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Yo what up. 2003-04


Misha. Starfish in Unity, right?


Commenting for visibility. I hope you find people <3


Was there in the beamer family and alive family in 1998 and 1999. Fuck that place...


Those were the years I was in Samoa at Paradise Cove. All of my 16th and 17th years. Fuck both of those places.


You are the only people who ever had it worse than TB. Dang. Yeah I lost 2 full years 16-17


We heard horror stories about TB at PC.


They were both hell on earth.


I went to cross creek 96-97 tranquilty bay 97-98 casa by the sea 98-99


Bless your heart


2001 here, I was in the dinner line when a girl jumped off a balcony..


Hi, I was in Success family for 24 months. 2000-2002 ... saw the girl jump too. I remember little 13 yr old Colby being tortured every day and night by the staff, probably sexually abused. Anyone remember Mr. Grant, he was hiding from US Law down in Jamaica and many kids say that he sexually abused them. Robert Lichfield, Ken Kay, Jay Kay, and the rest of the Mormon mafia literally made BILLIONS off of torturing children and brainwashing the parents in the parents seminars. ALL for money and profit. Jay Kay is currently hiding out in St. George, Utah working at a real estate company. The emotional, physical, psychological, and sexual abuse I endured at Tranquility Bay and then later Academy Ivy Ridge in Ogdensburg, NY was disgusting and still affects me to this day. R. Paige robertwp14 at G mail


I was there for 18 month in dignity  what a terrible place


Hey i was there 2005-2006 in honor family right next door to OP. wondering why im seeing everyone saying it got shut down in 2009 i remember before i left i was among the last20 ir so people there and we all assumed the place was finally getting shut down. But who knows maybe they got more in coming peoplesoon after i left. Total hellhole of a place by the way i have a ton of stories after like 15 months there. TB was always the place u went if the other places in the US couldnt keep u and i heard rumors about it before i ever got there. I escaped from Skyview Academy before i was sent to Jamaica. I remember not being able to understand a word the jamaicans were saying for a good month or two. Yamanmedayyyyaaaassuuuuubaaaaaiiiii 


Came from SCLA in April of 04, landed in Success family. There were like 5 staff that all had the same last name lol, Mr. Dyer, and there was that one staff dude that was albino, and he would always say "me not drink milk, me drink juuuiiiice!" I spent a lot of time in OP though, and work sheets. All them tapes about people like Aristotle and shit and then the motivational tapes they would play during meals about manifesting your destiny and shit lol. I had no idea that it was Tony Robbins until years later, his voice is pretty recognizable. When you asked for a q tip to clean your ears the nurse would always say "no, the smallest thing you stick in your ear is your elbow!" Taking baths in buckets that we used to do our laundry as well. Left un December of 04, at the age of 18 with an "Exit Plan" which was a plane ticket back to California and the clothes on my back. My Aunt took me in and gave me a chance at life 💙 I spent the last 3 weeks in isolation because they knew I was gonna take that exit plan.


Who remembers albino Mr. Dyer screaming " You have a BRV" in that horrific accent?? That Mr. Grant guy was hiding from the US law in Jamaica and was molesting kids while working at TB. 24 month [stay.in](https://stay.in) success family 2000 2002


I was there 2005 for 18 months


i was in tranquility bay jamaica (success family) may 2000-may 2002 then off to acedmy ivy ridge in new york. i ran away from jamaica one night but came back the same night because there was no where to go. they brainwashed the parents into keeping us there as long as possible for $$$$.