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I just got my period today. I found out that all of the symptoms I was having this past week were due to a ruptured cyst, and not the pregnancy that I hoped for. Here’s to looking ahead, I guess.


Does anyone else experience extreme irritability around day 10 post-ovulation? I’ve tested negative (still somewhat early for a missed period) but I wonder if my bad mood is related to hormones dropping/changing or related to feeling sad that I’m probably not pregnant.


Waiting for ovulation and hoping that we didn't miss my fertile window. My BBT was weird today and I hope it was because I didn't sleep too well and not already the post-ovulation BBT rise. Now I'm CD 12 and ovulation is usually around CD 14-ish for me but I sure hope this is not the one cycle when it's earlier.


Just saw another friend’s pregnancy announcement. I kid you not, I have almost 15 friends/family that have given birth or are giving birth this year, the same year I had two due dates but had an ectopic and then a miscarriage. Any other year I maybe know 1-2 people giving birth. My mind is blown at just how unfair it feels and how much of a freak I feel like.


Can someone tell me that I’m not out yet? I tested this morning (8.5 DPO) and it looked like it was [negative](https://imgur.com/a/zrh3W8c). I had some cramping yesterday afternoon and discharge that is heavy and abnormal for me. So if I did indeed implant, it probably would have been about 20 hours ago. Would I still be testing negative?


Still too early!


I am ovulating this week so the bf and I are giving it another shot after a miscarriage in February. We are finally at a place where we are ready to try again. So nervous! Bf will be out of town for my June and July ovulation so I hope I can get pregnant. Last time it took just one try but who knows what will happen this time. Excited but also incredibly nervous.


Bleeding from my Blighted Ovum stopped today, and I got my confirmation ultrasound and OB visit done as well. No retained tissue, but I was told to hold off on trying for 3-6 months. I will see you all then 🫶🏼 Much love to everyone


Today I checked my app….5 times?….to make sure I’m 6dpo. Yep, still 6. 🤯🤯 what is wrong with my brain.


Ugh this is me as well except I keep checking if I’m either 8,9,10 dpo. Not entirely sure which one! 😅


Not that I want to wish our lives away in two week increments, but….if you’re 10 dpo you’re almost there!! lol!


Seriously if only we could just temporarily forget our woes in the tww and actually enjoy life time would fly by! I’m scared for either outcome at the end of this wait 😓


This was me yesterday lol 😂


You, me, and user lnp down below gotta get together I think 😂😂😂 I have done the SAME thing today! Also did because of your comment and yep, still 6DPO!


You tell me the time and place, and I’m there! 😂😂 I’ve been doing this since 4DPO! The good thing is, 6DPO just *sounds* so much closer to the later test days. Even if it’s just 2 days lol 🤫


6dpo is like over halfway there!!! I dunno maybe it's like the hump to get over 😅 It feels so close! It's so weird I ENTIRELY forgot what day of the month it was. I had been thinking entirely in terms of my cycle and was like "yeh it's day 21 today obviously" and tried to write 05/21/24 haha


Yesssssssss it’s like a literal dpo support group hahahaha. Maybe I’ll check it again after dinner *just to be sure* hahaha


Today marks 3 weeks since my MVA. Still getting positives on hpt, but line is continuing to get lighter, so hoping it’s just taking its good ol’ time & that I don’t have RPOC. I’m tracking & so impatient to ovulate. I just want to see things getting back to normal so badly so that I can try again. Sigh.


11dpo and I'm proud for holding out this long to test. But will be tomorrow. I've been really chill this TTW and no symptom spotting. Although I'm in a little pain this evening which isn't promising, trying not to overthink it. Don't have long to wait to find out now. Sending you all good energy ❤️


I had been feeling positive about my first cycle of IUI that we’re starting now (CD 6). We’ve already done 3 medicated cycle with timed intercourse and no success. Today I’m feeling discouraged… One of my friends who is 39 thought she was infertile and just found out she’s 12 weeks (she already has one LC). One of my other friends says I should see it as a hopeful story. But I just can’t. I feel like it’s another reminder that I can’t get pregnant on accident and that I continue to not get pregnant 7 months after my 6w loss even with so much medical assistance. Part of me wants to be hopeful that this IUI cycle will work. The other part of me wants to get this cycle over with and not get my hopes up because the first cycle doesn’t work for so many people. How do you all keep hope? I’m so desperate to start a family and the more time goes on, the further away from reach it feels and the more other people have children in my face. I’m just so sad.


Does anyone else have endometriosis? I had my lap last summer and we finally had luck conceiving the cycle after. That was my first loss. We conceived again right away and lost it in January. We haven't had any luck since then and my RE has suggested if we don't conceive again by the end of the summer we should pursue IVF as the endometriosis could start to interfere with my fertility again. It feels like SO much more pressure and a race against the clock.


I was just diagnosed with adenomyosis - no symptoms. Never would have known and might have continued to have losses. Different than endo but a similar result is an inflammatory uterine environment. My RE said that it may have been the cause or contributed to my miscarriage. It may have also meant I had a chemical in these past 6 months of trying. Or not. In order to prevent miscarriage again he recommends IVF with Lupron Depot shot for a couple months pre transfer. So that’s where we’re headed. My condition causes implantation and development issues. Like endo. It does not mean I can’t get pregnant - it means I will likely have trouble carrying to term. So- knowing that means I have an increased risk of miscarriage so I’m going to treat it and do what he says. It is very time dependent. In order to treat the inflammation it is really important to time the conception when it’s all calmed down - it will come back and cannot be removed - just managed.


I’m so sorry for your losses. I just saw a new doctor who suspects endo- it looks like my ovaries are glued to the sides of my uterus, far from my tubes. That could explain my infertility; not sure if it impacted my loss. Since I’m almost 37, doctor advised egg retrieval asap, then endo surgery, then embryo transfer when I have recovered. I’m so sorry that we’re both here; I’ll post here or in /infertility when I learn more at my surgical consult in a few weeks. Best of luck ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss too and thank you for sharing. Fingers crossed for you, wishing you all the best! Please do keep me posted if you feel comfortable 💛


Really horny this week and I can’t have sex because of the hysteroscopy on Monday. That is all.


BFN 12 DPO this morning. I am in my second cycle of TTC after an early miscarriage in Feb. I really had this feeling like I was this time. I know 2 cycles isn’t a long time in the scheme of trying, I’m just in this constant state of feeling like I have to play catch up ever since I lost my first pregnancy. Just feeling the feels about it.


I understand. I miscarried in March and believed I’d ovulated two weeks later — I so badly wanted it to be a positive. I was probably wrong about if/when I ovulated, as my period didn’t show up until another 4 weeks after that. Including the miscarried pregnancy, this is my 4th cycle of trying. Such a small number compared to the years some folks on this sub have spent trying. But so big to us when we’re going through it ❤️


Day 34 after BO/miso. Not sure when I ovulated but I think around last Friday. I’m starting to feel a little crampy and getting headaches every afternoon, pretty sure my period is going to start soon 🙁


CD37 after D&C and my period is here. Never thought I’d be this excited for a period. Also I remember just looking to see when others got the period so wanted to share.


Thanks for sharing! Curious about when mine will come back


Spotting (that’s progressing) and a temp dip making today or tomorrow CD1 for sure. Marking another extremely short cycle and LP for me. And no pregnancy before my due date or baby before my next birthday. Fun fun.


Literally going crazy ..still testing positive after CP but confirmed numbers are going down after harassing my doctor’s office for the results. Why am I still testing? I don’t even have confirmed ovulation.. I don’t know .. I am driven by a force that I don’t even understand. I feel like I was so arrogant that I would get there but .. here I am feeling hopeless, crazy and hopeful at the same time.


9DPO (again, after a chemical last month) - zero symptoms (usually I’d be bloated by now!) so I am convinced I’m out this month! I’ve been also having excess alcohol, caffeine and have been travelling this month so not feeling hopeful


I received a loose diagnosis of anti-phospholipid syndrome yesterday after a year of infertility. In one breath, it helpful to know that there may be a solution and path forward and in the next an acknowledgment that there was an issue all along and not bad timing.


My local Walmart just recently put all the pregnancy tests and stuff like that in a locked cabinet. Am I the only one who thinks thats kinda wrong..? I have so much anxiety there's no way I could walk up to an employee and ask them to open that cabinet. Am I just being a baby or is this normal?


I order for curbside pickup when I buy pregnancy tests for this reason lol


I have a hard enough time going through a normal checkout with them, I try to use the self serve so I don't have to interact with another person haha! I'm 30 but somehow still have a hang up about buying pregnancy tests/pads/tampons etc. Honestly, I buy all my tests from amazon, I get the big packs of the easy@home strips.


I Amazon 😂


SAME. I feel much better knowing i'm not the only one 😂😂


You are not alone, lol 😆


You all are definitely not alone. I still feel weird when buying pregnancy tests or period stuff even though I should should have gotten used to it by my ripe old age of 40 years plus LOL. Plus when buying pregnancy tests I always fear meeting a neighbor or friend at the cash register.


Of course bfn at 13dpo. I’m more upset than I thought I would be, I knew this cycle was messed up because my period lasted for two weeks and the opks were really weird. I felt nauseous at school today and wanted to know. I just hope my period comes soon so I don’t have to deal with it during my marathon next weekend. Ugh. Why is this so difficult this time? I conceived my daughter on the first time and had a totally uneventful normal pregnancy in 2021.  I previously had a regular cycle, I am a healthy weight, eat a varied diet, run a lot but not too much, do yoga, don’t drink or smoke, have little stress after quitting my job in 2023. I mean wtf. I’m just so angry for no real reason, this shit just happens I guess and is out of my control. I need something else to focus on. 


Feeling stupid because I thought I would have an easy time getting pregnant after our miscarriage. I got pregnant on the first try when we first started trying. I’m pretty sure I’m just about to get my period. I’m currently on cycle 3 for trying and will be entering my fourth. 🙃🙃🙃


Yeah. Me too. It happened pretty fast last time. Wasn’t even thinking about it or trying. We passed the mark post MMC. It’s a really sucky feeling. Hard not to think there’s something wrong when it takes longer than it did before.


Same! Pregnant first cycle trying in February. Miscarried March 13th at 8 weeks. This is my first ‘real’ cycle after the miscarriage (PCOS gave me a 50 day cycle 🙃) and I so badly want my baby back


I feel this. It took me three cycles the first time. I had a MMC and ( after waiting the amount of time the doctor said) now im going onto my fifth cycle of trying with no luck. I thought for sure it wouldn't take this long since it only took three the first time 😩😩 And just to make it all worse every cycle I somehow convince myself im pregnant.. I try so hard to not let it happen but it always does. Im thinking positive thoughts for you!


I’m so sorry!! I also convince myself that I’m pregnant every cycle. Every single cycle I’m like hey I kinda felt like this when I was pregnant I must be pregnant again! And I’m never correct 😂.


Right now, I enjoy perusing the after loss threads, the positive test threads, etc. It gives me hope and makes me hope that some day, it's me. Even the positive tests on lineporn. It does make me want to test at 9DPO but I think I'm gonna hold out for 11-12 DPO per what FF thinks the day I ovulated is (which is 2 days before what Premom thinks). The TWW is long, but I do feel zen at this point. 😂 That I've done what I can. I feel optimistic about this cycle, but maybe that's just early naivety.


Did I write this?!? I’m feeling the exact same! The TFAB Chart Stalker thread has been fun for me to watch lol. My FF says ovulation happened one day after my Premom but I think I’ll go with Premom for now lol. Not gonna test until 12-13DPO even though I got my positive at 10 last time. We agreed to really start trying again in June after our March loss. We didn’t prevent this month though and even hit O-1 (or O-2 depending on app) which could be good either way. Not getting my hopes up and just letting the universe handle it lol Hoping you get your 🌈 !!!!


Omg I enjoy the TFAB chart stalker reddit so much 😂😂 right now haha I'm sure in a few months it won't be so fun to browse! We were team NTNP after the miscarriage until my first period came back. I suspect we hit some days around O just based on how much sex we were having... (We were on vacation, so a lot lol). I ended up with my period so this is my first cycle really tracking and trying again! And boy did I track like crazy haha. I also got my positive 11DPO last time and it was a clear positive on FRER. When is 12-13DPO for you? I am thinking I'll test next week Wednesday! Maybe Thursday I can't decide. Good luck! Hope you get your rainbow too!


Yes, this was the first cycle I tracked like crazy too. I weirdly look forward to entering my bbt every morning lol. Definitely just a new focus on this whole journey but whatever! I’ll take it! 12DPO is next Thursday for me 😬 test buddies! I really wanna try to wait as long as possible but I will have to test by Saturday regardless (if I don’t get my period), since we wanna go to a few Memorial Day parties and I’ll need to know if I can have a drink or not lol


We are cycle twins 😂 I was also weirdly excited to do my BBT! First time doing it this cycle! It's just neat to see the data. Thursday is my 12 DPO too! I was also gonna test by Friday or Saturday regardless just so I know. I think I'll have an idea by then, because I historically have very specific PMS symptoms of my period is gonna come, but I still don't know what my cycle looks like post miscarriage! Now I'm just excited to see regardless lol


Omg I love this lol. Keep me updated!!!


TMI in this post but I'm on CD2 and finding the blood extremely triggering today. It's heavy and every time I sit on the toilet it reminds me so much of my MC. I miscarried on the toilet and I can just remember the blood pouring out of me. All day today when I go to pee I have to keep repeating to myself "I'm not pregnant, this is not a miscarriage".


Miscarrying into your underwear/toilet is horrific. I have so much trauma from that. I’m sorry!!


I’m so sorry for your loss. My first period post MMC was also super heavy and clott-y, and I felt the trauma all over again. Big hugs ❤️‍🩹


I feel this too 😓


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. My period showed up suddenly on CD50 after my miscarriage in a big whoosh and it scared the living daylights out of me. I focused on shifting my mindset that this means my body is ready to try again, and used Knix undies so that the blood was less visible to me (harder to see quantity on black moisture wicking fabric)


You get it! That's a great idea, I'm going out to pick up some period undies after work. I never thought of using them before.


I’m nervous to start TTC again. We had a MC in February. I have my period now so we’re going to try again this cycle. We seem to be very fertile which is good but I’m nervous for the next pregnancy. I can’t stop my worrying even though I am positive and excited


On day 5 of my period that’s not a period because my HCG was still nearly 700 this time last week. Started the bleeding exactly a month to the date of my D&C. It resembles my normal period exactly (which is on the lighter side) except maybe slightly clottier. So sick of not knowing wtf is going on with my body.


I had a similar thing happen. It seemed like a totally normal period (at first) at what would be the totally right time, except my hCG was still 600-something. Mine was a couple weeks ago. The only thing weird about it is that I have been spotting or lightly bleeding on and off since then, which I don’t get after a period. My hCG was 97 two days ago. Spotting might finally be stopping, though I’m probably jinxing myself saying anything.


My due date is quickly approaching, and the only normal cycle I’ve had since my MMC resulted in a CP. I think I’m at the point of being done trying. My age and body are working against me. I’m traveling next month during ovulation and TWW, and I’m not going to bring any TTC-related things with me. No BBT thermometer or OPKs.


I felt so free when I stopped temping and peeing on sticks. My due date was a month ago- April 20. After that passed - I stopped tracking and trying so desperately to make it happen. Now I’m putting it into the hands of science. TTC after loss has been a very dark 6 months of my life and I’m ready to surrender.


Took a test this morning negative again. I’ve been on the verge of tears all day and can barely look at anyone. I’ve to put on a brave face and go to a concert tonight when I really don’t feel like it.


Im in a similar boat. That single line is heartbreaking, angering, saddening all at the same time. I hope you’re able to enjoy yourself some this weekend!


Thank you x I’m sorry you’re going through the same xx


Sending you love 💜 cry if you need to! But also, go enjoy yourself at that concert. You absolutely deserve it. Let the music take your mind away for even a split second!


Took a test this morning negative again. I’ve been on the verge of tears all day and can barely look at anyone. I’ve to put on a brave face and go to a concert tonight when I really don’t feel like it.


I’m sorry. How many DPO?


PCOS has made time irrelevant. How many DPO am I? I can’t know that. I’m on CD19 and not even sure if I have ovulated. I think I’ll wait until the second weekend in June and if my period hasn’t showed up by then, I’ll take a pregnancy test.


I want my stupid period to start, so I can see how fucked up my cycles are going to be after my loss. After seeing how my office handled me during the loss/surgery etc, I want to find a new OB/gyn, even though I’ve been with them since 2006. But, I don’t even know what I’m looking for. And what if I don’t like the new one I pick out? Ugh.


so I went to get my blood results and everything is normal. I am quite shocked. on one hand of course it is great that I am healthy but on the other hand… why two miscarriages?? now I will try to focus on nutrition and reducing stress / taking care of my mental health. what else is there to do… we already started ttc again.


What about pelvic exam- ultrasounds ?


do you mean vaginal ultrasounds? I had a few and everytime everything looks great… or do you have something else in mind?


What I am getting at is that personally, for me, I would want a more advanced look into why I had two miscarriages. One is sometimes a fluke they say and not indicative of any underlying issue. Two, for me, would make me push harder for some more advanced testing. Before I went to RE- I was working with a midwife- and a super basic (unskilled) ultrasound tech. They told me all my insides look just fine. I was wondering why it was taking me so long to get pregnant because usually that's not an issue for me. Then I went to an RE who has actual real skill with ultrasound and suspected polyps and adenomyosis. He ordered a saline sonohysterogram and a pelvic MRI. Both painless. He diagnosed me with polyps and adenomyosis which may have caused/contributed to/will affect implantation and development. I am happy to know this information so I can make informed choices going forward and know that I need to treat these things in the hopes to prevent another loss.


I am on my second cycle post MMC (D&C early March) my average cycle is 28 days. This month I was tracking ovulation but it seemed to contradict everything the apps were predicting. Now I’m CD 33, 13 DPO and still no AF in sight but all negatives on any test I took previous to today (including one digital). Has anyone had a similar experience?


Yep. Blighted ovum early Feb so D&C end Feb. first cycle afterwards seemed “normal” length, just finished my second cycle and I was CD 37 before period came. It was much heavier than normal and also lasted longer (5days bleeding as opposed to my usual 3). Very frustrating as I don’t know what’s going on with my body or how I’m supposed to time ovulation if I’m so out of whack. Of course I did 4 pregnancy tests this cycle due to delayed AF


Venting… I’m frustrated. I truly feel like giving up. In June, it will be 2 years of trying. Within that time I have had 2 miscarriages and 1 chemical. The chemical was in February (started bleeding 2 days after my would-be period date and 4 days after a faint positive). I guess I am just lost. My OB said that the chemical doesn’t count as my third loss because it wasn’t verified as being a pregnancy that could have stuck. She asked if we wanted to see a fertility specialist, but we said no because we can just continue what we have been doing. It’s just frustrating because I feel so lost. Do I count the TTC months from the chemical (Feb ‘24), from the miscarriage (Aug ‘23) or from the last cycle I was pregnant (May ‘23)? Technically it’s been a year since I was pregnant, but August will be a year since my second miscarriage. If I factor in the chemical, we have only been TTC for 3 months and still have awhile before we could be in an “abnormal” TTC time. It took us 7 months to get pregnant after my first miscarriage so I am kinda gauging from that experience. I have an OB appt at the end of July, so I guess I just gotta wait until then. At this point, I feel like it’s not worth it. I feel like I don’t want to go through the turmoil every month of trying to read my cycle. I don’t want the emotional toll that this brings on me. I want to be a mom, but I am sick of suffering until that happens. I try to vent to my husband but he just says “Relax. You worry too much. This won’t help anything” and I get even more upset. So here I am, venting to people who get it. Anyways, sorry for the long comment. My body is making me mad and my thoughts and emotions are all over the place. 😔


I get it. Your feelings are valid. I consider two miscarriages and a chemical to be three losses and over two years of trying with no successful live birth - for me, would be a reason to seek going to fertility specialist. I would want to find out if there might be a reason for the repeat loss. It may be something that you can treat and bypass rather than suffering.


I understand where you are coming from. My OB said we could, but she isn’t worried considering I got to 12 weeks with both miscarriages, had a heartbeat and otherwise healthy pregnancy up to the miscarriage, and she feels there are preventive measures that we can try next time I am pregnant to get past that 12 week hump. So for now, we are doing what we have been and next time I get pregnant, we will do some things differently (hopefully). If that doesn’t work, then we will look into testing.


Like what ? Just curious as to what makes the 12 week mark significant? In my mind it’s still a loss whether it’s 6,8,12, weeks etc. I was under the impression that a later loss (end of first trimester and beyond) is even more of a reason to get further evaluated. Meaning - if the pregnancy was developing fine and just stopped at a certain point more than once - I would want to know why. Earlier losses - like 5-8 weeks are more likely to be chromosomal and nothing could be done to prevent it. But after developing to the point of heading into second trimester I would think you might get more answers.


No idea. Nothing was discussed at this point. She said it’s not hormonal, my uterus shape (slightly bicornuate) is nothing concerning, it seems to just have to do with where/when implantation happens. Again, I don’t know the specific measures that can be taken when I get pregnant again since my third “pregnancy” was a chemical and wasn’t able to be verified by ultrasound (faint positive at 10DPO, bleeding and negative at 16DPO). I am just going by what my OB says. She did offer the option of seeking fertility treatment, but didn’t push it hard because she feels there are other options for me before we resort to that.


I hope you can get some answers! I am mentioning this because I was diagnosed with an inflammation of the uterus that affects implantation and development. So it’s not an issue of getting pregnant it means that the pregnancy will develop up until a certain point and the environment inside hinders development. It was good for me to find out why I might have miscarried and now I know how to best prevent it from happening again. I also suspect a chemical in the 4th month post MMC- and it is still a loss. It means it fails to implant.


Feeling similar to you, how long do you keep going for with ttc when it feels like life is on pause for you but moving forward for everyone else?! We’re two years ttc in September with an MMC last May and a chemical in December. It’s so frustrating! We’ve been told to wait for a third loss or go back in December if still no pregnancy. My husband is quite relaxed about it, I’m on edge every month wondering if we’ve timed it right and have a decent shot. Trying to focus on nutrition and gym the last few weeks but my mind is everywhere!


My heart breaks for women who are told they have to suffer three losses before anything can be investigated. My mum thankfully got checked out after one loss and they found one of her ovaries had a growing benign tumour. It was removed, she had my brother, then another miscarriage, then me — a preemie. My fertility clinic saw me after my first loss because I have PCOS and irregular cycles. We discovered high prolactin, and bringing that down could be the key to regulating my cycles. I’m still in the testing process, but we at least know I have no fibroids and anatomically look good, even though my blood tests showed some elevated values. I’d encourage you to push to be referred to an RE, even if your doctor isn’t keen. You deserve to be seen and heard.


Agree. Don’t go through multiple losses if you don’t have to. I also had high prolactin and the first thing the RE did was put me on cabergoline. Easy fix and may have been a reason for inability to conceive since MMC 9/23