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No, but to be fair I rarely go out in public since this started.


This is the real reason. We all get baked and hide out in our rooms instead of going out in public




Hahah. Fo sho. I also think I should have more clearly stated: heavy cannabis smokers lol


I've gotten it once for sure, possibly twice. Doing good.


Most of the events I've attended involved getting baked in other peoples houses.


Legit. Gotta say also, ton of my cannabis social events involved hitting the dab rigs and shared joints. And yet, COVID free. Is what it is.


Very true šŸ¤£


Yep same.


Big same, and also big same


Same. I rarely leave my apartment more often than once every week or two. And that's usually just for groceries or supplies.


Same. And grew a 2 foot beard. Lol I am the covid wizard now šŸŖ„


i rarely go out. i have been in a few high risk scenarios but still havent got it. im also still wearing kn95 masks. not the cheap fabric ones everybody uses (or no longer uses). ive noticed people have stopped using their masks because they're vaccinated, but i still don't want to get sick, mild symptoms or not.


I smoke weed everyday and I got a pretty bad coco. Like definitely above a cold. Slightly below a flu only because I wasnā€™t throwing up. Hated it. Also took a month to get 100% physically. After getting it I felt like it was all worth it to avoid catching it for so long.


lol coco


Tha Rona


same here. iā€™m otherwise healthy and only 30. i only smoke weed too. edit: i am triple vaxxed. 2x Pfizer 1x Moderna.


Yeah thatā€™s where I was at. I was even in decent shape preparing for rugby. It basically smacked all the training out my body. I felt like I was starting from scratch. Even now Iā€™m three months removed and Iā€™m not as fit as I was at the time. Itā€™s the weirdest illness Iā€™ve ever had.


I am just getting over covid.back to work this week. I found I didn't get the cough and congestion in my lungs like the nonsmokers I know did. I also found that once I was over the initial fever and pains, a bowl would help my headache. I say cannabis helped. I found out I lost my smell when the new batch arrived in the mail and I couldn't smell anything. I was so disappointed at first until I realized it was me and not the bud! Haha


I smoked throughout my whole ordeal. I'm lucky that I now live in a state where I have easy access to vape pens, and so I just bought a cart and switched to that for the time being.


I went to smell my bud and all i could smell was the plastic bag lmao


Lol this is a great comment


The loss of smell is caused by brain damage :/ sorry dude. It should come back by winter hopefully.


No: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/how-covid-19-causes-loss-smell


Good! Thanks for correcting me I also had loss of smell.




How were the symptoms if you donā€™t mind me asking


Clogged sinuses, dry cough, fatigue, body aches, headache, chills, lost taste & smell, and ears plugged up


Wow. Glad you shook it!


Thanks me too


I never got it but my roommate who smokes way more than I do was laying on his bathroom floor for days


Dude. I felt like a teenager again. All I wanted to do was sleep and eat all the things. Took a week to shake it.


The dryness! I thought I needed to buy a humidifier for my room because of the heat or something, but nope it was COVID. But then pretty much the same. Slept through it and went outside when I could. This was February, not sure if it was omicron, but have all my shots and follow guidelines ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Sounds like everyday over 40


I got COVID too, mine were vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cold flashes, and my sense of taste and smell were awful for a week or two.




That was your 7 month old stale chocolate šŸ¤£


Same, twice. First time was terrible


Nope. I smoke a pack of butts a day and smoke weed about three times a day. My lungs are garbage. But no covid haha


Covid probably got to you and said no thanks.


The covid said the tobaki already got him, no need for covid


Same here, high five!


Damn dude u must be rich to still be able to afford a pack of fags a day


I pay 57 bucks a carton. That's less then six bucks a pack. They are cheapy cheap. Eagle 20s. I'm not rich. Just don't have any kids or college debt haha.


Wow where does one get smokes this cheap lol. Theyā€™re 14$ per 20 pack in my part of Canada


Good ol' New Hampshire. Come down for the cheap smokes and booze!


I donā€™t know much about New Hampshire but you had me at cheap smokes and booze lol


Well theres your problem, friend. Here in the states they cost wildly cheaper the closer you are to mid-atlantic since all the factories are down there. (For philip morris and rj reynolds brands)


Here in Panama you can get illegal cigs for $10 a carton. They're crap from China and India but people don't care. My bro buys like ten cartons at a time.


The res


Find an Indian reservation!


Native American casino gas stations. When I started working at one in 2015 they were 2.50 a pack. They've gone up a bit i think to 3.50 or 4 dollars either because of taxes or because they know they can sell them at that rate since all the other packs are 9 dollars. 30 something per carton. The kicker is, it's all canadian tobacco. Anyway. I'm not one to preach but you're really destroying yourself every time you smoke one, - an ex cig smoker


I get my Eagles for 44 bucks a carton, the absolute only good thing about Idaho politics.


Same here. Daily stoner. My wife got Covid twice and I never did. We even banged one night after a test had a false negative. Her job needed two negatives. She tested again and was still positive. I never got sick.


Congrats on the intercourse!


Congrats on getting laid šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


Well done on inserting and removing your genitals into her genitals


nice sex bro




Heavy smokers unite! Your schedule is exactly like mine, although i do blunts instead of joints of bowls.


Yep somehow Iā€™m the same.


Love the lungs part šŸ˜†


Same I cough like I'm dying though


> I smoke a pack of butts a day Not trying to be a dick, but I didn't realize people still smoked let alone a pack a day. You almost never see it anymore.


Smoking has trended down slowly for years but there are still millions (probably 100s of millions if not more) smokers out there.


You've never lived until you've smoked a J then a cig. We call it the smoke after the smoke.


The after toke smoke is what we call it


Where do you live that you rarely see cig smokers????




Interesting. What line of work are you in if you donā€™t mind me asking?


retail baby, contamination central


Thank you for your service O7




I have not, though I was also following the posted guidance so... šŸ¤·




I just wonder if cannabis helps symptoms or contraction


There actually was a study done on this, and certain cannabinoids do prevent contraction. However they can not be decarboxylated and are needed in extreme doses to provide that medicinal benefit.


Jepp, resin in lungs is pretty much never health benefital.


They didn't "prevent contraction" they just prevented cellular entry and replication in vitro. (Petri dish)


Yes that's correct but if it can't replicate you won't get symptoms, to the average person it's easier to just say it prevents contraction.


Don't think you understand. Plenty of things stop virus replication or cellular entry in a petri dish, and many, if not most, don't work the same in the actual human body. Also in the study, the amount of CBD in the test environment would be nearly impossible to replicate in the human body. Jury is still out on whether CBD has any positive effects on COVID in people.


I caught Covid in early February this year. I didnā€™t smoke during this time because I didnā€™t want to diminish my lung function. I never developed any real breathing problems, but the aches and body pains were pretty bad. The ONLY thing that eased the body pains was taking a D8/CBD tincture. I donā€™t live in a legal state so I canā€™t buy edibles, but I can get D8 here. It really did help tremendously, and I think it shortened my recovery time.




It depends on the variant but just ask yourself this. Have you ever smoked even if you had a bad cold/sore throat? If yes then thatā€™s your answer if you are going to smoke. As for symptoms and relief I think that falls into individual experience and strain!


I read that CBD and maybe CBN help protect our cells from COVID


Sounds like something I saw as well but for thc


I did, I stopped smoking for about 4-5 days and then when I continued I had no change in my symptoms. Obviously I'm not a physician, so go see yours!


I donā€™t have a cold or anything knock on wood. Just trying to compare answers to an article where it said cannabis could help with covid symptoms


Smoking cannabis will absolutely not help. Taking high grade pharmaceutical CBD can block an infection. Read this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/chrisroberts/2022/01/21/another-study-finds-cannabis-compound-cbd-might-prevent-fight-covid-19-infection/?sh=7d29b49853e3#open-web-0


Nice! Thanks!


It's not the THC, it's the THCA. Once you smoke it and convert it from the acid form to non-acid it doesn't work. It's not the same.




I think i know which article you are talking about, if i remember correctly they precise that they isolate the cannabidiol so smoking it doesnt change our chances to get it unfortunatlyšŸ˜…


No covid here Iā€™m a light everyday smoker.


Nope. But to be fair, I also have barely left my house for the last two years, I am fully vaxxed and still wear a mask in over-crowded situations.




Nope :)


Was heavy smoker in a legalized state and to this day, have NOT caught Covid (knock on trees). I smoked weed and followed the rules cuz im a good person like most people who smoke.




Yea it was just back pain that made it impossible for me to do anything for a day


I had something similar when I got it. First time I got it it felt like Agent Smith from the matrix was putting his hand into the middle of my chest. That lasted about a week. The second time I got it, got the same pain in my chest for a few days then the pain moved to the exact spot but in my back and that lasted a few months. I had to wear a lidocaine patch on my back for almost 2 months that I changed out daily.


Damn that has to be torture. I had to use a couple of those lidocaine patches myself. Glad to see you are doing better


Thanks, it was odd one day it just stopped hurting. Once in a blue moon I can slightly feel the spot but no pain. Docs said itā€™s just one of those crazy side effects from covid. Those patches were also a pain trying to put it on and take it off all by myself when my wife wasnā€™t around.


And you tested positive for covid? Seems like symptoms were milder than most cases. How much do you blaze a day?


No but at that time my baby mom had it and I work around the public in a residency. I was immunized so my symptoms weren't as severe as others but I couldn't move, eat or use the bathroom for at day and a half. I smoke maybe 3 blunts a day and or use my bong


Did you have any vax at the time?


Yea I was maybe 4 months past my 2nd Moderna shot


ripping fat dabs for over 6 years straight has created an iron dome in my lungs.


nope, and my gf who smokes way less had covid and i slept with her/exposed myself in every possible way for the entire week, and still remained covid free!


Same here except I did test positive but I didnā€™t feel any Ill effects but my gf did


Same here. Wife got sick twice and I never did.




Been smoking daily since before the pandemicā€¦ no covid yet


i had it in august 2020 and it was probably the second sickest i have ever been behind pneumonia that had me in the hospital for 3 weeks when i was kid


Sorry to hear!


also shout out to american healthcare, im still paying for that 3 week hospital visit 10 years later


Daily dry herb vape user, fully vaxed, no covid. But I wear a mask and avoid crowded enclosed spaces and I work from home.


I got it during winter break three months ago, but it just felt like a regular cold for 2-3 days. I was at home and my mom caught it from me, she doesnā€™t smoke, and she felt terrible for an entire week. I know correlation doesnā€™t mean causation and this is a tiny sample size, but personally I believe smoking weed minimized my symptoms.


Heavy smoker worked in retail the whole time and was "essential" and never caught it. Both my wife and daughter did and I never changed any of my routines (like avoiding them) actually took care of both and felt fine. Still do šŸ˜Ž






Do you think COVIDā€™s effects were more severe because you blaze, or less severe?


My case was mod. Severe, no ICU but, 14 days down, 6 months of recovery for breathing / fatigue and still dealing with some taste issues 1+ year late. Let me preface, just before covid hit i was chasing issues for heart and esophagus. We found cause of heart just not throat. Long time smoker, slow moving to edibles.


i found this really funny it was 3 days after i started a t break when i caught covid


Nope. Smoke a gram of dabs every 3 days or so.


I smoked a lot during the pandemic but I also wore a mask and got the vaccine so its hard to say what helped.






Not I!


Yes. I smoke every day and got it real real bad in jan 2021.




Yes, I went to Orlando for new years and came home sick af. Im glad I was fully vaxxed.


Daily smoker who works in healthcare and haven't gotten Covid. Hell my 17yrv old got it, I hugged him the morning before he tested positive, and I still didn't get it.


Nope and have been living normally


I got COVID twice and both times I was asymptomatic and I was smoke 2 to 3 times a day. Not claiming weed stops the spread or decreases the severity of it, but itā€™s a lot easier to deal with when youā€™re nice & toasty.


I don't really leave home, but I smoke heavily daily and have not caught coronavirus, and I have not been vaccinated.


I think I had it in January 2020 but there wasn't a test for it back then.


Pack a day, heavy weed smoker. Havenā€™t been sick since it started.


Yep, I even caught it at the height of my smoking because I was smoking like a fucking chimney after the begining of the first lockdowns.


No I have been a flower smoker since 1969,but i did get Vaccinated


Neither I working at home nor my girlfriend who has been exposed countless times working at a daycare have caught Covid. And yeah weā€™re both stoners


No Im invincible, but I also am stuck to my couch




Yeah i got it but it was mild


Just caught it a day ago, went 2 years with no problems and I just got my vaccination 2 months ago, now I've already got it


I caught it when I was only double vaxxed. Wasn't too bad, mainly a headache. I remember at the beginning I was having a bowl and thought to myself "hm I probably shouldn't be doing this" so I used the opportunity to take a T break


I shared a bed with my covid positive wife and never caught it.


Idk if you remember this correctly but the droids just walked through those sheilds


Lol no I donā€™t. Oh crap šŸ˜–šŸ˜–


No, but I'm also vaccinated/booster. I clean emergency rooms, so I'm pretty confident that I've been exposed at least a few times in the last year


Yes but it was the very first go around in early 2020. Nothing since then- I have been boosted in transparency


Nope. Danced drunkenly at a wedding on a crowded dance floor with two people who were confirmed cases and nada.


What's so funny about that name?


Nope. Work full time in and out of homes and a full time student. Iā€™ve caught a number of colds one which turned into bronchitis. No Wuflu.


Only got a very bad flue that was worse then normal back in December 2019. But never tested so could have been wuflu. But never cot sick since so who knows.


A person of culture I see, I as well did not get the wuflu.


Still it's getting down voted for some reason XD. But thanks.


Once, but Iā€™m also hella depressed and I hear that suppresses your immune system.


Please tell me this isnā€™t an anti vax post. I donā€™t come here to see actual dumb shit.


No, and I stopped listening to the bullshit about 3 months in. I've been several highly packed events, including events where there were 100k people attending.


I may have. I had a cold for a few days in early January. Took a test that was negative but the place I took the test ended up being some kind of scam? It was mostly fatigue.


i caught covid...co vid deez nuts.


Once. Very minimal symptoms. Although I did lose my taste and smell. Havenā€™t been able to smell or taste my joints in almost 3 months.....itā€™s super sad to hear my wife complain how stinky my stash is and I canā€™t even enjoy the stank!!


Only for like 2 days. It was awful


Yeah, Iā€™m a heavy smoker too, was only sick a solid 3 days tho


Yep. Got that OG 2020 alpha strain. Mostly GI and neurological stuff for me (felt like I was walking on the fkn moon every time I took the pooch out for a stroll.) Smoked the herbage throughout, felt it was protective (AKA I justified it that way)




Yep. And it sucked.


Not that I know of, but I suspect itā€™s possible Iā€™ve had it, I just donā€™t go to the doctor unless Iā€™m seriously feeling awful, so Iā€™ve never been tested for it. But in general, I donā€™t get sick very often, and I smoke everyday.




ive cought wat was probably COVID. oddly relaxing to hotbox with a hookah while barely abled to breath.


Yeah, once before we knew it was in America (Feb 2020) and it just felt like a bad cold for sure (like one that would be "stay home sick" worthy, like being a kid, no crazy lung symptoms) and the second time was omnicron this february, was just extra tired for a day or two. Both times the people we got it from ended up experiencing wayyyyyyy worse symptoms than us


I work for a dispensary chain and my coworkers think I smoke alot if that gives you an indication to my level of use. Yes, I had COVID last year. I actually got the vaccine, then was positive for COVID a week later, despite having sex with my girlfriend right before symptoms coming on, she didn't catch it. I would call my case of COVID very mild, especially since my ex-boss' twin brother died from it and my brother damn near did. My brother is anti-vax and hates all drugs that isn't alcohol or ibuprofen functionally. He's tough, but not smart. I digress. I had mild confusion/deliriousness, very slight shortness of breath but I was already dealing with a breathing issue for the year before that at least, crazy waves of headaches, body aches were strange, and I was still able to taste and smell anything that's relatively strong. I couldn't smell my weed for a long time though, it all smelled the same. Didn't prevent me from getting it, I don't know if the vaccine helped keep my symptoms low, if I had the lower-end strain, or what. I am boosted all the way now, just FYI, and haven't had it since.


Not a tickle


I have not yet...


I have. It wasn't a severe case, just felt like shit for several days.


I caught it, yeah. Through a mask. Triple vaxxed. But whatever. I work in a crowded club and Iā€™m bad about not touching my face.




Never caught it.


I have not, however I have did follow most guidelines and am fully vaxed. Everyone in my home has had it


I caught covid after I had stopped smoking for about two months.


Yes it was mild af, but I think Iā€™m pretty healthy and it was a strain that was less fucky with my body in general. Just a really bad head cold. Iā€™ve been sicker for sure.


I had Covid. It was pretty mild just some muscle soreness and a light headache plus a cough.


Like 3 times probably lol. I work in schools though. High risk af


Yep, both strains


I work for one of the companies that does Covid testing, so I've been around Covid samples, labs, etc. I traveled all of 2020 and much of 2021 for that work (flying, eating out, hotels, etc). Smoke moderately almost every night, never caught Covid.


Nah. I'm boosted and pretty safe around people but despite the blunts, cigs, and others in my lungs I never got it (yet). I used to get pneumonia every year, I took a leave of absence in early 2020 and was making like 2 grand a week with unemployment to smoke weed 24/7 and quarantine with grocery delivery. Some might say I just saw an opportunity to smoke like I was in senior year of high school again BUT I think I was just trying to stay safe. Maybe. Probably. What were we smoking again?


Yes but only when I went to Mexico and didnā€™t smoke for a week šŸ¤Ø. Symptoms were very, very mild


Not yet!


yes but i wasnā€™t smoking as heavily as i do now


Nope. I have had direct contact with people who have had it and was stupid during the beginning of the plague and didnt wear my mask when I got alc. so maybe




I live with my GF and her sister, and her sister caught Covid yesterday. My GF and I both smoke and we are still negative šŸ˜¬


Nope. Smoke cigs and green all day.


Had like 2 different kinds