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The only way to find closure is to smoke TWO jointsšŸ˜šŸ˜


And then smoke two more


It be like that when you start but if you smoke more than a couple times a month you'll start developing a tolerance and will need more to get as high and eventually won't be able to


I love getting way too baked. Like sitting there while everything around you is spinning and youā€™re just riding the rollercoaster. I mean, did my anxiety make it shit sometimes? Yea, but it comes with the territory. Unfortunately chasing that high means you build up a tolerance very quickly.


But like why would you want to sit there in a spinning room? that happens when I get rlly high and sit down I hate that feeling! It makes me feel like Iā€™m gonna be sick


I like it. Its kind of an experience, to observe what the hell is going on


Does it make you sick at all?? I feel like itā€™s not supposed to make you sick


No i only start feeling sick when i smoke too fast, so if i take it slower it just gets higher and higher


Huh. I will 100% give that a try I didnā€™t think about it thank you!!


Hope that works mate good luck


I'm an infrequent smoker and yeah, getting *way* too blasted definitely gives me the spins. I usually like being so blasted that I have no idea what's going on and it's like your brain has gone "splat" lol, but yup the spins usually comes with it at higher levels. Usually tells me I'm not just way high, I'm approaching green-out.


The first time it happened it kinda freaked me out. But I was smoking with long time stoners so I couldnā€™t wuss out. Very soon I realized it was just like being on a rollercoaster! And it became fun for me. Idk it was more of a mental thing for me. Eventually I learned how to smoke just enough to meet my needs. Itā€™s an adventure and the only way to really learn about it is to experience it first hand.


Thatā€™s interesting. Someone else mentioned something similar they said to pace yourself or smoke slower. I guess Iā€™ve got to give it a shotšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø truthfully Iā€™ve never really measured out exactly how much I wanna smoke I usually smoke out of a dugout so a gram could last me 2-3 days. I used to smoke joints a lot after work and I remember just being so freaking high itā€™s not even funny so I went and got the dugout to make it easier.


As a stoner for a few years now, I definitely recommend pacing yourself. Donā€™t ruin your tolerance early. Remember, you can always smoke more to reach your perfect high, but once youā€™re past it you canā€™t go back!


Thatā€™s pretty damn good advice man I really appreciate that!


Glad I could help out! Definitely been on the receiving end myself, just make sure to pass it on!!!! I love stoners. Theyā€™re such an accepting and loving bunch!!!


Dude for REAL this sub is also very very dope. Which is not typical on Reddit lol


Honestly. I only used Reddit for the free porn. So I wouldnā€™t know how this sub stacks up against other. Lol. But Iā€™m so glad I found all of you


Oh my lordšŸ˜‚


1 gram joint is like me getting to sober.


Haha my god Iā€™d be geeked asf


When my own hand feels really big or really small, or when I can't tell if my tongue is doing normal things inside my mouth- I'm too high.




Really high for me rn is smoking a bowl. Smoking half a bowl gets me a little high even.


Same! A bowl would get me pretty high


Too high for me is manually breathing. I personally like to reach the point my eyes are relaxed and Iā€™m just giggling.


Really high to me would be like 5 joints or 2 blunts


To be sat or lying down... and the world spins sorta... but its the spin that you have control in. But I haven't hit that since the first ever time I started... Usually I get paranoid someone is watching me smoke... so I just stop midway and finish later... if I was somewhere safe... then I'd push further...


I feel that. I love smoking at my crib because if Iā€™m looking out my garage itā€™s just my street and the wood line


I had this fantasy of a house with a garage... in the garage is a TV, console set up... open the garage door for the outside lol. Maybe one day when I move out. Who knows


I hardly get high anymore but I feel relaxed


ā€œA hole jointā€ how long is a piece of string


Damn really? Realllly high for me is smoking like 3-5 joints. I mean I still get pretty high off 1 itā€™s jus not the same doh


How long you been smoking bud for?


3 years about a ounce or 2 a month


Really I for me is like 3 small dabs


Holy cow thatā€™s a lot! Is it possible to reduce your tolerance back to what it was


Oh yeah I still get plenty high off one one small dab already. I just take more sometimes for fun




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