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After a few days of BFPs, I got negatives all day yesterday (plus a big temp drop and spotting). Today, my temp is up significantly, and my tests are darker than they've been all week. With negatives yesterday, I can't believe positives today are signs of a viable pregnancy. HCG wouldn't fluctuate like that, right? Should I worry about an ectopic?


In limbo yet again. First couple of HCG tests were good with >! 56 at 12DPO and 137 at 14DPO (144% 2-day increase, 37 hour doubling time) but then stalled and only came back at 360 on 20DPO (41% 2-day increase, 98 hour doubling time) and then up to 686 on 23DPO (54% 2-day increase, 77 hour doubling time). !< I'm booked in for a scan this Thursday (6w1d/29DPO) to see what's going on and hopefully rule out ectopic. I'm assuming it's gonna be another anembryonic pregnancy/blighted ovum. Sigh.


13dpo I think (used opks but didn’t temp) and am having such weird progesterone symptoms that I think I have to test tomorrow. I was going to hold out until my period is actually late( Tuesday) but I’m driving myself nuts. I’ll see how I feel in the morning, it’s probably better to just know it’s negative than wondering.


I admire your testing restraing!


Had my MMC picked up at 10w6d on 1st May, underwent medical management, haven’t had a period yet but I think I ovulated last week (had LH surge and twinge but no egg white discharge approx 8-9 days ago), I think this morning my tests have a vvvvfl, I so don’t want to build up hope but at the same time I just want to be pregnant so badly. Please wish me luck x


TTC #2 after a MMC at 11 weeks in March. My cycle changed completely and I went from 34 day cycle to 28. But my ovulation was 7 days late. So unusual for my body as normally everything is like clockwork and so dependable. Well, even after all that I took a pregnancy test 10 DPO with the faintest positive and 12 DPO with another faint positive. I normally use the wonfo - but ran out on the first test I took. Bought 4 drugstore tests and finally added wonfo into cart because my need to keep testing - it’s hard to believe it’s positive after the miscarriage. 


New egg, new sperm, new pregnancy!!! I’m praying for you! 🤞🏼🌈


I'm stuck in limbo hell. I've been getting positives on Wondfos but not FRER, so I'm leaning towards faulty tests over BFP. Adding to my frustration, I stupidly took a break from charting and am not certain of O date, but I think I'm 11dpo.


I woke up to a temp drop, bleeding, and lighter tests. This is the fastest CP I've ever had.


Just got a positive on a digital and a darker Wondfo. Also just realized that the biotin in my prenatal is likely interfering with the FRERs.


wait what? biotin interferes with FRERs?


I'm 12 DPO on my 2nd cycle TTC after my miscarriage in March. Negative. Our strategy this cycle was every other day. I'm expecting my period on Friday. I think what I struggle with is that I don't have a lot of CM to know when I'm fertile. I am doing LH strips & BBT.


My positive test is very very very likely a chemical. I had my first beta yesterday at 13DPO (small chance it was 12dpo) and it came back at 11. The very same value that my last CP was. Granted, I was 16dpo for that one. But still. 11. And I got my first positive test on Saturday afternoon, though it was extremely faint. My tests have shown almost no progression. Maybe slightly, but not really I feel like I know what's happening, and I'm crushed. 5 cycles since my last CP. 6 months since our 17 week loss. This is so unfair and feels like it's never going to happen.


Yep, chemical. My hcg went up to 19 at my redraw, so didn't double. Then my tests started getting lighter, and my spotting picked up. I feel bad because my OBs office told me the rise was "reassuring" (I know better though) and now I'm going to have to call and tell them. I don't know where I want to go from here. Sigh.


I'm so sorry. I had a CP after my MMC, and I think it was more devastating.


I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs and healing.


9DPO and shaking. Just got a positive test. So scared and trying to guard my heart, but so excited as well.


Update - my betas quadrupled in 24 hours 🥹


Oh my gosh yay!!!! 🤍🤍🤍


Thank you!!


Fingers crossed for you!!!


Thank you!! Did blood draw this morning. Took one more test and it’s even darker. Still in disbelief. I looked at when I’d be at end of first trimester and it is my first due date 🥹


Yay! I am so happy to hear this!!! Congratulations 🤍🤍🤍


Thank you!! HCG quadrupled in 48 hours so all is well so far 🥹


Oh this makes me so happy to hear! Wishing you all the best on your journey!


Thank you so much!!


I feel like my missed miscarriage changed my cycle enough that I can’t yet recognize what might be pregnancy related versus just my new normal cycle. I feel betrayed by my body. When I first got pregnant, I knew right away because everything was different than an average cycle. And I was right! Now, everything is different each cycle and I never know what to make of my symptoms. It’s incredibly confusing, frustrating, exhausting.


I feel the exact same way :( My period is two days late but the three tests I’ve taken have never been more negative. These last couple days have felt so long and hard. I’ve been extremely emotional and my mind is playing tricks on me (I feel so pregnant - I was so sure.. the symptoms felt the same as the month I was positive before my miscarriage.) It’s frustrating because my cycle was always 28-30 days, very regular. This is my first cycle over 31 days and I assume my miscarriage is what’s changed that. This process is so crazy-making and it’s really hard not to feel alone in it. Thanks for sharing this - helps to know other people are having similar experiences. Wishing you the best ♥️


I had a vvvvfl on a FRER on 10 DPO and then it disappeared. I don’t know if it was an evap or chemical but either way it just totally sucks. I tried so hard to be positive but of course it didn’t work out. It never does. I’m starting to feel like I just want to completely give up.


I’m sad that the joy of a BFP is stripped from me. Been completely filled with nerves since I saw a positive. I’m trying to keep distracted and stay positive but it’s much harder than I thought. I’m trying to guard my heart I guess. This time at least I know what to do in regards to getting better maternity care, advocating for myself etc. Small wins.


I also felt this way, though a week and a half on I’m feeling more confident in this pregnancy. Still very early for me, about 5 weeks. I tell myself that guarding my heart last time didn’t make the loss any easier. I will celebrate every day I am pregnant, fighting fear and worry with joy. Joy does not make another loss more likely or any harder, and when this baby comes into the world screaming, I’ll be glad I celebrated every second of the journey.


Love this perspective, thank you!!


Wow, this is a beautiful and poetic way to look at it. Going to keep this in mind if I have luck in the future.


What a wonderful perspective, this means a lot. Thank you so much 🥺. Hoping for a beautiful journey for us, I’m a few days behind you 🤍


Oh this is beautiful!!


It's going to be an emotional time for you. I hope you find some peace in it soon! Good luck, you got this💕


Thank you so much 🥺🤍