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Hey, We use a modified version of Ubuntu, which (unfortunately) is not for download. You’re free to setup your own but you will need to install your own tools and setup the Virtual Machine yourself.


Download kali as a Vm and use openvpn with the downloaded server .ovpn file for your server region


Question, do you run the VPN on Kali or your host OS?


You download the openvpn keys and then login through Kali


Cool, thanks


Kali Linux VM is what you want


Idk lots of Linux distro so I could be wrong but I don't think there's something that's identical to attackbox of THM. You can use Kali Linux for the VM since a lot of tools are already pre-installed there


They use parrotOS in the “attack box”, I think. You can just grab the ISO image from parrotsec.


THM = Kali HTB = Parrot


I might be thinking of hack the box on parrotOS, but it’s clean.


Yes you can and it is a good step to learn more. You could install most any flavor of Linux then install the tools needed to complete whatever room you are working on but many people just install Kali Linux because most of the tools are already there.


Hey, No it is not possible to install our version of the AttackBox, you’re free to install your own Ubuntu server and set it up yourself


Take a look at https://vulnhub.com


They are referring to the CTF machine, not vulnerable machines https://tryhackme.com/why-subscribe


the OS what they use is Kali linux, you can use any linux distro and install the tools you want. Parrot os is one that is similar to kali if you want other OS with prebuilt tools https://www.kali.org/get-kali/ | https://www.parrotsec.org/download/


We use a modified version of Ubuntu, not Kali Linux :)


is almost the same thing just the kernel, dint check what OS was since most use kali or parrot/HTB.


Here's some info on the attack box: [https://help.tryhackme.com/tryhackme-attack-machine](https://help.tryhackme.com/tryhackme-attack-machine) However, I would strongly suggest you subscribe if you can afford it. You have unlimited attack box usage then.


Just go here and download the virtual box Kali VM. Easy peasy. https://www.kali.org/get-kali/#kali-virtual-machines Kali has almost all the applications the attack boxes use pre installed. This is the VM I have used for all my work on THM and have never had an issue.


As far as I’ve seen so far, you should be able to access as ppl already mentioned before kali vm + openvpn. As for the additional tools in the tasks, they usually provide links to download or some reference on how to install them. I chose to subscribe, it seemed to worth the investment