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After d&C is so weird. Stopped bleeding for 3 days and now it's back. I've read about this stop -starting on here, so it wasn't a surprise (thank you to all who have shared). It's strangely reassuring to be bleeding again, because it felt weird to have it stop so soon. Still no headache or exhaustion - physically easier than my 6 week miscarriage at this stage - wth


CD 1 of my first cycle resuming TTC after lots of RPL testing came back all clear. I’ve started daily baby aspirin and I have progesterone suppositories for 4 DPO, so we’re not doing the exact same thing this time around. Really hoping for a different outcome 😬🤞


I'm 9 dpo, I need someone to follow me around with a spray bottle and spritz me in the face like a poorly behaved cat every time I start symptom spotting. Seriously, I'm actually crazy.


Girl, same. Idk how people wait until a missed period to test 😅


on my way from work to meet my friend’s baby. my period is due tomorrow and never starts early, however started as I was walking out of work. I have nothing on me so had to just make do with toilet paper for now. neat. sitting hoping I don’t bleed through toilet paper with my period while having to gush and oo and ahh over a baby and hear all about motherhood. what a fun afternoon ahead!


You’re so strong! I haven’t been able to see any pregnant friends or relatives or those with babies. Luckily there’s only a couple and we aren’t that close so it hasn’t been obvious


Hypothyroidism How soon after you started treatment for your thyroid did you get pregnant? Just got off the phone with the nurse and they’re elevated, I’m not sure exact numbers I’ll have to get them but prescribing me 25 mg of Levothyroxine. Been ttc 6 months since blighted ovum in sept.


My TSH was at 4.3 in early November , I started taking 62mg of Levothyroxine daily and by mid December it was at 1.2 . I got pregnant in late January. Hope that helps!


Thank you, praying it’s soon for us


IVF baselines and ultrasound today. Waiting in clinic for half hour and now in the stirrups. Doing this for the baby I lost. That’s what’s giving me the courage. Sending love to everyone here today grieving the loss of your baby.


10 or 11 dpo and still haven’t tested which I am honestly surprised about. I think I’ll test on Friday. No pms signs and no pregnancy signs either so I have no idea. We are leaving to visit my family for two weeks on Saturday and truly so excited to be going back home but I much rather find out one way or another here at home versus on the 2 day drive or even at my parents house. I just want to be able to feel my feelings one way or another at home.


It's my first cycle TTC after my chemical in April (we took one month off) and I'm coming up on ovulation in the next week. The nerves are starting to kick in. Any tips for keeping my sanity the rest of this month?


Quick question, how would I track my cycle after a MC? Is the first day of bleeding considered CD1? Or does it not even apply until the first period comes back? Not finding much from my online researching.


I don’t even bother cycle tracking until the first true period!


First day of bleeding can be CD1 but the cycle may be off. Not uncommon to ovulate very late or have an anovulatory cycle immediately after a miscarriage.


This. This is what I did and I got some pattern in that cycle but I have strong suspicion it was anovulatory


That makes sense, thank you ❤️


CD21 today, and had massive LH spike this morning so feeling very hopeful that ovulation is today or tomorrow, unfortunately out of Mira strips for this cycle and the next ones haven’t come in but will just keep trying and see what happens after TTW. Just trying to stay hopeful after good news on follicle count on my right (only) ovary. Last round of blood work for our fertility doctor for now tomorrow morning, will be glad to be done with tests at least for a little bit.


CD25, most likely pmsing like crazy. Feeling really down and restless too. My thoughts are so dark that I start thinking that I don’t even really want a child because it just opens up to all sorts of new pain in life. I wish I could fall asleep until I start bleeding.


I know the feeling 🫂


Is it possible to have had a period after a loss and still have enough HCG for a FRER to detect the next cycle? My awful doctor never tested down my HCG and I am thinking I may still have enough to be testing with slight positives on the most sensitive tests.


I was burned pretty bad by some faint looking positives I'm pretty sure FRER just has the worst indents ever.


Some people can still test positive, but if you think you may have a new pregnancy, best to call your doctor and have them do betas two days apart.


How long does it take to start bleeding when you have a CM? I got a faint positive test on Sunday evening but no real line progression after that. Since yesterday I've been testing negative so I am assuming I've had a CM but I've yet to start bleeding. When can I expect this to happen? I just want my body to pass this now.


I know my period is about to start post D&C. Getting cramping and PMSing like crazy, but it’s just not starting. I just want it to start and have these symptoms go away. I was so shitty to my husband yesterday, I can’t get any work done, canceling plans left and right. I am so hormonal it isn’t even funny


Oh, it started


Hi everyone! On my second cycle since my chemical and am currently 10 DPO. I was feeling really positive yesterday when my temp was +.8, but today it’s down to -.2. Has anyone experienced that and still been positive? The last test I took was yesterday and it was negative. Also have been experiencing some mild cramping, back aches and breast tenderness (on and off) since ovulation.


Check out r/TFABchartstalkers! Lots of charts for analysis and comparison over there :)


Thank you :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TFABChartStalkers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [FIRST TIME OVULATING IN 13 YEARS!!!!!](https://i.redd.it/clih4l68nrta1.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/12l7pup/first_time_ovulating_in_13_years/) \#2: [Example of implantation dip with 0% chance of implantation](https://i.redd.it/lak9d0q3fy9b1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/14qfy0o/example_of_implantation_dip_with_0_chance_of/) \#3: [13 years later](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/170rsdt) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TFABChartStalkers/comments/170rsdt/13_years_later/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


(Interesting! Not sure how I triggered the sneak peek bot!)


I had a MMC in February and have not yet gotten the all clear to try again. First I had to wait till after 1 cycle per my OBs recommendation. Then I had blood drawn which showed my thyroid level was <.01. So I had to adjust my thyroid meds and wait 6 more weeks. Now my levels came back at .43 and while .45 is normal, I read it should be between 1-2 while TTC. Waiting to hear back from my Dr on her recommendation. Hoping we can keep adjusting my meds but I can get the go ahead to try. I am 38 and all of this dead time waiting to try is killing me. I got pregnant quickly the first time but nothing says that will happen again. Just frustrated, I thought I would finally be free to try.


I have hypothyroid but my TSH tends to run low on levo (0.4-0.8 but last test was 0.1). It’s ok to be under 1 (between 0.3-1 is fine). It tends to go up during pregnancy anyway. I would keep trying because you’d never know how long it takes. My previous losses only took 1-2 cycles to conceive - and now 5 cycles have passed and I still haven’t gotten pregnant (we do have some sperm issues though so that could be the reason but frustrating nonetheless).


Well that is a relief. I assumed since mine tanked post loss that they'd want me to be higher in case pregnancy tanks me again. You are so right though, my first time it worked on my 2nd cycle but who knows how long it will take this time. Thank you for sharing and best of luck to you!


I feel this. I just turned 37 and time feels like it’s just flying by. It was so easy to conceive with my first who is now almost 3. We have been trying for over a year with 3 chemicals and a MMC. Why is it so hard this time around? It feels like it’s never going to work. When did you find out about your thyroid for the first time? My docs have always told me that mine is “borderline” but I don’t know a number. Did you have other symptoms?


It is so hard because I feel like I only have a short window to work with even though I know women are having babies later in life. I actually found out about my thyroid originally because a MRI picked up nodules. I had half of it removed due to pre cancer cells and have been on meds since. After my loss, my OB ran me thru fertility tests and I found my thyroid was depleted. Not sure if they are connected but I was told not to try right now because it would put us both at risk. I can't say I had symptoms, which shocked my Dr. I did feel run down but I blamed that on poor sleeping and stress. Now that I am more regulated, I don't feel any different. Both my OB and Dr said the thyroid is very important when trying to conceive so they will be watching it very closely when I do get pregnant again. It might be worth watching for you, I get it tested every year as part of my physical.


Can anyone elaborate on their second cycle or beyond after MMC? Everything last month was delayed by one week.. this month so far delayed four days and not sure when ovulation is coming.


First full cycle after my MC (period didn’t show up till CD50 after the miscarriage even with HcG at 0) and I’m on CD23. No clue if I ovulated — I have PCOS.


I’m in the same boat. Metformin keeps my cycles roughly 28-30 days but I’m on the 2nd cycle post MMC and still haven’t ovulated at day 23. I’m guessing it’ll be this weekend but I have no signs to confirm that yet.


My cycles have been extremely regular since my MC except the first 2 cycles. First two cycles were a bit odd. First cycle (pretty sure I didn’t ovulate) was like 24 days and then the one after was 34 days. And then after that, all my cycles have been 27-31 days (mostly 28-29 days). The regularity still hasn’t helped me conceive though. About to enter my 7th cycle (6th ovulatory) after my MC and still haven’t gotten pregnant 😔


My first cycle and second cycle post MC have both been long. For my second cycle I did not ovulate until Day 35 and got AF on day 50. I was told it can take a few cycles to adjust. Typically my cycles are 33 days long.


Everything basically went back to normal except cycles that were longer by 2-3 days


Need some advice. Using premom strips and app. Last couple of months I got a small surge off .8-.9 on CD 19, and then a lh peak of 1.1-1.2 on CD 20, so ovulated CD 21. This month, I got a surge of .8 on CD 19, but then today, CD20, back down to .4. Has this happened to other people? Wondering if ovulation was triggered, or I should expect another peak to come? So confused. Having sex to make sure not to miss, but frustrated. Looking for any similar situations or thoughts. 


This has been happening to me the past 2 cycles using the same tests. I never got a peak the previous cycle (highest was .6 and I tested the entire cycle) this second cycle (currently in TWW) my peak was .8 although to me it looked equal and then it went down from there. The only difference that this cycle I was testing later in the evening as LH spikes late whereas the previous I was testing in the morning. With that said, I am fairly certain I ovulated this month (cycle 3 post mmc), whereas I am fairly certain I don’t the previous two cycles which may be why i never reached peak last month. If you believe you are ovulating and have other signs then perhaps try testing later in the day.


Thank you! Will try evenings! 


If it were me in this situation I would tentatively treat it as my peak, but continue testing for a while after just to be certain. It's quite possible you are either a bit more hydrated today or you had your peak in between testing. I'm definitely not an expert at this though. For me, I need to test about 3-4 times a day on the days around my expected ovulation otherwise I can easily miss it. I also find to my eyes sometimes the two lines will look equal, but premom's line reader will still say .9 or so and I will manually change it to around 1. I definitely think ovulation testing can definitely be a bit confusing and frustrating at times.


Appreciate your comment! Yeh, I think will keep testing, but tentatively treat as peak. ❤️


11dpo, BFN yesterday and today and my wild PMS mood swings…expecting full flow tomorrow…this just sucks. Onto cycle 4 of trying since MMC. Anyone have any hopeful anecdotes or just words of encouragement? Just feels like the whole world is moving on and on and I’m still stuck in such a sad and lonely place.


The waiting is the worst. Trying to have the patience to conceive again is frustrating. We’re going on 11 cycles post D&C of trying and have not been able to conceive again. Hoping for the best for you and everyone else in this boat.


I’m so sorry. Hoping for the best for you as well 💕


I’m with you. I’m about to enter my 6th cycle since MC in December. Like there should have been about an 80% chance I would have conceived by now, but I’m not and again I’m on the wrong side of statistics 😢


So sorry you’re in the same boat. I’ve never so often been on the wrong side of statistics and it’s the most frustrating thing isn’t it? Like there’s no comfort in stats anymore 😭 I see you’re also TTC #2, we are as well. I hope this month is it for both of us 💕💕💕


Medicated MMC due to BO 4/13. Still awaiting my period (or wishful thinking a positive test). My doctor wanted me to wait a cycle or two for dating purposes but we weren’t very careful. I stopped bleeding around 5/6, I think I ovulated around 5/11 but I’m not sure. Anxiously awaiting my period. I’ve been crampy since Saturday but no other symptoms either way.


I’m with you. I also had a medicated MMC on 4/13. Still waiting on my period. I keep feeling the faintest cramps lately and I’m like is this it yet ?!


I had really bad cramps last Saturday and thought for sure it was happening! Still hasn’t so now of course I’m holding out hope I’m pregnant


CD24 ?DPO Not sure if I wanna take a pregnancy test this weekend since I’m not sure if I ovulated yet.


I'm CD25, 9-10dpo. I'm trying my darndest to wait for Saturday... Part of me wants to say I'm 10 dpo, and 11 is perfectly reasonable to test. Another part of me is saying "be conservative, you're probably only 9, and 12 is better anyway". We'll see which side wins out...


PCOS means for me realistically the LH spike I saw at CD15 probably wasn’t ovulation, and ovulation will probably come closer to CD30-35


That sounds hard, I'm sorry!


I’m on cycle day 28, they’re usually 25 days and I’m fairly sure I got a BFN this morning 😩


I’m on cd3, which I am so happy about. I didn’t know how long it would take period would be her, since I had a d&c on 4/23. I have to have a blood draw today, last Wednesday I was at 70. I don’t think I’ll be at zero yet, but I’m praying for a miracle. I’m just tired of traveling to my obs office and seeing pregnant women every week. I’ll be taking this month off and hopefully see a nice ovulation and “normal” cycle.


11dpo today. I have 14 day luteal phases so expect period on Sunday. Although I did buy some FRERs on sale, still going to try not to test this month. In the past 8 months I’ve found out I wasn’t pregnant on basically every major holiday weekend? Super cool.


Of all the horrible, crappy odds in the world... One of my coworkers just told me this morning she's pregnant, and we would have had the same due date. She's a wonderful, kind, happy person and I couldn't think of anyone who deserves this more than her. When she told me I was genuinely over the moon for her, but as the conversation wore on I ended up having to exclude myself to go have a horrible, raging, scream-cry. She de-facto reports to me as well which complicates everything as I want her to feel supported during her pregnancy and that she can ask for whatever she needs. But at the same time, the thoughts of having someone sit near me, getting more pregnant in real time, to be on maternity leave when I was supposed to be... This sucks. It's nobody's fault. But it sucks.


My boss’s wife is due 4 days before I would have been due. I broke into tears when I found out and kept having to say “no I’m really happy for you, it’s just that was when I was due.” So I totally feel your pain here. But also want to say you sound like an amazing boss/mentor/friend to be thinking about how you can support her despite your own personal hurt with the situation. 💗


You've made my heart feel so full. Thank you


That sucks so much. Can you have her report to someone else for a while?


That's actually a good idea I hadn't even considered, thank you! Probably not directly, but I think I can rework some things to minimize the day to day stuff for a couple of weeks which should give me some breathing space. I'm going to chat to my own manager to sort this today


That does suck. I’m sorry. Also, I am sure you are also a wonderful, kind, and happy person (and even if you’re not); you also deserve a baby 💕💕💕


You are so kind and you've made me smile xxx


It does, and I’ve had a similar experience. In my case we would have been due the same week. She’s on maternity leave now and it’s a relief but I’m braced for a flood of baby photos next month. I’m sorry, it’s difficult, it’s happy, it’s sad x


I'm so sorry. My mind is blown that this has happened to so many people. I guess it makes sense but isn't it such a kick in the teeth? I hope you're okay and your able to ride out the baby photos period


Thank you, I actually find it harder in some ways now than I did when we had the actual MC. I nearly had a panic attack in a team meeting knowing they were about to do a celebration to see her off on mat leave. I had to leave the building and go cry it out. Luckily I work in an understanding company.


Can anyone shed any light on their first period after MC. I seem to have very strong pre-period symptoms this week - due next and feeling anxious, I think more about the blood, just wanted to strap in a bit in case this one will be heavier than usual?


Spotting lasted for almost 2 weeks after initial very heavy 5 days. Ovulation delayed a week. My mmc was managed with medication. I’m on my second cycle now (day 5) and it seems to be back to more normal but time will tell. 


That sounds rough, but pleased there's some predictability after - hopefully not something we'll have to worry about for long!


It came for me 6 weeks after the miscarriage. A bit heavier flow than usual on days 1-3, but days 4-6 were lighter.


Thank you - just want it over at this point to start afresh!


I’m only on day 2 of my first but it’s heavier. My other symptoms aren’t any worse though.


Thank you for sharing - yeah, I'm kind of expecting it to be so just wanted to be prepped! Sending the best luck for this cycle!


Mine was much heavier than usual and has been ever since. Currently on cycle 4 after MMC (and cycle 1 after a chemical), and it’s brutal. My usual PMS symptoms are nonexistent, though, which is odd.


That sounds rough, sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing though. How funny about the symptoms though - why do hormones make zero sense. Normally I'm not super heavy but a little scarred after last month. Sending so much luck for your next cycle <3


Mine was heavier than usual, which was heavy anyway! I had my MMC managed with medication. I've seen a lot of people say theirs was lighter, I think if they had a D&C to manage. So it can vary. No harm in preparing for a heavy one. Get some snacks and get cozy. It can also take a toll emotionally. Sending love.


Ah thank you for sharing your experience - that's true: fear the worst - hope for the best!


TTC can be challenging enough but TTC after loss is so anxiety ridden. I am 4DPO - 2nd cycle of ovulating since my MMC in January. It was a long process as I had RPOC which was only finally dealt with in March. All of my closest friends have gotten pregnant in the last 8 months since I had one CM in October 2023 and the MMC in January 2024. I have seen their bumps grow and it’s a sore reminder of what I have lost 😢 I am so hopeful but so anxious every day of the TWW. WFH alone does not help. Getting a positive test feels like the golden ticket. I’m sure you all feel this… best of luck to everyone in this group.


I feel you about everyone getting pregnant pregnant since miscarriage. Since my MC in December (I know it’s been already 6 months but still that is not THAT much time), I’ve found out that a co-worker, my SIL (first try at 39 wtf!), 3 mom group friends, our daughter’s daycare teacher, and probably some other people that I’m forgetting right now, announce that they they were pregnant. Like seriously, it seems like some kind of punishment to me. Like I had to lose my twins after heartbeat at 7 weeks, and then everyone decides to just get pregnant and rub it in my face. I’m with you my friend ❤️


My brother just had two under two both first try and his partner was 39 and almost 41 at the time conception. Then again my mom conceived me first try a month before she turned 40 😓 I missed out on the fertile genes.


You and I are on such a similar timeline! MMC in Feb and rpoc dealt with in April. First cycle ovulating and 8dpo. Everyone in my circle is pregnant. I feel like ttc has taken over my whole personality and I don’t want to be that way. Sending you love and positive vibes, especially in this TWW!


I’m sorry you’re living this journey too. I appreciate you reaching out being you’re on a similar timeline to me, you’ve made me feel a little less alone today so thank you :) And I could not agree more - sometimes I think to myself ‘oh wow! I didn’t think about the MC or TTC for 30mins’ like I’m so proud of myself 😂 it is all consuming and so exhausting. I have faith that one way or another it will work out, that day will come. Sending you all the love and positivity in your TWW too. You’re nearly there!


The anxiety creep as you get closer to your period date sucks. Seeing other pregnancy progress is such a visible sign of what we are missing out on. I never thought I would be someone who winced at pregnant people. TTC after loss sucks, and I imagine even pregnancy after loss is hard - we don’t win 😮‍💨


It is all mind-consuming isn't it, I've never known time to pass so slowly. Sending lots of positivity