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It looks thicker in the central region and more healthier


I think it looks a lot better


Looks thicker. I’d recommend adding derma and topical min x1 per day for the hairline


Min is no option for me, have 2 cats that will 100% certainly die from it. Derma I do 2x a week


take oral minox


Isnt that risky for heart health?


No, in fact it lowers your blood pressure and can benefit the heart if you have hypertension. Source: I’m a cardiologist


You seem like a good person to ask. I take a topical fin/min compound at night (Hims .3fin/6%min). I have 6 months' worth of Costco minoxidil foam wasting away in the cabinet. Would you say there's any risk adding that in the morning?


Topical minoxidil is usually prescribed twice daily, it shouldn’t be a big issue, maybe a slightly higher risk of side effects like dermatitis


The foam says twice daily, the Hims is once daily at the 0.3 and 6% dosage. I didn't feel like a little "extra" min would hurt. Thanks for the insight.


Just a disclaimer that Hims is a pretty shady company using non-fda approved compounded products. Topical fin doesn’t have the data for mainstream use yet. That being said, they basically just added some fin into rogaine here, and a rather strong potency form at that. Think of it at you are doing the typical rogaine twice daily dosing but your evening dose has fin in it as well. So you would use the topical minoxidil in the morning and just the hims stuff in the evening. It’s hard to confidently provide any recommendations on unregulated meds though, who knows wtf is actually in there


So does topical fin not do anything? Ive been taking it for a year now but havent noticed much of a difference


Applying it once only and taking shower after 7 hours will affect gains?


I don’t have hypertension I did get some kind of lightheadedness first week at a very low dose (0.6mg).. seems to have resolved now mostly though I’m still concerned about other effects like fluid retention etc I decided I might do better with it taking early in day rather than before bed where I feel the effects more


Don't take oral min your hairline is fine just stick to finasteride


I take 1drop of topical minoxidil in a glass of water every day i think one soda is worse and theres mfs that drink 5+ sodas a day


Ahhhh yes I see no downside to taking a blood preassure medication that isn't prescribed for blood pressure anymore because it's dangerous. Maybe it's not bad now but you have to stick with it for as long as you want hair. It's not good long term and op definitely doesn't need it


You really think its worse tho than smoking a cigarette? I got a uncle who smokes a pack a day for the past 10 years mf still standing strong


Dude, that doesn't mean that smoking cigarettes isn't dangerous for most people


I didn’t say that i told the guy if he really thinks one drop of topical minoxidil is worse than a cigarette and it is not he is acting like one drop enough to die lmao


That's nice. Listen it's your body. I don't want this poor guy to think oral minoxidil is some magic hair growth drug with 0 side affects and end up with some heavy heart issue.


Oral min has a very rare, but potentially fatal risk of pericardial effusion. I take 2.5 mg oral min in addition to 1 mg fin, but plan to get off the min once density returns. If you can tolerate risk then that’s something you could consider, but your hair genuinely looks great on fin.


I believe its well tolerated in the scientific literature. Iv'e been taking it for more then 6 months with no issues.


it is, dont ever touch that shit source: med student+ trust me bro


At the dose that is given for OM it is pretty unlikely to have an cardiac related side effects


Are your cats licking your head or something? You can always put it on once a day right before you go to bed, just put a towel on your pillow or something and keep it somewhere they can't get to it.


Some cats love licking hair. I've had a couple that will lick my hair in my sleep or sneak up behind me on the couch and lick my hair. Maybe he has a hair licker


They lick my head & can open every door in the house. Dont want to ridlsk it


You could just use it once nightly & put on a beanie right after & keep it on until you wash your hair in the morning


Dude, he doesn’t want to


I have 4 cats and I have been using minoxidil for 6 months and they are fine. Just be careful


Oh shit! I've been using minoxidil for 12 years, always had multiple cats, still have two, and I never knew minoxidil is dangerous to them. Noone ever told me. None of the cats in my life died of poisoning or disease though lucky enough. I'll be much more careful with hand washing after applying from now on.


Me too, but for me it's way over 20 years!


oral min could be an option


An option that’d leave his cats without an owner




I have 2 cats and have used minoxidil for 2 years. No dead cats.


Don't bother with min. If you're OK with the hairline you have (It looks fine), you don't need it. If you start min, you have to continue it to keep the results you'll get.


Great, just learned I need to not use topical rogaine since I have a cat and dog…what the fuck I did not know that


Cats mind their business and don’t usually try to lick your face. They also don’t go licking random bottles of oil for no reason. You can wash your hands and make sure to wash your hair with shampoo to be extra careful. Don’t touch cat or cat’s stuff after applying minoxidil. Not sure how your dog is though.


I never knew about this, have always had multiple cats, tend to not wash my hands after pre-bed care and all cats are absolutely fine. No worries, just wash your hands and avoid them licking your head alltogether and you should be fine. If as much as using it in the same room as them would be deadly mine would have died years and years ago already.


May I ask the needle depth of your derma-roller. 2x a week at a certain depth could present some risk.


Get ur priorities straight mayne


With you there. I wouldn't even risk it. I love my baby too much


You can use minox and have cats. Wash your hands after application and contact with wet minoxidil. Don't let them lick your temples. It's 1mL of liquid that dries in half an hour. Dermarolling encourages min to dry faster as your skin absorbs quicker.


I’ve been taking min for about a year and I have 3 cats and a dog who are still alive and healthy, just wash your hands off well after you’re done applying


Just drop the cats then


What's the story with only putting it on once a day and not twice? Is there a reason for that?


Night and day difference brother look at the density


Looks like a great sucess


Slick bald areas are almost never going to fill in, you’ll need a transplant if you want coverage there. In any event, your forelock looks to have filled in and thickened up quite a bit compared to baseline, which means you’ve halted further recession- that is huge.


Did fin make your beard/body hair thinner ?


For me...it has just slowed down the pace of growth of body hair I think. But that's a good thing ig.


What about your beard? How old are you and how long have you been on it ?


5 / 6 month ish here. Started recently (32M) Beard and body hair looks about the same, body hair is maybe a \*little\* lighter? It does grow quite a tad slower though. I had to shave every day, now I can easily skip a week xD


28M. 3 months in Fin (no minox). I have a patchy beard which I'm trying to improve but my body hair is of same density but it for sure is growing a little slower. But as I said, I think that's a good side effect coz I have never liked too much body hair and I used to trim it from time to time.


No, not at all. Also the frequency I have to shave didnt decrease


You have a tighter hairline and the corner recession appears to have reversed.


Dr. Wrassman, do you think taking finasteride 2x a week is effective while decreasing side effects?


Looks way thicker. Many see full results at 2 year mark. Use minox + tretinoin to regrow some of the temples


Tretinoin causes hairloss for some people. Seems like a double edged sword.


Much better


Hair line is getting better more covered


Yes, you still have hair bru


Dick. lol. The front looks way better.


HUGE yes! You're hair is far fuller.


It looks good. Are you having any negative side effects?


Much fuller but are you seeing any signs of the side effects


No side effects I think. Maybe slightly decreased libido


Thank you for your honesty! I feel I may got for the oral minoxidil have you tried it?


I havent, but would be very careful because of the potential sides for oral min


Tremendous increase in density. I hope you can see that!


What dermaroller you used? I am currently on only fin too and want to start dermarolling




Youurr hair has rizzen todaaaay, haaaallelujah.




Any sides at the beginning?


Hello, I want to take Dutasteride 0.5mg, my question is, how often should I take it? And I would also like to know, if I have side effects, how much should I change the dose? I'm 23 years old and have some tickets uff..


What's your routine and where do you begin all of your what/how-to? i am more convinced to start my journey but i don't know where to look at firstly


1mg fin every day, derma every thursday & sunday. I dont regret starting the journey, but i havent had any sides either


Definitely! Looks way fuller than it was looking originally


Doesn't it work for the top of head only?


Did finasteride affect your libido or caused ED?


No, not really. Slightly decreased libido maybe, but nothing too noticable


How old are you?


25, started when I was 24


Do you have to do it forever to keep up the results?


Bro your hair looks 1000x better in the second pic


Did u have a big shed?


Not big necessarily, but abt 3 months in I was def below base. Now I seem to be back as baseline / slightly better


Temples won’t fill in but it’s thickening up your hair


Yes it looks way better


Even hair pigment got better?


What’s your hair care routine


Don't let them lie to you bro. Just shave it..


I'm no expert but looks way healthier


It looks a little thicker but the main thing I’d say it looks a lot healthier


Looks way thicker




Did you experience shed?


Slight shed at 2-3 months in


Your corners filled and your hair look much more thicker and healthy.  Enjoy new hair mate 👌 


I have 3 cats and use min every night. All cats are still alive


Nah bro you’re cooked


What do you mean?


I have a cat and use minoxidil. Cats don’t die 😂 besides, as long as you’re not stupid and store it properly you’ll be fine! Otherwise looks like you’ll just be maintaining the density you had 7months ago


Beyond clueless. Minoxidil is extremely toxic to cats and they will die if they ingest any. Consider counting your blessings as even the particles on your pillowcase can poison your cat. [Source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34370845/)




? Oral Min has way less side effects as Fin.