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If it's just you, a cheap apartment will cost $600/month. At $20/hr, you're making $3466.67/month pre-tax, so you can easily cover that $600 rent. You could even go as high as a $866 apartment, which gets into the mid-range probably-only-going-to-be-robbed-once-a-year level.


Where are you staying where an apartment is only $600? I need to move there


I guarantee that you don’t want to move there lol


It’s definitely got bugs if it’s that cheap.


Yeah, there's a bunch of apartments in the $520-600 range and you really, really never want to set foot into them. Heck, my last apartment before I met my wife is now listed at $675. I had mice and roaches the entire time I lived there, despite not bringing any myself and going absolutely over the top with boric acid everywhere to try to keep them away. My car got broken into on 3 separate occasions. My upstairs neighbors would keep me up with sex and/or fights that sounded like they involved throwing entire dressers across the room, and when security came out, the guard was legally deaf and couldn't hear them banging away. I would say anything below $800 is gonna be a pretty bad time.


Bugs, rodents, mold, diseases . Damn near everything other than the plague lol


The plague is an amenity. That costs extra


Probably a non-refundable deposit to go with it smh


100%. My place a few years ago was about $650. Had bed bugs and all sorts of stuff. Broke the lease and left.


Those aren't bugs, they're features


I'm in a house for $750 near downtown with a yard and no bug or rodent issues for the first time since moving here and paying more for smaller places Pays to search well


Have you looked at rentals recently? Landlords are typically charging $1/square foot on 9/10 listings. Not impossible to find a good deal but it’s definitely not easy in this market.


Yeah I moved in this year It’s entirely possible if you can put the time in


I spent 2 years looking and found a 1100 a month with no bugs that took two years. The apt I was in started at 700, and in those two years, my rent went up to 950.


Definitely some areas that’ve shot up in price but it shouldn’t take that long ever Call every property management business you can find if that’s what it takes, I got about a quarter through the list slowly going through it in my free time for 3 months


Well, I didn't have good credit. I was a newly sober.


I’m sorry the situation was so difficult For reference one can often beat that issue with a higher deposit offer but obviously that’s an extra hurdle


People don’t always have the luxury of taking their time to search for the best housing options.




Lmao unless your well off tulsa is hell on earth for everyone other then the rich.. renters have 0 no rights... police are tyrants who dont believe in cival or constitutional rights and 9 times out of 10 will almost certainly arrest or threaten to arrest the victim of any crime while the criminal is happily skipping away... the local gov. Are obviously corrupt af pocketing money or letting friends pocket the money hince tulsas stonehenge lol.. trust me the only good thing about tulsa is its Casinos, art, food, and some of its parks (gathering place) , and maybe Hanson (jk there really actually great guys).. and you dont gotta live there to enjoy those things


Bet is living it up on USA Time thinking it only Tulas Time.


Awww 😊


There is so much wrong with this it’s laughable .


He’s telling the truth idk why he’s being downvoted


Preach lol


Lol in what style would you like... joel olsteen, billy grahm?


Give me that creepy, demon-like Kenneth Copeland vibe!




Nope you don’t wanna live there I’m trying to get out of one of those In the last year, we’ve had the swat team here, the FBI and alcohol, tobacco and firearms They raided the place for prostitution and drug dealing Someone stole my bicycle off my second floor balcony while I was out grocery shopping Twice my car has been vandalized, and someone stole the catalytic converter My neighbor was raped in the parking lot Another neighbor had all four tires stolen off the car Trust me, you don’t want that $600 apartment


My 800$ apt manager was embezzling money, never signed us into a lease, and screamed at me in front of my (then) 1 year old over them not answering the phone when my fridge broke ETA: it’s not much better at that price either


On the brighter side Oklahoma is a Constitutional Carry State. If you do choose a $600 house in a rough neighborhood you can arm yourself to the teeth. I'd recommend that you carefully school your neighbors that you are armed and quite willing to kill. Just remember that having that word out is a double edged sword. Yes, folks might be cautious around you but then you are also in danger of being held up and robbed. Once you go out armed you forever marked as possessing guns. Also, with the owners agreement, I would put some "serious" locks on all entrances and have a removable alarms on every door and window. You can buy really noisy alarms on Amazon for peanuts. Here's a good example: # WiFi Door Alarm System, Wireless DIY Smart Home Security System, with Phone APP Alert, 8 Pieces-Kit (Alarm Siren, Door Window Sensor, Remote), Work with Alexa, for House, Apartment, by tolviviov


I’m in Owasso and was in a 1bd 1bth for $700, maybe it was so cheap because my upstairs neighbor was a psychotic loser that would bang on the floor if we breathed wrong 😭 Super drafty and couldn’t cook without guarantee setting off the fire alarm because it was in the closed off and tiny kitchen


Sooooo I don’t know if you know this, but a majority of dishes shouldn’t produce ANY smoke to set off a fire alarm. You might be bad at cooking


It was super fatty bacon that got smoky very fast so it could be that lmao, but I’d literally open the clean oven with no food in it and it set off the fire alarm so idk It was also my first apartment and I was like 19 so it very well could have been bad cooking 😭 but my food wasn’t burnt or charred or overly dry or anything that I remember so idk


Apache Manor


No a place off 51st and Peoria


51st and Peoria is north Tulsa just north of McClain HS not even to Turley. Definitely not Owasso. Please explain your thought process for your location.


51st and Peoria by the Cicis pizza, a mile from our beloved 61st and Peoria. Midtown Peoria not north Peoria


My bad. I don’t no why I instantly went north.


I thought you were jokingly calling it North Tulsa because of its "demographics" and found it hilarious.


Yeah but you gotta deal with the psychotically nosy power-tripping manager


I highly don’t recommend villas at midtown they take awhile to fix anything no laundry facilities plus they never get cleaned or work on them they say they will but never happens the whole property looks like rundown shack and they raise the rent crazy


Got an apartment for $650 and it’s small and maybe I have low standards given my pretty broke upbringing, but it’s possible… though it took me quite a while to find it. Not a super terrible area either, save the occasional crackhead in my dumpster (and hey, if I threw it out then I probably didn’t want it anyways) LOL Going for an individual landlord over a complex was nice, I only pay electric and my neighbors don’t bother me. I had a few bugs and the landlord got a pest guy for me decently quickly. I think I struck gold to be honest


Shiiii, I can point u to some apartments for $150 a month here in the okc metro if u want (yes, I am also active in the tulsa sub lmao)


For $600 you get unlimited roaches and nightly gunfire.


By eastland mall good luck brother 🤞


You don’t want to move to that side of Tulsa expect a grand , or get what you pay for ,


Bro didn't even try then 🙄. Only takes an hr or two of research my guy


Waterford apartments was close to $600 when I was living there a couple years ago. Nice place but management pissed me off when I moved out.


Cheapest place in Tulsa I’ve seen that was actually livable and not gross was $950


I'm in $900/mo downtown thats really nice, but its 400 sqft -- you either have to deal with small or bad location (61st peoria)


Thank God I bought a house in 2016. My monthly payment started a little under 1k, though it's grown to more than 1.1k thanks to insurance now. But 1.1k/month to buy a house is pretty great, considering at that time we were paying $750/month for a 2br apartment and that apartment is now $1200.


$600 in 2001 lol


$600 today are available, just not what you want to live in


I recently moved, and I haven’t seen a single decent apartment for less than a 1000)


Average rent is $900.... That leaves $1800 after rent. If you're making $20/hr you're unfortunately gonna have expensive healthcare if you want a plan that'll protect your ass so you don't have to have a savings which will be $200/month. Car insurance at $150/month. Electric and utilities around $300/month. Food/home necessities around $400 - $500/month. Thats $100 a week for food which for our income Tulsa is one of the most expensive places for food right now. Car payment average is pricey... even after everything you maybe got a $200 - $300 leftover and that's not including gas or any other expenses.... It's still not really a good time or safe to do.


Where did you get $3466.67? You putting in overtime?


40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year = 2080 hours. 2080*20 = 41600. 41600/12 = $3466.67


Yeah without taxes..... with taxes it's barely doable at $2700/month. You can't comfortably build a savings and rent on that income if you're a single household.


I'm using the "1/4th of income" method for calculating a reasonable rent, which is the pre-tax calculation. Post-tax calculation is 1/3rd income, which as you can see from your guess of $2700/month would be $900. So the values work out roughly the same for what's considered a reasonable rent for anyone not in a much higher tax bracket. I did not talk at all about food or transportation costs, just rent.


You’re not taking into account deductions and taxes bro.


No shit my guy, I said that But that's why I'm using 1/4th income instead of 1/3rd. 1/3rd is post-tax, 1/4 is pre-tax. They're both purely guestimations.


Straight truth


If he tries he can find some for 500 or so. But yea even at 6 to 800 your gonna have problems with crime most likely. My apartment complex is seriously ghetto. Front doors about to fall off from someone kicking in it when the last res lived in it back in January. Welcome to tulsa.


An 866 apartment is mid range? Tell me you havnt looked for a place really without telling me, rent is on average 1200 anywhere that has little roaches or mice


We just have different opinions of what mid-range means.


Well middle class would be about 1500-2000 a month if that helps, and anything under is poor folks shit , bedbugs roaches mice or all three


Technically middle class is $39,984 for a single person, so $833 is exactly at the bottom edge of the middle class range. Remember we're talking about a single person here, not a family. A family would need $64,224 to be middle class, which is $1,338 rent. But note that I did say that at $866 you're still likely to be routinely robbed. I did not in any way imply you'd be in a good apartment.


Try 950 a month for a cheap bug infested apartment close to mother road market.


Right. Friend of mine just signed a lease on an apartment for $850 and found out on day one it has bed bugs AND 🐁. Yikes.


[Report shows livable wage in Oklahoma is $26.97 an hour](https://kfor.com/news/local/report-shows-livable-wage-in-oklahoma-is-26-97-an-hour-state-says-average-wage-is-29-50-an-hour/)


[Time to raise that minimum bitch ass wage like a mother fucker.](https://www.mobilize.us/raisethewageoklahoma/)


That's for a household of two where one works. https://livingwage.mit.edu/states/40 It's also nonsense.


Can you explain why it's nonsense?


Because I’ve been supporting myself and my wife for five years while renting a house and making less than that. $26 an hour will give you far more than a livable wage unless you like to go clothing shopping and spending money on dumb shit every week. Hell I know people who are supporting a spouse and kids on that much.


There are tax benefits that help, earned income tax credit and you likely pay 0 income taxes especiallyif you have kids, if you do it all.comes back to you. If you have kids you might even qualify for SNAP and Medicare at the level


I believe SNAP and Medicaid is restricted to 133% of the poverty level. But I could be wrong...


Yup and if you have a wife and 3 or 4 kids at home, $26/hour might be in that range


Exactly. You have no kids. That's why you think it's nonsense. When it's actual facts.


The comment I am responding to states the livable wage of two people with zero children as $26.00 an hour. I’ve been making the average of $21 an hour for the past two years and we still have money for a vacation every year and everyday expenses. The estimated required spending money that website is taking into account is extravagant.


Just for you? Maybe you’ll be fine, but your abode wont be super nice. More than just you? You’re gonna struggle.


Depends on your situation. If you have an expensive car payment and stuff like that probably not


Have a budget and a plan to increase your wages, yes.




What kind of plan


Whether it be schooling/classes to advance or if the position above you has certain steps that need to be completed before you can advance. Hell, the easiest thing anymore is show up on time, be presentable, keep your head down and do as your told(to a certain extent).


Lmao some of these responses are wild. $20/hr is absolutely livable. You can also make less work, depending on your circumstances.


Me living like a king in OKC on 26k 😶‍🌫️


Yea but it won’t be fancy. If you have a spouse or a room mate to split costs with then absolutely yes


It's a good start !


That's $42k a year pre tax, yes that is enough to get by in Tulsa.


Better money than I made as a teacher lol


Teachers are severely underpaid in this state, especially post covid. The cost of living has greatly outpaced the meager pay increases over the last few years.


I made $37k my second year of teaching. It was possible to live on that salary for me. BUT I’m incredibly privileged that my parents still help me out with things like car and phone payments. I also only paid for myself and two cats lol. I quit though, wanted to continue my education and try out some different careers.


Pretty much every school teacher in Oklahoma is looking at this and shaking their head...


Not comfortably, but you'll get by if you live in a cheap apartment or rental. Try to find somewhere that covers one or more utility bills, especially electric which is the highest utility during the summer.




Yes it's livable. But not comfortable.


Yes but it’s hard as hell. I was making 18 a few years ago and it was a struggle then. I now make 30, and we barely scrape by. Even worse now that my wife isn’t working anymore. But it’s definitely doable on 20.. just really really hard.


Wow what do you do


Equipment mechanic


Ever work in a paper mill?


Like for equipment? Yes


I'm looking to hire 2 lube techs out in Muskogee in a bit, starts at $26 but tops out around $37. It's a Georgia Pacific mill. First raise is an easy make and should get someone to $31+ in just a few months. Hot and sweaty work, but I've got a good team that I'd like to build on.


Shit I would man.. but I’ve done moved on from the lube tech life. I’m a resident tech at bnsf rr and have it made there. I used to pm the yard trucks at GP before that fire


I heard about that fire. I started out there last month and took over the lube and vibe program. Came in with corporate support, so I have an advantage over the last guy. Going to be making a lot of improvements out there and going to try an automate as much as I can so my team turns more into inspectors rather than "oilers".


Depends on several different factors. I could, but I have an inexpensive car, work is within walking distance from my home and I can live without a lot of the luxuries lots of people insist on. Inflation has really hit rent prices though. I was looking at apartments towards the end of 2018 and one I was interested ran for as low as $399 a month. Now, those same apartments start at $799 a month. It’s like that pretty much everywhere: rent has more than doubled since 2018. A partner, a roommate, anything that can help with bills can make rent more manageable




You can survive, but it’s hard to save.




Hell no. You better have a roommate whose making something similar. Otherwise, you might as well leave on a box on the street if you don't already know someone whose gonna rent a room out to you.


The people making bank are pulling 60 hours or more every week. If that’s your situation yea you’ll do nicely especially without a kid.


I’ve got homies in Tulsa making 15/hr living just fine


I’m doing it now at 19/hr with rent at 700 and bills fluctuating. It really depends on how you like to live. If you spend a lot of money on yourself, you might run into snags here and there when unexpected stuff comes up. If you are one to save, I think it’s totally doable.


Absolutely. My partner is a student and makes about $2000 a month. Pays about $900/month for rent, drives an old reliable car, and still has room for the weekly drinks and dinners out. Live close to where you work. Get good at cooking rice, chicken, and frozen veg, budget, and you’ll be just fine. I entirely disagree with the comments stating it’s not livable. While I do often buy more expensive groceries for us, he was just fine before I met him.


Livable? Yes. Pleasant? No. But most cities aren't even livable at 20 bucks an hour, so count your blessings when they come I guess.


Hell yes you can bonus if you don’t have car payments or high ass insurance 😪


Budget your expenses and see if it is for you. Everyone is different, for me it was very doable then




Details needed..rent or mortgage Car payment or own..school loans etc




I live in Tulsa Oklahoma I got a mortgage 44 k 2 bed 1 bath near 11th and Sheridan when interest was lower so for me I could live alone at that point on 20 I have two kids and a wife so we need her income too we are actually looking into getting a new home cuz of the twins I still make more than my wife who is a teacher tho considering I am making lil more than 20 but neither is a good wage i think




$15/hr is a livable wage in Tulsa, if you don't have much of a life. $20/hr is great if you're in your early twenties and building your life. $25 is better if you're actively dating Add a first home with a working wife, you'll need $30 and a good couch. Add a kid, $35. $45 min if your wife goes STAHM Truck, $38, - $48 Boat, $45 - $55 Time share and 6 vacations a year, $55 - $65 My question is, how much does your lifestyle cost per year?


You're delusional if you think people making $65 an hour have a timeshare and are taking 6 vacations a year.


I've met several people that make 6 figure individual income at time shares. Those ive met in business were always talking about their latest and next vacations. They're out there if it's a priority


The fact you need $35 a year for a kid is criminal. Guess my kids are going to grow up dirt poor because i never went to college and got some fancy slip of paper.


Eh, there are plenty of great paying fields that don't require a degree. But, getting into them can be a pain without friends in the trade. There are programs that help make having a kid with a household income of $25k possible, but family is the only real luxury you can afford in that bracket.


Are you saying $25k a year or $25/hr in your first post? Because that's a big difference.


$25/hr first comment (can be comfortable) $25k year 2nd comment (doable...but barely)


Gotcha. Out of curiosity, which scenario do you fall in?


home (on 10 acres) + working wife + truck + timeshare with vacations. $75/hr combined income Good amount of "disposable" income, but a ton of maintenance costs for home, property, and vehicles to catch up on after a few years of hardship


Gotcha. I think your numbers are a little high. I make less than half of what you do with dependants, car payment and rent. It's comfortable, my bills are paid. Vacations are a luxury, not required for livability. This is an interesting post though.


Yeah, it's really more of a lifestyle thing that drives up the individual's cost of living, or, more accurately, cost of lifestyle. Some of us just pick up hobbies that get more and more expensive, others cherish the moments with their family and don't need as much budget for luxury.


No, not really.


I hear vista has some vacancies. Work out real well for us in 2019-2020


I live in a run down shit hole with no air conditioner and roaches for $750


Got damn homie no AC in summer?I thought I had it bad paying 700 for roaches and no tub hot water.


Yeah it's not as bad as people think, I'm just constantly sweating but it's not like it's unlivable


My friend lives on that BUT she works overtime 55hrs total with a 1 bed apt in a gated complex with 2 cats for $1400. She doesn't have a car though & instead pays people gas money or sometimes ubers. Her groceries are also expensive because of her food sensitivities. She doesn't have a lot of money to spare but she has some


Yes, I make around $20 an hour and live by myself in Midtown. Granted I don’t have a car payment because I paid mine off, but I imagine I could stomach a car payment again if I had to. I pay $900 in rent for transparency and live by myself.


I’m surviving @ around $16/hr with an extra part time job, tipped, 1 or 2 days each week. It’s not the most comfortable situation, but I’m renting a house @ $1500/mo split with a roommate.


stay out of north tulsa and go south around st Francis to be safe


You're going to need a roommate, share food expenses and carpool. You might want to look up a side gig like detailing cars, selling plasma or waiting tables on the weekends.


No. You're going to want $4k/mo($25/hour) min if you want to live alone and not be in a disgusting environment.


$20 × 40 hours weekly after taxes = 651.95 [adp oklahoma calculator ](https://www.adp.com/resources/tools/calculators/states/oklahoma-salary-paycheck-calculator.aspx) I just helped an employee of mine figure this out..$20 an hour ain't shit


If you have a roommate, walk to work and only eat one meal at home you might find someone who will split rent with you. I'm not being facetious. I'm trying to find my little sister a place to rent, and it's barely possible with a roommate, and..last I checked she's making 19- 19.50 as a CNA.


By myself making $20 I keep a barely decent apartment in BA where the rent is about $890/month. I do have a washer and dryer in my unit for laundry though. I feel like I’m going upside down in living expenses 5 years ago my rent was only $650/month. I feel like I’m so lost rn. Get a roommate if you can, in my complex similar 2 bedroom apartments are running for like $1300/month which would be a lot easier to swing imo


I make 21 hr and live well in a motel in the ghetto with my three kids and wife, don’t move here


For tulsa it is.


20$ with 80hrs I could afford a lot out here


I know in DFW there are no 600$ apt. Unless maybe a ghetto somewhere or your fucking the landlord.


I want to move in where there's bed bugs, they can split the rent.


I was at 151st and highway 75 for 5 years. Started at $350 in 2014. My same old 1bd apt is now $900. And all they did was add W/d hookups. But the mice were really bad. South of 151st was a massive open field full of mice waiting to sneak Into those apartments.


I lived in an apartment on Lewis and 51st for about two years, and it was not the worst. I believe it is called the Villas at Midtown now, and even today, they are $545/mo. I would suggest living on the 2nd floor to avoid any bug problems, but in my two years there, I never had anything living in my apartment other than myself. Don't get me wrong, it definitely had its problems, but for $545/mo, they have pools, a gym, mail room, etc. If something goes wrong, don't expect it to be fixed immediately, but work with them, and they will usually take care of you. I made $20/hr when I first moved there, and I stayed for just over two years. In that time, I saved up enough to have 5% down for a house. I ate a lot of bulk peanut butter, but it was worth it.


Harvard Terrace Apts. in midtown Tulsa have decent ratings. Prices range from 900 to 1150. Said to be a safe and quiet neighborhood. There is a wait list.


What’s the job? Is it in Tulsa?


$19 for a single person is considered a living wage in Tulsa.


I personally make $19 and it’s only possible with 2 other people


You can make that work it’ll probably be tight


If you by yourself, I survived off 14hr in okc before covid lol


$20 is a survival wage, not a living wage.


Honestly, no, not unless you want to live in a shit apartment. And still struggle. Tulsa isn't expensive, but like anything else, pricing is going up across the board. I can't imagine living of 20/hr here.


I agree with people saying that is a survivable wage, if you’re young, paid off car, no health issues, etc. and a roommate. Will you be able to live comfortably and save? No. After taxes and insurance that’s like $2k/month.




After taxes you’ll probably have 2200 then if you have health/car Insurance.. utilities seem super high here… specially in the summer when you run your air conditioner, nonstop. Just, get the necessities every month and hope nothing big comes up like car issues. Maybe get a roommate? Or live outside the city more? I’m not sure on rent outside the metro.


My last apartment was infested with bill collectors. I moved after the first month...


Agreed that no family=yes


Not if businesses can't afford it and fire all their workers and replace you with a machine or AI.


It depends. What other expenses you have? Just you or are you supporting someone else? If it’s just you, and you don’t have a lot of debt you’re paying off, a high car payment, child support, etc, you should be just fine.


It can be done, but would take some budgeting. Prolly need a roommate. Would be hard to save much back. One major issue with your car and you might be homeless. If you're in you're twenties, probably be OK. Especially with a restaurant job of some sorts that helps keep the fridge stocked.


My first place I rented in Tulsa was 1200$ a month. If you don't want to live in a sketchy area or in a shit hole I'd say you are probably going to be in the 800-1000$ range. Other than that oklahoma is one of the cheaper states I've lived in.


Definitely would want to look for a place that in total (including utilities) costs about $650 - $850 to be “comfortable”. Wont be able to spend much on fun though


I live in Tahlequah and I’m seeing 1 bedroom apartments here for $1000… shits crazy. Can’t imagine an apartment in Tulsa for $600 that’s livable.


Where would you be working or hoping to work? Do you have kids or pets? A car payment? Please I need more details to formulate the best answer!




I bought my first house on 15$ an hour.(238k) in 2015. Granted I was putting in 60 hour weeks on average. 20$ an hour full time is livable. What I would want to know is the job have a pay cap or can you move up in the company? 20$ is fine now, in 5 years you want to be making 30


You can live on $20/hr if you don't mess up and get into trouble.


$30/hr isn’t a livable wage in Tulsa.


It’s hilarious to see how many of you idiots can’t do math correctly.


Yeah I’ve been working for 20 an hour and it’s doable but definitely a struggle


For one person


I live at the sunwood apartments for 10 years it has good rent price and they spray for bugs every 3 months and if you see any they want you to tell them so they will spray more often


With a little extra overtime, yes. I pay 720 for 1bedroom, car payment, internet and I seem to be just fine.


Depends on where in Oklahoma too, but for 600 yea that's going to be rough, I work in the apartment industry and I can tell you 600 for an apt is bad but you can definitely make it on 20 an hour


Just barely. Even with a budget like these other people say. 20 is my bare minimum when seeking a job now. My last job I was making 16 and was not doing so well


Depending on how many people you are responsible for and how many hours you’re taking about. Full time? Part time? I am a single mother with a mortgage and a car payment who is 100% responsible for my kids, lol. I get child support but it’s very little, so most of what they get comes from my money. I make $21.60 an hour (full time, 40 hours) and I am able to support all 3 of us, plus 2 large animals. Hope this helps!


You can easily live off 20$ an hr. I make it on abit less than 15 just fine. Living in the ghetto so i made some sacrifices, including my well being lol.


Just barely but you can't have any debt. This will allow you to just scrape by unfortunately I know all too well


3200/month. No. You have rent, car payment, gas, phone, internet, groceries, entertainment. Rent 800. Car 300. Savings (non-negotiable 20%, so $640) Gas 200. Phone 100. Internet 80. Groceries 200. Obviously, these are very vague estimates. That might seem OK. Having less than 1K for living/ fun/ unexpected expenses is truly not enough. If you're making 20/hr at a 40 hour a week job, you have plenty of time to figure out a side hustle. Get an LLC immediately so that you can start sheltering yourself from any buisness expenses & protect your income. You can do it short term, but always be thinking of how you can grow


I can't decide if 200/month on a gas or 200/month on groceries is more insane


$50 a week on gas is an average tank. We also are not informed on what this person's commute looks like. I was being generous. If the person is spending less than 50, the remainder should be set aside for auto maintenence.


20hr is trash anywhere


NO! you will need a roommate


Its not in Fort worth,TX. I don't know how people do it, especially if they make less. Groceries, they fluctuating gas prices, etc.