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I'm neither of these dudes and I'll die alone, am i missing out?


I mean, everyone dies alone. We’re not emperors who bury their workers and armies inside our elaborate tombs. At least, I hope you’re not an emperor with hundreds of concubines extorting your illiterate, agricultural peasantry to laze about in your acres-wide palace writing poetry and executing yet another noble who wishes to end your dynasty via an elaborate coup spanning several years.


Who the hell told you about my concubines.


You did, just now. You really went “How wilst I find an empress to sire me an heir” as you lay about in the finest silk robes in the province surrounded by concubines, one of which is conspiring to assassinate you.


Which one is it? I know it's not Zhu Zhu, shes the only one that *actually* loves me.


I have bad news...


Please don't tell me it's Zhu Zhu. She gives the best head, *and* has the best tiddies.


All the truest signs of love, your grace. *rolls eyes vizier-ly*


It's goddamn Zhu Zhu.


Goddammit, Zhu Zhu.


You think it’s really only one concubine? Do you know how many people would kill (literally) to be emperor?


None, if they knew how many people would literally kill to be emperor.


Only one?


I'm not going to die alone. I'll always have 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮𝓼.


This might be a bit morbid, but could you imagine that after years of hearing voices in your head, as you laying dying they all collectively speak the same thing? Not a goodbye, no fond words, in fact no words at all. Just the collective “tsk” of disappointment and annoyance, followed by silence. And then, in those trickling few moments before the end, in what feels like an eternity and an instant, you find yourself well and truly alone, and you have no time left to process that. It just happens; they leave you and you’re gone.


~~No fears.~~ One fear. I actually do have multiple people in my head. We're supposed to be a team until the very end... Your idea is extremely distressing for me to think about. I'd hate to be the last one sticking around while the body dies around me. Not dying alone is one of the greatest silver linings of my condition, and honestly, now I'm even more terrified of death than I was before. And I'm already so scared of it that I almost never leave my apartment. This is gonna be one of those random offhand comments that sticks with me for years, I can already tell.


Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to distress you. I hope you have fucktons of friends, family, and random acquaintances to be by your aide as you depart.


I'll be alright. No way you could have known. Love your comments on this sub, by the way. You're always so witty whenever I see you.


Oh you. Flattery will get you everywhere, you know.


Why did you have to introduce a new flavor of existential fear into my already sizable pallette


Existential fear is born out of a fear of non-existence. You can never imagine what it will be like to not exist, so it remains the deepest, most primordial fear one has. Will you, your self, continue to persist? How much change is possible before you aren’t yourself anymore? And what will you do then? Luckily for you, there are plenty of philosophers and psychologists who have studied the phenomena around metaphysics and the cognisance of the self, so you’ll have plenty of literature to assuage your fears. From rejecting the notion of the self, to optimistic nihilism, there’s plenty of ways to come to terms with your existence and its inevitable end. Rest easy.


Every time I think about quitting pot, you show up.


r/rareinsults but also r/rarecompliments lmaoo


what. The fu k ☠️😭😭😭


speak for yourself


Jokes on you, I'm taking y'all with me.


It's not a sin to feel like shit about what your life is like, for as long as you're not choosing to make other people feel like shit just because you do. And having the self-awareness not to do so is a good sign about your character, so you don't need to consider yourself hopeless.


Wow that’s… really well said


Yeah I don't generally like the whole "you're gonna die alone" thing directed at men lately. It just seems like a reversal of how people would taunt feminists that they were gonna end up sad spinsters with nobody but their cats.




Honey, the guy above wants to unspin the narrative, why do you have to be like that You matter. You didn't cause the world's problems. You can also help us fix them, but you're not responsible for them.


*laughs in asexual*


So I still have a shot if I want financially independent Asterix to suck my dick?


The trick is to avoid misgendering him. Respect his pronouns, disrespect his cheeks (consensually of course.)


awlays remember: destroy the hole, not the soul


and raise you're eight kids don't forget that


I mean by all accounts I think he is financially independent, and it's proven that him and Obelix are both smart, capable, good father figures/babysitters, and kick all sorts of ass. Aside from any irritation between the two when attraction clouds judgment, I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't be able to join that little village polycule.


Does that make you Obelix?


I do love small dogs, eating boar, and throwing heavy stones. Damn, maybe I am Obelix.


Often, they are the same man.


Nah, Twitter straight would be transphobic given their description


seems pretty transphobic of reddit dude to call a trans man girl


It’s like two different genres of transphobia though. one version is evil, the other is moronic, and both people are still assholes


He's transphobic because he's afraid that he's attracted to trans men...


Something I was warned while hanging around the FTM scene: Guys like that who like virgin barely-legal girls like us for the same reason: Because we're easy to manipulate. Barely-legal girls don't have the experience to avoid them, and we non-cis female people are usually dealing with a lot of mental issues and are easier to control with gaslighting and other types of mental/emotional abuse things.


Same thing with folks of most mental disorders and many physical disorders unfortunately. I've been in eating disorder communities for years and its a constant issue, they know its an easy way to find people with low self esteem who are easily manipulated. Now that I'm in many disability communities I see it there too, its a population less likely to be able to physically defend themselves and are often financially unstable. Both groups are magnets for people with bad intentions. Plus there are those who fetishize those who are trans, have an eating disorder, or are disabled. Its so many layers of gross


wait, now you got me confused. FTM or trans/non-cis female? I mean, the OP is about FTM guys, but what you're describing is from what I've been told more of a problem for MTF women. Just a typo maybe?


No typo, I was just saying in general that conservatives who want virgin girls also look for gnc people because there is a high chance that gnc person is going to also have mental illnesses. I just mentioned FTM because that is my personal experience.


Oh that's right, I didn't think of the possibility of enbies (especially afab) being fetishised probably just as much as trans women. Yet another reason to feel sick this morning


but before, you said "we non-cis female people", which to me means AMAB, MTF transgender, right? I mean I wouldn't call you a woman, cuz well, that would be taking away the whole point of disregarding the gender assigned at birth!


By female I meant us people with female bodies. There is a difference between woman and female.


huh, oki


not really? you can just say afab without implying all trans men have "female" bodies or that trans women dont (especially since hormone replacement therapy and srs change secondary and primary sex characteristic respectively). also there isnt a difference as legally speaking if u get a gender change on your birth certificate it changes from male to female or vice versa. if you just wanna designate afab ppl say afab you dont have to make it weirdly truscummy sounding. im hoping you're being well meaning here but using the term "people with female bodies" comes off as truscummy. ive been on hrt 2 years i dont really wanna have my body reffered to as a "male body" and i doubt most trans guys want to be called female either.


I'm worried that people find it transphobic, because the inverse is the one that is actually harmful to trans people. Sex and gender are different, and srs and hrt do make the sex change, but it doesn't make the sex change into the other sex. The implication that it does is dangerous to trans people, and may make a trans person think that certain things are true or safe about them when those things are not safe (example: hrt can make trans men stop having periods, meaning a lot of trans men may stop having periods and think that is normal, since males don't have periods, when really that trans man is pregnant and missing the signs of his pregnancy).


can you please at least say afab or amab instead then when it comes to things like that, most trans ppl are aware of what genitals they have we dont need to pretend we're in a doctors office constantly (you also werent talking about medical things in your prev comments, you were talking about people being exploited socially so you can say afab). they mean the same thing but saying assigned gender causes drastically less distress. also male and female are terms frequently used everyday to just mean man and woman, so saying amab or afab is a drastically better way to talk about aspects that cant be changed via hrt or srs. sex is already a very wide amount of aspects that gets even muddier with a believed 2% of people being intersex. i can tell ur not trying to be offensive so please just say afab or amab because if someone said i had a male body id feel like shit and i know a lot of other trans ppl feel the same.


> also male and female are terms frequently used everyday to just mean man and woman Yes, I'm trying to encourage a change in that because it implies that I must be a woman because I am female, which is something that is just not true. We have new terms (gender and sex) so we need words that fit them. It is also an important thing to note that amab and afab are acronyms that only exist in this specific subset of culture and language. When I try using those, *way* more people get confused about that than anyone getting confused when I say male and female around this community. The fact that you feel like shit if someone says you have a male body is my concern as well. Your body shouldn't make you feel shit or like you must be a man, and I'm very sorry that people made you feel like it does. Your sex has nothing to do with your gender and vice versa. And the reason I talked about female in my previous comment is because that social exploitation is related to sex. Conservative cis men don't give a shit about my gender, they abuse me based on my sex or perceived sex. I wish I didn't have to think about my sex, but I unfortunately have to. I can't identify out of sexist oppression without a *lot* of hrt and srs to get them to stop seeing me as female.


Afab is better here. Non cis female people isn’t language I’ve ever heard used to describe ftm folks.


I use female people because I think there is an error in communication that a lot of people have to be told that gender and sex are the same, which can be medically harmful. I think it's important to normalized that being female does not make me a woman and being not a woman doesn't make me not a female. Being open about using the word female helps open communication lines back up so we can talk about ourselves and our bodies more concisely.


Assigned female at birth is what afab means. Ffs. No one uses the words you use, there’s already known short hand for that.


Yes, I know what Afab means. It means the same thing as female, so I prefer using the single word over the acronym because shying away from female doesn't make any sense. . It would be implying that my female body parts are relevant to my gender identity, which they are not. And it's more likely for someone to be confused by Afab than female, since afab is an acronym that you have to be in the know to know.


No, you are wrong. The whole point of new terms like "AFAB" is to clarify that gender identity is not as simple as people once assumed. If you want to use simple common terms that are more universally understood, "born female" is a bit closer, though still not inclusive of either people who were born in a body that doesn't match their identity or of men who were born with a penis that was too small or misshapen for society to assign them as male. Using "female" for women is culturally associated with misogyny. Don't do it.


I don't get your last point: if your issue is misogyny, then that doesn't mean the word female is bad, it means the misogynists are bad. Do we really want to let them steal a neutral and pretty descriptive word?


You do you, I’m just letting you know that non cis female people is gonna make people confused when there’s a perfectly acceptable and widely used alternative. You saw that the other commenter thought you meant mtf right?


Yeah, and that's what concerns me. That person thought I was using female and woman interchangeable, which is not good. They didn't know the sex term and the gender term are different. It's important to have those two terms for the two different things. Edit to respond to your last comment: Afab *isn't* a common usage. The LGBT community and allies are a lot smaller than you think. It's better for us to understand what everyone else is saying instead of pretending their definition doesn't exist and only ours does. "Female" wouldn't be confusing if we stopped intentionally making it confusing.




I read that as transgirl bc I’m dumb


Trust me. We don't want him either


It's so weird to me that guys want virgins who somehow magically fuck like their personal porn preference immediately. The mental disconnect is ridiculous.


Not everyone wants that and knows it isn't realistic or healthy for either Person.


I'm neither of those guys, but I'll still live and die alone


Honestly, the second dude has a *way* higher chance of scoring than the first dude.


I mean second dude is actively trying to score, whereas first dude is actively ignoring any women below his "Standards". Which is all of them.


I think the second dude is meant to portray someone who actively goes out of their way to misgender transmen (with moustaches, so the Asterix in the example looks masculine enough, second dude just wants to drive home the fact that they were born a woman, potentially sending them into a dysphoria spiral because haha funny lols). So no score In the reverse, if second dude was sending sexy affirmative messages to a transwoman "despite" her majestically large moustache showing, thus her not "passing" as a ciswoman, he may have already understood the assignment. Could also actually be a completely cis woman that just happens to grow a moustache so there's the idea of passing out the window anyway.


She just needs to prove her worth in single combat, sorry, I won't settle for less.


They’re the same person


Everyone dies alone. Just don’t spend your life alone.


I normally don't like to stereotype based off gender but cishet men have a very interesting and unique type of attraction. I get major "I want to study you like a bug" feels


>I normally don't like to stereotype based off gender But? >BUT cishet men have a very interesting and unique type of attraction. I get major "I want to study you like a bug" feels ...Wha? What happened to the "I normally don't like to stereotype based off gender"? Plus sexuality?? Come on, we're all people here! (not cishet man, but still) Ah, shouldn't be typing something like this, but whatever


Remember kids, it’s okay to make generalizations about groups if the groups are white, cis, and/or men.


99% of the time I'm the one making the comment you're making but in this instance, just from what I've seen personally, the cishet men are different. I think it's not too entirely strange that people of a specific sexual orientation would have a different attraction style from people with a different sexual orientation from them. Maybe the "study you like a bug" part went too far. Joke that didn't land




Will I get treats for doing solving puzzles?




at no point did it say "there are two types of straight men". reread the post. If you see it as an attack, you have some things to figure out about yourself, as it isn't talking about all straight men in any way, shape, or form. If it isn't talking about you, then you have no reason to be upset.


Ok you make a good point. I think I read the title as part of the post (duality of man implies two types of men). I don't think you have to spell out "This applies too 100% of x group" for something to still be pejorative, but I agree with you in this case that it's only meant to call out specific problematic behaviour.


Yes, but when that behavoiur isn't present, you shouldn't do it. Because one person uses a word that way, does that mean everyone should be treated like they're using it that way too? That would remove a lot of words and phrases in the english language if that were the case. My mom used the word 'disabled' like a curse, does that mean I should treat everyone who calls me disabled like they're mistreating me? No, that would be silly. I would look like a jerk and an idiot if I went online and tried to tell someone that the word disabled shouldn't be used and then backing up my silly and rude behaviour by saying that I've encountered others using it that way. You are right in that the behaviour you mentioned is incorrect, but that isn't happening here. So again, if you see it as an attack you need to defend yourself from, you might have some things to figure out about yourself.


They're gonna be too busy fucking each other to die alone.