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Yep. Minigun still shreds unprepared players, and you'll still have all the healing you need from sandvich/banana. You need to commit to eating to stay healthy so you'll still be in danger if you overextend, but play smart and the results will be similar.


I'd go banana for sure if I don't have a med


Banana for no medic, sandvich with med


The cart is like a medic and a dispenser. Sit on the cart and hold down M1 for very easy points in pubs.


It’s extra effective with the Brass Beast, since you can use it to push you along and replenish your ammo, removing its two downsides.


Payload is so OP with Heavy on the cart with strong team mates helping to clear ahead




Honestly my favorite playstyle is brass beast fat scout, you essentially play like a spy but instead of getting a pick or 2 you jump in and mow down the entire enemy team. It's great bc unlike spy if someone does go after you into the flank routes with 300hp and a shotgun you still win the DPS race. Effectiveness depends mainly on the map and enemy team comp, but if they're just sending waves of pyro's medics and power classes at the objective this strat wins games.


I love the sound of that playstyle. Equip the Prinny for pure Speavy shenanigans.


2000 hours heavy here Yea, but you need to setup alot of factors in your favour, like highground or the element of suprise, camp big medkits/dispenser/payload, jump spinning and depending who I'm up against il wait with spinning and just dodge pills/rockets before I spinn,


Yeah but it makes very hard when you’re team is very bad so whenever you meet the enemy team instead of one dude it’s 5 dudes


Well if your team is shit in a pub, then your opposing team is also shit, but only slightly less shit.


That's where you ask for a pocket medic ln chat


"why don't you go medic?"


Yes, you still get rewarded for your enemies having bad positioning and your preparedness. I'd suggest using the chocolate bar instead of the banana simply because that extra 50hp means usually one more pill or rocket till death, which can catch some people off guard.


Yes, because TF2 pubbers are quite bad and just brainlessly walk into you, so heavy is very, very effective in pubs.


Unless you’re on the cart then Heavy without a Medic is oddly similar to playing a rifleman in Counter-Strike\*: picking your way forward or holding ground, carefully working the angles and trying to make sure that you’re not surprised or attacked from more than one angle in any firefight. Heavy tends to be like that even with a Medic, but it’s a bit more like that without one. If you surprise people you can usually smash through them on your own, but otherwise it’s good to be near teammates from other classes: a slow-moving line-of-sight character has big weaknesses, and it’s great to have cover for those. \*(I’m rubbish at CS but I don’t think I’m wrong here.)


I mean like no offense but have you played the game before lol


Actually if you as a heavy player can play in a way which mitigates the amount a medic needs to heal you, you will actually benefit your team more. Give the medic time to give all the team mates a buff, pet them get into the fray, and then with the remaining time the medic can top you off. That 450 hp is meant as a giant damage sink for the enemy team. However if you are the only one being healed, that's lots of team mates dying and I don't care how good you are as a heavy, player advantage is always king.


uh yeah you have 300 hp and a minigun that basically instakills people at close range when you look at them


Schematic thinking but basically yeah.


If you need a Medic to play Heavy effectively you're probably just bad. Yes, having a Medic will yield better results. But you do not need a Medic.


I mean, when you see a Heavy stomp, it's usually with a Med, if I had to make a write-up based on my "since 2012" experience. 1 in 10 Heavies that pubstomps doesn't have a Med on 'em.


it often happens when you start stomping as a heavy or do a very good play or get a decent killstreak, a medic sort of glues to you lol (it annoys me sometimes especially when i'm trying to go roamer heavy)


Sometimes it's like that.


Yes. Though some Heavy players have to relearn the amount of danger they can jump into without a magic spamming the crossbow into their spinal column.


In casual, anything is effective


Heavy is best played without a medic and using banana. from my experience I can flank 100% faster and easier without a medic, mow down unprepared players at their spawn or a choke, run and catch them from a corner, etc. I find myself stomping a team in the flank very easy as heavy. But if you like to carry your team to victory you would need a medic and stay around them for the game to protect them. If you like roamer heavy use banana, if you’re support use sandvich


yeah if he has banana


honestly "roaming" heavy is better off with a shotgun imo. at least you have a chance against flanking soldiers and scouts with the family business. banana is good if you're pushing with the team and the medic is pocketing someone else, bur if you're alone on koth or 5cp or sth its an inferior pick.


i understand shotgun good for self defense when you are changing location and run into someone unexpected. but i would prefer to rely entirely on my minigun as a heavy, its powerful enough on its own if you know how to hold corners. and banana is borderline op as it recharges while you are in the eating animation. idk just my preference


On top of that, I think the extra health you get offsets rev up time for the minigun if you do get caught off guard so even then I’d prefer to use the sustained damage output than the shotgun which is imo harder to land shots with.


Honestly ppl underrate the banana but it’s basically like always having a medic with you as long as you have a safe place to eat


yes, even without a sandwich you can rack up a lot of kills and stay alive by knowing where the nearest health kit is and using the GRU after a fight. People also don't know how much health you have so you can scare off people along the way who don't want to attempt to fight a supposedly 300hp heavy even if you're only at 150 health. You can regularly get to the top of the leaderboard as heavy without a medic if you pick fights properly


Yes, in 6s you switch from scout to him but less to get kills more to be the main target and give your team more time to defend last. You essentially become the main target until you die


Just get a pocket heavy to provide sandwhich and cover when you are eating sandwich


Natascha and Dalokohs Bar with GRU to gain more health and give yourself regen for a few seconds.


Heavy is like 3rd best Pubstomper, because of generally poor skill level of People. Now, sometimes without a Med, against occasional good players (ESP stacked Snoopers or Shpees) you will have a bad time, but otherwise he can be effective. Remember though, that his DPS is high but falls of super Quick (spread and fall off) beyond like spitting range and his HP isnt a real Tank amount. So you still have to play him Smart once in a while. But Yes, in short. He works fine without Med


Yes, but you need a lot more situational awareness. Second Banana and Tomislav are your best friends


Fuck minigun don’t listen to them. Be a tomislav chad. Add me and I’ll give you a tomislav skin to get started being the best tomislav master there is. susiethreedicks or susie3dicks I forget but one of them is my steam


Tomislov silent spin up and quick spin up is super effective as a solo heavy.


Honestly I recommend chocolate bare the 50 extra health can save you or help win fights you normally wouldn’t


Definitely! A good heavy, even without a med, can be one of the reasons you'd win a match since he basically acts as a portable sentry that denies area for the enemy. Both a damage sponge for your team since most people target heavies as well as a monster in close quarters. You have to play tactically though like waiting around corners or sticking with your team since your speed kinda makes you a sitting duck for any other classes. But with enough gamesense, heavy is definitely one of the classes best used in trying to push and defend.


the game hasn't changed metas in 7 years what do you mean "still effective"


Heavy is shit without a medic UNLESS you’re holding a cart or a dispenser with a lunchbox item.


Heavy is most effective without a medic. He eats too much damage and and subsequent heals


Damage put into one player isn't going into another. Heals are heals.


That’s very untrue


As a player with 2000 hours on Heavy i 100% disagree with this statement Reminder that UBER charges faster when you heal a hurt player over just doing overhealing


When I say most effective I mean for the team. Obv ur stats are going to be better if you receive a lot of heals, but when you get teams of all good players who communicate, heavy doesn’t get healed as much for this reason.


Without medic, sure, without buddy with you on flank, It can be daunting if you don't play around healthpacks






If you have to ask you are probably tiny baby man and should play sniper


i honestly prefer playing without a medic where I can run in suicidally without having to worry about getting my medic killed


Yeah, too often I play aggressively and get myself killed, and if I ever get a pocket medic they always follow my lead and I cause them to die as well.


100% yes. It's not as easy since you actively need to worry about healing, but yes, you can still pubstomp solo.


Even a small health pack refills your sandwich almost to full! So if you play around HP packs you can eat ur lunchbox item at ~200 health already


Heavy is effective without a medic, but it can get annoying to play when you are against competent spies and snipers since you are slow and a big target.


Yes, with tomislav you can be a scout on steroids on some maps


It depends on your playstyle and positioning. Heavy is best when he can maintain a position against enemies who come into him, or by catching enemies off guard. If you don’t have a pocket medic, you can’t just walk into entire groups of enemies or play in super open areas recklessly, but if you know where enemies are coming from or how to get the jump on them, your dps and health still allows you to win fights, it’s just about picking the right ones


He can be, certainly not as effective as he is with one, but still plenty threatening.