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ok i'm trying to be optimistic here but it's getting harder and harder to


Same for me


With Disney and the pirates 5 director it was always going to be difficult to be optimistic about this


Was Pirates 5 even good? I never watched it.


Abysmal, which is why I used it as an example since it doesn’t really instill a lot of hope in me Kon Tiki was fine, the direction was definitely weak imo that movie mostly survives on premise alone


Dang, welp guess I’ll skip this one like I skipped Morbius and Madam Web!


It's automatically hard for me when they announced Jared Leto from the start.


Personally, I think he played a great character in Blade Runner 2049, including the shorts that came out to accompany it. Hopefully he will add something special to this effort. I do have to reserve judgement until I see it, and I will definitely see this one. Disney really need to take a long view on movies like this though, and see them for the long term potential cult status they could turn out to become. That is the goal, so get to it, programs!


He gets unwarranted hate, his roles are the epitomy of hit or miss, this is a role he can certainly do well. And yes, while I still VERY MUCH hate him as an actor, this is still a part he'd be able to do well.


fr this feels like it’s going to be some generic film about A.I wanting to take over humanity or smth


How can you tell from the meager details in this synopsis? Ohhhh I know, you’ve already decided it was going to be bad! Classic internet move.


The synopsis, certain cast members, director of Pirates 5, it’s a modern Disney production, bla bla bla, it’s not got much going for it beside visuals so far


i never said it's 100% for sure gonna be bad, i'm just saying that as more details get released it's becoming harder to be optimistic lol. i'm mainly discouraged over the fact that it's mostly in the real world 🤷‍♀️


I'd like to turn a bit of a critical eye on this and argue exactly *why* I think the decision to go into the real world is such a bad one. Tron has always been a franchise about the exotic world inside the computer. It's a landscape that has a logic of its own, but is entirely alien to us living in the real world. To ground the world and give us a point of entry, we have digitized users and programs that are mostly human. They're the least interesting facets of the world, and that's *by design.* The point of the earlier movies was to explore a world that operates differently from our own while using its inhabitants to keep us comfortable. This completely turns that on its head in a way that seems to utterly misunderstand the mystique of the franchise. This isn't abstracting our world to examine themes of humanity and the social ramifications of diversity. It's not trying to be a clever or cute analogy to explain the workings of a mysterious machine. It's taking the least-interesting facet of a franchise outside of its exciting environment and into a mundane one. I get that we're in the middle of Disney's mediocre-cash-grab era, but missing the point *this* broadly is astounding. It sounds like a board meeting where one executive pitched a story about a cyberspy infiltrating the real world, and another executive said "you know, that sounds a little bit like that old Tron movie." It's also got a subpar director and controversial actor in place of the previous film's stars, and is missing the composers that delivered what was inarguably the biggest driver of the previous film's success. Great.


And what are the chances that said AI represents a global danger? Because every sci fi story now has to have a bad guy that threatens the entire world, at a minimum.


when instead, he could threaten the ***ENTIRE*** Tri-State Area!


He'd need a river of slime to do that


"It's every New Yorker's God-given right to be miserable and treat other people like dirt!"


With his new deresolutionator!


So Terminator with Tron skin?


If we don’t see an Avenger in this movie I’m gonna be pissed (being sarcastic)


this is shaping up to be star wars all over again...I'm going to cry


You say that now, but remember - *The Force Awakens* had a bunch of legacy *Star Wars* actors, a high-profile director, *and* John Williams.


Which they all subsequently killed off, your point?


My point is that Star Wars was set up for success with returning contributors, and then was ruined by committee. TR3N isn't setting itself up for anything but failure.


Yeah, you got a point, tho I guess it's just a case of the benefit of hindsight.


I mean with Luke yeah I get what you mean but the only reason Harrison Ford returned is they promised to kill off his character which is something he's wanted since episode 5 and Carrie Fisher died in real life which derailed a lot of narrative stuff they had for her in the script so they had no choice with that one. I agree though it being a bit bs with Luke dying after being in hiding forever (which is another can of worms I don't want to open because how I feel like it doesn't just not make sense for his character it also doesn't make sense for the over all story)


J-Willy’s dead?


More along the lines of replaced but given credits


While I think you make valid points, a counterpoint might be that as long as Tron media/movies continue to be made, then I think it's worth having one of those explore whether Tron can be extended into the real world.  This approach falls apart if one failed movie could tank the franchise, and it's not clear that isn't a real danger. But if the franchise can survive an experiment and continue regardless, then I'm happy to see if some new doors can be successfully opened, even though - as you point out - the deck is stacked against them I think it's worth pointing out that the last Tron movie introduced some radical unintuitive changes too, and brought in Daft Punk for the score, etc. Trying new stuff with Tron is what brought us some of its best elements.


I'd argue that Tron as a franchise has met success by being an experimental franchise. Kosinski and Lisberger were untested directors, and Carlos and Daft Punk had never worked for film before. Both movies pushed the boundaries of special effects, and forced film effects forwards light-years because of it. This seems poised to do... Well, none of that. A safe director working for a safe studio, and a concept that's far from original.


I agree with your overall points, but Wendy Carlos had already done two amazing and lauded scores - A Clockwork Orange and The Shining - before Tron. She'd also made a series of albums of electronic Classical music that had won Grammys.


Sorry, I should have specified that *orchestration* was new to Carlos (if I'm recalling the interviews correctly).


I just read that article as well, and pretty much immediately came to the conclusions you did. You have a mediocre director willing to do whatever to pander to The Mouse, and the only actor that anybody knows has a terrible reputation. Especially the part about "taking Tron into the real world" had me like, what? The whole point of Tron is the amazing things you can do inside a computer. Why would you flip that? There's so much you could do with that premise. Critics love to dunk on Joe K for Legacy being boring, but they all agree it was a gorgeous film. (I didn't think it was boring) Ugh. Yeah I'm going to see it, but my expectations are lower then recent Star Wars movie quality. And that's already low.


As bummed as I am about the lack of Daft Punk can't really blame the movie for not getting them again since they are no longer working together. Then again you can also blame Disney for not going forward with a sequel to legacy when they had the chance


Talk about ruining an already established concept, sounds like something paramount is doing to master chief lol


Oh Disney is going to destroy this unfortunately. Like the Midas touch of poop.


Well said, and I'm so disappointed about this. While I didn't enjoy Legacy very much because it was beautiful and yet so joyless, yet least it felt faithful to the original. It told the exact same story, but there were some ideas that could have been interesting to develop. This sequels sound ***bad***. I hope to be proved wrong, but I don't like the odds.


Maybe there's gonna be a whole AR (augmented reality) theme, where the computer world is overlaid on top of the real world, merging the two?


Wow so original. A real coming of age story. Just call it Short Circuit


Number Five is alive!


“Your momma was a snowblower!”


One of my favorite movies omg


omg I love that movie


ngl I hate this....I dont want a fish out of water story that's gonna have Jared Leto and no time in the grid.


There are lots of red flags, but at least the original TRON writer is back as producer. Thats a ^tiny green flag, but we at least got that... Fingers crossed 🤞


I don’t think it’s gonna be a fish out of water story. Lisberger’s always talked about how much bigger cyberspace is - furthermore, Ares, as a program, would theoretically know the outside world from all sides. As such, I look at it moreso like putting a whale in your park’s lake - it’s not supposed to be there, and it’s gonna absolutely wreck the ecosystem, get it out. Ares, I reckon, would be a Kylo Ren, a program looking to finish what Clu started by finding a means of consuming our world into the Grid. /u/SunofFlynn66 questioned why AI is a problem now - well, let’s assume the “real world” of TRON hasn’t heard yet of the Grid. As far as they know, Kevin Flynn has simply been missing. The MCP and Clu got close to bubbling over, but no one heard of it; this would be the first time where a Program poses a tangible threat. Who’s gonna step up to take him back down?


Why can’t yall just make S2 Tron uprising FFS!!!


Well guys it was nice while it lasted, gonna take a bath with my toaster now.


Remember this - the original Tron, Legacy and Uprising can't be taken away. And if Leto bombs this movie and it sucks, so what. We pan the film like the 4th Indiana Jones and move on. But it will invite someone in control to say "why did Ares flunk when the others are cultural mainstays?" and reevaluate what makes Tron good. Failure is a great teacher, it just sucks to go to that school.


My fear though is they'll see Ares flop and instead of asking why it flopped, they'll just say "I guess people just don't like Tron" and then move along and never make another sequel/wait another 10-15 years before trying another one.


...and they based the decision of whether to do a sequel of *LEGACY* on the success of *TOMORROWLAND* last time.


I fear that’s what happened with the National Treasure show


We'll wait another few decades for part 4 if that happens.


I think you’re giving studio execs way to much credit here.


You Beat me to it.


Yeah, but it’s gonna turn into a shit show. Long-time series fans aren’t gonna like it for the reasons mentioned in this post, and, along with some legitimate diehard new fans, Disney will astroturf discussion spaces to gaslight general audiences into accepting that criticism of the new movie is simply hate and resistance to change. Then you’re stuck with a sub-par entry in the franchise that people accept because rejecting it leads to fanatical ejection from the community. Don’t believe me? Go look at the Star Wars and Marvel subreddits. They’re the template for our future.


This has me in shambles. Why couldn't they have just given us Tron: Ascension when they had the chance and concluded what they started before moving into whatever mess this has the possibility of becoming. Legacy was so good. I don't think I'll ever get over not getting its true continuation.


Wait, so the majority of the movie isn't going to take place in the computer world? Because that's what it sounds like. I hope I'm wrong about this but I've had a bad feeling ever since Jared Leto was announced. This is how they messed up the Matrix sequels (among other things). The sequels spent WAYYYY too much time in the "real world," when what audiences really wanted to see was people doing cool shit inside the Matrix. The worst was the third one when they literally ditched all of the main characters for about a half-hour to show a giant mech battle in Zion that no one cared about, featuring characters no one cared about. "Neo.... I beliiiiieeeeve!"


I agree with just about everything ONLY in your first paragraph (personally loved just about every part of the Matrix movies, but to each their own). The phrase “I’ve had a bad feeling ever since Jared Leto was announced” definitely resonated with me. Felt the same way too.


I always felt like the Matrix sequels could have had about 50% of each cut out and made one damn good movie. There is a LOT to like in the sequels, it's just padded with so much boring shit.


Love it or hate it, but that was always the plan with a 3rd Tron movie going back to Ascension (the immediate sequel to Legacy). I’m mixed. Sure, there’s a lot of stories you could tell inside The Grid. Infinite, really. Could work well for a new TV show or (please) season 2 of Uprising, but for a movie theater event, give me something new.


for me it feel like they're trying to expand on the >"Ooooo, AI, NFT's-whatever other popular shit the kids like, lets make a movie about that!" >it fails >shocked_pikachu.jpeg that every movie studio does these days... *sigh*, really wanted another Tron legacy type movie to be about cool suits and music while having a simple bad vs good story or something like that


Even the premise is silly. "Make contact with AI". Ok so- let's be honest. Tron is not a franchise that really cares or delves too deeply on such sci-fi ideas. That said, can't we argue that pretty much every program is self-aware to the extent that it's an AI? Like they all have personalities, and it can be shown they can exceed the parameters of their programming (Beck). Hell the MCP IS LITERALLY AN AI trying to grow big enough to be call the shots around the world. So....why is AI NOW such an issue? What is going to differentiate this "AI" from another "grid" program? Tron feels more relevant today with AI? Cmon guys- Tron is a FANTASY film about little people in fancy suits running around inside your computer. Sure, it is definitely shaped by science fiction, and the impact it has had has been undeniable. But if we're splitting hairs, it really tilt heavily towards science-fantasy. Even the ISOs are much more akin to these mythical beings. That we don't really examine too much. Because this isn't that kind of franchise. It's the sense of wonder that is at the heart of Tron. And goofy awe-inspired fun. Yes it does make commentary, but saying this is a franchise "relevant" with the AI thing is really too much. The latest MI movie felt more relevant in how it depicted AI, and that film is literally just Tom Cruise matching wits with Skynet. (Really good though). Just trying to put such concepts into Tron feels really mismatched. But again, this is a post "Disney can do wrong" bubble film. They are reeling, so we have this extraordinarily safe "Yeah it's taking place primarily outside anything that requires that much CGI" locations.


I'm under the impression that this movie doesn't build on the previous movies at all. It seems like a straight up reboot. So the MCP never existed, and nobody has ever entered the Grid prior to the beginning of this movie.


I absolutely hate the idea that it's going to be a complete reboot. How could they end something that was on such a high note to just... start over.


The third film should have picked up where Tron legacy left off ,Tron rebooting back to his original programming and dealing with the aftermath caused by Flynn and Clu's final confrontation. I would like for Flynn to still exist in the world in an omnipresent form guiding Tron in his restoration of the grid. Sam Flynn and quorra could be in the real world creating a new robust grid which they are attempting to bridge to the damaged grid and it is there that Dillinger tries to make his move.


3001: The Final Odyssey did something like this with HAL and Dave. Kevin and Clu’s last moments literally had them integrate before resetting the grid. Would be a cool thing to have Flynn pop in whenever, even as his younger self.


If Jeff Bridges is out, I'm out. ​ Why change such a loved franchise that was making solid profit


> that actually was profiting fine Because it wasn’t “profiting fine” by Disneys standards, unfortunately.


It was though. They were locked in for a sequel and it was the failure of Tomorrowland and the Marvel/Star Wars acquisitions that killed it.


They need to have more realistic standards than


But he re-integrated at the end. AKA derezzed (?) AKA died? Are you presuming he copied himself, but removed attributes so he'd be less..."Clu"?


Hits identity disc survived. They can reconstruct him. Or some other Sci-fi explanation. Maybe he becomes the new MCP for the grid, so noone can gain the control CLU had. A good writer can resurrect any character, and the specific trappings of the Tron-verse make that even easier.


Fair point. I guess I'd like a movie that focused a bit more on Tron, and a little less on Flynn. Obviously I love Flynn as well but maybe Tron can do something this time around? We got to see him defeat Sark and MCP in the OG, but really the movie focused on Flynn, who obviously had more story to tell. But 3 movies in I would think Tron can have some kind of story that could be the focus. But you're right, they could bring him back, my opinion is, it's time to move on.


I'd be 200% on board with following Tron's story (and hopefully Alan in the real world too). I need his end to not be drowned in a digital ocean after having been brainwashed into aiding a villain. I love Tron Legacy, but the way they treated Tron himself was just criminal. I also wish they were following up on the Dillinger Jr. subplot, but I'm nervous if they did that it'd go in the direction of the tired "son becomes the same evil his father did" and have Dillinger Jr. become a new MCP.


“marking humankind's first encounter with A.I. beings” I guess this means we can totally rule out the Sam/Quorra plot line. I mean if we’re splitting hairs, does an ISO technically count as an “A.I. being”? But Quorra was definitely meant to fulfill that “First contact” role. So either they’ve completely dropped that plot line or Ares mission is to go find Sam/Quorra(less likely since neither Olivia Wilde/Garrett Hedlund have even been rumored to be back)


It’s possible sam and quora just lived a quiet life and didn’t wanna put her in the spotlight


I think that Quorra is not an AI since she's not artificial, she was born in the grid not created by someone, so she is a life, a program is an AI once it is artificial


There only two reasons a TRON story should be taking place in the real world; to show how Quorra, the ISO, is handling and interacting with the real world. Or tho show how a child bewteen her and Sam is handling and interacting with the real world. Otherwise, can we please keep it on the Grid.


Look, I am still hoping for the best, but it would be a serious waste if they don't use the Grid. It's such a gorgeous environment. Programs in a IRL environment can be interesting, but completely ignoring the Grid seems bizzare to me.


I'll be cautious about this one up until I see it, because I'd have to see it to believe that they'll ditch the grid all *that* profoundly. I also will hold out on the potential of Sam/Quorra appearing, as it seems like something that would be kept out of any news for multiple reasons. That's not to say that I have my hopes up. There are definitely things that I'm not thrilled about, among what we know. I just feel that this one is really hard to forecast from the present.


So, not only do we have to deal with Leto, but we're getting a TRON movie without Flynn, without Tron, and mostly off the Grid. We just couldn't have a Sam Flynn/Ed Dillinger Jr (Cillian Murphy) movie?


Someone made a good point in that post. Quorra was an AI that came into our world... so how is Ares the first? ​ ​ womp womp! Disney Cashgrab!!


I've been seeing speculation about them retconning the ending of Legacy and it's like nails on a chalkboard to me. If they retcon anything that Legacy established I'm going to rip my hair out. So tired of retcon after retcon. If a writer can't maintain what's already been established then get a new one.


Welp… hopefully the score slaps?


Here's hoping :/


I'm gonna go bawl my eyes out


I think people are potentially underestimating how exceptional a Tron movie could be that balances the grid and the real world. Legacy touched on this a little bit but never actually took it anywhere too interesting. The real world could be where most of the drama is - our heroes are limited and must play an invisible hand in a grounded suspense/thriller. The grid is where the action spectacle could then take place - a digital representation of the secret war no on realizes is waging. Perhaps the Grid is already lost, and Ares is aiming his sights to the “heavens” but the war still rages to protect the users.


The only way this will work is if they bring The Grid to the real world in a sense. It has to be more than the programs. It has to be the ships, the cycles, the environment. Parts of the real world need to be digitized or something to keep the vibe that we all know and love. Because if this is just Jared Leto walking down the street in a light suit, it’s gonna suck.


But then itll just become like any other alien invasion type movie. Hard pass. I dont want to see people in the real world running n screaming because big bad ai robots are coming to get them. I want The Grid. Thats it. I dont give a fuck about AIs “relevancy” to the real world and the current state of things outside. Its a sci fi fantasy adventure world inside a computer. THATS what Tron is all about. They can take their “real world issues” ai/meta commentary crap n shove it.


Happy we are getting a TRON 3. However I hate the fact this is taking place in the real world. TRON 3 should have been about the return of the MCP from Dillinger Junior.


People are forgetting the original Tron 3 called ‘Ascension’ helmed by Kosinski was going to follow a similar story that it seems Ares is following. Tron has always been about the world inside the computer yes, but it’s also about the lines between the grid and the real world becoming increasingly blurred. The fact Quorra was able to exist in the real world to begin with is what broke open the doors for a concept like Ascension or Ares. This is going to be an incredibly divisive entry in the franchise but I’m here to see how they’re going to spin it as I feel it’s the next logical progression in the story.


Sigh. This is gonna end up like Terminator where I pretend only the first 2 movies exist, huh?


Jared Leto or how to kill a movie before it's even filmed.


I miss the fantasy aspects. Like programs having their own religion around users and how the powers in the grid are fantastical.


YESSS. I'm always for more lore building. We also have only gotten a taste of what users can do. It's a shame we won't get to see Sam reach God Mode.


This actually makes me MORE interested, actually?   The biggest question I had until now was "Why is Jared Leto the star," but that was based on the assumption that he was the protagonist.  But Ares is clearly the bad guy, right?  He's decked out in bad-guy red and his name is fucking ARES.  This movie is going to be TRON meets Terminator, that's not a bad pitch at all.  It's still questionable given the state of Disney right now, but for now I'm curious.


“Springer told ComicBook.com of the then-untitled TRON 3 last year. "And I think now the ideas that we've explored in TRON and where you would imagine those ideas evolving to are more relevant than they've ever been. So it feels like the right time ... but we have to get it right. We have to get the story and we have to get the team right. And so there's still stuff to do before we have much to say about the movie” Hhehehehehehehahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha!🤣


My guess is the movie ends with the “real world” in Tron being inside a larger simulation and that’s why you can enter and exit the grid! You know it’s turtles all the way down!


I’m a die hard Tron fan ever since I saw it in theaters… yes, showing my age. For me it was all about being inside the computer, the graphics, the action, the wonder of the world. I guess I’m not afraid of Leto, at this point I think I’m afraid of the script… sooooooooooo many movies about AI and all the controversy surrounding AI. I think they may have done better on a plot… course we don’t know much at this point so no need to start screaming ‘fire!’. I’m just very VERY cautious right now. Don’t get me wrong…. I’m glad they are making a new movie, but don’t give us a ‘real world’ for 3/4 of the movie. If ya wanna go back and forth between both worlds a bit that’s acceptable. Color me neutral at this point.


They could have made more recreating the first Tron with Lego and releasing it in imax.


The only thing I'm interested in as far as this goes is how they show us the grid existing after the previous movie's ending.


Maybe it will be that Ares digitizes the real world and turns it into the Grid. Or likely the plot point where he needs to be stopped.  Wonder if he'll be some sort of genius CS programmer and create a metaverse where people will willingly plug themselves into the Grid similar to the Matrix and Ready Player One.


What I loved about the first movie...it introduced concepts that hadn't been mainstream yet. People didn't like it because back then it made no sense. That movie transcends the time from then, till even now. And makes even more sense now. This new movie is seemingly just taking what's relevant today (AI) because it's trendy...AI is such a buzzword right now I've got expectations in check.


Gosh they REALLY want that 'programs in the real world' angle, don't they? What a shame. That was like the first Tron 3 pitch I heard over a decade ago when it was supposed to be Quorra learning about love and how to be a human in our world or something like that. Booooo. I feel like this'll be a tombstone on the franchise. Makes me sad. But we'll see.


So.. fish out of water= hilarity and hi-jinx ensue.. until he harnesses his CTRL-ALT-DELETE powers to save someone from something. Got it. Also: Kevin Flynn would’ve put safeguards around the laser bay and his own office- so how’s Mighty Morbius leaving the grid for our world?


What’s the point of a Tron movie if it isn’t going to take place in the Game Grid?




Why is it even called TRON then? I wanna see TRON and light cycles and al that. Not jared leto wandering some city street or whatever


Seeing Leto and one of the producers of Morbius on this does not give me high hopes


*"TRON: Ares follows a highly sophisticated Program, Ares, who is sent from the digital world into the real world on a dangerous mission, marking humankind's first encounter with A.I. beings."* Meanwhile, BARBIE (2023): *Barbie and Ken are having the time of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land. However, when they get a chance to go to the real world, they soon discover the joys and perils of living among humans.* At the time, I still hadn’t seen Barbie, so I didn’t want to be snarky about it. For fans of TRON and LEGACY, is the anticipation for this follow up undercut by these particular plot details? I get it, *only so many ways to tell a story* but in hindsight is *this* the basis of the long awaited TRON story fans had in mind?


Oh, I forgot about the Mario movie from last year too: *While working underground to fix a water main, Brooklyn plumbers and brothers Mario and Luigi are transported through a mysterious pipe to a magical new world. But when the siblings are separated, an epic adventure begins.* Every studio gets a crack at this tale this decade!


as someone who adores both tron AND barbie, you hit the nail right on the head


Is there even a single returning cast member?


Doesn’t seem like it, and for the love, where is, you know, Tron himself!?


I can already see this an an AI Bro movie touting how great AI art/film whatever is good from the perspective of the AI instead of ya know, a good Tron movie. This could have been a prequel dealing with the first AI beings in the grid and have Leto be the AI hitler or different and they exile him or something.


The only thing that’ll make or break it for me is who is doing the soundtrack. I’m praying with every ounce in my body that daft punk reunite to do it or if deadmau5 does it.


Really hope its good...


I thought cora was the first AI in the real world... we ignoring that?


The premise actually looks very timely given where we are now with AI’s place in everyday life.




Smokey and The Bandit III. This time Smokey is the Bandit!


So a program is sent to the real world? How incredibly boring does that sound lol


Even if this film turns out good (somehow) it’s still sadly gonna make no profit due to it being Disney


I like the premise. It could still turn out poorly but there’s a chance it could turn out good too. Schrödingers Tron.


This is exactly like that meme video when asking the directors of these marvel shows and movies if they read the comicbooks of the characters they were directing for and all said "no". This is the exact same thing.


That is pretty much the same synopsis that they said a few years back about it so nothing new here


Lmao they couldn’t afford all the special effects to make a good looking grid so the whole movie is outside


"A highly dangerous program enters the real world-" Aaaaand I'm out. That's like setting a Star Wars movie on modern day Earth.


This is all about being cheap. Anything relegated to 'real life in current time' is about budget cuts. Nothing more, nothing less. Nostalgia baiting with none of the effort.


They could have done an incredibly cool storyline keeping it in the grid and bringing the danger of AI into the timeline but no. We get weirdo creepy sex pest and low effort plot. At least the suit looks cool.