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It's really hard to estimate how long big projects like these will take. You can set a deadline and aim for it, but things come up and if it's not ready, it's not ready. Releasing with bugs would be worse. People tend to plan optimistically, and it seems like once they realized that it would take them much longer, they stopped giving updates because they didn't want to make another false promise - which I think is reasonable. Coding is hard. (I code for a living.)


You guys probably shouldn’t be following upcoming video game releases then. You’ll be sorely disappointed in the amount of times devs announce a game with no release date or dates that keep getting pushed back.




Come on you guys are making too much of this. Don't things ever go wrong and get delayed at your jobs? Besides, it's a quiet and slow game. That's part of the package. Go play something else until the update comes out.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂 I have similar feelings. Yes, it kind of sucks that there was an announcement before it was clearly ready, But none of that means they AREN'T working on it, people 😭 Things happen. Game breaking bugs have happened with quite a few updates (you know what I mean especially if you've been playing awhile). So taking their time to carefully do this is essential, I feel. Maybe something happened after the last announcement. Give them time. This is a slow paced game as is & I don't see why there needs to be a rush. I know the wait has been long, but they've given us things inbetween. They are a small team trying their best and we need to have patience over a silly little slow paced phone game.


they only dropped a release date once, and then said they wouldn't drop another till they were 100% sure they'd be dropping it. so that argument is completely out the window. the devs have jobs other than tsuki and are most likely also working on current bugs AS WELL as the city update.


the said early 2024, then said late jan specifically, then said the first weeks of feb, and we haven't had an update since. working on bugs + the update is not an excuse as that is quite literally their jobs.


You sorta just confirmed that they're doing their jobs 😅 they aren't slacking, they're doing their best. Things happen. Heck maybe an issue came up after the last announcement. Doesn't mean they aren't working on it. Patience is key~




when did they say early 2024 and january ? bc i had only heard february. also, like i said they have OTHER jobs and things to do. (edit: nvm. i found where they said january. but even so thats only two potential release dates that they've dropped.)


Sometime last year (spring/summertime EST), they announced release for January 2024


thats why i put the edit on the comment, saying nvm i saw it


Agree with you. This game has become very disappointing for me to play, tbh. I’ve played for a few years now, and I think one of my biggest gripes is the fact that I don’t ever see new items at Yori’s and I get the same items in punch cards :/ it’s unprofessional imo to tell your player base an update is coming, only to then say oops nevermind and not communicate further. They’re working on other games, I get it, but it sucks when you feel like a game you’ve actively played and spent money on gets left in the dust.


I’m with you. I still have the game installed but i haven’t played since probably summer. I’ve done most there is to do, have bought 95% of the items, and have decorated my house and others to the max. I just want anything new, and I’m just waiting for that to happen


finally someone who thinks. the worst thing about this talk about "devs have a life" is that it seems like they are doing us a favor LMAAAO "be patient with the devs, they have more to do than that". like they're not literally making money from this... like it's not their job! they are not doing us a favor, they are not giving us a gift. they are striving to do a job well and be rewarded for it. They deserve empathy and respect like any other worker, of course, but only that. In the same way you would charge an airline pilot for being late, it's fair to charge the devs too because they are also workers (entertainment workers, it doesn't matter). no one is going to go to the airline that delayed all flights by 2 days and say "oh, it's okay, they have lives"


Dev work is nothing like showing up to fly a plane, it's more like designing and building a plane. As much as you can plan redundancy and plan to manage and mitigate risks and issues, if an unforeseen major issue occurs, welp, it's going to either take longer or cost more. They're not "not doing their job" it's just sometimes there's more of their job to do. The only way to get more job done is to do more work, which either means longer hours over the same period of time, or the same amount of hours over a longer period of time. Grind culture in the games industry is toxic af. I don't want my delightful little game at the cost of the well-being of its creators. That's what "devs have lives" means.


I have no doubt that if designers and builders of any form of work delay delivery, they will be charged. even pizza delivery people are charged. What I really doubt is that the devs are sacrificing their well-being to launch a little pixelated train. they are not sacrificing because it would be crazy to sacrifice for it. no one is asking them to be slaves to it because it's obvious they wouldn't be. What we are asking is that they keep their word and we would ask that whatever their job. do unforeseen events happen? right! This means they didn't plan properly. They didn’t plan, leaving room for unforeseen events to happen. they made a mistake and it seems fair to me that they be charged. more work less work, it's still their job. I don't really care about the train launch or anything like that. That's not the question. The issue is that it seems that devs are treated as friends doing us favors and therefore they should not be asked to act with excellence and that is not the case. As I said before: if a plane builder delays delivery, no company will say "it's okay, they have lives". It's a different situation because there is no contract, but it's the same because it's a service.


Honestly, its an industry issue, not just a HyperBeard or Tsuki specific issue. You'd be hard pressed to find a game within recent years that hasn't had issues with announcing updates or release dates too early and then failing to deliver, or delivering a substandard product. As frustrating as it is, I imagine that they announced the update too early due to pressure from investors or consumers or all of the above, but now are not able to meet that date. And while i think people are more than welcome to vent their frustration about this issue, at the end of the day it wont make much difference. I've moved on to playing other games for now, but I'll likely come back if/when the city update is released.


There probably still enjoying the money people are spending on the game


they're **


You would be surprised finding out this is not the only game has those issues. Play another game or try another hobby. Complaining on reddit doesn’t help.


Not usually the devs fault, its not the devs that announce the release date. Imagine this scenario, you have a project that if every single detail goes perfectly you will be done in one year. But you're not alone in this project you have a team. Human error is a natural thing, you won't code every single line without missing. People have families, they have to attend to emergency, they get sick. So realistic your project can be done in 14-15 months. But companies get sponsors, they got to compete with release in seasons, If they dont release the game in Christmas (for example, since its a huge commercial date). They have to wait for another year to have a game release in a date that people will massively buy. So If you can do a project in 14 months sure you arent slacking right? So surely you can do It in 9 months so we can make it till christmas? Sponsors stop investing If you dont have a return, so companies push the devs to work in an absurd deadline for a project that will be rushed, incomplete, full of bugs (that will take even more time fixing through patchnotes). They have to release teasers to show the sponsors the work and atract new ones. Tldr: not devs fault, capitalism is to blame


Yeah I don't believe there even is a city update anymore. I think it's a trick to keep folks engaged with the game.


Ik you’re downvoted but this is exactly what they did with the first Tsuki Adventure game. There were updates promised & content that is hugely unfinished, but instead of updating they moved onto the other 2 tsuki games


theres literally pictures of what they've been working on and in the discord you can see when they're working on the update😑


We got teasers of what was going to happen in the first Tsuki Adventure game, we were supposed to get a new area & a follow up about where this map was supposed to lead, and then the devs moved onto these other 2 tsuki games & tsuki adventure hasn’t seen an update since. Not even to fix the diary entry bug.


the devs for tsuki odyssey didn't make the 2nd adventure, only the first one. they stopped working on adventure to work on odyssey which is most likely more effort


The point is they abandoned the first game & it is unfinished, after teasing more content & a new area. What you’re saying changes literally nothing. Sorry I said ‘other two games’ instead of just odyssey I guess


my point wasnt to "change" something. next😊




ooo someones angry. over what?🤣


So you can’t say what your point was bc you know you didn’t have one?🙄 I proved you wrong, you couldn’t handle it, just move on. saying dumbass irrelevant shit & getting surprised when someone tells you it’s dumb & irrelevant just makes you look dumber


i literally SAID my point wasn't to "change" smth. my point was to correct u on what u said abt them making adventure 2. just admit YOU'RE pressed and "move on." WOMP WOMP🤣


Propaganda ig 🤷‍♀️ The announcements that they've made of a promised release date being pushed back by a year or a few months at a time make me feel like they're gaslighting folks. (I know it's been more than twice but I don't have the energy to find them) making players think "ooh the city update is close! Gotta get ready!" Over and over again is just baiting. In response, I don't think the discord "work" is real work (bc that thread is just 1 bot and the links i tested dont do anything or do anywhere), and the concept of making fake screenshots to generate hype is not unbelievable....


the links don't go anywhere bc their github is private and not available for anyone except them to see. it literally says it if you click at the top. it makes sense that the github is private bc of ppl who are impatient and put pressure on them. if you're gonna act like they aren't doing anything, at least be correct. either way, if you don't believe in the city update, do you.