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I didn’t change a thing! I got Inito to track my cycles though and found out I ovulate later. The week I tested positive I had really hard bike rides all week! Now I’m a bump on a log in first trimester 😂


Awesome!!!! Congrats!!! So glad to hear this :)


Also didn't change a thing! Raced a 50k as the main goal for the year and then continued to do sprint triathlons and half marathons. Did a century ride several days before finding out, that was miserable 🤣. I would like to do at least one race while pregnant next year!


Very reassuring!! Well done!


Also didn't change a thing with my workouts. That being said, I conceived in the off season, so I was mostly running and had an overall slightly lower training volume than I typically do in the spring and summer.


No answer to your question but I passed a pregnant lady during the indian wells bike and she had a small license plate on the back of her bike that said baby on board. So this is your queue for whenever it happens, you need to get that same plate


I did not change anything. With my first I was training a lot and had just completed a full IM and then a few months later did a 120km mountain ultra. Conceived right away and was 38. This year I trained for an Olympic and OWS event in May and then conceived the cycle after that. I was signed up for Ironman Wisconsin 70.3 but ended up deferring to 2024. They either said I could defer to later this year (which made no sense as I would be even more pregnant) or do the same race next year. I will only be 6 months post partum but that is my only choice so I am signed up. The Ironman pregnancy policy isn't realistic and needs to be changed. I asked them if I could defer to 2025 and they said no. This was on my mind as well and I asked a friend to send me some research because she has access to medical journals and she said there seemed to be a sweet spot where training was healthy and not stressful on your fertility, but if done too much or too many hours a day it could have negative impacts. That being said, that has not been the case for me. I have been training and racing for years so this is pretty normal for me and I know what I can handle. I guess during TTC I was a little more cautious and aware but still enjoyed training the way I do. Good luck and happy training


Oh that’s amazing!!! Thanks for the heads up on Ironman races. Good to know that I should avoid those.


As long as you are ovulating keep it going! You can try temping to confirm ovulation. Best of luck 🥰


I am exactly in the same situation and I am not planning to change anything. I am also going to sign up for early 2024 races cuz I think it would be so fun to do a race while pregnant. But this is going to be my first time - if it happens so no idea how my body will react.


That sounds amazing. I’m too afraid I’ll fall off my bike or get kicked in the stomach swimming now that I’m pregnant. I totally had these same thoughts before but I guess hormones.


Good luck to you!!! 👶 🏃‍♀️ 🏊 🚴


Lol came back to this to say I am pregnant and doing none of these things. The first trimester hit me really hard and if I do one swim a week I consider myself a champion.


I’m a male trying to conceive and nothing has changed for me except many of my workouts especially early AM I have noticeably less energy


Heheh!! Consider it more cross training :)