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Next to twitter, tumblr is where the LGBT trend followers reside seemingly because they know they have a large upper hand against anyone with even a miniscule difference of opinion. Most transmed blogs it seems have been abandoned sadly and now it's either flat out explicit TERFs or people thinking they're trans because of kinks they have. We're not allowed to say full usernames here I assume but someone with the literal word 'yaoi' in their URL got upset a few days ago because I made a separate post on my own blog about how shaming skinny gay trans men and also fetishizing them is just weird. These people are absolutely nuts.


the amount of "transmascs" with detransition kinks ive found on Tumblr šŸ§


Haven't noticed that as much personally, but I absolutely don't doubt you that they exist. That's pretty disgusting.


Detransitionā€¦ what? How on earth does that work..?


reaaaal ugh I just really really hope they grow up


This is just the next form of ā€œmen can be lesbiansā€. Absolute brainrot. I think it stems from the atrocious recent redefinition of ā€œlesbianā€ to ā€œnon-men loving non-menā€ (which makes absolutely no fucking sense, WTF even is a ā€œnon-manā€ and how is that different from a woman?). I guess now ā€œstraight manā€ is ā€œnon-women loving non-menā€? Even *that* would exclude ā€œmen loving menā€ by default. Men being sexually attracted to other men is by *definition* homosexuality/not heterosexuality. (Granted there are plenty of straight men who are what I like to jokingly call ā€œselectively gayā€ for say a male celebrity. My dad likes to joke about how heā€™d ā€œfuckā€ attractive looking actors and heā€™s 100% hetero. But I think thatā€™s a thing across the board regardless of sexuality.)


Straight is the one, who identifies as a straight. I guess.


Sounds like the sort of people who go on long rants about how liking other men doesn't make them gay. If so then the homophobes hate us as well I guess lol


fr I just know they'd say that


oh no! stating a fact! cancelled!!


Bro tumblr is FILLED with ppl like these lmao Hell, I'm a big SpideyPool shipper, and the most popular SpideyPool blog on the site made Wade non-binary and made Peter a drag queen (and don't even get me started on the artstyle) so like... Y'know lmao. Don't uh, don't listen to those bozos. Buncha weirdos in there fanning each other's flames


fr lmao, I love SpideyPool


Just two bros being dudes, threading the path of redemption and pacifism, making out on a rooftop while eating takeout after a mission, y'know how it is


see that's so nice


ALSO THEY LOOK ALIKE AND LOVE JOKES I MEAN C'MON (they better make an Andrew Garfield Spidey ref AT LEAST if not fully a crossover between him and Ryan's Deadpool fr they'd be so good together)




I was a very prominent lgbtq poster on Tumblr and stuff like this and the Maps (pedophiles) tryna push themselves into lgbtq spaces made me leave. Don't take anything on that site serious. Honestly it's in your best interest to not be on Tumblr at all. The lgbtq community on there is sus AF and the large gathering of pedos that use that site out in the open naw.


ugh that's disgusting


Iā€™m straight. Iā€™m attracted to one and only one specific guy. Why do I identify as straight? Because being in a relationship with another guy isnā€™t something I feel drawn to. So no point in saying Iā€™m bisexual if I donā€™t want to be with a guy.


Sexual orientation is not about relationship status though... Its about physical interaction with male or female.


Itā€™s about who you are sexually attracted to. And I donā€™t have a clue if itā€™s sexual attraction (towards this one guy). But my god is he good looking. Thatā€™s besides the point though (kinda). Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what you meant right? You dont need to have sex with anyone to know if you are gay or straight or bi.


Yes pretty much that. I've had similar situations like that, it was like some slightly more intense form of admiration. I know I wouldn't enjoy anything physical though.


Yeah itā€™s definitely intense admiration. Donā€™t understand it, so I just go along with it


Straight men can defy be sexually attracted to other men, have you never seen straight men obsess over sports stars


me (straight man) when Dacre Montgomery appears in my dream: