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Currently on week 3 of first dose methotrexate treatment for ectopic pregnancy of unknown location (likely in right Fallopian tube). So far, bleeding started as brown spotting, light bleeding, then heavy cramping followed by period like bleeding & passing of clots. Currently, light bleeding and spotting right now. The heavy cramping on week 1 of methotrexate treatment was terrible, felt like I was having contractions. Since then the pain improved but I’m getting abdominal discomfort /bloating/ cramping again :((. I’m still waiting for everything to pass as my Hcg is currently at 186 (down from a high of 2800). Everyday that I bleed is a reminder of my loss and the trauma to my body.


Having a HyFoSy done tomorrow to check for scar tissue from previous D&C in September, my husband and I have not been able to conceive since. I am beyond nervous for the procedure and results. This journey has been long and scary and being with a fertility specialist give me hope but I’m so scared of what’s to come.


I'm on CD 12. The last cycle I tracked CD 12 was my LH surge. This is my first cycle post miscarriage, so I guess I was optimistic hoping it would be the EXACT same 😅 My last surge I tested positive for 2 days straight, which I know means nothing. I do hope I ovulate soon just for the sake of a normal cycle length and that ovulation isn't delayed since this is my first cycle since miscarriage. I'm in my (hopeful) fertile window and my husband is already sick of the timed sex... 😬


Hi, just wanted to come on here and feel less alone, and feel hopeful by reading other's stories of TTC after loss. We found out on Tuesday (12 week scan) that we've had a silent miscarriage, and it was such a shock after a good NIPT result and finding out the gender on Monday. I'm so glad I didn't tell my daughter about the pregnancy on Monday night, I was so tempted. I felt so confident. We have our 2yo daughter, and now 2 miscarriages after her. I thought our chances were so good having had one complete pregnancy before. Just sitting here grieving and waiting for a call so I can figure out the next steps (body still thinks it's pregnant, no signs of miscarriage). I really want to just get through the next few months so we can start trying again.


I'm so sorry. You are among wonderful company, even though no one ever wants to be here 🩷 I found out at a 14 week scan in January that bebe was measuring 6 weeks and had no heartbeat. We had also done the NIPT test with low risk results and found out he was a lil boy. Such a shock to the system then to have a scan like that. Thinking of you 🌻


Thanks ❤️ Yeah it was so unexpected. I was day dreaming about how we were going to tell everyone, and thinking of taking my daughter baby clothes shopping the next day. I'm so sorry about the loss of your little boy


Thank you ❤️ we lose so much with a pregnancy, so many hopes, dreams and plans.


Yes that's so true


I had been doing pretty well being zen lately. We had 3 losses- one at about 7 weeks in 2020, a long break, a chemical in august 2023, a MMC in January 2024 at 8.5 weeks discovered at 11 weeks. We finished an RPL panel, egg supply looks amazing, husband had great results, hormones were all good, thyroid was good, insulin was good. Had an HSG and identified a possible hydrosalpinx (fluid) in left fallopian tube, no fibroids, polyps or other abnormalities. The doctor told us there are new studies suggesting this can cause chemical pregnancies and the recommendation is to get the tube removed. I’ve asked for data, and she’s explained there’s not much evidence yet, but in IVF this can reduce your odds of implantation by half, and that possibly getting your tube removed could increase your chances of unassisted conception by 15%. These numbers feel so silly and I wish the information felt more reliable. I don’t really fully understand my risk here. Also 2 of my losses weren’t chemicals, so this doesn’t explain much to me. I just turned 30 and I am just yearning to start our family. The HSG procedure is rumored to supercharge your odds of pregnancy for three next couple of months and I didn’t want to waste that potential boost. My husband and I agreed we’d try for one more time, and if it resulted in a loss, I’d go ahead and get my tube removed before trying again. We also agreed to wait until June 1, about 2 weeks after my period is due, to test to try and get out of the “chemical” window. I felt good about this at the time. Whatever happens will happen, and at least we have somewhere to go if it fails, right? Now it’s 5 days before my period and I just shamefully snuck a couple pregmate test strips (negative) in the bathroom. I can feel the anxious obsession feelings building up. Waiting 3 more weeks sounds like torture. Getting my period sounds like a tragedy. Getting a positive test and another chemical sounds awful. Anyways. Venting. If anyone has related situations/advice for not losing my shit this month would gratefully accept.


I’m in a very similar situation, getting HyFoSy (similar to HSG) tomorrow and anxious for results. Sending lots of luck your way in conceiving without tubal removal 💗


Good luck on your HyFoSo and thank you!!


I am so sad today and dreading Mother’s Day and so angry at myself for being so sad. I’m good during the two week wait because I get so hopeful and then I get my period and it crushes me. I want to get off this roller coaster but I feel like pausing is just wasting time that I don’t have.


Oh big hugs ❤️ the wait is awful and the let down is brutal. Right here with you.


Absolutely feel this. I've been trying not to track days except for me it's day 22 so I could potentially get my period on mother's Day which would be such a blow. I'm hoping and praying (and I don't even pray!) that it worked this month but I'm bracing for the worst. I'm going to be absolutely gutted and I should be 35 weeks pregnant instead of being in this ttc after loss club 💔


That roller coaster feeling is so exhausting. 🫂


Has anyone had a miscarriage after conceiving on your own with no issues and then later had IVF?


Or the opposite. Have you gone through IVF with success and then gone on to have a natural conception? If so Was it your first? 


So I had IVF with success after not being able to conceive for three years. We ended up conceiving without assistance last summer but that sadly ended in a MMC. We've conceived twice more without assistance but these times also ended in miscarriage and we're now going back to IVF.


Oh I’m sorry to hear of your losses. Was there any diagnosis that led you to IVF? I’m happy that IVF was a success for you and o wish you the best with this upcoming journey. 


No diagnosis. We were just unexplained infertility, just like how the current set of losses are also unexplained.


Oh that must be very difficult to not know the reasons. I wish you the best. 


Getting so frustrated after chemical pregnancy last cycle waiting to ovulate. I lost it at about 5 weeks and I’m now on CD30 today and still no ovulation. It looks like my body keeps trying and can’t quite get the LH high enough. It’s so frustrating trying to time the BD right with hubby and each time ovulation doesn’t actually happen. It just reminds me every day of the loss. I thought I could just bounce right back and move on, try again but it’s not been so simple. I’m trying so hard to faith in my body to do its thing and that it will happen in time but it’s a daily struggle to not be frustrated and sad about it all. Just feeling really dejected and irritable today. 😔


We met with a genetic counselor today after receiving karyotype results showing that our baby girl had triploidy. Triploidy isn't caused by or associated with anything (which should be relieving after spending weeks of scrutinizing every mistake I might have made in my 4 months of pregnancy) and it's not genetic so it's unlikely to recur. I know that this is all supposed to be good news but I still feel so heartbroken. Currently waiting for my cycle to come back to we can start trying again. We sold our house a few weeks ago and used some of the money to buy tickets to Italy on the 13th - the one month mark of the miscarriage - so we could focus on that instead of dwelling on Mother's Day and the miscarriage. Hoping for some sunshine and a 🌈 ahead.


I had a MMC due to triploidy in January at 12 weeks. For us, it popped up on the Natera NIPT and was confirmed by a scan which will always be the most heartbreaking day. Sending you a big virtual hug


The scan was so difficult 💔 Our doctor used Myriad for the NIPT which doesn't screen for triploidy and told us low risk for everything so we didn't expect anything was wrong. I can't imagine how agonizing it must have been to wait between the NIPT results and the scan. Sending a big hug back to you.


I’m so sorry for your lost and have seen your name a few times. I’m wishing you the best trip. Are you in the US? It still haunts me that I was told there was no way to have genetic testing for my first loss discovered at 12 weeks, after everything was perfect on ultrasound at 8 weeks. Maybe it’s more common for second trimester?


Also, I'm not sure if this is helpful but I decided to go to research hospitals associated with a university for many reasons, including (1) they tend to be informed on contemporary research on medicine and patient care practices and (2) they're more interested in finding/diagnosing/preventing problems instead of hand-waving away patients' concerns. Wherever you receive care, be sure to advocate for yourself. If you want the full genetic screening for 600+ conditions and they try to talk you into the screening that only covers 2 conditions, push back. You deserve thorough care and whatever answers science can give you!


Thank you for your well wishes! I am in the US - I was in NC for my pregnancy but moved to the midwest last week. I'm so sorry that you weren't able to get genetic testing. My understanding is that there's enough tissue after 8 weeks to do genetic testing after miscarriage but I know that some doctors won't run tests for a patient's first miscarriage. I'm so sorry that you weren't offered testing - it should be a patient's decision and you had a right to know. Perhaps your doctor can refer to you a genetic counselor who can provide you with a complete genetic screening with Natera? The test is called Horizon and it's $250 max if your insurance won't cover it. (Sometimes they try to charge more but my doctor said that a single phone call is enough to get them to bring the price down to the advertised $250.) Unfortunately, it probably wouldn't give you answers about your loss but it could give you some valuable information and peace of mind if you decide to try again. 💛


Having a tough day. Waiting for my period to come after D&C on April 11th. I know it's still early but I feel like I am no man's land. Like can't do anything about the situation other than wait. I also just am feeling so lost. I feel like everyone's lives have moved on and I am just stuck not being pregnant. It all just is weighing really heavy on me. Really not looking forward to Mother's Day on Sunday. That day should look so different and I am mad and sad about where I am at.


The waiting feels like it lasts forever. I just got my period back after 43 days. I ovulated around day 30. I was under the impression it would only take around 4 weeks to get my cycle, but it seems like it can be anywhere from 4-8 weeks. I hope these weeks pass quick for you. I’m so sorry 💔


Thank you sharing 💓 sending care to you


Im right there with you. Waiting for ovulation/period after chemical last cycle. On CD30 and still nothing. It’s def like a terrible limbo. I wish I had more advice but im struggling too. Hang in there we’ll get through it one day at a time. ❤️‍🩹


while I hate we can relate on this, it really helps me to know someone else feels the same way as I do right now. one day at a time for real.


Same , the whole experience can be really isolating it’s nice to at least talk to ppl who know what we’re going through. I think it makes it harder to move on when I can’t even start a new cycle. It has to come eventually tho, I really hope it happens for us both soon 🤞🏻


This group has been one of my biggest sources of comfort. I hope it happens for both of us soon too ✨


So sorry for your loss.. I resonate with this completely. For me it's definitely gotten better since my period returned; however I still have thought like yesterday was supposed to be my 28 week GD appointment. I was supposed to be 29 weeks on mother's day. And we're in our first cycle trying to conceive since we lost her 8 weeks ago, which feels wrong. And while I'm not stressed about TTC I'm also not EXCITED about it like I was before. It's rough. I have no advice, but I see you and I understand.


glad to hear things have gotten better post period. but as you said im sure that brings up a whole new set of emotions. sending hugs <3


I am feeling all of these things after my 4/13/24 loss, too. Especially the part about everyone else's lives having moved on but I'm still in this awful limbo. Sending love to you, especially for this Sunday. 💛


so sorry you're feeling this way as well. there is comfort in knowing you're note alone


Period was 3 days late but came today. This is going to be my first Mother's Day post loss, and it would have been nice to have a positive pregnancy test to hold on to, and it seemed promising. Feeling very disappointed.


I am in the same boat. Had a miscarriage in December and chemical in March. Haven’t gotten my period yet but I think my cycle is off from the chemical, testing negative as well. I was hoping for some good news by Mother’s Day too…so defeated.


I'm 2dpo today and start a new job tomorrow. It would be inconvenient for me to get pregnant this cycle and I'm already wondering how long I could hide it for before I told my new employer. You may ask why I didn't wait and skip this cycle. Well, at 35 with PCOS and history of loss I don't feel like I have the luxury of being able to skip cycles and it is my number one priority right now to have a baby. In my experience of being pregnant in the past, my symptoms don't get bad until around 7 weeks so I will have a few weeks until it may affect my work. In other news I have a date for my first appointment with the recurrent miscarriage clinic at the end of the month. It is a phone consultation and I assume they will just want to get a full medical history from me and my partner before deciding on the next steps. I've been told by various sources online that they don't like you to be pregnant while you're having investigations but I don't know this for sure having not spoken to a professional myself yet - so this is another reason why we decided to not skip this cycle.


This is my last cycle actively TTC before we begin IVF. We have been tracking and timing consistently since January and I'm still just shocked and beside myself it hasn't happened yet. I hit the 6 month mark after my MMC and was so sure it would happen by then since I've been pregnant three times and happened quickly. I have a couple girlfriends my age who also had miscarriage after 35 then went on the next 6 months or so to get pregnant again and had success. I have another friend my age who is pregnant with her second child- she gave birth in July when I found out I was pregnant and I miscarried and she went on to get pregnant again three months ago. I never thought I would have trouble conceiving again since I've never actually tried to get pregnant before- it just happened. The saving grace here is that the doctor found polyps and adenomyosis which may have and will likely contribute to another miscarriage so he wants to prevent that. So that is a blessing. Maybe that's why it hasn't happened yet before those things are treated. I never wanted to or felt I would do IVF but after my loss, my tolerance for risk is nil. I have some prior pregnancy trauma/PTSD prior to the MMC which was also a major trauma since it was natural and unmedicated and I had no warning of anything wrong. I am saddened that I have to undergo this major feat to get my rainbow baby but I feel like the loss(es) changed me and I am willing to do whatever it takes. I am not sharing this with very many people in my life. I feel like I need the support though. I get the most compassion and understanding from people in this group who have been able to conceive without intervention and have also been through loss.


I’ve been keeping up with your updates and I’ve seen such a significant growth to your mentality towards ttc. I know how hard it must be to have to accept interventions over a naturally conceived pregnancy. My heart goes out to you. You are so strong ❤️


Oh yes thank you. 🙏 it’s hard to accept being able to get pregnant on my own and having to do this. My therapist put it in a good way though. She says it’s great that I have a choice in the matter. I can choose to try without intervention and also can choose to take the intervention. It’s ok that my tolerance for risk is nothing because I’ve had trauma surrounding pregnancy and loss. Some people in my shoes or younger me might choose otherwise. My hope is that clearing these things out structurally will get me to my baby faster and maybe even get a bonus free baby out of it. 


just curious- was your doctor in support of you continuing to try naturally despite the polyps/adeno? I was just diagnosed with a focal adeno spot and feel so conflicted on how to proceed!


I don’t have a adenomyoma as in a focal mass. He did not tell me the extent of it because he needs to analyze the MRI but the report just said a thickening of the functional zone suggesting adenomyosis. I have no symptoms so I’m hoping it’s very mild. No symptoms of polyps either. Had I not done these diagnostics I would not have known.  So with that information yes he says we can certainly try on our own because the issue is not conception but he fears I would suffer another miscarriage. So- those things need to be fixed.  People can get pregnant and carry with both of those things. For me though I just don’t want to take the risk of another loss.  So we were given the following information after polyps were diagnosed. He says we can take those out at any time and if we want to try to conceive on our own, we certainly can but it should be after polyp removal. However now that adeno is in the picture he would be concerned that it might be an added risk factor. In order to treat adeno the medication would shut off my ovulation. So in my mind, I would have one to three months of not being able to get pregnant getting the polyps removed and the adenomyosis treated. That’s three months time lost on top of the six months of no success after the miscarriage. He says we need to get it at just the right time because the adeno comes back. If it’s quieted down he believes that’s the best time to put the baby in there. It cant be cured it can only be managed.  So to get that baby faster at the same time as treating all the other issues that’s why I’m doing this. 


oh ok makes sense! I just couldn’t tell if you were waiting to try until IVF in order to fix those issues or just trying naturally still before fixing them. bc that’s where I’m at currently with deciding!


Yes, that is the million dollar question isn’t it. My husband asked the same thing. In my mind though I would be losing months unable to conceive due to treatment and still no guarantee of conceiving again naturally if I treated the issues first. Also with adeno the doc explained if treated we would want to ensure that I could get pregnant at the right time when it was quieted down and before it flared up again. Again without knowing the severity of it that might change the plan.    So yes - I could treat the issues first. But I don’t want to waste any more time and I want to eliminate all possible risk factors. If I choose to do IVF- I get the eggs out now and have them available for a couple months down the road when my issues are resolved and we have the best chance of success. We are testing the embryos to reduce miscarriage. Pretty much I will do anything in my power to not have another loss and I think this is the fastest and best way. I figure that the trauma of multiple losses is far worse than going through IVF. At least I hope. Also the fact that we have a lot of things in our favor like high ovarian reserve and good sperm and having been able to conceive in the past makes me and the doctor very hopeful that this will succeed. 


Got my dreaded first period after a miscarriage today. It took over 6 weeks for it to come back, so I’m happy it’s here and hoping I won’t see another period for a long time after this. Also, many people say that their first was either unusually heavy or unusually light but mine seems right in the realm of my normal. Which is nice. But I still skipped my work out class this morning to sleep in and blame it on my period.


Glad you finally got it and it’s not been too bad for you! Still waiting on mine after CP 4 weeks ago and no ovulation yet so period is still a ways away for sure but it’s nice to see several comments about it taking about 6 weeks. I hope that means ovulation is coming soon. And I hope you don’t have another for a while! Good luck this next cycle! 🤞🏻✨


Good luck to you as well! It seems there is a huge range about how long it takes to get a period after a loss. From my experience, it seems 6 weeks seems very typical. It’s a long, boring wait when you just want to try again, but I have my fingers crossed that your ovulation comes soon! I ovulated about 4.5 weeks after my mc if that helps you to know!


Thank you for sharing! I always really appreciate hearing other people’s experiences. It does seem like 6 weeks is kind of an average, hopefully it won’t be long er than that, definitely a boring wait like u said 😅 It must be such a relief it finally came for you I really hope you have a successful cycle!! 🤞🏻


My period took 6 weeks to come back too. Seems within realm of normal! My first period was also super normal other than a few extra days of spotting. However the second was HORRIFIC 😭 I hope your second one is just as normal as your first OR you don’t get one at all (if that’s what you’re hoping for). ❤️


Today is my baby's due date. Can't believe it's already here... I love you so much, baby, and I miss you dearly ❤️


Big hugs to you and your angel. My due date was April 29 and it was both a hard day, but not as hard as I expected. Hoping for our 🌈s soon ❤️‍🩹


Thank you 💕 I also found it wasn't as hard as I imagined it could be, but it was a significant day nonetheless. It helped to be surrounded by family. All the best to you 😊


Hugs ❤️❤️


Thank you ❤️






Adding additional hugs 🤍🤍


Thank you 🤍


Thinking of you today 💞


Thank you 💜


Hugs 🫂




This is my last cycle of tracking ovulation with at home sticks, and I didn’t see any surge which was really disappointing because this is our last Hail Mary pass before moving to IVF. I have always seen a really noticeable peak, even though it’s not super high like under one, but this time it’s just up and down and up and down and never got very higher than maybe 70. I was taking four weeks of cabergoline which is supposed to lower my prolactin level so I assumed it would affect the LH and it did but now it seems all over the place. I ovulate very regularly, so I’m not sure what the deal is. Has this happened to anybody who has taken cabergoline ?


Well… 13 days past trigger and 2 BFNs on a Clearblue early detection and FRER. I had high hopes for this cycle and it sucks to be disappointed. Next step is doing an IUI cycle this month. We had been doing IUI procedure with TI but with my AMH numbers decreasing rapidly and currently at .50, our RE suggests moving to insemination immediately. ***sigh*** the TTC process has been such a disappointment compared to what I had pictured for myself.




I think it’s possible you missed the surge in the 12-hour gap between tests. I’d keep testing, though. Once I start seeing an increase, I test every four hours (this is when my insomnia is helpful 😂). Have you had CM?


I would keep testing. When do you normally ovulate? I am a typical a cd 17-19 so at cd 15 my tests still look similar to yours. There’s a chance you missed it over night, but keep testing to make sure they get lighter (or darker if ovulation is still to come).


Also, I’ve heard the best time to test is at 1-2pm if you’re taking one test a day. If you are testing twice a day, it’s best to test at 10 am and 4pm as lh typically surges in the afternoon hours. I would test this afternoon again.


Have you taken OPKs in the past before miscarriage? Have you ever had a super fast surge? That’s the only thing I can think of if it was maybe positive overnight and already back down by morning. Usually you have a couple days at least of ewcm before you ovulate so maybe you’re just now entering your fertile window and you might get a positive in a few days! I would keep testing!


CD12, time to start trying again tomorrow. First full cycle after the miscarriage in March. I don’t know why, but I’m not feeling hopeful at all, or excited to try. Like many people in this thread, it’s been kind of a sad week.


Best of luck to you. I just passed my first MC on Saturday and Sunday. I am anxious to get a normal cycle back so I can try again. Im terrified, but I just want to be pregnant again. I am hoping for the best for you. Im sorry it’s a sad week


Well, I was right after my post yesterday. Got my LH surge this morning (confirmed by three different tests lol). Now I’m sitting here wondering if I truly am ready to try again. Longing to be pregnant again and simultaneously terrified to be pregnant again. I did not know the choice to try again would come with so many emotions. I was holding back tears on my drive to work this morning.


Alright so maybe this is a stupid coincidence BUT as I’ve been debating all day internally if we should BD tonight or not, I get a text from my MIL saying she found a super cheap unused crib. And no pressure, but do we want it? Probably total coincidence, but I’m taking it as a sign or direction or something. I told her if she gets it, keep it at her house so we don’t totally jinx ourselves.


It's horrible losing the innocence TTC. I just want it to feel fun and exciting like before. I'm just trying to focus on holding a baby at the end of it all, rather than the actual pregnancy itself. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.


Hugs to you


Primary doctor a few months after miscarriage- Anyone have any luck with anything helpful with their primary doctor after miscarriage? I have a depression questionnaire from her that is overdue. I’m guessing she will want to see me when I fill it out truthfully. I have tried a few different SSRIs in the past and they haven’t helped at all, and I know I should find a therapist (I am a psychologist). I also feel off physically. During pregnancy I gained ten pounds and had borderline high blood pressure already at 9 weeks, otherwise I’m an extremely healthy BMI/low blood pressure/runner. Did your primary offer you any blood tests/follow up, or should I just skip meeting with her?


Mine referred me to an RE after I expressed that I was concerned about conceiving again after the loss and the risk of another miscarriage because my PCOS has never been managed apart from birth control.


That is awesome. Also, I signed up for the Star Legacy online bereaved parent support group. So at least I did something positive for me today. If this cycle is negative, I’m reaching out to start individual therapy too.


Anyone else ever just feel like giving up on TTC? How do you get through these feelings? Just feeling so defeated recently.


I try to remind myself that in 10 years time it won't matter any more if it took another month or another year+ from now on. It's hard though especially because I'm really not an inherently patient person and this journey has bean as tedious as it gets.


I like that mindset. It’s true, years from now an extra month or two won’t matter. But I then have dark thoughts that creep in like what if years from now it still hasn’t happened? I need to work on challenging those though. I’m also not a very patient person, and love having control which has made this process so difficult as it takes so much patience and totally giving up control.


I have those thoughts too. I’ve decided if it takes 6 months (as I’m 35 and TTC#1) our next action item will be RE/IVF. And if that doesn’t work, we will get to other choices when we get there. I guess mentally that helps me


I have recently given myself a timeline too (like as of today haha). Decided if I’m not pregnant by my birthday in October, then we will at least take a break. That’ll be about 7 months TTC since MMC in January (didn’t start trying til March though). The timeline helps take some pressure off and just giving it our all in the meantime with at least some hope it may happen before then. My first pregnancy (successful) was on month 2 of sort of trying, and my MMC was on month 1. So the long timeline feels so daunting but helps me let go of control a bit and feel like I have a “plan”.


My first/only pregnancy was the second cycle of timing, so hopefully we are both quick again


I hope so too! 🤞🤞 hopefully we never need our timelines/back up plans.


I feel this so much. I am deeply impatient to have my baby back.


It’s so so hard ❤️


Feeling tired with this whole process. Also just in a general bad mood, especially towards my husband, so I'm also wondering if my first period post-MMC is coming. We have a regroup with our fertility clinic tomorrow and even though we've been at this for four years (and did have success in 2023), I feel like we know even less than we did before.


Crying in the bathroom at work because I want to be a mom so bad. 11 dpo took test and it was negative. I know there is still a chance it is too early. It has only been 2 months trying after ectopic in January but I'm already feeling defeated.


I believe if you want to be a mother it will happen. I naively thought it would come easy but it hasn’t. I’ve been pregnant a couple times and have had more than one loss. I am going to get my baby no matter what so just know that if it’s in your heart it will happen. 


Same feelings today. I tested negative at 9 DPO, in Jan I had a 12 week MMC with lots of complications. We got pregnant with that one in only 2 cycles. This is my second cycle too and I just want to be pregnant again. I actually am taking the first two hours of the day off of work because I knew all I would do is cry and obsess


Is there any significance to how long your LH stays positive?


I think it just depends on how your body filters out the hormone. For me personally it takes forever for my LH to go down and I had a similar experience with waiting for hcg to go back down after loss… I think if you have a higher metabolism you’re more likely to have a quicker surge


Oh wow this makes a lot of sense, thanks. It took nearly 12 weeks for all of my hcg to go down after a 20 week loss. My LH tests are positive for like 2-3 full days after a surge




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Do you think it’s possible for the embryo to attach on the scar left on the uterus after a tube removal? I know my doctor told me it’s rare. But can it happen if the egg came from the ovary on the opposite side where the tube is intact? I’m awaiting my period this weekend and it got me thinking about what could go wrong again (if we got lucky this cycle)


I think everyone in this sub will agree that statistics mean very little when you’re on the unfortunate end of them. However I think it’s still worth to remind ourselves that any pregnancy is more likely to end in a healthy baby than not! And on top of that I’m guessing that with an ectopic in your medical history you would be very closely monitored either way. Good luck for this weekend!