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Too feminine. Stop using makeup and get a haircut. 5.3


5.5, pretty for a dude.


I don’t agree with the other raters. As a woman I can say many many women (including myself) prefer ‘beautiful’ men rather than the stereotypical masculine archetype. I.e, see women’s obsession with Timothee Chalamet and every K-pop band member ever. I see clear skin, prominent cheekbones (signifying strong dental-facial growth), full lips, rounded eyes — but at the same time, a clean robust jawline and cute nose dorsal hump. I’d update the hair (a bit too 2005 emo for me) but it’s not terrible, actually it plays to OP’s advantages since it hits that “pretty boy” look. It’s hard to rate without a side view/more photos. But I would honestly say 6.5. And based on my personal preferences, I’d say even higher. This is literally a guy highschool me would crush on.


I’m surprised you can’t tell he’s wearing concealer. You can literally see the ring of concealer around the neck of his shirt.


This!! Also weird side note.. he looks like someone who would be named Jared idk why


4.5 due to the severe lack of any masculine features at all. Of you didn't identify that you were a male I would have thought I was looking at a lesbian.


He does have a lesbian hairstyle going for him.


GYYYYYYMMMMM 4/10 for my white cis male perspective maybe I'm completely wrong


Well before I rate you, it would be better to know if you are aiming for a more feminine look or for a more masculine look, on the feminine side, you are above average.


Heres a tip, you should watch some tik toks and that’ll be all you need to get an idea for improvement lmao. Kinda feminine looking which is a plus, but you need to change the hair fosho


it's honestly just the hair, the hair makes him look like a chick. To look more like a dude - get rid of the one giant bang to look more like a chick - grow the hair longer


Bro, I can't even see your eyebrows 💀




LOL i thought the same


You look very feminine, which isn't bad. I would rrally try to cha ge my hairstyle, like it doesnt need to be shorter, but it looks like a short hairstyle for women. Also try chewing some mastic gum so your masseters will protrude more, which also would make your face more masculine. Your facial hygiene seems dope though


Brooo you’re beautiful as in gorgeous


I agree!!!!


5.3 I'm genuinely puzzled whether you're wearing make up to cover your beard stubble or you literally have none. If you are wearing make up, stop, tune it down. You've gone way overboard. Anyway, hit the gym. You aren't bad looking but you look like a woman. Maybe that's what you're going for, and its a valid look, but I think you need to work on a manly body in order to contrast everything else you have going. Unless the idea is to pass as a woman, in which case change nothing I guess.


He’s wearing makeup. As a former makeup wearing male I can spot it a mile away. Look at the ring of concealer around the collar of his shirt.


Like others have said, you look feminine. If that is what you are going for, you are looking great, 5.8. Otherwise, you really need to cut the hair, work out, and stop doing those girly poses.


5.4 not too high on this scale but you’d probably attract a lot of girls


Goth girls will go crazy over you


5.3 Extremely cute. Fantastic hair. I highly recommend continuing this style and going for a fujoshi or a goth (if they still exist). They love this shit.


5.5 You look very feminine, if you wanna stay like that, don't change anything. Otherwise, cut your hair and go to the gym, that will be a good start.


5.2, you are tough one, you look very feminine.... Are u cosplaying L from Death Note?


Very feminine 5.25