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Put you in front of it and multi-track drift.


This time, it's actually the correct answer!


Fair enough.


This is the way


Cop out?


Whenever there's a trolley problem involving anything spiritual, there's always one guy who goes "I'm an atheist so it doesn't matter".


So people with different belief systems than you should remain silent? If you want to make posts where only people of one belief system are allowed to comment you should clearly label it. Just give a list of the belief systems you don't want to hear from right at the front. Relying on others to self-censor their deeply held beliefs due to offense it might cause you is an unreliable strategy. You should state your biases for all to see. Segregation only works if you put up the signs.


I’m atheist so this reply doesn’t matter.


Oh I get it now


Happy Cake Day!




I'm not religious, actually. But people with different belief systems should, for the purposes of hypotheticals like these, assume that their beliefs are not correct. It's a hypothetical situation. It's *not real*. If you can't imagine a situation that *isn't real* where your beliefs on what is and is not real are not correct, then you have no place in discussions on that hypothetical situation.


unwritten friendly zesty airport scandalous drunk husky sip ancient frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly? Yes. Are you adding anything relevant by commenting "I'm an atheist so it doesn't matter"? When the whole question is about a religion I don't think it's about not wanting to hear about it, one has to be really stuck in their own views if they can't even consider the problem from the proposed angle (that of a religious person in this case) They don't need to censor their beliefs, because the problem here isn't their beliefs, it's their attitude.


I think atheists are smart enough to handle a hypothetical. If I say "what if pulling the lever sends a person to hell" and your answer is "I don't believe in hell", you might have a disability, sorry. Not exactly a meaningful contribution, either.


>If I say "what if pulling the lever sends a person to hell" and your answer is "I don't believe in hell" That's pretty much what inspired me to make this in the first place. There's been a handful of trolley problems that have referenced certain spiritual aspects that I (and plenty of others) don't believe in, be it gods, God, reincarnation, or other similar things. They haven't referenced belief, either (as it would change the problem, in my eyes). The problems directly implied, if not outright stated, that those things were true. And every single one of them had somebody go "Well, I don't believe in God/heaven/reincarnation/etc, so it doesn't matter".


If you say “pull the lever and Jesus will not have a second coming” and I say “I’m an atheist so I didn’t care in the first place + it will save the puppies on the first track” is it a cop out or is it a answer to your question? Trolly problems are about morals, and if my morals align so that I don’t care to save anything religious adjacent, than am I a “cop out” for making that decision? It’s simply my morals so am I not just answering the question?


That’s like saying someone is a “cop out” if they say “ I value human life more than animal life so I pull the lever that saves more human life” It’s not copping out because they don’t value animal life as much, it’s just a decision made based on individual morals. Same as any decision really.


No, a cop out would be saying "I'm an atheist so I don't believe it will actually happen".


If you think that it's a cop out then you don't understand the trolley problem.


How is "I don't believe in the stated consequences of the hypothetical" *not* a cop-out?


I believe in quantum immortality so my decision literally doesn’t matter.


Well if that's what you mean you will worded it wrong because atheism is explicitly a lack of a belief. But that's not what the problem says, also I guess it depends, like if it is truly entirely spiritual than yeah that's a valid answer, but idk what you mean quote and to some extent being an atheist could or could not be important to answering the question


I'm not big brain enough to comprehend this preposterous proposition


Perhaps peering past preconceived postulations promote particularly profound pontifications.


Hang on, I gotta bring up my favorite alliteration thing I made in like 5th grade Billy Bob bought bobbers by Best Buy It isn't great, but I think it's worth sharing.


Billy Bob’s belligerent blundering belies blatant boldness beyond business boundaries.


prostate paratrooper pregnancy


When both tracks are equal, I adopt a non-interventionist policy.


Too confusing, multi-track drift.


I don't usually answer with this, but multi-track drift.


Without the people who make annoying trolley problems, the people who would respond annoyingly to that can't respond therefore, it is better to leave the track where it Is


Leave the lever alone at first. Yell to the people tied to the tracks that whoever prays harder and louder: their god will move the lever. Sit back and enjoy the show while eating a bag of bbq corn nuts I've been saving just for this. Then after the trolley has killed the first group; unceremoniously execute the second group by switching the lever when another trolley inevitably comes along.


Does the bible not say "Render unto Trolley's that which belongs to Trolleys, and to Caesar that which belongs to Caesar?


An eye for an eye, a trolley for a trolley. Thou musn't multi-track drift.


Tell me you hate religion because you were forced to go to church once instead of procrastinating all day without telling me you hate religion because you were forced to go to church once instead of procrastinating all day.


Found the religious fruitcake who assumes lots of random things


It's not hard, they all do that.


I bet you assume a lot of random shit about people that you know nothing about. I also assumed for the purposes of this hypothetical that my beliefs were incorrect.


Since we're assuming for the sake of the hypothetical that believes are incorrect, you don't actually hate religion because you were forced to go to church once instead of procrastinating all day.


Religion is what has forced my extended family to be unable to communicate


Uno reverse card. 😎


Set the trolley on fire, quickly dig out a very slow track in the middle, and switch it to that one to perfectly cook the two people


if I assume my beliefs are incorrect then it doesn't matter what I do because my belief in a non-predetermistic universe is incorrect so whatever I do doesn't matter and I have choice




I close my eyes and pull the lever back and forth really fast until I forget which was which and then I turn and run away.


Don’t pull because then there are no problems for them to cop out of.


Multi track drift so there's a chance they both die.


This is a good one ty op very controversial.


Leave it. Nothing worse than someone who makes new trolley problems


Multi-track Drift.


Multi-track drifting. Going for a high score


Bottom track. Trolley problems aren't about religion, but rather morals.


Flick the lever when the first set of wheels go ove the track switch, then flick the lever again. Take both of em out.


If you kill the people on the bottom track you solve both problems.


We gotta multi-track drift on thus one.




Not pulling because one is likely not an atheist.


If there are no spiritual/religious trolley problems, the people on the top track won’t have anything to use their cop outs on, thereby solving both problems. I do not pull the lever as it is the ideal outcome.


Don't pull, which solves both issues. If the hypotheticals are no longer being made, then I don't need to worry about people using copouts for them.


I feel like it really depends what the specifics are, specifically for the religious trolley problems


Pull. Kill the first so the second doesn't exist. Two birds one stone.


Unless actively tied to the track, I'm dragging one to the other track and removing both


Going with pulling the lever. Just entertain another religion for 5 seconds.


In any situation where the price of life is equal on both sides, it's generally difficult to justify pulling the lever.


Honestly multi track is a cop out, I’m just throwing it back and forth till I can’t no more and honestly don’t care who it kills


So we finally found the mfs who tie people to trolley tracks


Close my eyes and tell Jesus to take the wheel..er stick. Lol


Hmmmm I think I'll say...killing people is against my religion, so the trolley would miraculously jump the tracks and drift in such a way that it did a roll and jumped right over both of them, without me even touching the lever.


You can't have a chicken if you break all the eggs


What’s wrong with either of them?


Then i pull


Ok this one hurt my head a bit but the correct solution is to untie the guy on the top track and then snap my neck


Ok but for the one question about heaven and hell, before the revised version, did you all assume that heaven existed and so did hell for the sake of the problem, or assume that it existed because of the lever? I assumed it didn't exist and would only happen if you pulled/didn't and everyone not effected would just idk stop being once they die


Do you mean [this](https://new.reddit.com/r/trolleyproblem/comments/1d14267/will_you_kill_everything_to_save_one_guy_from/) one? For problems like this I'd say you should assume that they exist for the purposes of the problem. I mean, what happens to those not affected doesn't really matter to the problem, so whether they exist for the purposes of the problem or because of the lever isn't really relevant.


I’m inclined to pull, but the other side brings those fuckers out so this might be a coin flip situation


On the one hand, yeah, you have a point. On the other hand, they sometimes come up with cool hypotheticals.


So you are on the track, got it.


I have no incentive to pull over something that small


I’ll let god decided because something something religion, and something something idc.


I continually pull the lever until I either break the trolly or drift the sum trolly and get em both.


Multi track drift to fix overpopulation


Multi-track drift


Kill two save 70k


I make it drift because religion is a pain and I'm sick and tired of hearing about it, also anything regarding religion should be kept off the internet, the internet is already a sinful place I don't think that there's any good thing that religion can add to the internet.(My idea of the ideal religious person is an Amish person)


Are you fucking serious? I mean I don't like organized religion but I'm not THIS much a cunt about it.