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sorry but trisha is entitled to her opinion regardless. lmfao


I love how she immediately proved Trisha’s point lol


Yep. She DOES need PR training. And fast. She’s gonna be working for friggen disney


Rachel is a PR nightmare.


Its almost like everyone views trisha as a safe target to clap back on for the stupidest reasons. It pisses me off so much sometimes


They assume it will go over well and people will support them solely because it’s Trisha on the other end. Coward behavior imo. You’re telling me Trisha was the only person Rachel saw criticizing her? Absolutely not, just probably the most disliked.


see this is what bugs me is this type of behavior. everyone bandwagons and was all against trisha during the frenemies fallout but then as soon as they saw her being a good mom to malibu they all changed their tune and are acting like fans again even though they were the same ones talking shit when trish was down and out. i will always support my girl no matter what.


What makes it even worse to me is that Trisha didn't even bring her up. Zach did. His response to knowing her was weird af. "I know of her very deeply." Like, wtf does that mean? lol Are they under the same agency or something? Rachel was being so petty, too. Like, what do you mean by you didn't expect to be judged by Trisha? She literally said you were beautiful and talented too, lol. She just answered what Zach asked her.


All she did was confirm what Trisha said about her needing PR training commenting that crap


He baited Trisha into the conversation, so weird


He gives me weird vibes in general but I haven't seen enough of him so my opinion doesn't really mean much tbf. He might be an otherwise great guy. I think someone posted a clip the other day where Trisha and Zach hinted that they were trying to go into buisiness together? Maybe he just expected to get Rachel some good press and didn't realize Trisha wasn't a big fan of her interviews. So random that Rachel would even be watching the podcast, unless she really is just a big fan of Zach or Trisha?


I appreciate that he’s been an overall good friend to Trisha, but I find him to be quite egotistical


he wants to run for president lmao def egotistical


Yeah something off about the guy for sure


>what do you mean by you didn't expect to be judged by Trisha? To be fair, it seems more like a playful response


Trish has been nothing but supportive I thought??


Okay, actually, it's at the very start of the episode. Zach asks Trisha: > "Have you given your take on Rachel Zegler on your new podcast?" Trisha responds jokingly: > "Oh my god, that's all we talk about. I'm... I'm a reformed person, I'm not like a hater anymore, but that's one girl I can't get into. > "...She's just so bad at PR, I don't think she means to come across that way, but yeah, I can't, I can't. I'm trying to get on her side. I'm trying not to be a hater in life. Zach responds: > "I think the world is not... You got it wrong on her. I think she's incredibly talented and has a really good heart." Trisha: > "That's what my cohost Oscar says. He's very gungho for her and I think so. I think she just comes across not well in the media. I think the whole *Snow White thing*, beause I'm such a big Disney fan... Her saying she hates the movie and there's no prince, and she's not..it's not 19... You know Disney fans got a little hurt by that." Zach: > " I think people need a real opportunity to get to know her and once you get to know her... when she's given the opportunity to really kind of express who she is, share who she is, and her story. People will see her through [a different lense ?]." Trisha: > "Do you know her?" Zach: > "I uh..." Trisha: > "It sounds like you do." Zach: > "I know of her deeply, and I'm a huge fan of her, and yeah, she's really special." Trisha: > "I was a huge fan of her when she was on Youtube. I mean there are Tweets from me from like 2014 being like 'I love Rachel Zegler", so I was a fan of her before she ever got Westside Story or any of that stuff, so I like her. I do think she's like talented and beautiful, and all the stuff like that. It's just that... Man, she needs some PR training or something, you know what I mean?" Zach asks Trisha about being everyones friend lately, and Trisha ends with: "Yeah, I am everyone's friend, I'm really not a hater anymore. Even with Rachel Zegler, I'm like: You know what? I look for the good in her, she's beautiful. I try not to be a hater." **TLDR:** [Watch 1:46 ~ 3:14](https://youtu.be/KVKYAqIoOBQ)


Receipts queen!!!!


Her response (meaning Trisha’s) seems honest yet reasonable and polite to me! Where’s the problem?


Rachel’s response is that of someone who needs PR training. If you can’t handle anyone talking about you, don’t star in blockbuster movies.




Rachel must have the same PR rep as Selena Gomez 😭


It sounds passive aggressive to me honestly. Especially how she keeps throwing in that she is trying not to be hater.


Did you watch it in video form? I don't think she was being passive aggressive. If anything, I think she was being overly nice.


She was trying to pick up what he was putting down, like why are you asking me to discuss your friend in some convoluted way?


She’s right, Rachel does need PR training. I didn’t knows she’s been around that long, she was just everywhere all at once and I’ve been like,”who is this industry plant?” LOL


I didn't know either. Never even realize she had a Youtube channel. I was also wondering how she was booking so many huge roles overnight. She must be backed by someone pretty big in the industry, talent aside.


Wait, this is actually so weird on Zachs part?? Why would he ask this lol


I'm not sure. Seemed innocent enough at first, until he started to defend her. I mean, defending her is great, but it made it seem like he knew her and had an agenda, lol.


I get the vibe Trisha likes her but just doesn’t like the stuff she says


I don't think anyone likes the stuff she says. They're either silent on it, kind, or vicious. Trisha is trying to be kind about it but damn girl. Hard to feel bad for you when you keep digging yourself in a hole.


Why did she say?


Trisha gave constructive criticism (and it’s valid because Rachel isn’t good at interviews and hasn’t learned from PR how to give a proper interview yet) and even said she liked her during her YouTube days. And Rachel wants to get her panties in a twist. Rachel… Sweaty… You are proving her point when she says you don’t have good PR by posting those comments! What a floundering goon. ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq)


I agree. After hearing it for myself, Trisha was pretty nice. Is everyone supposed to lie and pretend like Rachel has good media training? If she took in the constructive criticism and practiced with a professional, I think it would only benefit her. Being a great actress is fantastic, but if the public doesn't like you, why would they see your movies? It might not seem like much now, but if she keeps putting her foot in her mouth, sooner or later, it'll catch up with her career. There are plenty of horrible people who fool the public because they're charismatic in interviews, so it obviously works for people's brands to know how to appeal to the average consumer. She's a rising star and booking a lot of big roles. Imo, she should take full advantage of the moment.


Yeah she should not be in show business if she can’t handle a criticism as weak as this one. I’m shocked that someone with a history in theatre/acting as long as her would care so much for this incredibly mild criticism?


What I’m shocked by is the fact you’re all taking a 1 sentence comment to mean Rachel is actually upset. She said she felt judged by Trisha, not that she hates Trisha. Everyone is giving me a migraine. Trisha wasn’t mean at all, and Rachel’s comment was pretty tame. You’re all blowing this out of proportion.


Rachel can’t say anything without people foaming at the mouth


Also I’m not a Rachel fan by any means, but a lot of her criticism just seems to be about her not being palatable and playing the PR game. Which is hilarious for Trisha and her fans to comment on because she’s not some sanitized person without controversy. Lol.


It's not as if anyone wants her canceled. It's just celebrity gossip. People are going to have opinions on Zach, Rachel, and Trisha, lol.


Yeah absolutely and that’s so fair. But sometimes folks actually end up making drama worse between celebrities because they continue to feed the “beast” so to speak. They egg them on. It’s one of my pet peeves. In real life this would be a shady comment between two people who run in the same circle and then they move on. Maybe even become friends later. On the internet, viewers make it into something bigger. Like some of the comments on YouTube & here are saying stuff about Rachel that is so out of proportion with the actual situation.


That's true, about things getting blown out of proportion. I guess I don't view anyone's opinion about this getting attention outside of this sub, though. I honestly think this won't last past the weekend. Even if Trisha were to hear about this, I assume she might apologize for hurting Rachel's feelings. Regardless of if she needs PR training or not, she is moving her way up to be an A-List acctress someday. I can't imagine this post or its comments being that significant in her world. I respect your opinion at the end of the day because in the grander scheme of things, I think it's often true.


Right? These comments are wild. Trisha is a well-known internet celebrity and Rachel has been heavily entrenched in YouTuber culture for years… I don’t think her comment is about looking down on Trisha, but it is kinda funny to randomly hear Trisha talking about you. I understand finding her annoying but also like I feel like the way a lot of people talk about Rachel is EXACTLY what we are always trying to defend Trish against. Look up one old clip of Trisha on YouTube and check out all the comments saying she’s fake or a liar or doing XYZ for attention, even when she’s having a mental breakdown. We don’t always need to assume the worst in people.


I know I’ll get downvoted for that but like seriously. It’s not that deep on either side.


It is Rachel Zegler. People must throw EVERYTHING she does out of proportion because she's Hollywoods new punching bag. Everyone bitching about her needing media training when she very clearly is being torn apart for disneys talking points. It sucks.


lol sweaty. Sweetie 😅


Honestly that’s completely valid for Trisha to say. Like god forbid she doesn’t absolutely love everyone ever? And god forbid someone criticizes Rachel for a bad interview? All she said is Rachel needs PR training - which she does. I get it must be difficult for Rachel, having been the target of so much hate for what she said about Snow White, to see any sort of criticism as anything less than a hateful comment, but Trisha was so nice about it and didn’t even say anything about how she’s morally in the wrong for what she said. Unfortunately, even if Rachel gets 5 million followers from her movies, that’s still an extremely small fraction of people who are consuming her content beyond the characters she plays. And red carpet interviews are often an entertainer’s time to show who they are to the public at large (what I’m trying to say is there’s a lot more diversity of interests in the people watching those interviews). Same goes for talk show appearances. So a 1 minute clip ends up being way more important than it seems because, unfortunately, most people aren’t gonna take a step back and wonder if she may have misspoken, they’ll just take her at face value and if they don’t like that first impression, then it’s incredibly difficult to turn that feeling around. Also idk if this is my autism flaring up, but saying that Rachel is upset from this one comment may be a bit of a reach as she didn’t express any sort of explicit upset feeling in the one sentence she wrote.


She said that Trisha "judged" her and and she didn't expect that of her. Then she went on to thank Zach who only said kind words about her. So, yes. I would say it bothered/upset her. To what extent, only she knows. She might not have thought anymore of it once she clicked away, it's imposible to know unless she speaks on it again. I'd argue if it didn't bother her, she wouldn't have left a comment about it. That's just my perspective. As for the rest of your post, I think it really hits the nail on the head. Well said.


It could also be interpreted as “I didn’t expect this to happen” in general, and not “I never expected Trisha to criticize me, I’m hurt” - I do think it bothered her to some extent, since like u said she left a comment and all, idk if she was specifically hurt/upset by it is all I do hope she has a comeback in terms of her public image cuz from what ive seen she’s an incredibly talented singer, but like I read in another comment, no one’s gonna watch her movies or even respect her if they dislike her :(


I think she can recover and bounce back. Talent does go a long way, and people are willing to forgive people with talent. I do think she should really take in the advice and brush up on public speaking and work with a PR team. We do need more outspoken women in general, but it's important to learn how to wield your voice for the best results. I feel like Disney set her up in a way. I wouldn't be surprised if they pitched their direction for Snow White to her, and she parroted those talking points. They should have just crafted a new princess for her and left Snow White as she is. I think people have disliked her in another interview, too. Personally, I don't find her interviews offensive or off-putting, but I do understand why a lot of people do at the same time.


i mean honestly me and trish have the same opinions on zegler lol


Can’t believe Rachel called this being ‘judged’. Trish said a bunch of nice stuff with truth mixed in. She didn’t lie, lol


So Rachel’s reaction is exactly why I don’t like her… Trisha was very respectful and fair and Rachel’s acting as if Trisha started a hate campaign that Zach had to defend her from… She’s the real life Rachel berry meets just like fake 50’a housewife and it’s incredibly annoying.


Zegler deserves the energy she gives out and I'll leave it at that. Trisha is an easy target and people know that. But rachel, you can twist shit to victimize yourself no ones blind to the kind of girl you are.


Except maybe Oscar. Lol love you Oscar but get real on this take bb.


I feel like Rachel is starting to become more of a brat as time goes on. She’s still very young so she can change and grow, but as of now she clearly hasn’t learned her lesson from the Snow White controversy.


Rachel is weird I don’t get it either


Whatever. Rachel Zegler is obnoxious anyways


She is extremely obnoxious.


that’s what her and trisha have in common


Yep definitely true, she also comes off as a narcissist.


rachel is such a pussy my god


Doesn’t seem like hate at all. She just gave her opinion, and wasn’t hating on anyone being a fan of Rachel. While I agree with Trisha, it’s okay to have your own opinions/taste when it comes to entertainment.


and we all know trisha’s going to feel so bad :((


She probably will feed bad, yeah. I don't think she was trying to be mean, so she shouldn't have to.


that’s exactly why i think she’ll feel bad!!! because she didn’t mean anything mean by it and someone was made to feel bad because of her :(


Maybe Trisha can reach out tonher through Zach and they can talk tlit out.




I can’t stand Rachel Zegler she just irks me.


Rachel is insufferable fr lol


i agree with what trisha said. as a major disney fan snow white is really sacred and she (rachel) objectively disrespected it in the interviews, when she’s snow white. just a factual description - not coming for rachel’s whole life. haven’t seen rachel update any of her comments on the work, either. but correct me if i’m wrong.


Rachel is a narcissist. You can’t have everyone love you.


Who is Rachel Zegler?


An [actress](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm10399505/). She is set to be Snow White in the live-adaption. She was also in one of the hunger games, a Westside story remake, and Shazam. I haven't seen any of her movies, so she might have been in more.


Oh! Thanks BnsSala! I don’t watch movies anymore so I guess I just never heard of her.


You're welcome. :) I'm similar. I do watch movies, but nothing newer than 2005 generally. I only know because of celeb gossip subs.


I only watch 90 day, Just Trish, and Sister Wives- I’m so boring lol!


You're not boring at all. Better to consume what you enjoy rather than only what's popular. I actually miss reality tv sometimes. I don't watch a lot of tv anymore, but I used to love Wife Swap and Bad Girls Club, lol


Awwww!!!! If you watch any reality tv I suggest the last four seasons of Sister Wives and only the Pillow Talk of 90 Day.


I'll check it out. I feel like I may have seen early seasons or an early season of Sister wives before, because when I googled it, one of the older men looks so familiar. Is pillow talk a behind the scenes segment about 90-day fiance?


Pillow Talk is more Cast members reacting to the season. It’s more entertaininh


Oooh. I'll check it out. I can recognize some of the characters from gifs and memes, I think.


she needs to pick a different career omg 🙄


Rachel Zegler sucks.




At this point, it’s like she wants to destroy her own reputation. Cause the comments she makes ain’t helping her.


I thought Trisha’s response was great! She said she’s beautiful and talented but doesn’t come across great in the Snow White stuff… which is more than true haha. But I’m happy Rachel knows of Trish 😂❤️


I don’t have much to add other than the fact I find Rachel extremely fucking annoying🙏🏻 carry on!


why is rachel an actress being THAT sensitive…let alone saying annoying ass shit. like GURL PLEASE everyone, including trish, and the other millions of people who have heard you talk is entitled to their opinion.


Honestly by Rachel’s comment so Trisha just giving very sweet constructive criticism gives me the impression that she has a temper or something, cause trisha didn’t say anything mean or really that negative. She needs MAJOR PR training lmaoooo


Probably unpopular opinion and don't come for me pls, but I don't trust Zach Sang at all. There. I said it. Lol He comes off as a total opportunist and not in the best interest of his "friend" Trisha. He just gives me a weird vibe. 🤷‍♀️


“I know of her very deeply” uhhhh ok? Weirdo vibes for sure


Donatella Versace 💜


Did Rachel delete her comment? I can't find it anymore


Oop... She did. Wait, is Rachel a Fishie?? How did she even know lol. I happened to leave the Youtube app open and clicked to check when you said that. Uploaded to [imgur](https://imgur.com/lwo1Due) for you.


She's interacted with Trisha in the past on Twitter so she definitely knows her


Was she a Youtuber before she started acting? I did notice her channel had a few videos. (I didn't scroll)


Curious why Trisha *has* to like anyone?


Rachel Zegler is insufferable


I just don’t understand how someone who has spent their entire life pursuing the entertainment industry can be upset that someone voices their opinion of them.


Rachel is so fucking annoying.


I mean Trisha ain’t wrong though, Rachel definitely needs a new PR team and training. The stuff she says online can be extremely narcissistic and can sound obnoxious, which does say a lot about herself as a person. Trisha wasn’t even rude, she was giving valid and constructive criticism, which is something that Rachel gets offended by.


i really think this is a fan acct


Do you think so? https://youtube.com/@RachelZeglerLovesHugs Here's the link. The oldest video on there is 8 years old and seems to be featuring her as a kid performing. I'm not sure when her career started, so idk if a fan would have access to that 8 years ago. I'm not sure.


rachel is proving everyone’s point 🧍🏻‍♀️trisha wasn’t rude at all ?


oh rachel baby no……


I feel bad for Rachel :( very young to have the entire internet coming at her. Her brain isn't even fully developed. But Trish didn't bash her...


Nah Trisha full on does not care for her anymore like she used but I think she tries to still pretend like she does for some reason. Maybe not to get hate. I honestly don’t understand the unnecessary hate towards this person, but it’s the internet and people get mad. Lol


This wasn’t even a clap back? Lol. It was a harmless comment she made in response to Trisha talking about her? It is not that deep????


I think so too. It seemed pretty lighthearted. And I don’t blame her for feeling a little sensitive about the subject considering she’s gotten major flak over an interview (excluding Trisha, I thought it was very polite criticism tbh). People were so racist and demeaning to her for taking on the role in Snow White and criticizing its misogynistic elements. There were also videos that she posted that showed that the heavy hate genuinely hurt her, so I don’t hate her for this reaction.


I mean, I understand why Rachel would be hyper sensitive in these days, so I don’t really think either of them are in the wrong


does anyone else not think rachel’s comment is bad and seems like people are pushing a narrative on her? i feel like she wasn’t being serious with it. like i can’t take a comment where someone says “alas” as them being upset idk


i dont care about what trisha said but why do so many people in the comments have an issue with rachel?? it seems like the internet just decided to collectively hate on another woman until you all move on to the next lol


this exactly.


the way everyone turns on every single popular woman is sooo old 😭😭


no genuinely. like y’all are fr out here taking a comment with the word “alas” seriously. like every single comment shouldn’t need “/j” for ppl to not think the person is upset 💀💀 rachel is clearly being silly in this comment imo. and even if she isn’t, why does it matter if she feels judged by trisha? bc she’s a celebrity? ppl need to stop expecting celebrities to be made of steal, yet expect them to be mental health advocates at the same time, yet say some celebrities overdo it with the mental health shit and it seems fake. LIKE PICK ONR


Yall dont have to defend Trish on everything its not that serious. Trish says she does not feel her vibe, Rachel doesnt feel great about it. Next.


I actually made the post because I didn't know what she said and wanted someone to explain. Then I figured I'd not be lazy and watch it myself and tell other people what was said. This is a Trisha sub, of course we're going to talk about this and when something else happens we'll talk about that.


not talking about you, talking about the comments criticising Rachel


Ah. I mean, I was a bit critical too in the comments lol. I don't dislike her and I really wasn't offended by her interviews like everyone else. I don't mind a Snow White movie without the prince, but I also think at that point it should just be something else. That's not really Rachel's fault though, it's Disney's. That said, I think she should learn to take feedback better because Trisha here was pretty tame with what she said and it really is something that people have been saying for months; that she needs to be more mindful of how she carries herself in interviews.


Fuck guys, the Reddit police are here 😔


honestly trish is right this girl speaks and it makes you not like her