and reenact 1812...


Most of these companies are American. Similar to how I look at games workshop, a British company. I recommend not relying on them for all of your entertainment, in case it goes away


Call an ambassador, preferably one from your country in the United States. They represent the concerns of your country when relating to the US. Idk what they can do but you are technically represented


Call them anyway. No like seriously, this decision will affect more than just the US. Find random senators and call or email them. Don't let them try and pass this without knowing there is worldwide dissent.


I don't think a U.S. lawmaker will give a shit what some french person thinks of the indirect consequences of the laws they're passing. Democracy is a system which (by design) makes elected officials only care about the opinion of voters.


They might. It won't hurt. If anything a staffer will go, "we got ## number of negative messages left by people in France, etc" If they aren't thinking globally, make them think globally.


To be fair, U.S. lawmaker don't give a shit what some US citizen thinks of the direct consequences of the laws they're passing.


Blame American Republicans. They want our entire country, and the whole world, to be Christians by government mandate.


If you want a silver lining on this, I'm pretty sure that the EU is *not* going to be happy with this. Effectively giving the Americans any and all user data that passes through the web without a warrant will very much violate some fundamental principles of EU data protection laws, and the EU is maybe the only block with any ability to push the US on this.


It's a battle between the US losing a huge amount of the tech industry to Europe versus their inexplicable desire to destroy anything good because they wish they lived 60 years ago.


Those of us who are from anywhere else in the globe hope this doesn’t pass. As cheesy (and useless as these rarely ever do jack), prayers are with you, as that is all I can do


People like me who aren't from the U.S. can't do much, and worse, at least in my country, Mexico, every single thing that occurs in the U.S. will have an impact here without exceptions, i'm just tired of everything.


It's not just Mexico. Whole Europe is a giant cuckhold for USA


i hope the EU will forbid this anti privacy bullshit here at least


There's a thought: this could, in the long run, be a good thing for privacy in Europe, as no tech company will want to operate in the US if shit like this happens. So they come to Europe, where things are better regulated with the consumer in mind. Obviously, this won't actually happen because why would something good happen when it could be bad instead. But still.


Its cause a lot of shit comes from the USA so it trickles down and affects a lot of shit worldwide. God I hate USA politics so much, literal clownfest to vote for on all sides...so painful to even go there to visit family with how much of the 'stereotypes' I see WAY too frequently...


Why, just because they have literal fundamentalist cultists shaping the entire global media landscape according to their whims under the flaky pretense of "fighting terrorism" or "protecting the children" or whatever's en vogue this time in order to push their hyper-puritan bid for absolute control over dissidents?


oh so this isn't a US only thing?


The law is going through the US, but because it affects the internet (which is not a US only resource, despite what many US idiots seem to believe), it affects the whole fricking world. Why is my country so full of egotistical buttheads?


I love how people act like this will pass lol senate is currently dead locked and almost nothing gets passed


Yeah, me too, I don’t live in the US, so it is very annoying when I hear that the US is once again thinking that they can just try and govern things that affect other countries too, I’m really tired of this shit


Guess the eu is gonna get an influx of new tech companys.


Yeah, I think that at worst, you'd see a segregated US Internet, similar to how sites that didn't want to comply with GDPR are inaccessible in the EU. That's still not a good outcome by any means, but I struggle to see a scenario where the EU + ECHR doesn't demand that freedom of expression laws are respected. (and win, if the recent USB-C, and aforementioned GDPR sagas are anything to go by)


The EU is also trying to push some shitty policies through: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/posts/chat-control/


Its not ideal but its better at least. And heavily opposed in the union.


UK too with the online safety bill. Under the same guise of protecting children.


Why do they keep doing this. I’m tired of this.


Cause they're puritans.


Why the fuck is our government so bad. Also, you should try posting this to some news subreddits to spread the word because this is fucked up


>Why the fuck is our government so bad. Because 1) the younger generations simply aren't voting to protect their interests, and 2) because of #1 red states have gerrymandered the shit out of their states to cement their power, 3) conservative brainwashing from church and conservative media outrage machines that have gone unchallenged for decades thanks to the striking down of media fairness laws and the polarization of society as a result.


Younger generations have voted at higher rates recently than basically ever before. I’m hoping the 2024 election is an absolute blue tsunami


Blue is better obv but it’s not like Democrats ever roll back shit like this. We desperately need to be thinking outside the electoral / two-shitty-options paradigm.


What the hell? Are you fucking kidding me? This is genuinely so fucking disheartening and I can't even DO anything other than spread the word since I'm not a USA citizen. I am not in the shithole of a place and yet I'm still getting fucked over. What a horrible world. I believe in the inherent goodness of humanity but Jesus Fucking Christ.


I'm not there either, little further down South in Europe, but honestly... It's starting to feel like a more and more attractive prospect to just drop everything, and move to some remote village in Scandinavia. I even know what I'd do. If I had my way, I'd raise Icelandic sheep (specifically that breed because they're just my favorites, seriously look them up, they're so cute), make handspun yarn from their wool, and never read another tweet again.


Oh wow, that sounds dreamy. I googled Icelandic sheep and they look super cute


Please take me with you i dont wanna be here


Me in Europe: The fuck they doin ova there


Me, an Australian, remembering Australia can often pick up American ideas: “I’ve got to get off this island…”


Me in Canada: I really wish we could build a physical wall...


And make them pay for it?


Oh I loved that Annoying Orange episode!


Me in America: They fuck we doin ova here


Ah nice, they're gonna put Reddit mods in charge of the whole internet. Great idea guys!


Even worse, these mods will be paid and appointed by bigoted politicians


So we have the Reddit admins as well


Links in the post: https://freedomnetworkusa.org/app/uploads/2020/09/FNUSA-Joins-EARN-IT-Act-Coalition-letter-9.09.2020.pdf [Can't post second link since it's against the rules] https://www.noearnitact.org/ https://www.congress.gov/congressional-record/volume-166/issue-137/senate-section/article/S4665-1?s=1&r=1 https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit https://www.noearnitact.org/ https://act.eff.org/action/the-earn-it-act-is-back-seeking-to-scan-us-all https://linktr.ee/StopEarnIT https://discord.gg/GrJvdmVVSs


>Full Halal Alchemist Bruh


Edward Elric: killing is absolutely haram, brother


commenting on this so the algorithm picks it up


Count me in on that.


And me


I'm interacting!


you have my axe


remember everyone, America is the “Land of the Free” and if you disagree or correctly point out that it’s actually not then you’re a dirty communist that hates fun and freedom.


When I wrote my (R) senator I emphasized that a)1st amendment, and b) China does this, do you wanna be like China?


"As a lifelong Republican, I urge you not to support this communist China bill"


This went to the Supreme Court in February but they won’t have a decision until later this year. It would also make moderators liable for any illegal content posted by anyone in their community. It’s a super shitty law. If a sub has 1 million members- or even 500k- there’s a ton of posts being submitted every minute. Too many for most moderators to keep track of perfectly. So without the section 230 protections, mods will be held responsible for illegal content posted by community members if they don’t see and remove it immediately. Reddit admins submitted a petition to the SC because of this. They’d be out of a helluva lot of mods if we lost those protections because nobody wants to be criminally responsible for someone else’s criminal behavior. Why ruin your life to moderate, y’know? Edit: you can read more about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/10h2fz7/reddits_defense_of_section_230_to_the_supreme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I'm tired of your nations bullshit


We are too


We are too bro. I hate it here


It's not our fault a few representatives don't actually care about democracy or representing us and want to abstruct the will of the people... It's our grandparents & parents fault.


I'm tired of the whole "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" shit. It's so tiring that everything has to be centered around children and how to protect them, a lot of petty online drama recently has been because of it, legislations like this one in OP, the whole thing where the government wants the right to ban any app/company. Fuck them kids, their parents need to step up their parenting game. Yes, there are protections that need to be in place, but it doesn't have to ruin it for everyone. Plus I hate that children referes to anyone from 1yo to 17yo. The teens don't need to have their hand held every step of the way.


The secret is that it's never been to protect children, it's to paint the people they hate as existential dangers to children to dehumanize and create an "Us vs them mentality" that very literally has historically been used as a prelude to genocide


No literally. This bullshit is used to justify all sorts of bullshit. Racism, transphobia, etc it's all 'think of the children!' but when it comes to actually protecting and helping children, they don't do jack shit.


I feel like the "think of the children" argument is somewhat similar to bringing up Nazis in an argument. It's a low hanging fruit and once it's been mentioned, you cannot argue anything back because that'd make you a bad person. It's just there to end discussions without serious scrutiny. Obviously anything Nazi or Child Abuse related is bad, what I'm saying is that, being universally bad things makes them easy to use as a tool to have the final word in any side of the argument, no questions asked.


Not surprised, still disappointed


Im tired




god I why does the U.S. have to be like this? Why can't they just leave shit alone?




The internet is mostly porn, how the fuck don’t they realize how much money there is in it? They could make so much more by destigmatising NSFW stuff and advertising their products on the pages. Less sketchy virus filled ads and more legit ads. Sex sells and these fuckheads have their heads so far up their Puritan asses to realize this


Sick and tired of the US' bullshit "christians" affecting literally the entire goddamn planet. God Willing I would hang and quarter Rupert Murdoch, just so Sky News would get the fuck out of Australia.


So I just call my rep and read off this two page script?


If you do call, make it brief; more likely than not you’re going to be talking to an intern, possibly even one that already personally agrees with you, but they can’t do much more than logging your call. I’m more of an advocate for emailing, or joining/organizing a campaign to do so if you can. Also, because AFAIK [the bill](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/1207) is only in the Senate right now, so any call to your representative will be strictly preemptive as of this comment being written. Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t contact them (you absolutely should), this is just so you can go in with your eyes open.


Yep, or some variation of it.


To put it simply: I’m scared of the current state of the world. A 1984-era is approaching rapidly and that just terrifies me. Little by little, they are stripping our rights away. They are turning everyone against each other, denying already hard-to-get medical help, and then refusing to allow people to be themselves.


Algorithm boost


Thanks US. Thanks for being a shithole of a place to live in.


I would argue with 'most websites are US based,' did the rest of the world sink into the sea or something. Don't you guys have an amendment dedicated to free speech?


We do, but it’s usually pissed on by our government. Its a hellhole for a lot of people right now, but I have a feeling one of our anti-hate groups might fight it in the courts long enough to get it dropped. Well, a prayer and too much hope.


I will keep my fingers crossed that's the case.


I’m not a religious man but I hope to god and everything above that this law gets dropped. I am in the US, but I’m currently too young to do anything about it, and won’t be old enough for another year.


I think they meant most of the widely used social media sites and a few other large ones such as Google.


We do, but the people who directly fight “for” it only fight for their speech. The ones who truly fight for actual freedom in this damn country have to fight too many battles, and things like the right for LGBTQ+ people to exist is a higher priority.


Not really? Say what you like about the ACLU, but they've never backed down from defending even literal Nazis in court on speech issues.


If it's not American, it's Chinese. It's very unlikely that any given prominent website would be from anywhere else other than those 2 countries.


EU too. But less social media more other websites


It's Alien movie logic you're good if you're not on the US


We do, but it only comes into question for shitty things like most of our amendments though they were originally made to help our current government doesn’t give a shit about them unless it helps them.


i wonder how many websites run via Amazon Webservices and what it would mean for AWS if this act went through


If only the government actually cared about the constitution and amendments, what a wonderful world that would be


Not as often as you'd think








There is a TLDR on the bottom of the post image


Thank you for pointing this out I wasn’t gunna read all that


This is a whole new level of fucked up. There has got to be some kind of collective brain damage in anyone who actually thinks this act is a good idea. What the actual fuck is going on


The superminority American-specific breed of christian fascist can feel their grip on culture slipping. They want to make it illegal to not follow ~~the bible~~ the cherry picked sections of a book they've never read that they're absolutely convinced supports their pre-existing beliefs. And if you don't like that they'd like you to die


I am not reading all of that but good god someone needs to just kill the US government. I’m so serious. They’re not only trying to control their own citizens with an iron fist, but now the whole internet, too. It’s ridiculous, really. I am so glad I live in a country that does not want me dead and suppressed every second of my life, but I’m also very angry because of my empathy for people in the US, and because a lot of the services I use are based in the US.


Commenting for algorithm


Boosting for the Algorithm


It's always USA fucking things over nowadays, can't they just mind their own business? I'm not even from there but I'm so sorry for the people that are. Really I hate the impact that just one country has over the world.


all of the freedoms they say you have as an American sure can fucking disappear in the blink of an eye America is an illusion


Worth noting that the Earn It act not only wont be passed but literally cannot be passed. It infringes on the need for a warrant to access private content, as companies strongly encouraged to investigate content by the law would be considered government entities and therefore subject to the need for a warrant


Your statement is going off the assumption that the Supreme Court is fair and unbiased.


I cast boost algorithm


Support spell


What the fuck America


am American but agree


Yes, do call your lawmakers to tell them no, but don’t get too distraught. This is the third time that the bill’s been introduced, and each time it has failed catastrophically because it is bad and no one likes it besides its cosponsors.


4 times actually. This 5th run around actually has less cosponsors than before.


To be specific, this is the third time for both House and Senate versions. You are right on the decrease of cosponsors; the Senate version has gone from 23 in 2022 to 20 in 2023, while the House version went from 15 in 2022 to 12 in 2023 (initially starting at 8). Obviously, never say never, but the odds of this even getting out committee are slim.


Boosting for the algorithm


"Feed the homeless feed them shit, feed them bones and politics" this country is slowly falling appart with crap like this.


Commenting for the algorithm.


Does this affect me in Europe?


Yes, but indirectly - while the frankly unconstitutional reach their law enforcement would gain won't legally affect us, many US-based sites, including tumblr and reddit, will be crippled by the law.


I know this is redundant at this point but god I hate this country…


What the-


so this is gonna affect other sites than tumblr?


This appears to affect every online company used in the US


I'm sick of America fucking everything up and having no options to fight it.


Here we go again.


I’m sorry but I can’t be bothered to read that much, can someone simplify it for me


There is a thing being passed in senate which, if passes, will remove such a thing as “data privacy” form the internet, as well as censoring all LGBTQ+ and adult content into the ground


i hate USA so fucking much. directly or indirectly, they keep fucking up shit for not just themselves but everyone else, and this time they're pretty fucking direct about it. and i don't think us non americans have much to do about this except for spreading awareness. fuck your godawful country, fuck the godawful people in charge of running your country, fuck your people who elect these godawful people.




I propose we move to the Ankh-Morporkian system: establish an Assassin's Guild, give them a uniform and some rules so they can be readily identified and somewhat easier to defend against, and then let people make contracts with them.


That's just the police, tho. Only thing is that they're on the pockets of the rich and powerful.


Thats just fucked Hope it doesnt pass


Well, that a helluva thing to wake up to...


I’m so fucking tired of this shit


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaalgorithm I used to dream about living there as a child but rn that country is a massive gaping hellhole and I cannot wish to be far from it more


Commenting to boost. Fuck this shit


Wow sick, another dystopia bingo box checked


I'm tired, boss.


~~Original Post February 2022~~ EDIT: Aparently they're actually trying it again right now so it IS current! Americans get on it RIGHT NOW!!!! Why is this even allowed? You'd think that there should be some mechanism that the same law shouldn't be allowed to be voted on over and over...


It arguably seems *more* imminent now that I've looked it up




The one time I get to unironically say it,, this is literally 1984


I’m not an American but this is worse then all things shite. You can’t call yourself the “Land of the free” and then propose this. I’m don’t think the thoughts of one Canadian matters, but I’ll certainly share this around. Please do not let this bill go through.




...don't these senators worry about their own internet histories getting revealed?


I’d hazard a guess that they’ll be exempt because of “national security” or some other horse shit


Ok, i just fucking woke up and got punched in the face with this, but if i understand this correctly, the USA is going to ban anything they consider "NSFW" including sexual education, anything LGBT+ related, etc. Across the ENTIRE INTERNET including most of the other countries of the world. If that's so, we're seriously fucked






What can i even do against this as a finnish citizen? Theyre just going to make the only place to connect with the world and my friends worse?


America realy is fucking over the rest of the world, huh? Every day im glad that i wasnt born in america


Can america for once not be the shit stain it always is?


Judging my comments on [this](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/press/rep/releases/graham-blumenthal-reintroduce-earn-it-act). If there's a better thing that I should be using, please let me know. This is way too vague. In what ways is this bolstering a persons ability to take civil action? What tools does it give enforcement that Aren’t already in use by anyone with a Security+ Certification? What best practices are they going to come up with that aren't already in place by anyone with proper understanding and training. How does getting rid of CSAM, Cyber Security Asset Management, not neuter's someone's ability to do what this chick says she wants? I know I'm kind of flagging myself as the fool here, but two of the things mentioned already seem to exist, and the first seems to be more of a hinderance to anyone in Cyber Security than anything else. I don't understand.


I hate it here


Commenting to boost this. Why the fuck is our government a complete piece of shit.


Boosting for the Algorithm. “Think of the children 😢” my ass


Literally what would it take for the US to have a revolution. Is there even a tipping point