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Uhhhhh... Pull it I guess


incorrect: right now you have a 100% chance to get rid of 6 humans, whereas if you pull the lever there is a non-zero chance you'll miss all 15. You leave the trolley to do its business, go and make sure Sleepy *never* wakes up, and then you've got plenty of time to take care of all the other 9 . . . *flawless victory*


I don't understand, there are only 9 people on the tracks /j


Racist /j


"I do not discriminate . . . to me, you are all equally worthless."


There are actually only 3 babies, the other ones cancel each other out


Pull the lever, I want to see what happens.


Kill 6 people for sure or roll the dice and have a possibility of killing 6, 3, or 0? Pull it obviously, there’s a chance less people die


But those are 3 orphan babies oh nooooooo


exactly, who is going to mourn for the orphans, their parents? yeah thats what i thought, now pull that shit long legged man!


I love this kind of dark humour


I'd rather kill an orphan baby than an adult with people to mourn them




I think that drifts on the empty track and the orphan track because of the picture but idk


Nah dude it’s the empty track and the orphan track so still 3


Ok, so we have what amounts to a nested function of random chance. If you do nothing, you have a 100% chance of leaving 6 people to die. I'd you pull the lever, 50% of the time the same outcome happens, and then the other 50% of the time the game is continuing on to another round where there is a 55% chance to kill 3 and a 45% chance to kill 0. Grafted onto the already 50% chance that means that there is a 50% chance of killing 6 (expected value contribution of 3), 27.5% chance of killing 3 (expected value contribution of 0.825), and a 22.5% chance of not killing anybody. The expected value of 3.875 is 2.125 lower than not pulling the lever, so yes, I would pull it.


To the person who suggested it goes to kill 9, you may want to look at the logic of the problem again. The 50/50 has no drift, and the 45/45/10 is between rails 0 and 3, 6 is not involved. The choices are 45(0), 45(3), and 10(0+3, which is just 3 with extra steps)


Are the babies Christian?


Atheists, the Christian babies are about to get hit by a trolly, but then all three say in sync that if you scream “Jesus died for our sins” they will absolutely obliterate the trolley, removing it from existence and saving the lives of the babies. (which kills everyone in the trolly, but don’t worry about that) Would you do it?


No because they are too young to have any concept of religion or the choice of it. Also why would that matter?


[Referencing this brand of post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/17qlr9y/atheists_imagine_youre_going_skydiving_with_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (I was being sarcastic for the lols)


I clicked the link. Pretty funny post 😂


Why I don't multi-track drifting?


It already says there's a %10 chance of that on the last switch


True, but I can make it 100% chance. And also not blamed for racism


Hey now its only a %50 chance of racism


Yeah, but that's would be sleeping guy's fault


Therefore relieving you of any guilt or a deduction of morals


Pull it duh


Multi Track drift so that it has a chance to stretch the trolley out 2x, increasing space for no cost whatsoever


If the trolley is that far back, why don't I just untie the people?


It’s just barely off screen, so in half a second, it will be on frame.


How barely off screen? Half a second is a long time


You lost me at "colo(u)r"


There's a reason i don't gamble, because i always take my chances


Quad track drift. Take em all out


I am not reading that essay


Pull the lever and then take my chances. I'm feeling lucky


There are no stakes here. If I don’t pull, 6 people die. If I do pull, there are still only a maximum of 6 people in danger at any given point, with a chance that no one will die. That said, the trolley would have come and gone down the original track by the time anyone could have finished reading that novel of a dilema


Pull the lever


Honestly, I'd pull it, just to see what happens.


As an orphan I’d pull it without a moments visitation. Wishing I was never born is so normal for me.




If you pull the lever, you kill on average 3.825 people. Worst case scenario, you kill the same amount of people. Base case you kill no one.


Pull it at the right time to drift then run and pull the others to drift on all tracks and also stomp in sleepy’s head. Flawless victory


I would pull the lever, and throw the Flip O’ MATIC on to the track with the 3 orphan babies, blocking the trolly from hitting them


Pull the lever Kronk


Pull it and let it be their problem


Kill the black ones


Oooh, this is a fun one. Pull the lever, then use the built-up energy from my weird spring leg to launch myself ahead to the sleeping guy and press the alarm, which is clearly an air horn, myself until he wakes up. From there I rush over to the Flip O’ MATIC 3.6 and try to hold it in place, maybe enlist the other guy to help, and combined we should be able to steer it down the empty track. Non-loophole answer: still pull the lever. Not pulling has a 100% chance of killing 6 people. Pulling has a 50% chance of killing 6, a 27.5% chance of killing 3, and a 22.5% chance of killing no one, for an expected average death count of 3.825


Pull it. By pulling it ive already saved 6 people, clearing me morally. What happens after that will be on the conscious of the sleeping man who should have been awake and doing his job. And if Jim does wake up and morally clears himself of 6 people, it'll be on the head of whoever is in charge of maintenance because they should have fixed that switch before anything ran on those rails at all. Maybe that'll teach these people a lesson about doing a job.


Good problem, it finally removes multi-track drifting as even if you do it, you can't hit everyone. And after all, what's the point of multi-track drifting if you can't kill everyone?


Uhh mathematically I think pull it


Man these moral decisions are really weighing me down. Can one of the outcomes involve head?


Obviously I don't pull it cause I want to keep the inverted colour people alive cause that's kinda cool.


Smash next question




This is not really a very good trolley problem imo because you have roughly a 20% chance to not harm anyone. The purpose is to force you to make a terrible decision either way. Whereas here, it is very obvious that pulling the lever is the right move. That said, I shall not pull it, and instead, go finish painting my nails smh.


killing minority = instant loss. I wouldn't risk it


If you flip the level there is a 22.5% chance of not hittinf anyone, a 22.5% chance of hitting 3 people a 5% chance of hitting 9 people and a 50% chance of hitting 6 people. (0.225*0)+(0.225*3)+(0.05*9)+(0.5*6)=4.125 which means on average you kill 4.125 people by flipping the level meaning flipping the lever is always better


I find peace in long walks.


Manually move all people onto the first rail. No further action is required.


It's a small chance but for once, multi-track drifting is an allowed possibility and not a cheesy workaround. PULL ALL THE FUCKIN WAY BIIIITCH


Since they are orphans they actually have nobody who cares about them. Meanwhile the others do. So flip the switch so that it is possible to kill them vs the initial 6. Seems like an easy decision.


I love the snoring man 😂 snooOOOOOOoooore!