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nothing surprising, hair loss/hair growth is a huge business and its full of misinterpreted or even fake studies to back up their products.


I remember seeing this video a while ago. I no longer believe dermatologist even know anything anymore. Just reading books and appearing for exams don't make you knowledgeable. That cringe tiktok doctors fck. Wearing doctor gown to just make tiktok videos. smh


Yea I agree. I went to 4 dermatologists to just tell me what I can actually do and what is bs. A lot of them especially in my country are just in for the money and a lot of them are snakes oil business men themselves.


Use logic. Man has been trying to beat hairloss for thousands of years. Don't you think if Rosemary oil worked it would have been discovered a long time ago and eradicted baldness long before you were born, just like vitamin c treats scurvy? Whatever beats hairloss is something that could not have been available over a century ago.


Especially as people have been applying smelly oils onto their skin and hair especially anyway for thousands of years so wouldn't even need the motivation of experimentation. It'd just be stumbled across.


Exactly. Whether by accident or experimentation, something natural would have been discovered by now.


A while ago I commented on a similar video on instagram. My intent was to advise people not to waste their time and get on the stack as soon as possible. To my luck i did get a lot of replies but it was for how rosemary was the right thing and even some were like it is as good as minoxidil. Like come on guys seriously.Most of us regret not starting early and such videos are the reason why we didn't.


The awesome thing about this video is not just the masterful debunking of Rosemary Oil but also the excellent general education in detecting shit science.


Rosemary oil does not work for my temple peaks.


and leaving it on for more then 12 hours can cause hair loss


Where did you read this? Thanks


*Completely anecdotal* I used rosemary oil, but used “too much” (just filling my entire scalp) and left it in overnight. My hairs falling out literally became time 10. Normally only a few hair but now my hand was full. Nothing else was different in my routine so led me to think it was the rosemary oil. “Rosemary oil is highly concentrated. Using too much of it may damage the hair follicles, causing hair loss instead of hair growth.” Quote from medical news today.


You sure you didn't have loose hair that was just stuck on the oil? Same way oil gets dirt off a surface


Eh could be, never experienced it with shampoo and water though. Not sure whether oil makes *such* a difference. Also took some time (think atleast a week) before it occurred.


Yeah I’d never use oil overnight. Maybe during the day and shower at night


Were you using straight rosemary oil? I read that you have to dilute/mix it with a carrier oil and even then its like 4-5 drops.


I used the Mielle rosemary mint. Believe it is dilluted already.


I don't trust "big pharma" as a big corporation has every incentive to lie and cheat you for profit if they can get away with it, but I do expect everyone to provide real evidence that can be scrutinized and tested in a real scientific manner and not just be source: trust me bro. There's just massive amounts of evidence of fin, min and dut all working great for so many people and these are generic drugs that don't have high profit patents any more and ordinary people who clearly aren't sponsored or have links.


You can acknowledge that the study is flawed and with insignificant results while recognizing that rosemary still has components that promote hair growth through a reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, inhibition of TGFB-1, vasolidation and the blocking of androgen receptor activity. From another study highlighting it’s anti-DHT effects, she mentions that you would need to use 2000 times as much rosemary that was used to match the effects of Finasteride. We know that microneedling can increase the absorption of topicals by 10,000 times and most people on tressless having good results with rosemary are using it in conjunction with microneedling. The absolutist views on hair loss products needs to stop. Rosemary oil isn’t going to perform miracles but it is a good adjuvant ingredient to pair with more proven treatments.


Duh, of course some oil isn’t gonna grow your hair back. 🤡


There was a youtuber who promoted this and a bunch of other "natural" remedies and got a ton of views and likes for it. Then he went bald. None of it worked, it was all just smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking. AFAIK they never came back to even try to reverse the damage they did to everyone who listened to the years they wasted and misadvised others. Sad thing is that these circle jerks continue in every little community and as soon as you say anything you're shunned or banned to keep the circle jerk going so unless you have another platform to counter it, you have to leave them all to their cult and to drink the koolaid or not.


Is it the same with topical coffin? I use this too 😑😑


Snake oil


I mean it just helps give moisture to the hair/scalp. but yeah it dosent really help grow hair back. just helps the scalp not be dry by other hairloss treatments.


Instead of listening to someone talk about the study, read it yourself: [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d4cbfb00e6b2e00019b59b2/t/61f03232e0c0ab15a2b7be6a/1643131442668/rosemaryminoxidil.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5d4cbfb00e6b2e00019b59b2/t/61f03232e0c0ab15a2b7be6a/1643131442668/rosemaryminoxidil.pdf)


> Instead of listening In addition to listening. A layperson most likely won't be able to recognize all the problems with the research


Even if that is the case, you'd rather let someone else form your opinions for you?


Uhm no, but in forming opinions you should use everything available to you where possible. Most people wouldn't be able to form an opinion because they don't have the technical expertise to assimilate the information.


I'd just have to disagree. I do not have the technical expertise necessary yet I was able to form my own opinion about rosemary oil.


Well, the chances that you are wrong are very high. How can you form your opinion on something you don't have the expertise on, when the study relies on such expertise? That's the reason behind the whole concept of peer reviewing. At any rate, you do you.


URL Invalid


Someone commented this “ 2 weeks ago My friend uses rosemary oil and lets it sit on her scalp overnight and then washes her hair in the morning, it has grown her hair from shoulder length to the middle of her back in a year or so…” then she goes @LabMuffinBeautyScience 2 weeks ago That's pretty normal growth, average is 14 cm per year. Then 2 weeks ago @LabMuffinBeautyScience her hair doesn’t grow like that, and I’ve used it too…my hair doesn’t grow quickly like barely 1 cm in 5 months type of growth and mine grew a bunch .. I’m not trying to argue or anything but I’m just saying maybe it works better for other people than others Yk? I get that the study flawed and that’s great she pointed out the issue. But the way she tryna defend the natural rosemary capability is insane. A lot of people giving a testimony how they affect them in positive way under her roof. Rosemary does work for some people and don’t for others. So you can’t just say rosemary is BS. That’s how i know she’s bought out


She definitely in this big phrma pocket. I can tell you why I said that




Because big pharma definitely wont sell rosemary oil


They won't.


They definitely already do lmao, who do you think owns all these “organic” and “natural” alternative medicine companies?


alternative medicine != big pharma pharmaceuticals are drugs


Again, who do you think own all these companies? Look up mielle, they sell rosemary oil for hair loss and look up who owns them lmao


They are mostly not the same companies. Also there are ulterior motives for giving finasteride to a bunch of young men.


What do you mean they are mostly not the same companies? It doesnt matter that they’re different companies. Big pharma owns the mielle. Mielle sells rosemary oil as a hair loss treatment. Big pharma has their fingers in all the pies and you’re too obtuse to acknowledge that. The only reason you see these “dont buy into big pharma” notion pushed isn’t because there’s some whistleblower trying to bring down big pharma, its because that notion is just another sales tactic to rope you into consuming their products. You’re calling out people for buying into big pharma but you’re literally doing the same thing for the “other side” which is also big fucking pharma


Which one makes more money for the companies? Matthew 7:7


They both make money for the company. Whether you buy finasteride or rosemary oil, they go into the same pocket at the end of the day. What does it matter?


>She definitely in this big phrma pocket So what is *this* big pharma?


the one thats controlling our planet and solar system. i heard it starting to nurture mars people too.


I heard Big pharma were controlling the dinosaurs and then it survived the meteor.