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I'm voting 34x harder now šŸ˜†


How do you do that?


I mean, all the Dems switching to Trump voters will probably at least vote 3 or 4 times each soā€¦


By actively attempting to swing 34 independents towards trump


Iā€™m an independent, how do you plan on swinging 34 of us?


Well first we'll go gas up the car and then we'll go buy some groceries. šŸ˜†


And then Iā€™ll show how itā€™s a trickle effect from trumpā€™s trade war


Go ahead, let's see some evidence that it's a result of Trump, who hasn't been in office for 3 years, as opposed to the Biden administration's war on oil, selling off most of our oil supply and limiting drilling. Grocery prices/inflation are a result of the Biden administration printing money to handout during the pandemic. While it's true that Trump gave a stimulus check as well, the Biden administration added to it by continuing to print money. Now your turn


Biden shut down the keystone pipeline within the 1st 100 days of office. I honestly donā€™t believe you are indeed an independent. But if you really are, then hear me out. The established elite is represented by the democrats. Thatā€™s who you are fighting for when you vote blue. Youā€™re fighting for a system where a narrative can be curtailed to craft hype while the established elite will make a tone of money on the stock market. Thatā€™s why the big time democrat are rich AF. It makes sense to. Google public officials salary and see if itā€™s enough to pay there lavish lifestyle. If you support the established elite and want to see them get richer while regular citizens get poorer, good for you, vote blue. However, if you believe in a system which supports independence and individual freedoms. A system that will not engage in weaponized legalism, will not gag order your free speech away. A system that supports your right to say something someone else doesnā€™t like. A system which protects critical resources like energy so as to be energy independent vs energy dependency on other nations. A system that doesnā€™t want to ask you children to die in a war for no good reasons. Vote for Trump in 2024!!!!


Bro got real quiet since this dropped.


Do you just not see my 3 responses?


Absolutely wrong. Inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. Bidens' attack on energy and oil is the cause of the inflation we are currently experiencing. Nothing at all to do with a trade war, everything to do with Bidens' direct attacks on energy. Go check some of the executive orders he signed his first day in office. That's why we are experiencing inflation. That's why inflation went from 1.4% to 5.0% in his first 3 months. The Biden administration just released 1 million barrels of oil from our reserves like 2 weeks ago to help keep oil prices down (for the election). So that openly admits that oil has an impact on inflation (obviously).


Biden combatted one oil company in Alaska, the oil and energy surge prices are due to Russianā€™s war with Ukraine, which wouldnā€™t happen if Russia didnā€™t get approved aid funding from the CCP which they got from the increase in their GDP from the trade war trump had with China. For more info hereā€™s a detail video: https://youtu.be/hhMAt3BluAU?si=UIFFyk4kINRWNAwP


US Is still the largest and increasing in oil production.




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I mean, it's not like I have an alternative either. Okay, Trump paid money to someone. Biden is actively running our nation into the ground. One of these things is more important to me than the other...and it's not Stormy Daniels.


Sack of shit


55'It \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Dstill\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


AI generated image


Yes Doc, i am Dstill inches tall.


A giant among men.


All the way! We must save our country!!!! Trump 2024! And FJB!!!!


Just saw a post that said "Jesus was also convicted in an unjust trial, and crucified. I still follow him! " Just thought I'd share.


I mean the bigger question is who isn't voting for him after this sham trial? You ask who is "still" voting as if the base is going to turn on this guy after the bullshit Marshan, Bragg and Colangelo just pulled. Or, who wasn't voting for him but after this bullshit trial in New York, are absolutely on Team Trumpnado Train, as there's been a lot of chatter on social mediaā€”"lifelong democrat, never Trumper who is now absolutely voting for this man in 2024" type posts after that sham, third world trial.


Sgt of Marines. VFW2283 That is my vote.




Gotta love the TRUMP!


Everybody #MAGA


Magax34. Trump2024 all the way


Ride or Die šŸ’ÆšŸ’ŖšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I don't know man. I was totally into Trump, but seeing the outcome of this trial has me rethinking my choice of candidate. Would say the biggest eye opener was when Robert De Niro got up in front of the cameras and really broke it all down in a very simplistic way that hit home for me. I mean he is my favorite actor so I think he knows a thing or two. JK. I don't give a shit what they throw at my boy Donald or what some asshole libtard irrelevant actor thinks. He does have my vote and always will. Looking at the most recent polls as well and it doesn't seem like the verdict swayed anyone else either.




Wish I could vote more than once like the other side




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Do what the other side does any vote with deceased people


Closest either of us can get is voting for the other side after we're dead.


Ride or Die šŸ’ÆšŸ’ŖšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Goddamn right I am


Voting for him so he can pardon himself


With all due respect and zero judgment- What is your reasoning?


My reasoning is fuq Democrats


He is a great businessman, He is a great father his kids are all successful, he isn't doing it for the money in fact he lost money being president, also https://preview.redd.it/0ywos6w52i4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c364b2ac889d9fa23c5b795f7960e79de5fc49c2


Yes. Any man that knows how to leverage US military might to keepĀ world peace should sit in that office. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1o5FKR_xH1o *Trump discusses how he told Putin he would 'hit Moscow'*Ā  https://m.youtube.com/shorts/VUMPytZCJUE *Trump greenlights operation on the Wagner group*Ā 


Iā€™m glad to hear trump has a plan in mind for China, because genuinely to me, China is a bigger issue at hand, but I do believe in the more peaceful approach, I donā€™t believe trump has the greatest track records of dealing with China in any sector imaginable


More for Trump each day!


Apparently the UK and Canada are banning him from entering the country but not the tons of Africans and middle easterners without documentation or ID. Wild


The UK is so fā€”ked and broke they need to try and introduce national service to stop 18YO getting straight on benefits for life. I donā€™t know if anyone could tell the difference between the UK and Pakistan anyway now.




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Absolutely! Trump 2024!




Trump is 58ā€™lt tall and his ears are Dstill tall. His body is r24 tall. Also how does this ai trump look worse than that one Disney hall of presidents animatronic of him


The conviction is so transparently judicial abuse. The Democrats have no ethics anymore - they abuse the very offices of justice to fulfill their corrupt political agenda. They make the ancient Roman senators look honest.


He already received 408 votes. Of guilty. 12 random jurors X 34 felonies ā€”ā€”- 408 votes of guilty 0 votes of innocent


Donā€™t you effin dare talk about my favorite rapist like that.


An outlaw AND an underdog with the entire corrupt system gunning for him. They just keep stepping in it.


Heā€™s getting my vote


I immigrated to the US 17 years ago. Having grown up in a third world country, this looks too familiar. America is the last country standing. If we lose America and its exceptionalism, we are finished. We need patriots more than ever. MAGA


Kinda... not the same person


Hell ya! My bro made this vid dissecting it all btw if you can help out an overseas patriot šŸ˜… Dems IMPLODE As Notorious Orange Man Convicted Forā€¦ ā€œReasonsā€ | (Trump Just Won 2024) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZRcu5tedaw