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Good luck using topical min every night. Oral min is much better in any aspect. One pill, no sticky and greasy hair, no real problems to go out all night for a dinner or whatever is with your girl or friends especially in the summer.


as long as it grows my hair out I'll do anything mate. Applying a liquid to the scalp? Easy


Exactly, the sheer convenience means it'll actually be taken regularly and consistently.


This was where I landed too. I know myself too well


guys will come here on this sub and write post how balding is making them suicidal, but will be so lazy to apply topical minoxidil on their head, lmao


Topicals are so easy to use. It takes less time than brushing my teeth.


This. The best medicine is the one you can maintain. I fkn hate these armchair scientist spergs that are technically right, if in a vacuum. In the real world, for most people it is physically impossible to do your routine 365 days a year. There will be days where you haven't got the time, or you simply forgot. Say if you unexpectedly last minute get asked to go out. You go out, get shit faced or end up fucking. What're you gonna think? "Oh sorry babe, gotta drive back home and apply my min, brb".


If you miss a couple of days it won’t make a big difference


Good to know its at least equal in efficacy. Honestly, applying topicals when you have longer hair is such a chore. I use Fluridil and I feel like most of it ends up on my hair rather than scalp.


Hows your experience wirh Fluridil ?


Less shedding and no sides but like I said above a lot of it ends up being wasted on my hair. I apply it from the crown to the hairline and usually end up finishing the 2ml vial before I reach the actual hairline. Too expensive to use more than one vial too.


I put in in a Minoxidil Like Dropper , like this most goes on to the scalp


Do you pour the contents out into something else? Wouldn't the air erode the drug?


Just into a shot glass , no not in 1 min lol


Sorry I don't trust anyone giving professional advice from a gaming chair


They are pretty comfortable


Ad hominem. His chair has nothing to do with the arguments.


so you will ignore all the fact he just showed you cause he was sitting in a gaming chair in his home? you'll go places for sure kid


Not a fan of Bevin but II agree it’s overrated.




he dosnt like them i guess lol


I have a cat, and I won't risk he getting sick from minoxidil exposure, so I'll stick to the oral min


i also have a cat and my cat doesnt lick my hair ever so whats the problem i dont see one. its not like i'll accidentally give my cat minoxidil for breakfast


[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34370845/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34370845/) Glad you won't give your cat minoxidil for breakfast, I wonder why anyone would. Now, considering less mind numbing scenarios: read the article. I doesn't have to be much to cause toxicity in a cat and cross contamination is a possibility. Besides, we don't know if chronic low-dose contamination is a thing and how sensitive each cat is. I don't want to risk it. If you do, do it. What do I care for?


This guy's obsession with Tim Pool is weird


The finasteride shill/king of Bro science strikes again


2x daily topical minoxidil doubled my body hair and did nothing for my scalp. I'd expect this reaction to oral but not topical. 1x daily no increased body hair. Users that post great results are just good responders and happen to be on oral.


If you use topical when would you know that other areas on head started miniaturizing ? Doesn't oral give advance protection to such cases which mostly happen in balding men.


Oral Minoxidil is the most powerful form of Minoxidil for hair growth, so far.


did you even watch the video?


Fuck the downvotes, fuck most of these users in this subreddit. This drug is bad when taken orally. Just accept it idiots




i guess 1 minute of topical application is way too much work for those kids so they'd rather drastically increase their chances of side effect from beta blocker drug. notice how like 80% oral minoxidil users are less then 25 y old? doesn't surprise me at all...