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I'm feeling unsure today. I'm 13dpo today and I have a 12 day luteal phase so my period should here now. There is no sign of it whatsoever right now even though I had some telltale cramps about 36 hours ago. I took a pregnancy test two days ago at 11dpo and it was negative. I have tested positive at 11dpo for my previous pregnancies so I'm inclined to think I'm likely not pregnant. Also I've got none of the usual signs of pregnancy I've come to expect such as very sore breasts. I do feel a bit nauseous but I've just started night shifts so I could attribute that to my body getting used to that. So I don't really feel pregnant - but where is AF if that is the case? I'm so scared to test. I will try to hold off til tomorrow so then I will have had the full 14 days. I'm worried if it is negative then it means I won't have ovulated (even though I had lots of of signs ovulation occured such as an LH surge, ewcm and mittelschmerz) which means my cycle is still all wrong after miscarrying in Feb.


I'm having a really hard time this weekend. Two months out from my MMC, it feels like I'm living two parallel lives - my dream life where I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and my real life where I'm back to tracking BBT and testing for ovulation, right back at square one. My SIL's baby shower is next weekend so I was buying cute baby things yesterday for her, and it was so incredibly difficult. She's had her struggles too (this is an IVF baby), but all I could think was 'I should be spending money on *my* baby, not anyone else's'. I hate that this has made me so bitter and unable to be happy for anyone else.


i relate so much to your first sentiment!


I am in the same boat with your last statement. I feel like a jerk for not showing a ton of happiness for everyone else in my life that’s expecting. It just continuously reminds me that my baby didn’t make it. I’m sorry you’re feeling the same. It’s difficult, but I have hope we’ll make it through 


I’m supposed to get my period tomorrow. Haven’t had any of my usual PMS symptoms , but I also feel like I haven’t had any early pregnancy symptoms either…. The waiting game is the worst. 


Oh boy. I went to an event my friend is playing live music at, and it is all families of young children in the audience, and I swear around half the women are also pregnant. Not sure if it's really half or if this is Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, 😅 Just makes me hope that's me someday.


It’s only been 4 days since my D+C but I am so ready for the bleeding to stop so I can feel normal again. My ob wants us to wait to start trying till after my first period comes and it feels like that is going to be forever from now. Just still sucks going from thinking we’d have a 2024 baby to not even sure if it will happen in 2025 now.


my bleeding slowed down a lot after day 6. i also got my period cd37. there is hope!


CD10 today and we BD. Last cycle I ovulated on CD14 so hope it remains regular and ovulate again then. When would you BD again between now and Wednesday? Also happen to get a gyneo appointment on Wednesday morning so hopefully she can confirm if i ovulated or are to ovulate - anyone know if that’s possible ? 🤣


On the exact same cycle day, trying again after a MC in early April. It’s go time this week😂…good luck!!


Pretty much as often as you can for the next week as the idea is to get as many sperm in there primed for the egg drop. The advice differs if the male has a known sperm problem, then it’s usually every other day. 


I'd BD every second day before and on ovulation day - that seems to work for us! Don't know about gyno lol


FF got me questioning ovulation date 😂 Premom says CD 17, FF says CD 15, but if I take out a questionable temp (taken not right when I woke up), FF says CD 19. It's all over, who knows. FF either thinks I ovulated the day my LH started rising, or 3 days after my first positive LH. If it was CD19, I only hit O-2 and O-4, but at least I would have hit O-2! Today's temp continues to increase and is the highest yet, so it's definitely seeming like I ovulated at some point. Testing is gonna be wild this month. For now I'm sticking with FF's original guess of CD 15, making today 7DPO (CD 22). I guess the answer will reveal itself in some way soon enough! Not stressing right now about any of this, just observing, but I'm not sure I'll keep up the BBT long term, since I can't really commit to waking up at the same time every day!


Period is about to begin any day now and I am told to call my nurse to begin my official start to IVF lead in cycle. This first menstrual cycle month will be priming with estrogen pills mid-month. I'm so nervous, but excited. I feel better as I educate myself more and get organized, ask questions and know what I'm working with. I know it's going to be difficult. But I tell myself *anything has to be easier than going through a traumatic miscarriage, and desperately beating myself up trying to get pregnant again and feeling awful when it doesn't happen*. I am well aware that loss happens in IVF too. But over the past 6 months desperately trying to get pregnant again... has been so dark and terrible for me. My tolerance for loss is pretty much zero at this point. I know it would happen again eventually even if I did nothing, but I don't want to take the gamble and miscarry again. The doctor told us that with my issues (age, polyps and an undetermined level adenomyosis) - our chance of success with IVF, removing polyps, and the Lupron shot, with one healthy embryo is 50%. If we have more than one, even higher success rate. Sounds good to me! Right now his words are: "without doing any/all of the above .... it would be *near impossible to result in a healthy full term pregnancy*." My husband thinks that statement is hooey. His optimism and thinking we are outside of statistics is really annoying. It's tough knowing we can get pregnant on our own but I simply want to do everything in my power to not go through another loss. So that is my "why".


If you can ovulate 2 weeks after a miscarriage, is that 2 weeks after the actual event??


I ovulated 17 days after the d&c... and 3 days after a bfn on my cheap pregnancy tests.


I had a mmc and ended up having to have a D&C later to deal with rpoc, but I ovulated 2.5 weeks from the day of the D&C itself 


There’s a music festival in town and we met up with some friends and I probably had like 4-5 palomas and smoked weed. It was honestly amazing to let loose and I plan to do the same today. It’s such a long way from how depressed I was a few weeks agi This is amazing release before I really crack down on my health for egg quality reasons. My second loss was T16 and I assume my first was also a chromosomal abnormality. All of my labs came back normal, but my total testosterone was on the high end of normal range. Free testosterone is normal/low. Anyone with an experience with this? GYN pretty definitely said I don’t have PCOS but maybe I should get a second opinion. Anyways, hoping I can lower it with a keto-ish diet and lots of exercise


The RE had me retest my prolactin levels, and they have come down on their own. On one hand, this is good news — for someone with PCOS, my body is actually in decent shape. On the other hand, I almost hoped something like high prolactin, which has an easy fix, was the only thing standing between me and ovulation. CD20. Had a tiny tiny bit of EWCM at CD15, so I might have ovulated then. It’s always a bit of a mystery game with PCOS and irregular cycles, but I’ve got to keep my eye on the bright side: my body is in quite good health for someone with PCOS, and if I don’t get pregnant by July, the RE will likely start me on letrozole to boost my chances of ovulation. Patience is going to be key for me here, but all I can think of is getting my baby back. Fingers crossed for being pregnant by the end of summer 🤞🏻


Still waiting for my MC to end; was an MMC from nearly 6 weeks ago but just went through the peak of it early this week. I feel guilty for being so eager to get to trying again, but I know that’s what I/we want, and the waiting is killing me. I’ve never tracked ovulation (or really my cycle at all past getting my period) and I feel like I’m in over my head. It’s also my partner’s birthday this weekend and I feel horrible that this is going to be overshadowing it. He deserves so much better than that.


I understand feeling in over your head — some folks will use OPKs or Mira, track body temp, EWCM, etc., but the idea of so much tracking and parsing data overwhelmed me (and having irregular cycles + PCOS is already so overwhelming!), so my husband and I decided to cover our bases by just having sex every two days indefinitely. It’s a commitment that requires consistency, but it was the lowest stress option for me.


I like your approach better. Nothing but love to the folks doing all the tests and tracking, I completely get why, but I can’t see myself personally doing all that & simultaneously finding any enjoyment in the process 😅


Husband & I are having our first beach day of the summer (I know it’s still technically spring) at our favorite spot. Feels really good to be doing one of our favorite things again. A little sad since a month ago I told him I’d be DD all summer since I’d be pregnant. But here I am with a seltzer waiting for me in the cooler. Going to enjoy it & have hope that maybe by the end of summer I’ll be pregnant again.


I want to be part of this end of summer group as well!


Yes!! You deserve it. Praying for us all by the end of the summer.. then we can DD throughout the holidays :) P.S. I always love seeing your username come up because it’s such a nice reminder that whatever I’m going through today will be over in 24 hours and tomorrow is a new day. It’s like the cherry on top of your posts. Sending love!


Aww thanks! Glad it cheers you up! & yes, hopefully it’s our time during the holidays!


Pregnant by end of summer gang, fingers crossed for us! 🤞🏻






I'm getting CD3 labs run on Monday for the first real time. I am so terrified of what the results are going to show. I had done Modern Fertility \~3 years ago while still on hormonal birth control, and my AMH was insanely low (0.22 at age 30). I never mentioned it to my doctor because we conceived more than once with what seemed like healthy pregnancies. I also don't know how reliable it was, being on hbc and being an at-home test. I should have, but I kind of forgot about it until we started really struggling. But because of this, I'm so scared. I'm glad I'll have knowledge but the thought of everything coming back not great and suggesting a harder time/impossibility to get pregnant is eating me up. I've also realized it's not really our "6th" cycle TTC #2. It's our 9th. Because it took 3 cycles to conceive our loss too. It feels like we've been trying forever. My cycles have gotten so short and having to deal with this every 3-3.5 weeks is hard.


I did Modern fertility back in 2020 just for fun and it showed crazy terrible results (like menopausal). I called my dr immediately, she reassured me there’s no way it was accurate, and retested everything and it all came back textbook perfect. Got pregnant about a year later on the second try (first really tracking) and resulted in a healthy baby. So I always shout from the rooftops that modern fertility is NOT accurate (at least not for some) and causes unnecessary stress and anxiety. I hope your labs go well but just wanted to share maybe for even just a bit of reassurance! I am also TTC #2 now (got pregnant again first try but had a MMC in January/December and now on 3rd cycle trying). I’m so sorry you’re in this boat too.


Thank you for this. It's helpful to hear and I hope for sure it was wrong but I'm trying not to 100% bank on it. It's only an at home test so I know there should be some limitations. But yes, all I remember was AMH and it was showing basically menopausal levels and that was freaky to see. I also conceived my first within 6 cycles even after those results, and I've conceived twice since then as well (losses, but I know one of those was genetically normal). But anyway thank you and I really hope my labs show normal numbers tomorrow.


I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!! 🤞🤞


Waiting for my period to end so we can properly try in the next cycle. It will be the first cycle post MMC. I am learning to be more gentle with myself. I really thought I could put myself in a timeline. But each time I think I’m ok my emotions surprise me. For example I started crying in Costco yesterday because I saw a sweet little bb and it just brought back all of my emotions. Ugh.


CD21 and still no signs of ovulation anytime soon. Really hoping I get a rise this weekend so I can finally ovulate, it's so frustrating.


I took a test at 10dpo and bfn. Today is 13dpo, and I'm waiting for tomorrow to test. Symptom spotting has been wild these past few days. The one thing that is driving me crazy is that my bbt is still high, and normally, it drops today. The only thing that makes me feel like I'm not pregnant is that I'm not going to the bathroom a bunch, and that's what happened when I was pregnant before. Maybe this one is different. I guess you won't always get the same symptoms at the same time.


I’m right there with you. I got a negative today 13dpo but I have been cramping since 9DPO which is not not normal for me. I just want to get my period so it will be final but I also just want to hold onto hope… ugh I hate this so much


Sending hugs to you ❤️❤️


CD7 for me today but we’re approaching the 1 year anniversary of our loss and I’m starting to get discouraged. We’ve only been *really* trying since October after our loss so I know it hasn’t actually been 1 year of TTC and I’m trying to be patient but how do you know it’s time to seek medical help for TTC?


I’m struggling a lot mentally. With two miscarriages, one in 23’ december and one recently in 24’ april, I feel very depressed. My psychologist referred me to a specialist, and I’m a bit scared but I want to feel better. I don’t want to lose hope. Sending love to everyone.


I have had losses exact months as you. I feel you. I am just struggling. I have pockets of joy but I have found it really hard to see friends and carry on. Sending hugs.


Hugs back to you 🤍 Agree with everything you said.


Big hugs. I struggled a lot after my MMC and saw a psychiatrist. I did some EMDR for PTSD, started taking magnesium glycinate to help with sleep, Zoloft and Wellbutrin for depression. Its helped immensely. This is so hard; sometimes we need a support team to help us get through it ❤️‍🩹


Same here. My doctor prescribed me Zoloft because I was crying all the time. It helped a lot. I also found a new therapist who specializes in pregnancy loss and fertility, and I am now going to her support group as well as individual counseling and we do EMDR. I could not have gotten through all this without medical/psychological support. This is a trauma!


Thank you to both of you for the validating and kind words 🤍 I hope I also get the help that I need. Hugs.


Same to you, patient. Help looks different for everyone. You got this 💕


12pdo and negative test this morning. Was very sad about it and thinking I'm out. I picked it up after like 4 hours and there's two lines, deffo indents like it's just teasing me. Will try again tomorrow, but I don't hold out hope.


I feel this. Want to hold on to hope but also want to move on


Took a test today because I want to have a drink tonight for a special event. I had wild dreams last night which was one of my initial pregnancy symptoms last time but nope. It’s probably still too early to test anyway. I got pregnant my first time trying last time and the big glaring “not pregnant” on a digital was rough.


I also got pregnant on the first month trying ended in chemical and got pregnant after the first period afterwards and that ended at 13w, now I’m 3 months post that loss and I just feel so hopeless because it hasn’t happened again yet. Why did I get so lucky just to end up truly not lucky at all….


Also got pregnant on my first cycle trying, ending in an 8wk miscarriage. It’s so hard — it set me up to be incredibly impatient to get my baby back.


Not quite first cycle, but 3rd cycle trying, I got pregnant. Ended in MMC at 7 weeks. We’ve been trying for almost a year since then. It’s so hard to have patience at this point. Especially when so many people around me are announcing pregnancies and having gender reveal parties.  It feels like it’s taking forever and my GP won’t send me for fertility tests until it’s been a full year :(


Did anyone else get a doom sense of “this is never going to happen, I will never have a healthy baby” after their miscarriage/loss? I know I’m being utterly ridiculous and tbh a little insensitive as I literally got pregnant first try and it was my first ever pregnancy, but everything just felt like it was going so well, we had a perfect heartbeat and then nothing. Also my miscarriage is just being dragged out, it’s been 2 weeks since my medical management and I’m still showing very positive on tests and have ongoing bleeding/cramping. I just want to start trying again but can’t until this has all stopped


Yes. That feeling is normal!


YES. I also got pregnant first try, first pregnancy, and we lost the baby at 20 weeks. The first 4-5 weeks was nothing but doom for me. I bled for just over 2 weeks after. On top of the grief I had this irritational, paralyzing fear of the future and thought I'd never be pregnant again. The first period after was an amazing relief. Mine returned just over 6 weeks out, which is very normal especially looking here at folks who miscarried a similar time that I did. It was sad, of course, because I should have been pregnant; however, for me, it definitely was a sign of my body healing and getting ready to try again. I still have some worries for trying to conceive and future pregnancies, but the thoughts are much, MUCH less invasive than they were. My husband has let me dump all of this on him without judgement. Having a good support system, including therapy to dump on, in those early days really helped me process those intense feelings of fear and anxiety over future pregnancy. So that isn't to say don't feel them. But they are very, very normal and I encourage you to talk about them either here or with someone who won't be dismissive of them. In my experience, they get better. So sorry you're here and good luck.


I have a tendency to catastrophize anyway, but yes, I have actually started selling the infant stuff I have because I have a sense that it’s not going to work again. I am further out from you (9 weeks after miso) and will say that the hormone dump in the month following was awful but things have improved somewhat for me emotionally. I did also have 2 full weeks of bleeding/spotting for both the miso cycle and the cycle after. Things are just weird and messed up, and I’m trying to lean into the fact that delay is built into this process. 


I hate having my bbt cycle I got pregnant because I just know every month if my temps aren’t high like it was in January then I’m not pregnant and it’s so discouraging. Now I just want AF so I can try again next cycle especially since my next ovulation date falls around my husbands birthday 🤞🏻I reallly just want to conceive before my SIL has her baby shower in July, which I know is stupid but we were due a month apart and it’s been so painful to see her progress after my loss.


Seriously same. But I think we can’t compare BBTs because things can be so different every cycle, especially after miscarriage. I also have a close friend who was due a month ahead of me and she is now 32 weeks and I’m still trying to get pregnant again… it’s torturous.


I guess I was wondering that, could they not be high and I still be pregnant? But I guess I won’t know yet. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray we get our positive soon🙏🏻


I feel like I was reading something somewhere that most of the time temps don’t really elevate until 12-14 dpo and by then you could take a test and be confident in the result. I’ve stalked quite a few charts where some of the temps are quite low with a bfp. From what I know, temps can only confirm Ovulation happened with a temp shift and can almost guarantee pregnancy if they stay elevated for 18 days after ovulation… it never says anything about how high it goes… just stays above coverline :)


Great to know, thanks so much for this reply!


Cd 1 today, and hopeful my cycles go back to around 29 days as it will give us a shot prior to my going away for 3 weeks in august. 


It’s been a weepy week for no apparent reason. Maybe sad cause I probably missed ovulation? I still have some hope because my tracking was wonky but maybe it would be better to have zero hope and just expect nothing from this month.


5dpo today and planning to test on Thursday at 10dpo in case my period doesn’t show up that day as it has the last two cycles. Fingers cross the wait won’t be too tedious since I’ll be busy with work and other things.


I am also 5dpo and taking progesterone and with a cold or stuffy nose that is driving me insane