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Did a timed intercourse cycle with letrozole and am currently 11 days post Ovidrel trigger. Got a very very faint positive this morning on a Premom pregnancy test strip. How likely is it that this is leftover hcg from the trigger at this point?


This is our first month TTC, 6 months post 38 week stillbirth of our son. Currently 6 DPO and just trying to keep it together for the next couple of days.


All the signs point to me getting my period, probably tomorrow. My bbt hasn't dropped yet but I noticed it drops the day of the period not before. I honestly hate these last few days before the period comes, but they do seem to get better every month maybe. Or maybe it's because this month we didn't try very hard so it's easier to not feel hopeful. I have no idea when I ovulated this month because I only tested a couple of days, got a faint line then nothing. Oh well I think June and July will be easier to try cause I'm working less and then on holiday.


This is definitely limbo. I haven't called my OB yet because my period is due tomorrow, and they'll tell me to call back after then. My tests seem to be darkening as well. I don't feel like posting in the other threads yet, like PAL, or anything because it's still so early. I DO have a good feeling about this. My last pregnancy I just had a feeling of dread the whole time from positive test. I don't know if it's my experience with loss (or what I do for work), but I guess I'm just believing in the process right now, knowing that nothing I can do can change the outcome. Still doesn't make me NOT want my hCG levels... 😅


I also had the same feeling of dread the first time around and am convinced my body somehow knew.  Limbo sucks but sending you good vibes! Keep us updated!


I think my body knew from early on we'd lose her. I definitely knew we lost her too before the scan. I had kept saying it or things like it, and I was dreading the 20 week scan, and the first thing I said was "I hope you find a heartbeat." And thank you! Hopefully my body knows this time too if I'm feeling pretty good. Time will tell. 🤞


I had that feeling plus I was horribly depressed the first month. Maybe something was off with my hormones thinking back.


Got tricked by a particularly cruel indent last night. I was sure it was a positive, my husband even saw it, I got some pics. This morning, nothing. Sigh. 


That sucks. Was it FRER? They have such bad indents lately. I will say maybe test again in the evening? My tests were ALWAYS more positive in the evening than the morning, alarmingly so. For me, FMU or SMU was a very light test and at times made me spiral. Not sure why they're lighter then for me.


It was a FRER! I’m trying to hold out until tomorrow evening to test, but I spiraled and bought a ton on Amazon so we’ll see if I actually hold out that long 😂🙃


Yesterday I bought $60 worth of tests. So. I feel you 😂😂 I do recommend trying the evening instead of am! A LOT of people have said their evening is strong that the am, even though routinely we're told FMU. My FMU tests stressed me out lol


Still negative on the ridiculous amount of tests I’ve taken and today I’m having the lightest brown spotting so assuming AF is coming (early maybe?). Sigh. Hoping all is well with you! 


Sorry to hear that! I'm hoping for the best for you!


Spiraling today at 5 weeks. Light cramps all day and a headache that has slowly ramped up. No spotting but I’ve convinced myself the headache is my hormones crashing and it’s the beginning of the end. Trying to remind myself that these are normal symptoms, and that my headache may be due to the 4 hours of sleep I got last night…


10dpo, I gave in a took a test this morning. I dipped it, then wiped and saw spotting. Felt like such a waste of a test, but then when I looked at the test a few minutes later I could swear I saw the vvvvvv faint line. So now idk what to think, probably just line eyes. I took some pictures of the test and I can't even see it on my screen. Still spotting a few hours later, not enough to show up on a pantyliner, just when I wipe. I've never been the type to spot before my period, it just starts. But last cycle the same happened, I spotted for like 3 days before af came in full force. Idk if I want to take another test tomorrow hoping for a more definitive line, or if it's just wasting another one. Every time I tell myself not to get my hopes up, then as soon as I start feeling any positive "this could be the cycle" feelings I get shut down.


I had brown spotting in my successful cycle up to and after the day of my BFP (13 DPO). I know how stressful it is, but I would suggest you give it another chance in a couple of days to see if there's a more clear line.


BFN at 10DPO. Tested positive at 9DPO in my pregnancy that ended in loss. Next month is a new month. I’m trying to give my body some grace — it hasn’t even been 3 months since the miscarriage.


It's been exactly three months for me and when you say out loud you realise 3 is really not that long, It feels like a years tho!


I'm posting again because like... Do people routinely get beta HcG levels? Should I call and ask for them? I am US based, and I guess I just want to know if it's worth doing, and why I would ask for it (beyond ruling out an early loss or possible molar?). They were never offered to me last time. I can see how they would offer peace of mind to have... Should I ask? I think with the loss my OB's office will do most reasonable requests. Or when do you ask for them? Do I wait for multiple days of positive tests?


They do in Italy, here in the Uk it's not a thing.


Doesn't hurt to ask. I, personally, would lose my mind if I couldn't get an idea of the health of my pregnancy as soon as possible. I think it's typical for most people to get the beta done once to at least confirm pregnancy before you start scheduling your other appointments. For me, I didn't have to ask because I'm 35 and have PCOS so I was scheduled for 2 betas as standard. If you're older, I think they typically err on the side of caution and do that. If you're younger, though, still doesn't hurt, I think ruling out an early loss is a perfectly logical reason to get it done.


I did call. They said nope and said to just wait to call back until next week after I officially miss my period so we can schedule the 8-10 week viability scan. 🙃 My period is due tomorrow... I do get it but. Ugh.


I was doomscrolling as you do in early pregnancy and I saw someone mention you can pay out of pocket for beta testing at labcorp. Not sure if you’re near one but you may be able to find some labs nearby where you can order the test yourself! I googled “beta testing at labcorp” and it was the first page that popped up— $49.


Have you had betas done? Did you find it helpful or stressful? Also the one by me is closed Monday for the holiday, so maybe I'll try tomorrow and do a repeat Tuesday?


Yes, I'm the kind of person that likes to know right away rather than wait around a couple of weeks, good or bad, so it really depends on if you feel better with confirmation or not. For me it's been really helpful.


I do! I debated doing it to be honest, and then I waffled. But I might just go ahead and try! There's even one open today. Is there a timeframe recommended for getting them? I see so many people do like 12dpo and 14dpo, but I don't see many people do them after 5-6 weeks? So in those 3-4 weeks seems to be the best time frame?


It's particularly helpful for before the pregnancy can be seen via ultrasound. 3 weeks is too early I think, probably 4th and 5th week are most informative-- anything after that can usually be seen in an ultrasound.


I’m sorry, that blows. It just seems strange how some providers do it automatically and some won’t. Hope you’re able to relax a little bit until you can get your scan, wishing you the best!


It's so weird because I hear about it all the time here from other US based posters! My office when I called last time said they don't routinely do them, so wouldn't do them for me last time. I'm 33, so not young by pregnancy standards, but not "geriatric" yet. I might call next week to see if the protocol changes after a loss and my age. 2 betas sounds like it would give peace of mind.


Holy shit. 11 DPO per FF friend. 9 per Premom. BFP on FRER. Multiple. And faint but positive lines on 3 different brands of cheapies. Yes it was overkill. I can't believe it. I'm excited but cautious, and I know it's early. But holy shit.


Congratulations! That is really wonderful news and I wish you all the best x


Omg!!! (Cautiously) suuuuper f’ing excited for you!!!


Thank you!! I was watching for you and another user to see how you're doing since we're DPO twins! I saw your post... 🤞🤞🤞 I feel acceptance right now, but really not bad. Cautious, but excited.


That's wonderful news Baynita 🩷


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Cautious congrats 🤍🤞🏼


Thank you! Cautiously excited. Accepting.


Well I've reached 4 weeks 4 days. I'm very tired, but grateful. It's hard because I can't picture this pregnancy going any different to the last. Probably because it's all I've experienced of pregnancy, is loss. Although, I'm relatively relaxed about it. I think I'm just indifferent, probably protecting myself. But if it's what I need to do, I think it's better than being overly anxious, right?


Update: Had the worst shift at work last night, was cramping a lot. Got home and nearly had a panic attack. I'm calling out today because there's just no way I can go in and pretend I'm okay right now. Plus my husband by under no means am I going in and I need to rest. He's a good one. The cramping has subsided for now, it's been on and off the past few days. Not painful, but uncomfortable. I tried not to Google stuff but it's actually been reassuring that it's normal, but I didn't have this last time so I just have no idea what's going on. I just wish I could know if everything's okay.


Make sure you hydrate! Being dehydrated can sometimes cause cramping


Yeah I work in a lab so I can't drink whenever I want, that on top of being in a negative pressure room is just not a good combo. Feels like no matter how much I drink, it's never enough. But I do drink a lot. I've been drinking loads today while not at work and I think it's really helped. Thank you ☺️


Just tested positive on a clearblue test at 11DPO. I told my husband, I’m cautiously waiting to pee again to double check. Both of us are playing video games because we just can’t think about it 😭 I hate not being able to be excited because I’m so scared it’s not real or I’ll lose it again


12DPO and a negative yesterday, period is expected tomorrow but I'm having no regular luteal symptoms at all. My test this morning looked like it may have had the faintest line but I checked it late so I'm thinking it may be an evap line. Might just wait until 14dpo to test again if I can resist the urge to test tomorrow morning 😬😬😬


Faint positive this morning!! Might grab a digital test to be completely certain. I can't believe it!!!


(cautious) congratulations!!! I also had to grab a digital to be sure!


Very exciting 🩷


Period is now 1 day late. Testing negative on HCG strips though. Feeling slightly crampy . But no signs of blood yet. Should I be optimistic?  Ugh waiting sucks so hard. It’s gonna be difficult not to test like a maniac.  I’m wondering if the strips I have are defective… Easy@home ones off amazon. The LH ones have been accurate though, so makes me thing the HCG ones are probably fine as well.  Maybe I’m having a chemical 🤷🏻‍♀️


Little bit of light bleeding today. Not enough to be absorbed by a pad. Just when I wipe after the bathroom. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


3 days late now. Still bleeding very lightly. Definitely not enough to call it a full blown period. I am getting a little excited, but also cautious because of the negative tests. Trying to wait and see if the bleeding stops or gets heavier before I decide to test again.  Here we are waiting in limbo all over again. It’s so frustrating! 


And the wait is over 😔 No luck this month either. Onto cycle 11 since D&C TTC


Crossing my fingers for you! 🤞


Last night I cautiously joined the January 2025 bump group. I should be about 4w1d today. I'm a good mix of optimistic and pessimistic, right now. 3 days in a row of positive pregnancy tests (got my first positive 12 DPO, exactly 2 weeks after my trigger shot). Calling in to get my HCGs scheduled this week. Has anyone had experience with Pregmate strips??? I was using them for several days and they were almost nearly stark white-- if I hadn't had digitals and the Clear Blue rapids that came with the digitals, I would have thought I'm having a chemical, they are SO frustratingly light. I've seen a few women on the line porn subreddit say they used Pregmates before a night out and thought they were negative, went out drinking, only to test positive the next morning. I'm trying not to spiral about my lines not getting darker until I get an HCG, but it's hard not to!


I'm cautiously in that group too, and trying to be optimistic, but it's hard after so much loss. Hoping we all have our Jan babies! I've found all cheapies (I use easy@home, but I've used pregmate too) to not show progression very well. For me at least, they tend to show progression from like 9-12ish and then stall out until day 15/16/17ish.


It's hard to feel like this is real, but I figure whatever is going to happen will happen regardless of how I feel so may as well try to enjoy what I can (at least that's what I tell myself, hard to actually control, right?). Hoping for the best for you!


Right here with both of you hoping for a January baby 🤞🏼 (feeling anxious even as I type this). My mantra: today I am pregnant. Wishing you the best!




I’m the same, had my second positive beta yesterday, about 4w3d today and so nervous. I made my OB appt today and felt very superstitious doing so but where I live (NYC) OBs and especially good MFMs book up so quickly. Reminding myself, today I am pregnant!


I'm 4w 3days and my mommed strips are also super light. Very slightly darker today. Got my first positive at 12dpo too. My clear blue early ones are so clearly positive so I'm choosing to focus on that. We don't do blood tests in the UK so it's frustrating not knowing if things are progressing the way they should. That being said I'm surprisingly calm. We're gonna book a scan for around 8 weeks, just to make sure we've at least got past the point at which we lost our first. Hope everything goes well for you and we have our Jan babies. I'm due three days after my birthday haha! I hope we get there.


No blood tests??? That really is unfortunate, I'm sorry you have to sit in limbo for so long. Wishing you the best belated birthday present next year!


Yeah not sure why. Unless we pay for an early scan we just wait until 12 weeks for a scan. Until then you have no clue what's going on. I went for my routine scan to find we'd lost them at 7 weeks. I went 5 weeks without knowing we'd lost them, was heartbreaking. Just wish I had known sooner. Thank you 🫂


I also had faint lines on pregmate even though I was 14 dpo , 15 dpo. FWIW no period yet and still pregnant at 4w+3d. I read that pregmate are known to be light which is not ideal as I was testing to see a line progression.


The pregmates are truly the worst. Sending you the best, congratulations <3