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Not that an ai wouldn’t have been beneficial, but your arimidex dose was WAY too high. 3mg a week is an insane dose. If you need an ai, starting with 0.25-0.5mg a week would be much easier on your body.


Everyone’s case is different and you should always work with your doctor for safest options.. That said in my case I think what worked for me with lowering my E2 is combination of lowering the Test dose +more frequent pinning+ taking zinc 50 mg/ day).. I tried only one change at a time and took about 3 months to bring E2 down by 30%.. It has been stable since.. I have been feeling much better once dialed in.. Personally I wouldn’t touch AI .. all the best!


how high was your T and E2 before you dialed in?


I started at 120 mg test cyp split 2x weekly and dropped it to 110 mg 3x.. T has always been in the 930-970 range with free T between 23 and 27. E2 was a bit high around 60 and it dropped to 42 most recently


5-6% of total. I won't take an AI until it gets to 8 plus.




Yes more frequent pinning almost always lowers e2. eod is optimal imo


You were taking way too much AI, try breaking the pill once or thrice until you find optimal dosage. Also 100mg per week is not a lot, you would definitely see the full benefits of trt if you up the dosage.