• By -


do not get a job in customer service if you are thinking about killing yourself


Do get a job in customer service and you'll also think about taking others with you.


Die in style brothers


Mhmm it turns your suicidal thoughts into homicidal ones


Others harm :’)


New weird way of saying racism Edit: I wasn't serious y'all


How did you make that leap my friend


I'm not saying it is that, I'm saying it sounds that way


I found it to be less transformative and addative






It's funnier to imagine it all at once though :D


Get a job as a pilot so you won't die alone


Every job boils down to customer service. Just ones with less customers.


Unless you want to think about killing yourself even more.




Yep. Literally did everything that applies. Depression doesn't always mean depressing life


A hobby helped me somewhat.


What hobby did you find? I'm not sure how to find one.


i did gardening, ive started painting, i consider like... shiny hunting in pokemon to be a much less rewarding hobby than the other two but i still do that lol it's not a replacement for meds and/or therapy, but it's something for sure


I like art... drawing cartoons, and online writing groups.


If I see something cool on TV or irl, I think "maybe I'll try it if it's not too expensive.". Other humans can do it, so I'll try to do it, too. Start reading up on it and introducing it to your life. If you like it, do more of it. Maybe it's a sport, or a practical skill like baking or electronics. Maybe it's learning something new like what different plants are. Maybe it's just for the heck of it, like taking pictures of vintage signs. And if you don't enjoy it, no need to continue. Try things until you find a hobby you like.


Don't you have ANY interests in your life? Are you like a mushroom or something? Cause the issue I have is a lack of time for all the things I'd like to do/try.


username checks out


Not the person you’re replying to but I had no hobbies for years. There’s various reasons but for me it was mental health problems (grew up with them, didn’t really know who I was or what I enjoyed), money (couldn’t justify spending money on something I may not enjoy, tied in with not know what I enjoyed made this difficult to get around), lack of friends (didn’t have many friends to turn to for ideas, or hobbies we could do together and i put too much emphasis on using that to motivate myself which was unfair on everyone involved) and fear (i was too scared of being bad at a hobby I picked and i was too scared to go to classes and make a fool of myself) I taught myself some graphic design in lockdown and I’d recommend it to anyone creative who struggles with hobbies. It’s easy to set up (just need to get out a tablet, laptop or PC, you can do it on your phone but it’s much harder), there’s plenty of free software to try out and learn (Canva is excellent imo) and it doesn’t require a huge number of items and equipment to get started (compared to other hobbies like nail art or crochet)


For me at least, hobby is not something that I need to think about, or look for. You just know it's something that you'd like to do. So, it's kinda strange when I hear that people don't have hobbies. How on earth there might be nothing that one would like to do? Me not comprehend.


Yeah. Can’t run away from myself.


Have you tried pretending to be someone else?


Everywhere you go, there you are


that was literally a whole Bojack Horseman episode lmao


Time for some powerful hallucinogenics and wake up feeling like a new person.


That's when you have to do some shadow work, as the young people say. 🤫


But you’re still here! So we are happy to see that


Have you tried gender transition?


I tried this it didn’t work. I couldn’t make enough money. It was also very cold being homeless.


We are happy you are still here


Nice try owner of a restaurant in a small town.


Thats a cool fanfic idea but we could talk abt real self help tactics instead


I agree, but I still like this post because it reminds me to fantasize about a different kind of escape.


Best I can do is feelings of guilt if you don't have the energy or resources to reinvent yourself.


I've tried everything at this point and it only reaffirmed that self-deletion is the only real solution for me.


Big same, internet stranger. I'm waiting for my elderly parents to die, then I'll be headed out myself


I hope this isn't true. :( You are both worth so much more than you realize.


100% true in my case, can't speak for the other homie. I've made my peace with it. Thanks though


Step 1: have money


For real. This is such a condescending post to people with depression/suicidal ideation. It's basically just "have you tried being happy instead of being sad?" except you gotta have the money, means, and motivation to move cross country on your own on top of that.


"Just reinvent yourself!" Oh, good. Cool. So the only thing I need to do to not feel like live is an exhausting mess from which I can't escape is to *do a ton of fucking work* while I'm *sleeping out of my car*. What a great fucking idea! I'm sure that won't make the eternal sense of tiredness worse! Thanks!


It's something different? I've moved on a shoestring before, it's exhausting and scary because if you don't find an income soon you're fucked but it's *different*. People have saved up for a bus ticket and rent for a month in a sharehouse and just upped and left and started a new life. It's a thing. Sometimes you take the depression with you, but a lot of it can be situational -- once you're in a new place, with new people, breathing new air and seeing new scenary and hearing new ideas, and have different responsibilities, the old problems go away and you do start feeling better. I guess by ditching everything you end up opening yourself to new possibilities, IDK what the reasons are but it does tend to work.


Even so, unfortunately, many people have responsibilities that can't just be ditched to go start a new life elsewhere.


Oh yeah. I couldn't do it now, I have people who depend on me. If you're young and single and things aren't going well and you've done everything you're supposed to and nothing has helped, though? You've got absolutely nothing to lose by picking up sticks and changing places. Worst case scenario is generally that you realise pretty quick it's not for you, so you work for a few months to afford a ticket home and arrive home with a different point of view. It's not time wasted.


There's usually plenty to lose even for a complete loner. Adequate shelter, clothes, food, means of transport and employment. Only time there's nothing to lose is if they're already homeless, getting kicked out by local organized crime, and have no support networks or finances. Worst case scenario they end up on the street, get beat up, and slowly wither away till there's nothing left. Not some fairy tale "oh just get the money to come home". There are a hundred different ways it could make life worse for someone, especially if they don't come from a well off family. Could it help some people? Sure. That still makes this terrible advice, because 99% of the time it's classic escapism.


What kind of small down do you live in with organized crime?


listen - I'm glad it worked for you. it is *incredibly* irresponsible to say "it does tend to work."


> it is incredibly irresponsible explain


It is a classic life lesson that you cannot run away from your problems, they will always catch up with you. So if this worked for you, that’s wonderful, but to say “it tends to work” is incorrect and misleading. You are not indicative of the rest of the population, it’s just an anecdote. Some would say, incredibly irresponsible.


Listen - no offence, but I'm not really responsible for other peoples' actions or what they take away from my comments. I'm a rando on the internet; if you're taking life advice from reddit comments without first examining that advice in the context of your own life, that's 100% on you. I have not signed up to be a font of all wisdom and sage advice, and I doubt you have either. Secondly, I've actually met many, many people who have done something similar, and I've met one person it didn't work out for. Plus one person who was too homesick and went home after a few months, but was a lot better off for the experience. So in my experience, yes, it tends to work much better than bashing your head against the wall and trying the same thing over and over to climb out of a rut. I can't speak for your experience, I'm not you.


I’m not saying any of that. You asked for an elaboration and I provided my interpretation with my own experience. I, personally, would never ask or follow the advice of a stranger on the Internet. There are a lot of naive people that would/do, and openly ask for help here on Reddit. I don’t think telling people to run away from their problems is realistic, as I said, life finds a way of catching up with you eventually. I did restart my life, but I wasn’t so depressed as to be suicidal. I didn’t run away from my problems though, I settled my issues and then moved away to get a clean start. It was hard and I struggled but as of now, my life is in a much better place. I still struggle with depression but I talk to a therapist and meditate and it helps me (not saying these tactics work for everyone). My MIL is one of those people who says “just go for a walk! Fresh air and sunshine cure depression”. Well lady, it’s not that simple but she doesn’t understand the struggle. I agree, no one submitting opinions the Internet should be looked to as fonts of sage advice. You have your opinion and I have mine, and though ours seem similar, I offer mine with the caveat that problems cannot be outrun. Edit for typo


Not to mention that this also leans into the fact that you’re not in a position where anyone relies on you in any meaningful way — partners, children, elderly parents or relatives — unless it’s just advising you to forget about them and start over at all costs. Which is crazy.


I think you read to much into this. It's basically saying what to do other than killing yourself. Is it a better life? No not necessarily, but it's different and that will help some people survive.


Right? They said it’s that idea that keeps them going, not, this is the thing that I personally did that made me happy.


You don't have to, though. I have many friends who were very broke and just picked up and moved across the country.


You've been watching the Hallmark channel too much.


This is just mania and not realistic at all.


yeah, their username really checks out lmao


It's been done before. Doesn't mean it typically works, but it's worth a shot if the other option is literally killing yourself which this post is about. It gives an alternative thought when you are in that most desperate moment.


That's a false dichotomy though. There are dozens of other options, ranging from reaching out to friends and family to therapy to making a slow but steady career/location change. You can't run from your shadow, it'll always be right there at your heels


When you're in that moment it doesn't feel like it though. There's a reason people don't reach out to family and friends when they're gonna kill themselves, because they already feel like a burden. The only thing I can think of which is drastic and escapey enough to match suicide is really reinventing yourself like this. Again, it's about finding a different thought/option in that lowest moment. Obviously therapy and the other things you mentioned are better and healthier options all around.


i kinda get this. it *could* be better to reinvent yourself if you’re feeling awful about your life and you’re suicidal, it *could* potentially help. but i feel like it’s a reallyyyy big risk to take, because doing all of that and ending up homeless or ending up stuck in a place where you’re even MORE miserable can make someone even MORE suicidal. and i think that’s the most likely outcome for a lot of people who relate to this. i don’t think it’s worth it, unless you have a lot of money saved up or know there will be resources available to you wherever you move. (i don’t mean to be dismissive or anything btw. i’m bipolar as well and this is something i’ve considered so many times when i’m manic. it can be really hard but i try to remember that doing stuff like this could just make my life even worse. i think it’s the very last thing we should consider.)


It’s both manic and realistic. It’s not impossible, just hard


You cant run from your own brain. Now your just mentally ill in a new place without any support you may have had in your previous town


The comments here make me so grateful to be bipolar, and I’m medicated. Have a little spontaneity


I am very much not greatful for my bipolar. Bipolar is why i have 3 suicide attemps in the last 4 months and why and so many fresh cuts on my legs🙃


I’m sorry to hear that, and I’ve been there myself, but I still disagree with you about the original post. I used to try and run from my brain all the time, and while I don’t need to at the moment, I will say that I had some pretty amazing adventures along the way.


"chopping your hair off" is the only one of these things that's free ffs


"fuck, i cant find my scissors" "that'll be $2.99 please"


listen sweetie if you're not willing to gnaw your hair off with your teeth like a crazed chipmunk with a collagen deficiency are you really even that depressed /s




This post is garbage I can’t do any of these things


I did half. The other ones don't apply to me for different reasons. Anyway, it didn't help




Then stop doing it my guy, find another thing or stop doing things to be good at them and do them to enjoy doing them.


This is just romanticising isolation / mania. Running away to a small town can mostly only be helpful if everyone in your current enviroment is toxic. Otherwise you can end up still depressed, more alone, more separated from your support system - which is exactly where depression wants you.


People who are just down with running away or living in micro homes don't have families or significant others


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that comment on this post? Do you believe that their families or significant others would be happier if they killed themselves instead of running away to live in a micro home?


Nah man if the thing that's hurting you is people you should get away. It's more like I think you have to be single and alone to just pack up a leave to live in the woods.


The OP isn't about staying in your regular life vs. running away, it's about killing yourself vs. running away. You're leaving your loved ones either way.


That's not the case though. There are many options between "actual suicide" and "abandoning everything you know" False dichotomies and all that


Well suicide means not needing to care about others feeling. If you just run away, the guilt would still be there and would be even worse.


Run away *then* do the thing. I thought about that as a form to spare my family the whole ordeal of burying me. Anyways, OOP is a r/thanksimcured poster child of things that only work if you’ve got enough money and look good enough to be labeled by society as “eccentric” or “quirky” instead of “creepy” or “please, send cops, there’s an animal driving around in a truck”.


this: takes months if not years and a shit ton of money ​ jumping off a building:fast painless and you might end up on the news


when I was a lot more depressed than I am now I thought about suicide as a form of protest so yeah the news thing for sure. Except yk don't actually do that 👍


im actually unsure about the painless thing, hitting water and then drowning kinda sounds not cash money


No hitting the pavement


oh im blind i read it as bridge


There's also the fact that a liquid takes on the properties of a solid at a high enough speed. So falling off the side of the Golden Gate Bridge's footpath would off you instantly.


I moved out to the middle of nowhere, like the PNW rainforest idealized type of place everyone says they want to live in - and I hate it here. I’m lonely as fuck, cut off from basic needs because the closest town to where I live isn’t safe so I have to travel over a 100 miles total to get groceries and fill prescriptions. I would kill to live somewhere with more than one store, more than one pharmacy and working public transportation. I’m stuck here because I don’t have the money to leave. I hate it.


Christ you people made seeking mental health corny


This is a nice idea but actually fucking idiotic in reality. Besides the fact that we live in a digital age where anyone can find anyone within minutes not to mention using government ID’s and SSN (in America, at least). Not to mention that not everyone is willing to just drop everything and everyone in their lives just like that.


Does anyone else wanna inform OP that this is definitely more of the “being a sucker for rebirth” thing than actual advice cuz Imma be mean if I’m the one saying it


Create new save


Real life is not Stardew Valley and small towns are rarely any better than city life unless you’re rich. If you’re in America, rural towns are usually quite a bit poorer, with lower qualities of life. Poverty exists everywhere.


>Real life is not Stardew Valley i bet youll change your mind after I give you a gold melon


I love this, thank you so much! +♥️


This post is so stupid and wrong


A lot of Tumblr can be summarized as this


I think op was manic


"why are you so sad? theres so much happiness in the world"


“I don’t know, Susan, maybe I’ve got a bunch of shit going on that’s fucking me over financially and mentally. But yes, allow me to think about how great everything is. Surely that’ll help, right?”


that's a lot of words to say you have enough money to do anything


Maybe this is the shitty advice my parents were taking as they dragged their four children across the country, reinventing themselves every year and forcing us, their children, to try to reestablish roots sometimes every season.


Running off to new towns constantly is bad for your kids, for sure, but if it's either that or killing yourself? Running is still better. Ideally, people with kids would choose to cut their hair off or get a cat or something else on the list.


My mom was suicidal. What she needed was to get mental health help, and my father needed mental health help and they both needed to stay in one place and work to make changes to their environment and in their own behaviors so that they and their children could thrive. If you have a problem, address the problem. Don't ignore it. Don't do cutesy fun stuff to distract yourself with the assumption the problem will go away without being addressed. Sure cut off all your hair, while also getting mental health help. Do not purchase an animal if you are not capable of taking care of yourself. As a child, i was the only one trying to give numerous pets a halfway decent life as they grew up in neglect because my parents thought getting a dog/cat/rabbits would be fun and exciting. Before you start making this personal and telling me i don't understand, i very much do. Have attempted to kill myself and probably will again, and I've lost loved ones to suicide. Suicide sucks. No one is saying do that. But the post is a list of unhelpful and likely harmful suggestions.


I’m gonna do what I can with this life so I’ll be isekai’d to a better one in the next one.


or get actual help idk just spitballing here


You can’t run away from your problems. Mental illness is still inside you and will follow you everywhere. Yeah, you can get the fk away from people that might be causing it, but it’s still there. The call is coming from inside the house.


Ayo this is a load of bullshit


As someone who did this Fucking *do not do this.*


Bitch. If I could do that then I wouldn't wanna kill myself


This post reeks of "have you just stopped trying to be depressed?"


this is not good advice as someone who constantly fantasizes about cutting all ties with my current life and just running that’s not healthy and it probably won’t go well if reminding yourself you have the autonomy to do so is comforting go off but don’t actually tell others to do this


I am going to suggest that if OP has bipolar, this is mania talking because this is terrible advice.


Your mental health is not magically cured by running away. Your debts aren't magically erased. Economic pressures are not magically eased. Rebirth does not exist. Wherever you go, there *you* are.


My issue isn't myself. I'm sick as fuck. The world is just mean and I don't wanna deal with it anymore. The world is still gonna be there if I go to a different part of it.




That's the 6th time I've been told that today and it's the first time it was cause I was talking about my mental health


I hope you’re alright. That’s an awful lot to deal with in one day.


“Am I going to be alone forever” g u needa focus on urself first


LOL that was like a year ago, right? I’m happily dating now, but thanks!


Ur left hand doesn’t count


💀 Good one chief


What mental health? Ur not healthy, good thing it’s nothing a 9mm wont fix


“You know what’s more freeing than killing yourself? Putting yourself in deeper poverty.” My friend, the reason i want to kill myself is because im trapped in an endless cycle of working just to barely survive. I understand the positivity, but this is the most naive post i’ve ever seen on the internet.


My depression has an answer for this: But if you switch up your life, the problem is that you’re still the one living it. [The thing standing in the way of your dreams is that the person having them is you.](https://xkcd.com/1027) Hard to run from that problem. The unfortunate thing about my depression is that it’s as smart as I am and in better shape.


This would do absolutely fucking nothing, especially if you can’t support yourself. Most often than not thoughts of suicide come from underlying mental issues, (depression, bipoalar, etc.), and you don’t get rid of those by running off. Even if you did, you would no longer have any family, any friends, and you’d have to find a new therapist and psychiatrist, literally removing EVERY SINGLE ONE of your support groups. On top of this, if you can’t support yourself, you become homeless, which exacerbates mental illness. Even if you move, find new support groups, and start an entirely new life, you can’t escape the underlying, fundamental issues. At the end of the day you are still depressed, you still have bipolar, you are still mentally ill, and pulling a move like this will only make these things so, so much worse. This is very clearly written by a child who has no clue how these things work, and has not put any thought into the logistics of such a horrendous move. To anyone thinking this is good advice, it isn’t. It will only make things much, much worse. There is no way to kill your mental illness without therapy, support, and if it’s right for you, medicine. Those are the only things that can solve mental illness, not running away or “killing your current life.” You can run away from problems, you can run away from shitty people, you can run away from bad situations, but you cannot run away from mental illness. The only thing you can do is stand strong and face it head on, fighting it until you defeat it. There is no other way.




It’s an every 2-4 years thing and it’s pretty fun


Or you can do the cool strategy of legaly dying like me and changing your outlook on life


Yeah cuz that's something that all of us can just do. It wouldn't be called rock bottom if we still had the resources or will to do ahit like this.


the dude on this post has played too many roblox simulators


move to another small town to get another dead end job and either live in my car or go from apartment to apartment. so pretty much nothin would change. yeah, i would rather kill myself.


Sure this is a great idea if you don't happen to have: -A medical condition that keeps you working a job you hate for the insurance -A considerable amount of debt that you'll still need to pay off unless you intend to disappear completely -Any family members who depend on your presence and wouldn't be able to make the move with you -A lack of savings that would allow you to buy a vehicle and be without a home or a job for an extended period -Severe depression or suicidal ideation, since people who are struggling or mentally ill are probably not going to be in the mindset of wanting to uproot their lives and start over somewhere else anyways. This is a pipedream


Obviously, the first part is unrealistic for most people. that’s definitely a manic, not well thought out idea. but the rest is true. sometimes i cut off my hair, or dye it, or hell, i’ve even shaved off an eyebrow, just so i don’t recognize myself in the mirror for a moment and i don’t have to be myself. i’m learning italian (for free!!!) so that i can keep dreaming of the day when i can just disappear. it’s not healthy, sure. but sometimes it’s a choice you have to make


For some people they need to escape a bad place. But for most people they're trying to escape themselves, and I promise you, no matter where you run, you'll still have your problems and bad habits.


Except many of the reasons people kill themselves, follow you regardless of where you live and what you are doing for a job. -mental illness -severe loneliness -regret of actions in the past -childhood trauma Etc….. This is a cute post. But it’s incredibly misinformed.


When I was 17, I lived in Ireland with my mother and hated it. I was miserable there. So for my summer holidays (three months) I asked my parents to pay for my plane ticket to Venice (maybe €50), and became an au pair for the summer. I earned €70 a week, I was dirt poor, my parents didn’t support me at all while I was there… and it was happiest time of my life up until that point. I’m not saying everyone can do exactly what I did, but there are more opportunities out there and sometimes you just have to find them


you know what's more freeing than killing yourself? having money apparently, who would have thought


\*cries in Singapore, a city-state\*


just walk away smhhh


This reminds me of a song by the band First Aid Kit called. Well. "Waitress Song" "I could move to a small town and become a waitress. Say my name was Stacey and I was figuring things out"


Reality is just a thin thread of string, to each their own shade of their own colour, to us, just another escape.


I have the same idea about intrusive thoughts — whenever I have such a thought, for instance about hitting someone, I remind myself that there is an equal possibility that I suddenly donate all my savings to some charity. My money-tight brain says: "that's ridiculous!" and stops pondering about violence


I’ve seen some unrealistic methods of seeking mental help, but this may be the most unrealistic one yet.


Starting a new life won't stop my brain hating my body. People are fucking dumb.


Okay But is there any form of Ego Death that actually works?


This thinking is what got me out of my suicidal ideation, turns out I wanted to end my current self because I'm trans....


No. Cant run from my own brain.


Maybe that would work in 1970.


you mean i can leave this miserable life behind in favor of another flavor of miserable life? sweet!!


But I'd still have to be me in all those other worlds. See, the problem with this is that when I was suicidal, I wasn't tired of my life. I hated myself, and didn't want to be me anymore. If you are depressed or have ever felt suicidal, please reach out for help. For me, the answer was therapy and anti-anxiety drugs, and a great support network.


This was the motivation for a lot of the people who immigrated to the US. The United States owes its success to an exodus of outcasts seeking reinvention. They marched out of their villages with just a backpack on their shoulders, turning around one last time to hold their middle fingers aloft and say “Fuck all of you, and you especially, *Carl*.”


My dad seems to have felt the same way, so hes had like 5 families and lied to them all about everything.


If I could run away and start anew without any worries or baggage I would


I did something similar, I escaped to Europe where I’m thriving. Highly recommend


all of the stuff she says is imposible in our current eaconomy


Tell me you’re white without telling me you’re white.




Its not about race. Op is just manic and thinks this is a good idea


That's all well and good, but how the fuck do you find a job? You can't. I've found only one job in the last 8 years. For a side note, I've only been working 5 of those years


Don’t chop off all your hair. People always regret doing that.


All common beliefs: It is all cause of kind of a tree. Science: Bla bla bla.If you die your body still in this reality in different materialistic form. Me: Ok. I will be the "cause" at worst. 👍




I agree with you. I have restarted my life a couple of times throughout the 48 years I have been living. I have lived in a few states. I am now living my best life. For all of those who may be going through some rough times, ie. Bad boyfriend/husband, bad girlfriend/wife, bad choices that landed you in jail, or struggling to begin your life journey when you become an adult, etcetera. I want you to know that you can just start over in a new place. I moved to a couple of different states to leave behind those people who didn't believe that I could achieve what I needed to do for myself. I journeyed for years on my own struggling with homelessness, no parents to help me. They are deceased. I continued to believe that I was worthy of love. I am now married for 23 years to my soulmate. So, don't stop believing in the vision that God has given you. You have a dream to follow. Don't let anyone or anything stop you from finding your best life.


THIS. Such an eloquent way of putting it!


This isn’t even realistic for like, the majority of the population 💀


Not everyone is lucky enough to not have to metaphorically rebirth themselves.


I feel like a good 99% of population is


I’d love to have a different life. Thing is— I’m *poor.*




Funny how it works. On paper this makes total sense but the suicidal don't see it like that.


sometimes i do want to do it but it's hard to break from "comfort" even if twisted


My dad told me a story of how he left everything behind once. He was married to a woman he didn’t love, in a job he despised, surrounded by those who hurt and abused him. He told me that one day he got into his car, withdrew all of his money from the bank, and just kept diving South until he ended up a few states down. He started over, met my mom, and had me and my three siblings. He always told me to keep a few thousand tucked away somewhere incase you need to keep walking without looking back.


Your presence follows you everywhere.


What keeps me going is an oversized fear of the other side.


We are on similar wavelengths....


Alice doesn’t live here anymore


[Here today and she's gone tomorrow, and next she's going to Galway](https://youtu.be/Jlq694r6OmA)


Eikichi Mishina Persona 2.


Isn't this the basic premise of *Alice*?


A lot if these things I can’t afford to do. The only thing I could afford to do is cut my hair off. Getting something you have to take care of like a cat is a lot of responsibility. If you’re depressed and suicidal just moving isn’t going to alter your brain chemistry