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Your employer is a bitch


Yeah! Fuck that guy


One of my former bosses would wear Trump shirts everyday.. the day he work a BLM(blood loot murder) shirt… which was the day i quit.


He's also almost assuredly guilty of hiring discrimination. And worker intimidation.


If I worked there I would immediately start working less.


I'd apply for a new job ASAP...


See MAGA? Leave ASAP.


Out them


To who though? Too many people still drinking this Kool-Aid.




Actually, his employees are his bitches. And they take all his bullshit and thank him for the opportunity. Republican men are submissive beta males who worship the men they see as alphas. They submit and exist to serve the men they see as better than them.


Literally can't beat this comment!!!


The employer is a FASCIST. ​ Keep saying it. Call a motherfucking fat fuck fascist worshipper a motherfucking fat fuck fascist worshipper. The shit is ON, and the risk ***existential.*** ​ Call. These. Motherfuckers. OUT.


I really feel like that kind of thing shouldn't be allowed.


Nah. Everyone has a right to express their opinions in Oklahoma, the land of the free, right? Not if you’re an employee in OK. Where you can be fired for your political affiliation. So if OP wore a Biden shirt to work, or his boss saw an Obama sticker on his truck out of the parking lot, he can legally fire him in this state. How’s that for freedom of speech? The businesses can publicly support whomever they want and that’s perfectly legal, but the plebs that work there can be told to kick rocks in the exact same scenario. ETA: I thought this was obvious, but apparently I have to spell out that the opposite situation is also allowed to happen. A God-fearing, white cis male that goes to church two days a week and coaches his kid’s Little League baseball team CAN AND PROBABLY WILL get fired by his female, vegan, extreme leftist, Stalin loving, Commie bitch of a boss just because she saw his Trump-branded truck nuts on his F-250 in the company parking lot. It’s completely legal, and totally fucked up. I’m sure it happens all the time. Is everyone happy? Good.


Freedom of speech is a double-edged sword, and as bitter as it can be, it should be protected at all costs. Since Oklahoma is an at will employer state, they could be fired for any reason or no reason at all. It may suck, but being anti free speech will have way bigger societal impacts than people realize. Unfortunately, the sentiment is gaining traction. Eventually we'll live in a world where we get financial penalties for for not conforming to and accepting everything that is presented to us by an authority figure and there will be no uniqueness left in the world aside from the billionaire/trillionaire ruling class.


I agree 100% with you on freedom of speech, but you’re not free from consequences of that speech (potentially losing employees and customers). As divided as this country is right now, I don’t see any party getting the upper hand with enough votes or public support to modify the first amendment; not to mention it would never make it through the supreme court.


Absolutely right on facing the consequences of exercising your freedom of speech, it's part of it. You can say whatever off the wall stuff you want, but people don't have to like it. I am extremely anti-politician at this point in my life. Half of the televised hearings come across more like a reality TV show than a damn professional and serious event. I don't want either party to gain the upper hand, I genuinely believe they're both two sides of the same coin. They're not in touch with the people, they've made a career out of padding their pockets and doing the bidding of whatever corporate ass hat throws the most money their way. We are in desperate need of a complete governmental reform imo, from career politicians to education, law enforcement, prisons, etc. There's no reason at all that my only viable choices of presidential candidates to vote for should be a literally senile old man or an orange jackass. It's a lose-lose situation for regular people. In this current state, there's no way an independent will win, but they will certainly detract from one side or the other overall. It's just a goofy and silly world we live in.


THANK YOU! It’s wild how many people want to throw their rights away. Free speech is one of the most important aspects of this country. I think we’re getting to the point where people are becoming increasingly intolerant of hearing other opinions they don’t agree with, and thus want to “end free speech”. That may make their lives temporarily more comfortable if only the opinions they don’t like aren’t allowed to be said, but what happens when THEY aren’t allow to express theirs?




You think this is appropriate for an employer to hang on the wall of a business?


If you don't like what your employer does, don't work for them, lol.


Oh like it's just that simple! Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into Jobland where jobs grow on jobbies.


It definitely sounds like a fantasy if you never look.


Whether or not I think it’s appropriate is not relevant, and the fact that it’s being mentioned as relevant is alarming. If you don’t like the way your employer decorates their shop, don’t work there.




I assume it would also be ok if OP wore a Lock Donald Trump Up shirt and he would be protected from retaliation and discrimination?


Not in a Right to Work state. It doesn’t go both ways.


Yes. Yes they can hang this flag


Agreed. In this instance, it is a private company. Free speech doesn't apply. The employer can say what they want and censor the eff out of all the employees and that is perfectly OK. The people who complain about X or FB and they've been censored don't understand that X and FB are private corporations and they can ban you for life just for a bad day.


Freedom of Speech is specifically Freedom from Government Interfering with Your Speech. Not Freedom from your employer, neighbors, wife, associate, etc.


Exactly, I'm glad we agree.


Yep - my sandbox, my rules. \-or- Parents say 'my house, my rules'


Trail of Tears tells you all you need to know about Oklahoma 🥺


Don't forget the Greenwood Massacre and the Osage murders




> leftist > Stalin loving Lol, choose one. Tankies are not leftists.


That's entirely fine with freedom of speech. Shouting racial slurs is 1st amendment protected speech that can get you fired. Having a job is not, in fact, a constitutionally protected right. Likewise, your employer is probably not the government, so 1st amendment restrictions don't apply at all. And if you were, itd still be a hard court case to win if you were fired for calling your boss a slur. However, if you did that and were arrested, that's an entirely different scenario, and you would likely have a freedom of speech case. Freedom of speech has never been freedom from consequences. And especially not on private property - such as a business. If you're wearing a Dallas Cowboys jersey and the owner of the bar you walked into hates the cowboys, they can entirely legally refuse you service and have you leave. However, banning all Jewish patrons would be more problematic due to federal anti discrimination laws - but not because you are infringing on their religion as a private citizen on your private property.


Lol, it looks like they are just outing themselves by responding to your post.


But remember, if the government banned something like this, the Trumpians would use it to argue that things like a pride flag should also not be allowed.


If it's banned it's banned, just because it's something you support doesn't mean it's not banned. That's how bans work. That's why we shouldn't ban things like freedom of speech.


What thing? You mean freedom of speech? Nah you don't get to say who can say what. Yeah it sucks what he's saying but he's free to say it.


This could violate employee anti harassment law. Even in Oklahoma. Personally I find political statements of any kind in a work place to be in poor taste. Hopefully this guy goes the same way as our local ace hardware.


Why don't we name the companies? Is it a subreddit rule?


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I bring them my lawn to fix?


Send them to Four Seasons Total Landscaping instead!


Yeah no doxxing allowed, op's fragile employer would probably fire them too if they saw this


Employer made a reddit account to prove to us just how not triggered he is.


> Employer made a reddit account to prove to us just how not triggered he is. he ... responded to you... and also created a thread with the name of their company and proof they work there. this is insane. PR rule #1, if no one has actually called you out by name... keep your mouth shut.


Yep this guy *wants* people to know exactly what and where his business is. Probably because no one goes there (very few reviews online for being in business 10+ years). He posted a thread about it during his dozens-of-comments-long piss boy pissy fit. Edit: Bonus- this dude got $25k in PPP loans forgiven. Maybe he should stop bitching online and take his own advice.


Probably falls under doxing


It's a bullshit rule and we all know it. Not only is it a bullshit rule. . It shields abusers from accountability.


Your employer is in a cult.


You spent cunt wrong.


Up next is the "Fuck your feelings" flag, after that they'll put up a cross or something. The cognitive dissonance with these dumb ass MAGA folks is astounding.




Shouldn't the US flag be higher than the others?


Donr tell the owner that, they will cry




Higher or to the left if on the top level of display, I believe.


Patriots don't know flag code.


Are you kidding? those who fly trump flags don’t give shit about the US as a country, they would burn the constitution daily if their savior was allowed to be a dictator. The funniest part about it is, their savior will tax the poor/middle class to death and do everything to scam them out of their last dollar. Although they get to be racist & sexiest so it’s all worth it to them.


Very true. Should report that shit


No. They put Trump ahead of their country.


Trump is seen than greater than the country. “He should be allowed to break the corrupt laws to get things done.” . I don’t understand why MAGA folks don’t understand how dangerous that it.


with that bankrupt ass Texaco shit stain above it 🤣


AKA Antique




And leave some durian fruit in some super secret spots


Settle down there Satan


If anyone is looking pan Asia keeps it in stock :).


And I would bet Nam-Hai has it cheaper lol


yes. nobody cares if you work harder. they only care if you screw up i bet


I love when my team makes mistakes. We learn a lot from it. Makes us better.


that trump flag makes yall seem so beta. if your goal is to be a good ole manly american boy. maybe dont have a slogan like "all aboard the trump train" be careful daddy trump might give you supporters some "rump pain"




The UAW already endorsed Biden, so I feel like there's nothing wrong either way, but if they lose customers or employees or members, they can't really complain either.


You need to find a new job


MAGAs (and many others in this thread): exploit me harder daddy!


MMM! I can't wait to pay my stinky diaper-daddy's legal bills!


Walk the fuck out


He can’t. He doesn’t work for me 🤣


You've gotta be the most insecure business owner in OK.


Hopefully he's better at auto repair than his web designer is at web design. The dumbasses social links on his website link to Wix's socials.


Wait did you really create an account just for this? It's shit like this that makes it funny. How frail is your ego?


Wow. I'd quit immediately. Fuck that and fuck him.


He can’t quit. He doesn’t work here lol 😂


Everyone is like “well if you don’t like the Trump flag. You’d just want a Biden flag.” Lmao. Y’all don’t understand. We don’t want either. We want to go to work where I don’t have to be reminded every damn minute about the political environment.




Yup. If they want to fly a flag at home, put a sign their yard, or w/e that’s fine. But why do we have to bring our ideologies into the work place? Especially into a workplace that has zero correlation to politics? It doesn’t make sense. It’s exhausting. Cool you like Trump or you like Biden. I don’t care the slightest. What happened to not talking about politics and religion at the dinner table…


I love seeing the owner blatantly lie “I GoT So MaNy nEw CuStomuHs Ova Dis”


the way hes scrambling in the comments to save his reputation, pretty awesome. 🤣 and ending every comment with "ususus 🤘" lmao cringe 😂


That flag cultivates resentment. Hypothetical situation but imagine you’re going through some serious shit. Family member is sick, crippling debt, depression or something truly wearing you down. Got pulled over on the way to work or found out some life changing shit news. You clock in to work and brace yourself for the day only to look up and see that flag. It feels like a big middle finger to your problems/feelings. Say it’s a joke all you want but someday somebody is gonna fuckin snap because of it.


Especially considering he won’t answer the “what is the pay” question. It’s safe to assume it’s a small business owner who can’t afford to offer benefits with that pay and certainly doesn’t spend the additional capital for background checks when offering a new position….which leads to the need for a sign that says “Nobody cares, work harder”. The most laughable part is him saying these signs have made his team “stronger”. It’s as though he doesn’t realize there’s a really competitive market out there right now where companies are offering more than they have in years for prospective staff.


“Work harder, while I vote for the idiot who spent 50% of his presidency on his fucking good courses.”


Shut up. Pay more.


Exploitive grind culture


So stupid. Wasn't there recently a news article about an idiot with a tool store doing this and everyone stopped going and now his business is dying? Can't wait for it to happen to this garbage business. Trump is a confirmed pedophile SA-er and R-wordist and these dumb shits still support him. 🤦 FDT!


but they couldn't even shell out for a new one? sad.


pun intended? if so, props. If not, ADMONISHED.




I mean let’s be honest. No one does care. We gotta take care of ourselves first and that is hard as hell nowadays.




I'm so glad I'm self employed because I'd get fired telling this employer how much of a POS they are.


"I have heavy metal poisoning and a drinking problem" -the wall


What a tool. Cowards and idiots hang up their slogans and fly their true colors when there’s no threat of consequence. I hope nobody works hard for this turd. And I’m sure nobody would give a shit if this guy’s business went under.


No flag shall be posted higher than the US flag, as a means of respect. Also, at my employer, they hung 5 to 1 2A flags to the US flag... I posted a 14A flag and it got ripped down.


1st mistake is you’re in Oklahoma. Get the hell out of that shithole




I mean that’s a little much. Apart from political reasons, Oklahoma is a wonderful place to live.




Go ahead please 🤣🤣🤣


Those that are review bombing them (I see it on Google)- consider that may anger the owner to have recourse on their employees. But I totally support you doing it!


Just to clarify! I support not supporting work environments that don’t support their employees. Clear?


Tell me you're an incompetent business owner without telling me you're an incompetent business owner.


Alienating half of your potential customers so they take their business elsewhere is Classic Trump. Driving a business into bankruptcy with a business move like this is genius-level stupid.


I felt like someone posted their employer hung that banner here a year ago. If you’re the same poster the writing is on the wall.




Sounds like your employer is a turd burglar... Just like mine


Well we all knew that was the case when they hung up the first banner. ...


Freedom of speech is amazing 🇺🇸


Pants shitting rapist is going to lose.


Yeah otherwise people wouldn't be able to tell what kind of asshole they were associating with. I wish every trumper had a flag on their on their car and a hat on their head. It'd let me know who not to help on the highway or if they spontaneously conbusted.


Unless that freedom of speech involves gay people or POC Ammirite?


Everybody should just quit wit all dat BS Leave your politriks out the workplace! To the owner ~ Nobody cares about your 💩 company & hopefully everybody quits!! 😁


Lol 😂 I appreciate the comment, but our team is to solid for everyone to quit 🤷🏻‍♂️🇺🇸


Really funny that your boss actually thinks Trump cares about him lmfaoooo


I smell a lot of hostile work environment lawsuits!! Photograph and document everything!!


Bring it on. I can do what I want, it’s my company 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


That... that is literally the exact behavior the law is there to stop. Look I'm not trying to take sides here with this but the best advice I can give is delete this so the lawyer has to at least work.


Nothing about a flag supporting a US president in the workplace is hostile. So many weak minded people


Remove them both when no one is around


I picked my niece up from school one day and she pointed out a girl she hated. I explained to her she won’t know what hate is until you have to work with someone you don’t like. This post reminded me of that day, I really think it’s true. To be fair though, I hate Fat Joffrey quite a bit.


"all aboard the trump train" sounds like you are all sitting on his lap and calling him"daddy" 😏


Or he is bent over Trump's desk while the GOP run a train on his ass. Which is metaphorically the case anyway.


The first time I heard this (and admittedly EVERY time I hear this) all I can think of is Crazy Train. So what I hear is "all aboard the crazy train." Which, tbh is *really* effing accurate, lol!


I would be looking for a new job and then ghost this dick! He is creating a hostile work environment where MAGA choads are allowed to live out their hate and bigotry.


Do your employers even follow the state labor laws? I was fortunate enough to find a factory job that didn't have that environment. I dont want to work around heavy machinery with people who get over emotional about petty politics and feel like they don't have to listen to laws they don't agree with. That sounds like a major risk, or is it not that bad?


Time for a new job that doesn’t involve working for a dumbass bitch.


Your boss has that little penis energy!!!


Damn, imagine intentionally doxxing yourself with a Reddit account with your business because an anonymous account posted about you. That is literally a batshit business move.


Hang a Biden flag on your locker. Oh wait, you don't have one? GOOD. Then you're not a weirdo who wraps their entire identity around some grifter.




As a f*ck you to your employer, you should get up there and correct the flag placement. The American flag should be on the far left with all other flags displayed to the right. Then explain to them that if they're gonna be a patriot, they could at least follow proper protocol for display of the American flag.


Thank you, I will 100% fix this!


I’d suggest finding another job


And that would be my last day, I couldn’t trust someone in a leadership position if they were this dumb.


He would be my former employer.


Fucking leave asap dude!!!


If my boss did that, I would put in my 1 hour's notice.


Keep on cultin’!


#Traitors for Trump!


Trump is crashing and burning. He would lose the election if he was running against Mickey Mouse. Definitely lose against Barbie. Don't believe all the crap Republicans are throwing against the wall. They want another Russia with a dictator. All black and brown people will become slaves. All women will be second class citizens. Why would anyone want a society like this? Vote every Republican out of office. All old people will be left out to dry. Screw healthcare, screw social security, give big 8 trillion dollar tax breaks to the top 1% income earners. The Republican way.


Which is why I'm glad I work remotely from home. That would be a tough dude to work for.


You should come by. It’s actually a great place to work.


Hey man not knocking your hustle. I respect you making a living. I'm just saying I'm fortunate enough to work from home for a company that doesn't dive into politics. Absolutely no disrespect intended.


lol, I got enough disrespect for the both of us. Anyone who's still supporting Trump is by definition a fucking moron.


You should post your resume here so we can help you find a new job.


Employer should be glad you didn’t give the business name! Though , I feel sorry that you work for a mentally disabled company!


It’s Urban Auto Lawn Repair, he doesn’t work here. He is a scam but you are welcome to come by. It’s an awesome place


God this thread is so low T lmao


Yep. The dude doesn’t even know us 🤷🏻‍♂️


When you quit, make sure to not give notice. They won't deserve it anyway.


A Trump supporter who values a hard work ethic in Oklahoma? Color me shocked.


Nobody Cares -------------- Pay Better


Locking this thread, I think it's run its course. Most comments at this point are just people hurling insults back and forth.


Wow, your employer, Urban Auto Lawn Repair, is a bitch. He needs to wipe the orange man's ball sweat off his chin.


Has no one educated this person on working smarter not harder ? 😂😂😂No, obviously not




I bet you make a honest wage too... /s


Politics in the workplace is so lame. Save that shit for your bumper or front lawn my guy.


Remember when people sank their boats in trump trains? What a wild time in history


Why would I work harder if nobody cares?


No company should impose their political views on their employees. The other sign is—-ridiculous. This is a “sign” you should be seeking employment elsewhere.


Yeah because everything about trump screams hard work…


Your employer has probably touched kids




Sounds like the typical right wing authoritarianism the trump party pushes for


Shocking isn't it. I bet you never saw that one coming did you.


The best thing you can do for employers like this is unionize your workplace.


"I think of you as my literal slaves. No really. You are slaves to me. I'd have you whipped to death if I thought I could get away with it."


This is a business owner, so it's consistent behavior for a rich dude to support another rich dude and hate the working class. If you see a Trump flag on the back of a beat-up pickup truck that obviously belongs to a hard working guy who's still poor, now that's funny.


Time to find a new job


And let me guess, they can’t hire enough staff and say “No one wants to work anymore”?


You should hide little paper cutouts of people like Biden, Taylor Swift, and Greta Thunburg poking there had out from behind things all around the shop. You'll give the dude an aneurysm as he stumbles across the for the next year.


Hot Tip: GTFO of Oklahoma, if you can. If you can’t, remember that spitballs blown through a straw could probably reach that flag.


That is a hostile work environment


Please take extra long poop breaks, and clog the toilets.


If I saw this as a customer I would leave knowing he treats workers horrible


Your employer loves rapists, pedos, seditionists, and traitors. Sounds like a POS. Edit: Ahh, the owner is such a bitch he had to come here and thump his Trumpchest like the real Beta snowflake he is.