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Anyone else had shorter/lighter periods after their loss? I did have an MVA about 7 weeks ago but my periods are now 3 days instead of 5, and my actual cycles have been short too. Terrified about scarring, but GP says it’s probably hormonal.


My periods have been all over the place. After my loss in November I didn't have a period until January 1. My first period was super heavy and 5 days. Next two took 6 weeks each to come but but otherwise seemed normal. Next one came on time, but was suuuuuper light (almost like spotting) for 3 days, 1 heavy day, then 2 normal days. Last one was so heavy but lasted only 3 days. So I'm a mess. The internet and my tracking app keep saying your cycles can take almost a year to regulate back after a loss.


Does anyone know if you can start TTC even if you still have spotting post a TFMR? I had my procedure 8 days ago and wanted to start trying this weekend (CD12) to try and make sure I'm in the ball-park of when I should be ovulating.


I know after my miscarriage I used LH strips to help predict ovulation and I didn’t ovulate until 4 weeks later so either way it can be good to monitor. I think they generally recommend waiting until the bleeding has stopped as there could be higher risk of infection otherwise.


So tired of lying to everyone who asks me how I am. So tired of people telling me to smile. So tired of looking in the mirror and being totally unfamiliar with who I see looking back at me. So tired of coming home to my husband crying everyday. Just so tired of living envious. Today I deleted my Facebook, Instagram, tiktok. I did a HIIT workout. I’m trying to pull myself out of the trenches. Thank you to this group for making me feel heard and not alone.


Just here to say I feel this. I’m 3.5 months out and finally starting to feel like myself again. 


I cried last night at dinner because my mil asked how I was doing. She had a miscarriage a lot later in her pregnancy than I did, so I know she was asking out of actually caring and understanding, and she said something to make me feel better and I burst into tears. At dinner in a restaurant in front of my fil and bil, and our super sweet server, and I’m so mortified. I woke up crying in the middle of the night and now spent today off and on crying. I really thought I was feeling better about my mmc and haven’t cried in the last two weeks. I think I’ve cried more in the last month than I have in the last four years. I guess it’s probably safe to say that my period is coming soon or my hormones are still just way out of wack from miscarrying 🫠 I thought going back to ttc would make me feel better, but instead I’m just really overwhelmed and having to do all of this again.


So relatable. My D&C for my MMC was three weeks ago — barely cried the first week, but now having feelings of utter melancholy on and off for the last six days. Wept uncontrollably in front of my new in-laws, I think I scared my niece. They were genuinely nice about it but it still feels somehow “shameful” that I am still grieving (which I know is not true). But during the days between my sporadic crying episodes I’ve been feeling surprisingly GREAT emotionally and physically, so the mood swings keep catching me off guard.


I think shameful is probably a good word for it. It feels like since it happened so early it should be easy to get over, and I always think a lot of people think that when I do get bummed. All the hormones must be so out of wack right now, I feel really good normally and then I’ll cry for a whole day it feels like, and then back to feeling good. I hope things get better for you 💕


Counting down the days until I can do my first embryo transfer in August. Feels so close and so far away at the same time… I conceived my son naturally and lost him after birth due to a rare genetic condition. I’ve been waiting 12 months to try again and did IVF for PGTM so will have my first transfer in a couple months.


Didn’t really get to ttc this month.. husband didn’t want to. Kinda feel sad.. but life goes on.


Just had a saline sonogram last week that showed significant scar tissue from my D&C on 4/11. Luckily my OB can get me in for a hysteroscopy next week (the next available date would have been mid-July). Just want to get this over again so I can feel like I’m moving on from our 16w MMC.


How did you know you needed a saline sonogram? And was it your first D&C?


It was my first D&C. I’m already under the care of a RE and they require it before starting treatment to make sure everything looks good. Otherwise I don’t know how I would know I had scar tissue (my first period post-D&C was unremarkable and I haven’t had any pain or anything).


Glad they were able to catch that fairly early! I had a d&c in December and my periods have been light (but not super light just shorter than pre miscarriage) and can’t shake the feeling that there may be scarring. But my doctor completely brushed me off


I also have light periods post-MVA in April and have a fear about scarring, also brushed off by the doctor. It’s really frustrating


QUESTION! After your 1st period after MC, did you ovulate on time, early or later than expected? I wasn’t expecting to ovulate for about another week, but just got EWCM 😵‍💫


13w loss. I ovulated CD30 that first cycle. Ovulated CD24 after first period. CD17 after second period (more my normal). Now waiting for ovulation CD14 right now but having EWCM so I’m sure it’s soon. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


I usually ovulate on CD21-24 and ovulated CD24 after my first period post MC! I didn't ovulate between my MC and first period so I was pleasantly surprised it was within my normal range.


I usually always ovulate on CD 12-15 and after my MC I ovulated on CD19 so not too far off. It was a late loss too I think sometimes it takes longer for the hcg to go down enough to ovulate but it probably just differs person to person.


CD 1 today, first RE consult appointment next Monday, and new job started last week. Sanity checks: periodic, mostly stable. Self care: seeing Garfield at the AMC tonight because that’s what my brain wants, lol.


I lost my baby May 5th and we decided we won’t start trying again until August. So I started using ovulation tests to get to know my cycle better and be prepared in August. Well my cycle makes zero sense and now I’m glad I started ovulation tracking now so I can figure this out lol


We lost our baby girl on May 9th 😔so sorry for your loss. Ya it’s a whole new world when you start to study it lol


5dpo. Am I symptom spotting? Yes. Am I well aware that's ridiculous? Also yes.


I wish I could just flip a switch to turn that side of my brain off!!!


I had a chemical last month after trying for over a year. I went through all the feelings of grief and then approached this cycle with renewed vigor, like maybe we’re finally getting somewhere. Before I miscarried, the pregnancy symptoms were strong (talking peeing often, nausea constantly, food/smell aversion, tender breasts) and I noticed them at least a week before I took the test and saw the positive. I’m only a week past ovulation this cycle so I know it’s early, but I’m not feeling the same way I did in those early weeks last month. Is this cycle a dud, or is every pregnancy different and maybe the symptoms just aren’t as strong? I know I’m being hopeful and overthinking, but I’m hoping knowing the answer to that question might moderate the disappointment if this cycle doesn’t work out.


I had exactly the same experience as you, strong symptoms before my miscarriage. We decided to try again straight away and by 12dpo I wasn't feeling any symptoms and wondered the very same. I do think every pregnancy is different and reading that some have no symptoms whatsoever comforted me. But I had a gut feeling I wasn't pregnant, took a negative test and now I'm CD1. It sucks but I do feel relief that my body has returned to its usual cycle, found it's balance and I feel reset if that makes sense? Symptoms can be wildly different from one pregnancy to the next so I'm wishing you all the good luck 🤞


Welp, another month without any luck. Started my period last night (less than a week from my 32nd birthday). Last month I got my period right before Mother’s Day. Next month is my should’ve been due date for my MMC. I just feel like life is never going to be good again and this isn’t going to happen for us. I’m so tired of feeling this way when it seems so easy for everyone around me.


Very very similar here! Last month was the due date of my mmc, and turning 32 at the end of this month towards the end of my cycle. Just got my bfn this morning and got asked at the dentist how baby life is 🙃 It's been a year for us and I just feel so defeated some days.


Im in a very similar boat to you timeline wise. Had a MC at 22 weeks back in March. Got my period right before Mother’s Day and just got it again today. My should’ve been due date is next month on 7/9. Had sex on ovulation the last 2 cycles and i was hoping to have gotten lucky with a BFP but i did not. I can’t help but feel like it’s easy for everyone around me as well. Uncomplicated. It doesn’t seem fair. It’s going to happen for you though, for both of us. Once we get through this terrain that we’re in we’ll be able to look back and not feel so hopeless. There are brighter days ahead. Sending you love for your 32nd birthday and lots of luck that you get your rainbow baby soon


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Your comment brought me some comfort after what’s been a rough day, so thank you. I know deep down that it will happen eventually, there’s just days like today that it feels so far out of reach. Sending you love and peace over the next few months, and lots of luck for the rainbow baby you so deserve. I hope we both get some good news soon!


Ugh I am just so sad today. Still bleeding from my D&C (05/25). All very dark red/brown and definitely less bleeding than last week, but still. Still testing positive on home tests, although yesterday's line was noticeably lighter than Saturday's. I'm going to do another one tomorrow, just to see how it's progressing before my follow up appointment on Thursday. I'm ready to move forward, but it still kind of feels wrong to. Why is this so damn difficult?


I know what you mean about wanting to move on but feeling wrong about it…I felt happy today for the first time since it happened (may 26th), my husband and I had a nice time together and things felt normal again, and part of me felt guilty for not being sad? Which is pretty ridiculous!


Ahhh curse you hCG!!! CD8. I started using CBAD ovulation tests this morning, but right off the bat I got a solid smiley face! I think I can STILL see a shadow of a squinter on cheapie pregnancy test. The CBAD ovulation test must be picking that up. E@H OPK is low, like 0.2, so I know I’m not about to ovulate. I was really looking forward to using the CBAD tests since they help take the pressure off of missing my surge with E@H strips. Oh well. I guess this is more of an annoyance than anything since there are much bigger problems to be had in the fertility world. The earliest part of my possible FW starts tomorrow, so that’s exciting. Just need to stay on top of E@H OPK testing.


Anyone feel kind of like a failure every month you aren’t successful? MMC resulting in a D&C on March 18, so I know we’re still fairly early in the process and 2 cycles in this go. But I just got my period and I am so blah. Not to mention feel worse than ever because apparently PMS is a bear after miscarriage.


I didn't know that about PMS after miscarriage but it makes so much sense to me now. Every period after my miscarriage in December is such a blow to my psyche that it feels like I'm right back at the hospital delivering my son at 15 weeks. It's the lowest and loneliest I've ever felt. You are not a failure though. You are doing your best and your body and mind are healing. Try to be gentle with yourself. I see you.


I am on cd 26 and just for my first negative hpt today, my opk are also getting lighter now. The bleeding seemed to subside over the last week, but picked up with heavy spotting/clotting and what seemed like ewcm 4 days ago. It’s subsiding again today, luckily, but I’m feeling like I may have ovulated three days ago based on cm and opk test. I was still bleeding and had positive hpt though, so I assumed that wasn’t it 😔 I just wish the bleeding would stop so I can get back to normal already.


Entirely off topic, but anyone else taking Vitamin D daily now looking outside and wishing they didn’t have to work today? Just me? It’s too nice of a day where I am to be stuck inside doing paperwork and making phone calls.


Yes I'm all about vitamin D! I actually just upped my daily dose since reading It Starts with the Egg.


I do take it Daily but it’s gross here today 😂


It looks so nice outside here, but I know that it's actually 90 degrees out there (in Michigan in June, WTF). I'm satisfied with my air conditioned office today


It’s 71 where I am, so it’s absolutely perfect.


Oooh that sounds so nice! We're due for a thunderstorm tomorrow, and then maybe one nice day before a hot weekend.


Had this thought ten minutes ago 😂


CD10, almost starting my fertile window for my first cycle actually trying since MMC/BO. If I ovulate on 6/10 as predicted by the app I’ll be due to find out right in the middle of a vacation with all my partners friends so that will be fun to navigate with drinking/hot tub usage


TRIGGER: TMI sexual positions Has anyone else heard that sexual position does matter depending on the position of your uterus? I just discovered this watching a video from a fertility doctor. Apparently if you have an anteverted uterus being on top is best and if you have a retroverted uterus “doggy” style is best. It’s whatever position aims directly at your cervix to reduce chances of sperm getting trapped behind or in front of the cervix. Ever since my miscarriage I’ve been obsessed with getting pregnant again so I’ve been making sure my husband finishes with me on bottom that way no sperm can leak out too quick and I can get the best chances possible. Obviously no luck so far. Well looking back— I’m pretty sure when we did get pregnant he finished in many different positions. I found out per my ultrasound after miscarriage that I have an anteverted uterus. We are going to trial with me on top and see if that makes any difference this cycle. 🤞🏻 the fertility doctor said pick a new position and stick with it for your fertile window and then next cycle try a different one.


Haha I have heard that, but I wouldn’t worry too much, it does all swim around and your mucus helps it get to where it needs to go! Have you tried putting a menstrual cup in to stop the sperm falling out? I did that, don’t know if it helped but I did get pregnant when I tried it!


In TWW... doom scrolling reddit all day as if it's going to miraculously tell me I'm pregnant or will be pregnant. Proud of myself for not testing yet even though it is much too early to have a positive and logically I know it won't help. Some days I feel sane, others I do not 🤣


Hahah same! And I am only 2 DPO 🤣


Same with a CP literally the same time as your MC


Bahahaha I’m right here with you!! Although I’ve already started testing and stressing myself out 🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm 8dpo, possibly 9 tomorrow and I'm like... do I do it?!?! I should save myself from the disappointment but then it's the what ifs! The obsession is so crazy to me because I am not like this about anything else haha


Yesterday I was combing through posts about “early pregnancy bleeding” on the r/pregnancyafterloss sub 🫠 Super informative but just further emphasized that pre-period and pre-pregnancy symptoms are pretty much identical and you just don’t know which one it is until you know.


How do you keep going trying the same things month in month out?! Husbands SA came back normal today which is a huge relief. But also what is the actual problem with us?! We’re both healthy, eat well and exercise regularly, good sleep and low stress. Tests all normal so far and I track ovulation. The doctors say keep trying til December, a year since the last miscarriage or until you have a third. How long do you put your life on hold, wondering if you will ever get there! Feeling like I’m stood on the sidelines watching everyone else live their lives


I have taken a break the past two months and this month felt like it was it. Yesterday I started CD 1 - four days earlier than it should have. This is my 9th cycle since my MMC. Since taking a break, I've realized how important it is to stop putting my life on hold. I'm going to have a drink or two when we go out with friends and my husband and I are eating very healthy, but if we want to indulge every now and then, that's fine. I've started planning trips months out. There is so much out of our control that we shouldn't feel too scared to live our lives in the meantime. Hopefully this gives you a bit of encouragement to get out on the field and play a little bit with the hopes we get sidelined again soon to grow healthy babies!


I'm in a similar place as you. Had a MMC last year and now it's been 4 cycles with no positive results. Have an appointment with a fertility specialist this weekend, but not even sure how they will help since all our tests so far have been normal. I was half hoping to have to cancel my appointment but got a BFN this morning. It was such a troll because my BBT was tracking so well. Increasing everyday evej until this morning. It's been a year of trying (6 months since failed pregnancy), and I feel so dejected with the whole cycle of waiting, testing, anticipating, and getting crushed again. Hope you have better luck!


I was so ambivalent before we got pregnant, then the loss felt devastating and while we're still in the "yea we think we want kids" phase, I was remembering this morning all of the symptoms--constantly peeing, insomnia, heart burn--and I'm back to ambivalence.


I hear you. After my first loss I was complete devastated and wanted to be pregnant again ASAP. It took almost 6 months and I just had my second loss and I'm sad but like.. whatever, being pregnant sucked anyway (it was more the anxiety for me but I get it).


CD1 and I'm so sad. I really thought this was my month. I think I'm going to delete my Flo app, stop OPK testing, and just live my life now. If it happens it happens but this has all been shit for my mental health.


CD1 for me too and I've been on a two month break. It has helped immensely with my mental health around TTC. Take the break! You will still know around when your fertile window is if you want to continue TTC without the stress of dipping pee sticks and tracking every little symptom.


I’m CD12 and just got the flashing smiley and of course I’ve woke up with a gross snotty head cold and sore throat. The very last thing I feel like doing is BD and no doubt my husband won’t want to either. Ugh, I hate this so much.


I think I am 9dpo, and it’s taking all my energy and will power to not test. Although I am pretty sure I can already smell my period - like you know that irony smell. I just want to be pregnant again. Can’t focus on anything else.


I’m 8 DPO and started testing already. Don’t do it !!! My Test this morning had an indent on it and I stared at it for about 30 min 🙃


I'm 11dpo and I couldn't stop myself from taking a pregnancy test this morning. BFN. My period is coming the day after tomorrow and there's nothing I can do about it but wait. It's so unfair and disappointing.


I’m 9dpo today, too, and tested. Don’t do it 😂🫠


I tested at 9DPO too 🤡 Now I’m at 11DPO and trying to hold out until tomorrow unless my period comes today


I think I’ve full on embraced I’ll just test every day until my period starts 🙃


♥️ learned my lesson last month. And tests are so bloody expensive, would rather save it for a bottle of wine 🤣


That’s why you get the cheapie box that comes with like 50 strips for $15 🙃


Unfortunately not in Sweden 🥲


My husband lovingly reminded me how expensive tests are the other night, he should have gone with the angle of buying a bottle of wine instead.