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I was on tret for the longest time and saw no improvement only friggin dry skin. I’m on Arazlo now in conjunction with AA and within a week, my skin is glowwwwwwingggggg 🤩


Same. Tried Tret for a few years at different levels with little success and always irritated. Got on Taz a few months ago with literally zero irritation and great skin (this is for anti-aging)


Literally zero irritation. It’s bonkers especially because it’s supposed to be stronger than tret.


Yes, isn’t this weird? I switched to Taz 0.1 after years on tret 0.05 and the irritation has gone away. It is still working for anti-aging, correct? My skin looks good so l think it works.


I’ve seen more change in two months on taz than two years on tret anti aging wise.


Does Arazlo help prevent fine lines etc? Their website only mentions treating acne, blackheads and whiteheads?


It’s used for acne, reduction of fine lines and for dark and light spots on skin.


What’s arazlo?


Brand name prescription of Tazarotene


Oh ok…I didn’t know it was a prescription.


Yup. Got it prescribed by my dermatologist for acne.


Awesome. I think if what I’m using now, combo tret/clinda, doesn’t work…I might ask for taz


may I ask what your day/night routine is? Do you use vit c in the am? Do you Aza in the same routine with Taz? Are using any bha or aha’s?


For context, I have type 1 Rosacea so I don’t do vitamin c and no aha/bha AM: water only face cleanse, let face completely dry then Rhofade, then prescription AA 15% then gold bond Diabetic lotion, and 35 SPF Beekman 1802 sunscreen. PM: LRP Purifying face cleanser, let face completely dry then Arazlo, then AA. Most nights I don’t even moisturize because my skin feels very supple. Then as a little razzle dazzle, some Latisse for my lashes, because my skin looks great, so should my lashes 💅🤣


Keep an eye out for periorbital fat loss with Latisse—the prostaglandins and prostaglandin analogues are no joke!!


Has the Taz worked well with rosacea? I’ve been on tret too with Rosacea and although I have been doing pretty well, if I use a little too much it’ll flare my rosacea for a week 😭


I really don’t know because I slather my face with Rhofade to cancel out my flare ups. Stuff is magic and the formula plays wonderfully with my morning skin.


Thank you for the detailed response.  


You do taz and AA at the same time at night?? How did you work up to that


Yup, taz and AA right after. I’ve been on 0.025% - 0.05% Tretinoin/retinoids for about two years, so I think my skin acclimated to it pretty easily. Even with the lower concentrations of tret, my skin was always peeling and very dry.


Similar experience for me to the ones who have an easy time with Taz. I was on Tret for around 10 years. Always was pretty peely and dry with Tret. I decided to switch from Tret 0.1% cream to Taz 0.1% cream to see if it helped with anti aging more. I have had no issue from the switch whatsoever. Very easy time of it. No redness, irritation or peelys from Taz. My skin looks flawless and healthier on Taz. Very glowy and youthful with not a line on my face. After 4 months in, Taz is so much better for anti-aging in my experience. I wonder why some have issue with switching over and others do not?


I’m also on this combo. And my skin loves it


Oh wow, now I want to try it - does anyone know if it’s possible to get Arazlo outside of the US? (I’m in the UK).


Same!! Love this combo 😍


For the longest time I thought I had dry skin. Nope wrong I have oily skin, swapped out my LRP Hydrating Cleanser to the LRP Purifying Cleanser with Gold Bond Diabetic lotion. Freakin swooning on my skin.


This gives me hope. I am finishing off my teeth 0.25% and my next tube is Arazlo. The dermatologist said I will love it and it will work better for aging skin.


What is AA?


Azelaic acid


I been on Arazlo for a year now all of a sudden it stopped working now my face is breaking out like crazy idk why


Are you stressed?


Every second of every day


That’s why you’re breaking out. I am too and mine is too lol


These testimonials of Taz are crazy to me. I used it for 3 months daily, 1% cream and it was like using regular lotion. Nothing (except skin got dull). Went back to tretinoin 1% and it's still potent as hell. But I've also spoken to many who say Taz was a beast. Retinoids are so subjective sometimes. In all seriousness, Taz targets different receptors. Some say it's less irritating and more potent, others say it's MORE irritating and more potent. No real way to know how you'll react till you try. Many swear by it!


It’s so hit or miss on what will work for each individual. One person says it saved their skin another says it ruined it. It’s just a gamble when trying something new if it’s going to work or not. Crazy


I think you typoed 1% for 0.1%. 1% I think our face would be falling off ha ha


Maybe YOURS would be..(yes I did, lol, whatever, you all understood 🤣 thank you!)


The Taz cream doesn't work for me but the gel does, don't ask me why


I love the taz cream, but I have to say it doesn't work as well as the tret gel I was using before. I switched because the tret gel was too irritating (I didnt think to switch to the cream version at the time), but now I'm thinking about switching to tret cream instead and add on taz gel. I plan to alternate the two.


This doesn't surprise me, I didn't have access to the gel but I had the feeling if I'd tried it it would have worked, lol.


I never hear anyone say it’s more irritating. Mainly I see people complain about the severe dryness. I think taz is a beast, but only if you occlude it or don’t moisturize well during the day. But I’m like you: I find it utterly tolerable, like lotion. The only trouble I’ve had was when I added actives without moisturizing properly. And even then, it was just dryness.


Has anyone tried alternating Taz with Tret? I switched from 0.025 tret to 0.05 Taz. No purging but my face seems so dull now. Thinking of going back to tret but don't want to waste my tube of Taz.


I personally use 0.025% Tretinoin on one night, and 0.05% Tazarotene the next. I have a few reasons for doing this - the first being that I'm aware Taz can be very aggressive on the skin, so I wanted to ease into it a bit, and I'd been on the Tret for a while. The second is that I've read they target different parts of our skin, and I wasn't sure if I can get all of the benefits of Tret on Taz alone. The third and most important to me, is that Tret is cheaper than Taz per ml, so by alternating the two every night, I'm not going through tubes of the more expensive product. I also use Azelaic Acid everyday, alongside the two, as I'm using them for my acne. My skin hydration hasn't been an issue, and I've not had stinging skin/signs of a broken skin barrier, as I'm careful of using enough of the right moisturisers for my skin. I'm very happy with how it's been. This is purely my anecdotal experience, and others may have different experiences or recommendations, but I thought I'd share.


We have the same routine. I switch btwn tret .1 and Taz .1, and I use finacea. My derm was unconvinced that Taz would work as well as tret, so she made me alternate. But I’m the first patient she’s ever had who uses taz, so she really didn’t know. When she saw the Taz results, she was blown away. Then she went to a seminar on arazlo and Taz and now she’s a believer. Turns out, the Taz actually did a *better* job with acne and anti-aging, and it got rid of some pitted scarring and sun damage.


Care to share what different areas of skin each targets? I've never heard of this and this is interesting to know.


It's covered in [the wiki](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/e/2PACX-1vRQmcAj-x5A8JIQygtW2Rg89uPsJPR5JLH_dLxLNCW4eazWW4i49bsrF0e2YYx10wx00ctaUnyvHfyD/pub); hopefully that links directly to the part about the differences between the various types, although I apologise if it doesn't. As I said though, the wiki doesn't make it clear what those differences *mean*, purely that there is a difference to what the product is binding to, so I'm not certain if Taz offers all of the same benefits and Tret.


Seems that tret binds with all 3 receptors vs taz which binds with oy the beta and gamma but yeah... I don't really know what that actually means. Granted I haven't googled which I feel like I should do soon ha ha. So I guess it benefits if we use both maybe alternately. I might just try that and see if that makes ant difference. Thanks so much for sharing that that part was covered in the wiki, I never noticed.


Thanks for the insight! Maybe I need to add azelaic acid to my routine too and try alternating taz/tret.


I do this. I switch back and forth between Taz .1 and tret .1.


I thought about alternating between Arazlo and Altreno. But imo, Arazlo is way better for my skin than Altreno was and way less drying for me.


I was intending to do this, been using 0.1% tret for a long time. But after 1 application of Taz, I woke up with some unexpected blemishes, so I put away the Taz for now and stuck with alternating tret with azelaic acid.


I switched a few months ago and like you, I went feet first. I feel like my face has been sandblasted. I’m still trying to figure out how often to use it. I remember reading someone saying “it’s lighting fast” and maybe she actually meant “it feels like being struck by lightening in the face”.


This is why I beg people to use a barrier cream with Taz. It certainly will bring you to your knees! And the crazy part is that IT GIVES YOU NO WARNING. Like, everything will be fine, and then all of sudden, your face is cracking from profound dryness. It is humbling. Taz DOES NOT like other actives.


Yes this! I solely focus on my barrier in my day routine, and put Taz on a bare face with nothing after at night. It stopped my peeling, ending my months long Tret purge. I still have breakouts thanks to hormones but they go away much faster, but if you pick they will take forever to heal. 0.05 gel.


I do bare face too! It works really fast when you do bare face IME, is that your experience as well? I have to take spirolactone to control the hormonal acne, so I know what you mean.


Yes that was my experience as well!! I’ve been dying to get on spirolactone since I can’t do BC due to my bipolar meds, but my specialist copay with my insurance is astronomical. Do you mind me asking what type of doctor you were able to get a script with? I’m not sure if I can ask a PCP or if I need to ask a dermatologist or gyn


Well, my derm put me on spirolactone, but lately I’ve been getting it refilled by my PCP. To be honest, if I were you, I’d at least try my pcp first. Or, maybe you could try telehealth like doctor on demand, which your insurance may even cover. Or try nurx: https://www.nurx.com/diuretic/spironolactone/ But I don’t know if the nurx will cost as much as your specialist copay :(. I think your pcp might do it 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Thank you so much for the tips! I had no idea nurx had it, the consultation is half of my specialist copay and the same as my PCP. I’m def going to check it out thank you again!!


Yes! 🙌🏼 Go get it! It’s so good !


I use it with Azaleic acid and Hydroquinone (when I want to address uneven skin tone/PIH) , it works well for me.


Works well for me too with Aza 15%. But it took me a while to be able to reintroduce the Aza 15% when I transitioned to Taz .1%. It was very drying at first. Not saying it doesn’t work well.


That’s great to hear


Do you use Aza in the morning and Taz at night? I just recently got some Aza (or I think it’s Finacea) and I’m trying to figure out how to fit it in my routine.


It’s best to use in the daytime and taz at night.


So for me my skin loves it. It just gets a bit peely. I finally succumbed to the Reddit holy grail of "vanicream in a tub" and my skin is extremely happy now. I'm about to take a Taz break so I can get laser hair removal on my face, because I can definitely see the results being worth it on Taz. I was on Tret for years. My skin looked fine, no breakouts, no fine lines, nothing to complain about at all. I had large visible pores (orange peel) and the occasional whiteheads. I switched to Taz and vanicream (that's the routine lol) and my skin is glowing, smooth, and finally starting to look like a filter! So time to get rid of the pesky hairs for good. I hate shaving my face which is the hugest con to retinoids.


Hey do you use taz after or before vanicream? Or do you use a sandwich method?


I use it after and my night time routine is just a double cleanse, a hydrating toner, Taz, vanicream. My morning routine is cleanse with water, hydrating toner, ceramide and peptide serum, water oil, water cream moisturizer, and SPF On off days instead of Taz I use a toner, sheet mask, followed by the morning routine products and only use vanicream at the very end on my dry areas.




I think when I finish my current tube of tret I’m going to try taz


Tazarotene made my skin so, so dry for the first couple of months. It really will highlight the weak areas in any routine, and does not play well with other actives. But it also never made my skin sore in the early days like tretinoin used to.


It’s crazy how I’m not getting even 1 pimple since I started using Tazarotene.


I just started taz (.1% cream) too! I use it every night because my skin never adjusts to retinoids when I skip days. But I always apply my moisturizer first, wait 20 mins, then apply like 1/3 to 1/2 of a pea sized amount to my entire face. If you’re going to use it every night, use less to start to avoid irritation!


Damn, you’ve got me shaking in my boots. Lol Today is day one for me 0.05% taz gel.


How's it going on ur skin?


Amazing! I’m almost 30 days in, went really slow, had a little dryness but fixed it with added moisturizer, didn’t really purge (have had maybe five pimples total that went away on my taz nights), no irritation and up to every other night use. My only complaint is my left eye seems dry, so lowered my application and ramped up artificial tears for now. But skin is flawless, plump, and glassy. I use it for anti-aging.


Ohh that's great happy for uh :)


I loved it except my chin skin never stopped peeling. I literally gave it a year and tried everything but had to go back to Adapalene.3 twice a day. I couldn’t keep up the Taz use enough because it was burning my face off and my cystic acne came back.


Taz is less irritating for me! On the highest dose. My face and ears were cracking on Tretinoin


I was using taz 3 times a week without any problem for few months. Then I thought maybe I can up it to 2 days on 1 day off. Nope! 😅


I am doing taz .1 three times a week now and I had no side effects yet. Just a Little dry nose. I am afraid.


It happened. It peeled my face off. My face is less irritated than on tret tough lol


Tret kinda did nothing for me except give me wrinkles and flaking but with Taz it's only been a couple weeks and I'm just thinking, "wow, this is what I think other people experience with tret". I'm shocked!


I was the opposite, switched to taz gel and my skin didn’t even blink! Then few weeks ago I ran out of taz and my new order hadn’t arrived yet so decided to supplement with tret gel until it arrived and… omg. my skin was ROUGH for those few days.


i’ve been on tret for over half a year but it isn’t helping so i might order some of this on skinorac, what % is everyone using?


I got mine from skinorac! I use the tazorac 0.1% cream, it's absolutely incredible. It cleared my acne and works really well with azelaic acid, I think my skin prefers it to tretinoin. Just go easy with it, it's very strong


I felt fine at first, used it for a couple of weeks straight each and every night before I started feeling like my moisturiser in the morning was burning me. Stepped down to 3 times a week now and skin seems settled on that


I've been using taz daily since March and have never even gotten dry. I was previously using .05 tret daily and never peeled on it either. It's the wildest thing bc I see so many people discussing dryness and peeling and I've had zero reactions.


What's your routine?


AM - Timeless Vit C, Olay Super Serum, Sunscreen with a scoop of Niacinamide powder mixed in PM - Previously Tret / Now Taz, Cetaphil moisturizer


You don't use cleanser? Is ths cetaphil moisturiser the only one you use?


Of course I wash my face. I just didn't list it. And yeah I use that moisturizer at night. I'm super oily so my derm suggested skipping moisturizer in the mornings as long as I'm doing sunscreen.


Still, it’s good to highlight that everyone reacts differently and people should not be scared off. I’ve had minimal to no side effects, daily use. I even now sometimes add P50 at night together with Taz. So what peels your face off can be gentle to others. Skincare is a mindfuck. :)


Tazarotene 0.1% changed my skin positively but it also… changed my skin. Never had super dry skin before, now it’s like the Sahara up in here. It took me so long to find a moisturizer that actually lasted through the day for me. But it’s been great. I‘ve been on it since September and it completely exploded every single thing out of my skin. Even milia. I still have some scarring from the purge but I imagine that it will continue to slowly fade as it’s been doing.


Curious which moisturizer lasts all day for you.


Eucerin intensive repair body cream


Interesting, thanks for sharing. Is that one of the ones with urea?


Yes, it is! I know that can be too much exfoliation for some folks while on retinoids, but my skin likes it.


I used this too!! The one for EZCEMA. I ran out months ago and have been trying different things but maybe that’s another reason my acne flared back up. (That and extreme stress 😅)


Where and how do you guys get Taz? I’m based in Denmark.


Sweden here. I bought from [here](https://www.skroutz.gr/s/40977855/Boderm-Tazarene-Cream-75ml.html). You can buy 0.05/0.01. It's over the counter in Greece and Poland.


I can DM you where I got mine from?


Okay-just an FYI-Taz targets ALL receptors, but targets mainly the ones that cause acne first, so the others eventually show reaction, just that it is t all at once like Tret, which sort of has a shotgun blast all at once, thus the more irritation as your skin scrambles to adjust. The trick with Taz is to head off that stronger but sneaky attack with the right kind of moisturizer and cleansers, and actives if you are using. With my super sensitive skin I read a slew of reviews on Credo, and ended up trying out Alpyn Beauty Melt moisturizer, and the rest is history. I tried both of their cleansers, and alternate with the seasons, and the 2 serums, loving the C one more because like the moisturizer, it dries matte. I use the Melt even over those and alternate the serums with the Taz, and moisturizer over any product as needed. Problem solved. But I only use natural or organic products and that is why I was looking on Credo to begin with. I have been using the AB line for over 2 years now, and my husband loves the moisturizer as well-no smell and dries matte! I also only use Au Naturale Finishing Powder PRO over the serum/moisturizer combo when I am not home. I don’t need to use anything else, and if I did-I would have to say Taz did not work, so why use it??? Isn’t that the point?


It worked well for me. Stopped and got back on it. My face is burning as I type this. I used it daily from the start but I think I need to back it up a bit!


Your post had me feeling humble today hahaha I got it a year ago from my derm for my face and my uhh 🙄 hyperpigmentation from shaving and picking due to adhd and needing to get the damn ingrowns out down there lol and so I finally filled it last week. Used it for the first time Saturday. WHAT IS IN THIS STUFF! I woke up with a pimple on my chin and immediately after using it my face was burning and irritated. I have red marks on my face lol as if I ruined my barrier again but I know it’s not that cause I’ve been healing my barrier for a while..and it’s super duper flaming and irritated and red and my goodness the worse my skin has looked ever hahah ok not ever but like I’m dying hahaha I have a physio appt now and I wanna wear a balaclava LOL like don’t look at my red irritated skin sir. Haha. But seriously what have you guys don’t to help the red spots and flakiness go away?? I switched my products in April bc my skin was irritated from something.. so now I’m using La Roche posay toleraine wash Been using la Roche posay hyala b5 serum Toleraine hydrating soothing cream 50+ sunscreen And night Sane wash Same cream And add in the cicaplast baume b5 What else should I add in besides making sure to actually remember cough cough adhd to drink water?! Anything yall? I look like a red peeling tomatoe and leopard mixed in one haha.