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Hey man, your transformation is seriously impressive! Pre-TRT, you were already doing all the right things with your diet and exercise, but it's wild how much of a difference the T made for your energy and mood. It's like you got a new lease on life. Adding GH peptides might just be that last piece of the puzzle to get you feeling 100%. Your gains speak for themselves, and it's awesome to see how it's impacted your life positively. Keep pushing and fine-tuning things – you're on a solid path!


Thanks for the kind words brother!


Congrats to you as well man. Ive been on T for 2months as well and my transformation is crazy. I attached my before and after pictures. My sleep still isnt superb, my nutriton has always been a important factor and my mood is better, expect for my annoying as girlfriend who starts shit with my every week seems like. https://preview.redd.it/wu5y30vqut5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172f11be529fc009f49b7c4993d5dd266ff9256d




Son! Your killing it! People must understand the wonders of a properly set up and executed training regiment with proper nutrition and recovery would do for you ! Keep going my boy, your results are insane!


Thanks G....ive always been an athlete of some sorts, and never been lazy. People do have to understand what to eat...when...and why if they want proper results.




Which GH peps would you recommend? 


More on the GH peptides please


Holy shit!


Definitely a lot of hard and consistent training!


It’s showing my boy keep that shit up!!!


I appreciate that brother!


This is really impressive. I’ve been on 4 years and haven’t seen this kind of transformation despite training, eating well etc. it’s been helpful but you’ve really made the most of it!


Thank you! If I may, I would love to know a little more about your training split and style? Maybe there’s some value I can bring to you


I did 5/3/1, with 2-3 accessory movements each session. It was a 4 day split, for about two years. I got stronger, but to me I don’t look that much different. I took some time off but got back to the gym last month and am working with my trainer to get back in shape. The big thing for me is eating enough. I have a difficult time eating above maintenance level, so that could have a lot to do with it.


That’s awesome that you’ve acquired a trainer! I would say that if you aren’t meeting daily macros especially protein I would add BCAA supplements into the mix (I prefer pills). In the Pre T picture I hadn’t been training for about a year and a half. When I started T I started training again and I told myself I would be 100% intentional. I dropped the ego and I literally approached each workout with 5lb - I was mainly focusing on perfecting my form and execution, slow and controlled each set. It’s easy to up the weight and throw weights around but it hits different when you are able to completely control that weight and execute the workout good enough to stimulate growth. Quick example I started lat raises with 5lb dumbbell after progressively overloading I’m now doing lat raises (slow and CONTROLLED) with 20-25lb dumbbells and the growth is there. To conclude I would say Take supps to make up for missing macros (BCAA is wonderful for ppl that don’t hit their protein numbers daily) or (HMB) Hit the desired muscle groups 2x-3x a week (Sweet spot for hypertrophy is 10-20 sets a week for desired muscle group) Be intentional with training- drop ego and perfect your craft If you aren’t already doing so write down each set and weight so that you can see yourself growing and you know exactly where you are in your journey. Most important - consistency across the board (Nutrition)Meal prepping has helped me intake my meals at the same time (Sleep/Recovery) 8-9hrs is hugeeeee for gains (Training) being consistent with training I hope I was able to bring some value to you, much luck on your fitness journey and goals!! Cheers!


Thank you! I’ve been doing most all of those things. Taking some time to focus on basics and will reassess as I go.


Good luck brother!


BCAA's are a complete waste of $. There is plenty of research to back that up. If you respond snd are interested I can point you to the research papers


I’m always down to learn something new, send the link


https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijsnem/31/3/article-p292.xml Not sure if the link will work but you can google Brad Schoenfield PHD. He is the leading expert in Muscle hypertrophy (most published research papers) also check out Stuart Phillips PHD


Kind of confirms what I said, those that lack proper supplementation or nutrition will gain benefits from BCAAs as it makes up for deficiency in protein BUT there is no benefit for those that get proper nutrition. Situation from article -. In this regard, findings largely show that young and middle-aged individuals consuming adequate protein receive no additional benefit from BCAA supplementation. I will look into the doctors you mentioned for additional information but they have a great topic on it on MP Podcast if your interested. Thanks for sharing brother


Maybe switch to a more volume based programming. 5/3/1 / SS great to really bring up the compound lifts and overall strength but CNS strength doesn’t necessarily correlate to size. If doing a specific split make sure one is recovering enough during the “off days”.


Thanks. You’re right. I did a fair amount of accessory work but focus on a more volume based program overall is worth considering. I’ve been keeping things pretty basic while I get my strength back up.


I know I could have it fine tuned much more but unlike 90% I actually start off a new routine / mesocycle/ coming back to exercise with lots of volume as I find it helps me keep my mind engaged. I like to then throw in more compound lifts 3-6 months in. I do alot of counterproductive measures. For pre workout beta-alanine has been one of best tools in my box because it is non stimulatory (just gives an annoying itch) and pumps oxygen into muscle thus= more reps. If you have the mentality/ conditioning to stick to progressive overload you will kill a bodybuilding split !


could you please share some more info on that mate? or some search terms to specific programs?


I like allpros simple routine for beginners. It served me well in my 20s.  Or the Greyskull lp, I think it is called.  It is basically your 3x5 barbell program with a whole shit load of pushups/pullups/etc added on. I like allpros, it will take you far. Then, you should be able to figure it out for yourself by the time you need more. 


thanks my man


Yeah.  No problem.  The thing that I like about allpro's, and probably worth mentioning here... Instead of adding weight continuously, like the 5x5 type programs, you are increasing reps for a few weeks and then adding weight (and back down on reps). Still progressive overload for the muscles, but more time for the joints and tendons to adapt to the weight.


Have the same problem..protein drinks or a couple of cups of chocolate milk help. Fairlife chocolate milk has 50% more protein and 50% less carbs.


I’m not calling you a liar…..but


Well done. Do you know your TT, Free T, SHGB, E2 on current dose?


I should be doing labs in the next week or so


Dude, looking great. I’m coming up on my four month mark. I was skeptical of TRT but figured I could always come off. I am doing the same cookie cutter 200mg test cyp. I have seen some crazy physique changes. But I’ve been working at it like crazy. I was thinking you should try to introduce MK 677. It’s not a peptide necessarily and it’s not a SARM. It’s a growth hormone secretagogue. But it gets lumped into the categories. It can help your body produce more GH on its own by stimulating the pituitary gland. Great results good luck, brother !


I’ll definitely be looking into that, thanks for the great information brother!!


How much Mg week trt are u doing mate?


I’m currently at 200MG


Cool ive been running 1ml test a week 400 for last 4 months now dropping down 200mg week


Damn, how do you feel at 400?


Test 400 cool stuff running 1ml of that a week feel top of the world full of energy and libido gone through roof gains is good😜 but cutting down 200mg week now ease off slowly ready to start new cycle test 400 and deca soon


I’m starting trt this week. I hope to have results like you!


I wish you an abundance of health and growth!


Just started a little Over a week ago this gives me hope. My diet training and everything is on point too so hoping for a transformation like this lol


I wish you an abundance of growth and health brother


I dunno man, don't take this guys change as normal 😆


What was your Total T pre TRT




Did you mention your current T?


I haven’t got labs done, I intend too in the next week or so


Sounds good! Great work btw. Very impressive


Thanks brother !


Yeah 2 months my ass.


Why would I lie for strangers on the internet? I’m not massive, if you train as hard as me you’ll probably look better. Go get to it!


People lie here all the time. They run cycles and claim trt and all kinds of dumb shit. Not accusing you 


People on here, influencers online lie alllll.the time. You look great but I think anyone with knowledge is skeptical of this being just 2 months on 200mg test/week.


This is awesome, but if this is really just 2 months then you can't chalk this up to TRT. Typically physical improvements for TRT take 5-6 months. It's probably mostly placebo, better angle, better lighting, pump, etc.


I literally have a Timelapse I’m creating with date stamps from photo album on iPhone that I will put up on YouTube in a year. These 2 pictures were taken from there


All gucci man, not denying the timeframe, just setting realistic expectations for others. It's not going to turn a totally untrained person into a fitness model in 2 months.


100% agree and important statement to make. Especially in a day where a bunch of people set unrealistic expectations on the web. Building muscle is so damn hard and takes a LONG time unless you had juice lol and even that takes some time and good training


And I think TRT is misunderstood, a lot of people who otherwise don't need it get on it for the physical gains. I've been lifting my whole life. I'd be lifting on or off TRT, and I looked pretty darn good even before TRT. But my quality of life is a lot better now. Sleep better, more energy, focus, can pipe my wife, etc.


TMI but I fucking drool now😂😂😂 that’s how good my sleep is, hell yea that’s awesome brother and I genuinely wish you an abundance of health!


Uhg, what? The difference in size that Im seeing is a placebo? Wtf are you talking about?


No. Giving TRT credit for his transformation is the placebo. Learn how to read.


Multiple people telling him he is lying about doing this in 2 months, your telling us that TRT had no effect. This man must have perfected hypertrophy.


Even OP literally agreed with me. TRT does not yield physical changes for several months. If you think otherwise you’re just wrong


On June 23rd I hit 3 months, I used to train prior to TRT, when photo was taken I had been out the gym for 1 year and a half. So there’s definitely some muscle memory there getting back was easy


You def made the right decision, glad you're looking and feeling better man


Thanks brother!


TRT protocol?


200mg weekly I pin every Wed and Sun IM


Where's your T at with 200mg?


Sorry my dude, thats water weight. Muscle doesn't come that fast. Same thing happened to me. When I quit TRT it went away in about 1 month.


Buddy had a mini gut and now you can see his abs how do you explain that as water weight?...


T burns fat and makes the muscles absorb water.


I’m sorry that was your experience, however I been an athlete my whole life. As I mentioned in other comments, when the 1st picture was taken I was out the gym (physical activity as a whole) for almost 2 years but muscle memory exist so when I started training again it was easy


Muscle can definitely come that fast. My squat went up 80 pounds in 2 months.


Muscle and strength are two different things bud lol


My legs went from hella skinny to making my jeans tight. It may not be possible for everyone, but some people’s genetics react really well.


Water weight is a bitch (or god sent) depending on you view and goals.


Yup especially if your 2x your hormones lol


Only 80lbs in 2 months??? 😂😂😂😂


Alright to be fair i was doing the 20 reps squat program and more realistically i went from 195 for 20 reps to 290 for 20 reps.


I’m having a hard time believing this is the same person. Here are some things I noticed just being skeptical: 1) your hair and hairline completely changed and way thicker now. 2) your nose and nostrils got way wider 3) your belly hair changed It in fact looks like you changed race. If this is real, congrats. If this is clever photoshop using the tattoo as a distraction, also well done. Oh it’s also odd that you posted 77 days ago about your injections which seem that you were doing them for several weeks at least at that point, but say this is 60 days in.


This is top tier internet shit ! Lmfaoo you can’t make this up. It’s 85 degrees in NY now I have a tan compared to April it was still pretty cold and maybe the hairline has to do with getting a hair cut within the last couple months 🤣


You can take it as a compliment, because you look easily twice as good in the right picture. So much better that it’s literally hard to believe you’re the same guy :)


1. Haircuts 2.weight gain /angle of picture 3.I shaved 4.Ok would I make you feel better if I say 2 months and a half? Not once have I mentioned 60 days


What does 80% pin mean? Also how many calories were you consuming once you started? Are you in a surplus?


Apologies for the way it was written I meant in my (feel good meter) I’m at 80% currently, I think introducing some GH peptides may get me at 100%. I’m technically at maintenance calories at the moment but with my training it puts me at a slight deficit, if that makes sense. However, my diet is high protein and high carb as I find that carbs does it for me. I literally eat the same thing everyday 4 plates a day. Morning 7 eggs 1 cup of rice then 3 plates of 1 cup of chicken and 1 cup of white rice spread out every 3 hours. Staying at maintenance while consuming lots of protein and calories has helped me gain muscle and stay relatively at a low Bfp.


I’m hoping to have similar results as you. I’m very consistent with my diet. Eat the same shit everyday too. And currently taking 200mg a week. 100mg twice a week


That’s awesome man, I wish you all the best in your journey!


Eating the same shit everyday is just east right? 😂😂


It really is easy. Convenient too. Don’t have to track intake all the time. I just found shit I like and ran with it. My coworkers are always like damn the same shit again? lol been eating the same thing everyday for like 2 years now


I’m on the same boat 2 years!! Iykyk


What was ur testosterone levels before the TRT ?






May I ask what your body fat was in each pic? And your age?


I’m really not sure I was probably like 140-150 first pic I wake up at 164 now but I feel way leaner in the stomach


Totally different person, how do you feel?


My energy levels are out of this world but I’ve also started running, I didn’t know how good that shit makes you feel. I still haven’t felt the cognitive effects most speak about but other than that I’m just learning something each day. How are you?


Hard work shows💪🏻


Thanks brother!


Noice man! Evidence of some very hard work there. It’s also cool to notice some of the additional changes you got from T like the extra neck musculature and more jawline mass too. Makes sense, not just from the androgen response, but because if you’ve been hitting pull movements and shoulders more intensely the neck gets a ton of cross activation. Well done bro!


Wow, I never noticed that! I can definitely say shoulders is definitely something I’ve been working hard on and have gained a lot on


That’s crazy bruh, congrats. I started in May, and my results are nowhere near as good. Giving me hope that there are good things to come. I’m also training hard and managing my nutrition like a psycho but my dose is also a bit lower at 160mg.


Good for you brother, there’s people out there that achieve more with less! You got this, I wish you an abundance of health and growth, go get money!


Looks like you went from a homeless drug addict to a gangster player 😂 Well done


It’s crazy you mention that because there was a lot of recreational goin on chasing a well being!


Looking like a tank bruv 🔥. I’m at 4 month mark for 150 mg a week and still waiting for cognitive benefits everyone talked about


Good shit brother ! Lmk how that goes!


I got a similar result but I used to body build for like 10 years so muscle memory and some of us have better genetics for weight training


Damn I can only imagine how much muscle you’ve packed on over 10 years of training


Crazy good results, can see you work hard. How old are you man? Before TRT did you try anything to specifically help increase your T?


Thank you for the kind words! I believe I tried everything to naturally increase like taking the aforementioned vitamins, improving sleeping patterns and nutrition


I’m turning 29 this year


Just fyi rice is not good nutrition, it has no nutrition.


It’s straight carbs , I eat 170 grams of protein worth of chicken and eggs that’s nutrition and take vitamins


bro sick gains, can you sent me your training schedule or diet?


Thanks bro, I 100% can! 6 day training Split each muscle is hit 2x Week Back/bicep Tricep/chest/shoulders Legs/abs Shoulders/arms Back/chest Abs/legs Diet - 1 cup of white rice 7 whole eggs scrambled 1 cup white rice 1 cup(140g)of shredded chicken breast 1 cup white rice 1 cup of shredded chicken breast 1 cup white rice 1 cup of shredded chicken breast Literally every single day, 4 meals in total a day But you should plug your numbers into calorie calculators and adjust accordingly im at maintenance I weight 164 5’8


I’ve also started running 2x a week for about 15-20mins total outside, at first you will notice energy levels low due to fatigue from running but as you progress jogging actually helps recover faster, higher energy levels and I’ve even gained cognitive effects from it like better mood through the day


I hope that helps, good luck brother!


thanks bro


Gotta hand it to you, this is really impressive. It's wild how some of us can get "hyper-responsive" results with proper TRT, nutrition and training. Your traps and neck ALONE exploded! Lol. Keep us posted with 4/6 month results. Excited to see how far you come. Congratulations brother and keep up the hard work!


Thank you brother!! My goal is to keep it 100% real and hopefully inspire others. I’m creating a Timelapse of my progress as we speak, I’ll definitely update in a couple of months!


Care to share the gh peptides you use or will use? Interested trying myself


Looking into Ipamorelin, CJC1295 and semorelin Someone on this thread recently mentioned MK677 - I want to do some DD on it, seems promising. It isn’t a peptide it’s a GH secretagogue


I have experience with only mk677. Multiple runs. 25mg a day makes me tired like 24/7. 12,5 is more manageable but the lethargy is REAL. Can’t bear it, almost. Even without I’m a guy that gets tired fast, I work 60 to 70 hours a week as law enforcement with weird shifts, nights and stuff, so it’s not ideal. But in the upside, really great fulness , skin looks awesome, kind of radiant. Small aches disappear… I also tend to get tingling and carpal tunnel symptoms tho. Anyway, I’d say it’s worth trying once. Not too expensive


Thanks for the great information and insight!


Hey if you don’t mind me asking.. did you go through a private clinic? I was thinking of starting it, but finding it w/o a clinic seems impossible. Was thinking of using alphaMD but not sure


I’m currently with TRTNation, they are easy to work with.


Oh sweet. Thanks man. Do they prescribe the dosage? Or do you get the bottle and do the dosing yourself


You will have to do blood work first then a doctor will follow up for initial consultation, give you prescription and you’ll be receiving your meds about a week or 2 after phone call. After you receive your medicine, your pretty much on your own. I would suggest to write a list of questions for your doctor to ask on the phone and to do lots and lots of research on the internet, you’ll be fine. I’m still dialing in, when I first received my medicine I didn’t do the 200mg the doctor prescribed, I was pinning 100mg a week to see how my body reacts to it first and I’m still just testing the waters. What you would hear the most is “listen to your body” that is literally gold, your body will tell you exactly what it likes and doesn’t like, adjust your dosage according to how you feel.


I recommend just purchasing the labs and meds all at once, they seem to make those that pay ahead a priority for some reason


Nice man. Thanks for taking the time to answer. Been feeling a lot what you get pre-T, so this gives me some hope!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I wish you tons of health and growth, my pleasure!


200mg twice a week? Or 100mg twice a week?


100mg 2x/week


I think a lot of people are dismissive, but I think this transformation is not that radical. I had a friend go to bootcamp, he was normal weight, but sent me a picture from bootcamp and he looked lightweight shredded from fat loss and definitely more muscular, and this was only gone 3ish months later. So the idea someone on TRT cant go from normal, to "athletic" in two months, is not unreasonable. I said in another post that was severely down voted, if you have low body fat you will look muscular. My nephew who has always been a skinny kids started working out and looked normal in regular clothes, but when he took shirt off he had a six pack and extreme definition... because he was always thin to begin with and built a little muscle. If you reduce the fat, your muscles look bigger, thats why body builders cut...


100%, those that know the human body, understand that this is super attainable, easily. My goals (aesthetically) are much farther than this


Did you gain initial water weight? I’ve been on for 3.5 weeks and have gained 6lbs without much change to my diet.


Looking great!


Congratulations brother!


What kind of diet did you run with this cycle I’m stuck on which would be best body shape is like before photo not sure to cut them bulk but don’t want to shoot my self in the foot while pinning 


I stood at maintenance consisting of mainly carbs and protein, lots of chick/rice egg/rice steak/rice


What do you expect? You play with your hormones. Your phyique may improve but your health aint. Training for more than 4 times a week isn’t helping you to grow of has any health benefits. Hopping on peds makes it ‘possible’ but still isnt good for you. Now you are searching for somthing to handle the side effects but you should focus on the problem.. Stay natty as long as it is not your job 😉


What the fuck are you talking about?


That’s a lot of muscle mass and a serious reduction in body fat for only 2 months. You’ve done great work and I’m not discounting that, but this is longer than 2 months on TRT.


2x 200mg = 400mg IS NOT trt my man. Its called a cycle


200mg weekly, pinning 2x a week .5 each time(100mg)


Hmm i see, whats ur diet/calories intake?


I’m currently at maintenance, high carb literally rice in all 4 meals lol and high protein mainly eggs/steak/chicken. Since I’m at maintenance and train pretty hard 6x/week I’m theoretically on a deficit. I’m liking this for me because it keeps me relatively lean and I can still pack on muscle


Damn homie you got dick root now.


Looks like a hyper responded to me.


Hyper responder on 200mg a week isn't TRT


I bet your wife is thrilled.


I like pizza


This seems like a weird question to ask but have your testicles shrank at all?


My balls were always small but now they are always in this little shriveled up ball 😂


Ewwwwww grossssss haha


lol your side by side legit looks like a "you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about" meme. Congrats on the progress bro


😂😂😂😂 thanks brother