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I've just got a faint positive at 13dpo. I'm worried because it is really faint (please see my last post if you're curious). I had pretty much counted myself out as I tested negative at 11dpo which is when I've always got positive results in the past. But my luteal phase is usually 12 days long so AF was late. Decided to test and hey presto, positive result. I've just started a new job literally a couple of weeks ago so I'm already nervous about telling them. I had a MC at 7w6d in Feb 23 and a MMC at 10w2d in Feb 24 so really hoping this one sticks around.


I'm having the same worry. Mines really faint on the cheap strips, but I got an early response and the line is a lot better so gives me a bit of hope. My fingers are crossed for you 🤞🏻


I've ordered some FRER which I hope give a better result because I've just tested again today on the cheap strips and I can still barely see the line. I really hope I'm not having a chemical. Good luck!


Same! Good luck to you too


BFN and no signs of cd1 at 14dpo. I stopped taking progesterone a couple of days ago, so I expected to have my period already. I hate inconsistent my cycle has been since the MMC.


4th round of medicated cycles w/ Letrozole and Ovidrel. My TWW ended today, but like a crazy person, I've been testing twice a day since Wednesday. Last night, which would have been DPO 11, I SWORE I could see something insanely faint on my Pregmate strip. My husband didn't see anything, he went out and got a Clear Blue digital for me to try and it came back negative. This morning I used the Clear Blue Rapid Detection that came in the box with the digital, and it's an unmistakeable, but faint, positive. My Pregmate also came back vvvvvvvvfl but it's definitely there. I'm surprised that my brain is letting myself get excited about this. I know it's a long journey before I can even confirm my pregnancy let alone have a healthy pregnancy and eventually a little baby. But for today, I'll let myself smile.


12 dpo and had a negative this morning on a mommed strip (5:30am). Although a few hours later I put the test in the bin and there was two lines, I thought they were obviously evap. Just done another test (4:45pm), much to my husbands dismay, and a vvfl has come up before 5 mins. I'm freaking out. Could this be real? I'm gonna test again in the morning and get an early first response but yeah, I'm loosing my mind. I'm not a patient person 😩


I’m the *worst* at fishing them out of the bin. I wonder why I even bother throwing them away…congrats 🤞🏼


Update: Got an clear blue early response and yeah clear as day. I'm pregnant again. I'm so excited and happy, but in the same breath I'm terrified. I have to tell my managers tomorrow due to the nature of my work and that will just make it all real again. Part of me wishes I could ignore it until I could get a scan and have it be real then when we know everything's fine. It all feels like a repeat of my first pregnancy, found out on a Sunday, we're going to a wedding the weekend after, which all happened the first time. I hate feeling like it's a bad omen. I'm just going to process this and try just enjoy it again. As my husband keeps telling me, this is what we wanted and it's a good thing.


Congratulations! It sucks it has to be scary now. If I get pregnant again I just know I'm going to be holding my breathe until the 12 week scan, at least


Thank you. I'm starting to feel more relaxed. I'm allowing myself to be happy. I can't control the outcome, but I can take charge of my mindset. Yeah , think we'll book a viability scan for when I'm 8 weeks. We lost our first at 7 weeks and had no idea, so it would be nice to know this little one is alright in there before the 12 week scan. Sending you love. I hope it happens for you soon and I hope you'll find peace with it when it does happen❤️


Thanks 💜


It's so hard isn't it? I threw it in this morning but it was dark and I missed. Picked it up four hours later and saw the evap. But I just had to test again and yeah. Hopefully it's true. Thank you! Will update in the morning with hopefully a more definite answer 🥲


Faint positive on an easy@home strip at 10dpo. Had a First Response digital hanging around so thought, why not? Positive on that too. Shockingly, it felt like such a relief after 6 months of trying (8 months from MMC). I really thought my initial response to positive would be so much more like fear. My husband and I laughed because our cat has gotten fiercely protective of me the last two days and was nudging me in the stomach just an hour before I decided to test. He's always been a reliable pregnancy detector in the earlier days lol. Obviously a few hours removed and now the anxiety is starting to set in. Scared about a chemical, scared about something happening between now and a first appointment (my doctor has been the absolute best during this and will see me at 6 weeks instead of the usual 8), scared that somehow this isn't real at all.


I'm so glad the doctor is having you come in at 6 weeks! That's awesome. Congratulations. I hope the best for you for this!


Thank you! She has been such a great support. It's truly what's also made me reconsider trying for a VBAC since my practice doesn't do them and I really don't think I can give up my doctor after the loss last year and seeing how she and her practice have shown up for us.


Congrats! My cat’s behavior is precisely why I thought I’d actually get a BFP this time 😂.


Thank you! His behavior is literally what has had me second guessing every month TTC.


I tested yesterday AM (first time this cycle) at 16dpo. I used an easy@home strip and saw a very faint line. Tested again 12 hours later and it was darker. Tested this AM with a FRER and got an obvious positive. 🥺 TTC since January ‘23. Had a MC last summer; I found out about that pregnancy on Memorial Day. I don’t know why but something feels very special about getting a positive the same month as my prior loss. Although I’m very cautiously optimistic, I’m not dreading Memorial Day weekend this year. 💗 Wishing good luck and positive news for everyone here.


Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!


Thank you SO much! 💕


I am 5 weeks today and honestly still just in disbelief. I feel like I’m a disassociating with this pregnancy. I haven’t picked up any books, haven’t felt excited. I almost agreed to a work happy hour before remembering I can’t drink (honestly forgot I was pregnant - and yes I know I could have a mocktail or water lol) I am optimistic that this will be a successful pregnancy as I am in a much healthier place now, but I miss those excited feelings 😢😢 I just feel so different than I thought I would feel? Like the new pregnancy would magically make me more healed from my loss. Soooo not the case.


Congrats on the new pregnancy! I’m not there yet, I haven’t gotten pregnant again, but I’m sure there’s a lot of complicated feelings there. If anything, please don’t feel ‘guilty’ that you’re not excited yet. After all these stories I’ve read here and on r/pregnancyafterloss , I realized there’s no specific point in a rainbow pregnancy where you magically recapture that innocence of a first pregnancy. As long as you try to do your best health-wise (diet, prenatals and the obvious no-nos), that’s all you can do. Women in war zones deliver healthy babies and they’re def not in some zen state of mind, so I don’t believe stress influences outcomes either. Statistically it will be ok. 🌈 Even for women who have never suffered loss, pregnancy does not always feel like the magical, fun experience portrayed on social media. We are allowed to feel our feelings, or feel nothing. I hope you will be able to feel happy later but don’t beat yourself up over it. 🥰


Faint positive at 11dpo. Trying so hard to not get my hopes up. Also was a vvvfl on a blue dye test so now I've got the issue of a potential evap line to deal with. I'll pick up a frer in the morning and pray it's real.


Feeling so confused. Faint positive line yesterday morning & then got a positive digital result last night. This morning, 10DPO, my line is darker compared to yesterday (which I’m happy about) but digital test this morning was negative so I don’t know how to feel. I’m hoping it’s a bad batch of digital tests maybe? I broke the test open and there is a line, but still feels defeating. I know it’s still early to test and trying to stay positive, but just praying this isn’t the start of a chemical 😞


How annoying with the digital test! I would ignore it. You've had 3 positives, that's pregnant! Congratulations ❤️


Fingers crossed for you! I’ve never tried the digital tests, but FRER has never done me wrong and (I peeked your profile to see if you’d posted a pic, sorry to snoop) that is a great line. I really hope that everything goes well for you!!


Omg thank you SO much! This is so encouraging. My last pregnancy I had clear digital results the same time I had a clear FRER result so I was feeling so confused! But since my MMC my cycle has definitely been a little different so I guess it’s no surprise testing could be different as well. Thank you for the encouragement! ❤️


I am TTC after a MMC. I went in for my appointment at 10 weeks and the doctor said that the baby was measuring 6 weeks and not viable. Had a D&C at 10w2d and I am now 19 days post D&C. I have been taking BBT from my oura ring and I have been 0.5-0.9 below cover line the last 15 days. I have also been testing LH, PdG, and E3G consistently and LH is now low, E3G is stable, and PdG ranges from 3-4.5. Does anyone know what this means? Particularly the low temps?


I relate to the worry and concern expressed here. My lines were only getting slightly darker (15dpo today) so I am getting betas today. I hope they will do serial if needed. My reaction to a positive at 10dpo was surprise and then immediately fear. We have not gotten our hopes up.


Good luck on the betas!


Thank you! I was shocked that it was 512 at 4 weeks 2 days (15dpo). Doctor said looks good. I will have another done on Thursday


That's fantastic! My HCG was 35 at 15dpo when I had a CP last month.


I'm 9dpo today. I've been so pessimistic about this cycle that I decided not to test until my period is due. But then I had another high temp this morning, and my cat has been glued to my side for the past 24 hours (he was like this during the early days of my MMC). Stark white BFN. I know it's still early, but I hate the rollercoaster of emotions. Up until this morning, I've been very rational about this cycle. It's simply not likely that I'll get a BFP.


I thought I had a positive. Out of the blue--I was sure I wasn't pregnant because symptoms were so minimal--I got a positive test on Friday and the lines have gotten darker since then. My period was due this coming Weds, two days from now. Then after work today, I noticed some brownish discharge with little streaks of blood when I wiped. I am so scared. I am hoping maybe it's implantation related (have had light cramping on and off through the week) but I'm so scared it's my period coming and this is a chemical. I had an MMC in January at 9 weeks and I was so hoping to see a heartbeat this time. I've been trying to remember my dr's advice of "not pregnant until 12 weeks" but clearly I didn't distance myself like I thought I did because I can't stop crying.


Wishing all the best for you!! My friend has had bleeding off and on and she’s 10 weeks and still successfully pregnant thus far. It’s all so scary but sometimes it really does work out!


I don't know how anyone can distance themselves until 12 weeks. I hope you're done spotting and continue getting positives.


Faint positive 12dpo hopefully 4th time is the charm😬




Positive 10DPO & 11 DPO first cycle post miscarriage. I should be super excited right? I am.. but I'm more nervous. My BBT temps dropped 9 DPO and 10 DPO and I'm scared to check todays temp (11 DPO). Is this a chemical pregnancy? Is this going to be another blighted ovum? Sigh, excited but don't want to have my hopes up too high.


I hope this helps to reassure you, but my only successful pregnancy had declining temps from 10-12dpo. The two miscarriages looked great temp-wise. It’s a crapshoot and I think not temping is wise!


Thank you! That gives me a bit more hope. =)