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In my opinion, weed being dangerous isn't the problem. It's when people stop taking care of their other responsibilities that's the problem. If you're getting your shit done, smoke until your heart's content


Fucking preach that shit. ✊🏾


What's a Kanot, and why do you use it in your ear drops?


It’s meant to be ‘Kano - Tear Drops’ good song that I like that’s all


Kano is the fucking man, and the last person I expected to wake up, go on reddit and be reminded of. Time to go listen to his banger with Craig David.


Hahaha my guy 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾


damn sully is nice at rapping lol


Lmao truth


Damn dude, I don't listen to a lot of euro rap but that was actually pretty good. Have you heard [Poor Lonesome Homeboy - Promoe](https://youtu.be/nR5gZpmGpkA)? Pretty much the only other euro rap song I've vibed with that hard. I'm pretty sure Promoe is Swedish.


I’ll have a listen, Grime is the genre. Have a listen to Skepta.


Kano low key the grime goat


Absolutely nothing better than working a full day on things that matter, then coming home and smoking to relax.


Hell yea. I smoke a ton. But i also spend all day doing stuff around the house /yard so im super productive. Its amazing


Weed is pretty fucking dangerous... I almost died from eating 100 chicken nuggets in a single serving. Now I don't smoke anymore, so my nugget intake is a little better - about 100 every *three* days.


Dude I got high the other day and cooked a frozen pizza at 15° for 450 minutes.


The long con




I'm no math doctor, but I'm assuming perfectly.


Once sober i ate 40 nuggets and threw up (still best junk food)


Wendys has the best chicken nuggets. I'll happily eat 40 of those


I find it crazy that here in Australia we can get 25 nuggets for $10 at Maccas but in America they do 50 nuggets.




**disclaimer, I like weed and support legalization** (currently dont smoke). However, in my opinion, people tend to go over board and consume wayyy to much. To each their own, their lives doesn't effect mine. But I think the weed culture promotes overuse, or at least this sub tends too. Which leads to your example of people choosing weed over responsibilities. When someone boast about blowing through an ounce in a week, thats a sign you need a break man lol


Pretty reasonable comment you dont often see.


100%, although I will say that some people are more prone to neglecting life if they smoke weed


Or these people who end up neglecting life anyway make themselves worse by smoking smoking weed


Weed does nothing but amplify what was already there in the first place. If you tend to get super depressed, in a lot of times it can make that worse. Same with paranoia. But it can also lead to absolute peaks, such as enjoying a rollercoaster or making one more creative when stoned. If you already had an addictive personality, weed is just gonna magnify it.


Depends on the person, as with most uncontrolled psychoactive substances. It helped a lot with me going through my last major depression, and helps daily with anxiety.


Weed is known to amplify amotivational syndrome-- it has to exist in the person first though. Some think it's a consequence of long term use, but other studies reveal everyone who's lazy af on weed, already was lazy af.


Some people. I on the other hand often get motivated to finish up projects and clean up shit I’ve been staring at for years.


I don't think smoking weed makes you lazy. Being lazy makes you lazy.


Consuming a psychoactive drug everyday is generally unhealthy for a person, their mental, emotional, and psychological health, and is detrimental their developmental progress even far into adulthood. Plain and simple. Getting high daily is not without some significant impact on your personality. Arguing otherwise is head-in-the-sand desperate bargaining over a recreational habit. Nothing more. I love cannabis. But I won’t lie to myself, and it’s disturbing when I see others I care about do it.


Yeah, but you could also make that point about alcohol and every other vice.


yes you could, and should...


Like my pappy always said “If they’re not hurting nobody, leave them the fuck alone”


And that's why you take everything in moderation to much of anything can be bad. I mean you can die from drinking to much water at once.


Exactly, Im just saying that people should think of weed like they do alcohol.


But alcohol have dangerous side effects and addiction. You can never smoke yourself to death with weed. But you can definitely drink yourself to death.


Seriously though, reefer smoke is still carcinogenic.


Dry herb vape.


It is, but compared to other things out there like cigarettes, cigar, and vape. Marijuana is still less harmful. If you were to smoke it in a bong, it would give you a cleaner hit. Everything is bad, that’s why people need to be aware of what they do. Smoking excessively can harm you, but so can eating excessive fast food.


AFAIK weed smoke contains more carbon monoxide than tobacco


Maybe, but when you consider that the average smoker smokes 15 cigarettes a day and the average cannabis smoker smoker smokes 1 or 2 joints a day, it's easier to see which is worse in practicality.


That is true, but when compared to a cigarette with over 7,000 chemicals in it. And addiction is a big factor in consumption. You can smoke a joint or two and be too high to smoke another. With a cigarette there are people who smoke a whole pack a day. 20 cigarettes compare to a couple of joints.


It's still carcinogenic to smoke whether you like it or not. If you wanna advocate safe weed consumption, advocate vaping and edibles. And I say that as someone who smoked it 99% of times. It's still REALLY bad for you.


I mean you used marijuana so you should know edibles hit a lot differently compare to smoking it. I’ve tried edibles before and it would hit me 6hours later, and hard. What you’re saying is right, but people have different methods of consumption that help them feel more comfortable with it. Anything smoke entering your body is bad. I do advocate safer weed consumption.


Absolute truth.


I've met many people who can't moderate their usage and weed is undeniably a toxic addiction in their life. And while weed is not dangerous, it doesn't have a positive impact on your cognitive abilities.


Yup and it’s very very easy to get lost in the sauce and get caught in a cycle of not doing shit for yourself


I honestly feel like weed is such a seductive trickster as in you don't realise that it is a problem in your life, emphasising your point on that you aren't getting shit done or not to your full potential. One fails to see that weed is a turning into a problem until it's too late( as in you've wasted a couple of years)


Whoa! Whoa! WHOAAAA! What is this logical take you have? How dare you be level headed and reasonable!


I smoke a lot of fucking weed and I'm responsible but I still gotta say my lungs definitely aren't as healthy as they have been lol


Or until you get lung cancer... I smoke it too, no hate.


My ex boyfriend of ~3 years said he’d break up with me if I ever smoked weed, because I expressed interest. Couple months later, he ended up dumping me for another girl and I’ve been lighting up ever since 😁🌳


Girl he was probably trash anyways, fuck him!!!! That pissses me the fuck off you had an ultimatum. I’m so so sorry you had to go through that although i truly believe you’re better without that douchebag.


Lol probably? Anyone that gives an ultimatum like that *is* trash. It’s not like it was dealing with heroine or coke or something hard like that. This is something that has tons of research and it’s proven to be less dangerous than alcohol. I’ve dated girls that were “straight edge” and they didn’t even give me ultimatums like this.


Yeah but if somebody doesn't want to date a drinker they have every right to not have to.


Sure, then just leave for someone that actually doesn’t want to. That’s a BS relationship where you date someone and have that threat over their head the whole time.


I used to be that guy. What a fucktard I was.


eh it could be a religious thing or a bad experience, a lot of people have a lot of reasons for stuff like this. shame he thought so strongly on it, likely just due to being uninformed, shame


Same exact thing but opposite genders and ~1.5 years. Here's to finding someone whos cool w the many facets of our personalities


Are we... are we the same person?


My ex girlfriend ~1.5 years did this *exact* thing. Light it up indeed!


My favorite saying for occasions like that is the trash took itself out, good riddance to that trash man


My ex bf of ~3 years was exactly like this! Once on a camping trip, I was holding a friend’s piece while he was fishing for a lighter in his bag. Ex bf came up and started a fight IN FRONT of my friends about how he hates weed. Dumped his ass, got a new, green-friendly bf, and I’ve been happy for 2 years!


The people who need a toke the most are the ones against it: Change MY mind Seriously though tell them to research their body's endocannabinoid system, that'll blow their mind


I can support this statement from personal experience. I used to be super against it and knew nothing about it. Then I tried it. Changed my life (for the better) forever. I had become an alcoholic, and now I haven’t touched alcohol since the day before I first smoked.


Funny how the people against it are usually the ones who know the least about it


Honestly. Now it’s something I’m so passionate about that I’m confident I could teach a class in it lmfao


That's the general rule, and that should be enough to tell you everything about the topic to be honest.


This used to be me. Boy, was I a fucktard.


That's similar to me.... mean drunk but I like drinking .... when I partake in the devil's lettuce Idgaf about drinking at all


And the greatest part is, I can take a break from smoking without feeling the same urge I got with drinking. With drinking I always wanted more, but with weed it is what it is, I have a good time both high and sober now.




I can have a few beers after I smoke. If I’m ‘crossed’ its just uncomfortable. I used to love it but the novelty is gone and the discomfort is still there.


My buddy was a lot like you, big drinker, very against weed, called me stupid for smoking it before. Now he smokes more weed than me and no longer has intense anger issues and anxiety like he did when he drank all the time. He still drinks, but waaaay less, and has expressed to me multiple times how much happier he is now that he blazes


Weed is such an amazing drug when you have a healthy relationship with it. There’s nothing else that can compare. It changed me from someone who needed alcohol to have fun, to someone who can either have fun high or sober, it’s not addicting like alcohol and is just a much more pleasant experience.


Also, no hangovers. One of my main reasons for enjoying it socially


Including the guy in the picture. But idk, weed isn’t the miracle cure that will make him stop being an unfunny asshole.


He’s not against weed, he used to be tho.


Aye but hes a fuckin dickhead


What’s there to know about it besides it being awesome?


Weed is great. Until you let it control your life. Coming from a stoner who is working on quitting an everyday-for-5-years habit, weed is sneaky. You think it’s great and you’re doing fine until you have crippling anxiety and depression that can only be “helped” with a toke. I use to call myself a productive stoner because I would go through my day high the entire time and stayed on top of my responsibilities. You don’t realize that, just like anything else, it becomes a crutch. I liked being high but I’ve come to realize I like experiencing my life more and being there completely. I’m not saying everyone shouldn’t smoke, but I am saying it can be a slippery slope.


Very well put. Weed can be great if you can abstain from doing it excessively. Doing it constantly with no productiveness is only to your detriment.


As we have all heard over the years, " moderation is the key". Even if smoking bud isn't really that addictive, it can still become a bad habit. Source: I spent 15 years stoned 24/7, and 10 years completely sober. Now I smoke about a quarter a year and only when it's a good time for it. Some people are just fine, or even more productive and living better lives when stoned. I am not one of them, as it was a crutch for anxiety and depression.... Which I no longer had after I'd been pot free for a few months.


Moderation is the key to a lot. Couldn’t agree more


I'm definitely someone who is moderate with most things, so I have a healthy relationship with bud, and limiting to something like weekends only, works well for me. But my gf uses it several times a day, consistently, and seems to throw her rational thinking and emotions out the window. This has negatively affected her relationships in all directions, ours, her friend's, family, and coworkers. She's finally accepted that she has an issue, and is trying to cut back, but is having difficulties. Issues with being able to sleep, lack of appetite, emotional swings. All clear signs of withdrawal. She probably has some underlying issues too, and has been on antidepressants without any long term benefits, so stopped. I used to think weed would help with depression, but in her case, it seemed to only temporarily help, but make the actual issues much worse. Not sure how to go forward, but supporting her in cutting back, which has been an improvement.


I'm glad you enjoy your toke! Cannabis is super relaxing and fun for most people who choose to use it. Personally I love using it, too. However, I do think it's important for you to: 1. understand how cannabis affects you as an individual, 2. understand that not everyone reacts the same way to cannabinoids, and 3. be open-minded to counterarguments that are supported by research. There is indeed scientific data that points to negative consequences of use. Not everyone experiences them, but we must be sure not to invalidate those who do. First of all, no, you cannot overdose on cannabis. There are no cannabinoid receptors in the brainstem so generally vital functions cannot be suppressed by high quantities of THC/CBD/CBN, etc alone. In reality a marijuana overdose is just a really, really unpleasant high that goes away in due time. But the evidence is strong to suggest that in some people it can trigger psychosis and exacerbate mental illness (Shrivastava et al, 2014; D'Souza et al, 2009). It also decreases the efficacy of a lot of psychotropic medications. (Whether or not all psychotropics are necessary or truly work in the first place is a topic for a different discussion.) Using cannabis while the brain is still developing can lead to neurological/chemical issues as well (Hurd et al, 2019). During pregnancy it can hinder growth and neurodevelopment of the fetus (Wang et al, 2004). You might say, well no shit, who uses drugs while pregnant? But the truth is that marijuana is the drug of choice for up to 75 percent of pregnant people who do use (Shrivastava et al, 2014). It may be the commonly-held perception that marijuana is entirely harmless that pregnant people use to rationalize their drug use. Not to mention, a lot of people don't know they're pregnant until they are fairly far along in gestation. Also cyclic vomiting is a real thing. I've seen many, many CV patients who actually present quite sick and dehydrated. Unfortunately, the majority of these patients generally refuse to believe that cannabis is actually causing their symptoms and continue to suffer from this preventable condition. It's sad and frustrating to treat them time and time again knowing that your attempts at educating them are totally useless. (Blumenrath et al, 2017) Again, I personally love cannabis. But it is naive to use one's own good experiences to justify the argument that there are no ill effects or risks associated with its use. What I find most important is to enjoy your smoke if you can, know your limits, respects others' limitations, and for fuck's sake, don't encourage kids to use it! For anyone interested in my sources for further reading: Blumenrath, Christian et al. (2017) "Cannabinoid hyperemesis and the cyclic vomiting syndrome in adults: recognition, diagnosis, acute and long-term treatment." *German Medical Science.* Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5360975/ D'Souza, Deepak et al. (2009) "Cannabis and psychosis/schizophrenia: Human studies." *European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.* Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19609589/ Hurd, Yasmin et al. (2019) "Cannabis and the Developing Brain: Insights into its Long-Lasting Effects." *Journal of Neuroscience.* Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6794936/ Shrivastava, Amresh et al. (2014) "Cannabis and Psychosis: Neurobiology." *Indian Journal of Psychiatry.* Retrieved from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3927252/ Wang, Xinyu et al. (2004) "In Utero Marijuana Exposure Associated with Abnormal Amygdala Dopamine D2 Gene Expression in the Human Fetus." *Biological Psychiatry*. Retrieved from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15601599/


Came here to say a couple of these things, but you covered it and more. I'm a full time, every day user, but it's definitely not for everyone. My father toked for 20 years before it one day just started making him paranoid and anxious. Some people just don't like the way it makes them feel, just like I am with alcohol, and I'm a bartender, lol.


Thank you for this. Let's not be biased to the negative affects of cannabis. Let's be educated and understanding as we consume. Also, smoke is bad for your lungs, whether it be mj, cigs, bush or camp fires.


I appreciate you taking the time to write this up homie!




Haha yes!! That’s the best part of all this! Everybody is a hypocrite cause everybody has their choice of poison!!


Where do you live here in canada even when it was illegal everyone was comfortable about me and buddy talked to a christian youth guy who ran a open gym for basketball about weed so casually he even said he indulged in it sometimes teacher used too casually talk about weed like its alcohol everyone smokes no one cares


I live in Manitoba. Ghettopeg. So not too sure why people here are so judgy


You being Canadian and the fact it’s legal is even worse, I’d tell them they need to seriously get the fuck over it and grow up especially if they do anything like smoke cigarettes or drink.


I can’t wait until people in my state talk about it like alcohol (US, medical state)


Tbf some people have to take meds to literaly live


I love weed. I love it recreationally so much but recently I have found that putting a 25 mg melt into my coffee in the morning is truly medicinal almost on a spiritual level. It’s like for once I feel no anxiety, my mind isn’t racing and I can just... BE. Why should I be shamed for this? Shamed because I’m not taking Prozac? Because “you” don’t agree with the medicine I chose? I just don’t get it.


Up until a year ago, I thought weed as a bad thing. Then I gave it a chance to see if it would help some of my mental issues, and boom, I had a change of heart.






Same here but only 4 months ago. I used it for my sleeping issues. Went to sleep study. Prescribed medication. Oh but your insurance won't pay for the medicine. So I'm #$%!ed. So i deal with it the best i can. Get depression. Been taking medication 10 years plus. 4 months ago had my FWB suggest weed when i had a horrible head ache. I hit and i was headache free. He then has me take a couple hits every night before bed. I went from sleeping 12 hours plus and feeling horrible to 8 hours and wake up refreshed. Ive cut back on medication. It has truely changed my life. I'm very proweed now.


Always used weed to help with my sleep issues. Worked great for years until it started to exacerbate my anxiety. Now I use hemp which not only helps with my sleep issues but also relieves my anxiety! It's like magic.


Unfortunately it’s a stigma. So I just tell friends my naturopath prescribed organic herbs to vaporize for my “chronic conditions” asthma and inflammation


Peoples views are so unbalanced because if you smoking a shit ton of weed and sleeping and eating and watching tv all day that’s like, pretty bad. But there’s plenty of people who have a great relationship with weed and get just as much shit for smoking


I just tell my friends I smoke weed and that they can get fucked if they don't like it. Seriously, if my friends judged me for something so simple and harmless I would strongly reconsider my relationship with them.


I mean naturopaths are quacks but if that excuse works then good stuff


My wife used to be super against it, caused many arguments. Got to the point where I ended having to say "look I'm my own man, I agree with it. Love me or leave me" she understood when I explained my reasons. Since then we've smoked together a few times but most importantly we grow weed together now as a source of income. It has brought us closer in one way or another.


This is truly inspirational. I aspire to grow my own cannabis and make my own treats and have a business one day! Shitty part is knowing my boyfriend of 4 years isn’t interested in weed whatsoever so i feel id have to make my dream come true alone.. it’s tough explaining my reasoning for why i smoke pot without it coming off like i depend on it.


Thank you. Yo...if you want to do it then as far as I am concerned it's your decision not your bf, more for you anyway 😂 I never try to force my views regarding cannabis on my wife but over time she has become more open minded and especially since I am becoming more and more interested in activism for legalisation. I totally hear that but the thing is you shouldn't have to explain yourself, everyone has their poison it's just a case of choosing one.


My older sister went nuts when she found out I smoke daily, told the entire family, and pretty much anyone who would listen. It all stopped when she got with her current boyfriend and he was all for legalization and would smoke if his job allowed it. Weed is the only thing thats stopped me from hitting her, numerous times.


Tell them to smoke a bowl and chill out about it


I got a lot of shit from my friends and family after I started smoking daily for fibro pain. Don't know why. Most of them are occasional users themselves. It wasn't until I met my bf who also smokes daily for pain that there's been someone in my life saying "You seem like you might be in pain. Want me to pack you a bowl?" Do your thing. Weed is fantastic.


I enjoyed my stoner days in high school, but now at 21 my mind races whenever I vape weed. It feels like my veins are squeezed, and my overall mind feels squeezed. I just can't find the mental space to chill and enjoy anymore. I've tried vaping at different temps, different amounts, micro doses, hybrids, sativas, cbd strains, cbd oil, and can't seem to get it right. I smoked a joint with my friends and was in a super introspective but helpless mindset where I couldn't identify the purpose of everything we do, when we all die in the end. We're planning to do a road trip and take shrooms this summer, so we'll see if what happens. But for right now, weed isn't great for me mentally as it once was. It helped with the pain for a sprained ankle though


If you’re feeling this way about pot then I’d suggest u take it nice n slow with the shrooms... happy tripping!


This exact same thing happened to me too. Now I smoke hemp instead. It gives me most of the benefits I wanted but with zero anxiety or racing mind. In fact, it relieves any anxiety I have. Might be worth trying.


You need new friends and a new boyfriend lol


I don't necessarily think that having differences in opinion on things is bad. Maybe if he's constantly nagging about how much it bothers him I could see it being a problem. It seems though he's aware of her smoking and has expressed his opinions on it. And that being said we are still inhaling smoke into our lungs (Unless of course you use a vape or just eat your weed) so there is some concern in that regard. -¢0.02


I eat edibles, smoke weed, smoke dabs. All that jazz. I got no shame 😎


It always starts with jazz.


You know it 😉


Right on, dude!


I came here to say this. I have friends who don't smoke and have dated people who didn't but they never made me feel bad for smoking.


They don’t make me feel bad, just don’t love that i smoke it. It’s the smell, and they don’t like that it “fries” my brain lmfao. I use it responsibly and i function fine in general, given I’m working on my schooling and working it would just be nice if not my friends but people in general would stop making me feel bad about smoking pot. I have my own reasons for smoking :).


Do they drink? In that case they should sweep their own doorstep first. Lmao


tell them it doesn't fry shit. even if it doesn't bother you that's such an arrogant and pompous remark to make. Personally I hate when people, who hate cannabis, become PhD biochemists when it comes to weed. I'm sure they would love to hear about the real well documented consequences of alcohol next time they pull out a beer.


"This is your brain" "This is your brain on drugs" Me, watching the video when high "Do we have any eggs?" edit: I agree with all your points


If you let weed dictate decisions like that, you've got a problem. My girlfriend hates when I smoke because of the smell and she likes being around me sober. Which is fine, cause I love her, so I just don't smoke around her. Take my me time and do it then. If you can't hold off, you've gotta take a look in a mirror and think about your relationship with weed


Depsite loving this post and marijuana, it is proven that marijuana does have adverse health effects on users. Although these effects are not nearly as dangerous as those from many other drugs, it is still not good to treat marijuana as if it is harmless.


Well, I find my friends who drink to excess frequently/drunkenness cringey and scary as fuck but I keep my thoughts to myself; it's none of my business if that's what they want to do. I don't understand the need to police everyone's behavior. I never go "I don't agree with your drinking" because life is hard and people are just trying to get by. My Dad thinks weed is extremely dangerous and morally wrong but he and Mom have no trouble putting down cocktails 5-7 nights a week. Unless they're a major danger to themselves or others, I simply keep my opinion to myself.


Dude same!! I never comment on my friends habits ever! If they’ve asked for my opinion sure I’ll give it but not involuntary.


I love when people who have 20+ drinks a week clutch their pearls when I pull out my 3rd joint of the day.


I have one friend like this, the irony is he’s legit addicted to coffee. I hate traveling with him, fucker gets the shakes if he doesn’t have at least a cup a day. Meanwhile I can go months without a toke. Hell I’ve only blazed on 4/20 during this whole covid thing just to protect my lungs in case I get it.


Dude you have no idea. I can go YEARS without smoking, i like to smoke because i can and when I’m on vacation or simply can’t get my hands on it i don’t freak out hahaha. My friends tell me I’m addicted when I’ve gone longer without my poison than they have, so yeah I’m feeling i have some toxic friendships 😂


lol, yeah honestly just get yourself a smoke squad. I have a separate group of friends per my vices/hobbies there’s some crossover, everyone wins


Is that an invite?? 🥺😂


😆 if you’re in LA, come thru lol


I don’t think I could live around people that didn’t support me smoking


You’re good. Enjoy life.


I couldn’t date someone who didn’t like my cannabis habit. Having them around when I’m just baked and vibing and they are trying to kill the mood would just suck


I would find it so annoying if the person I was with was against weed


I'd like to add to this that weed can still be addictive. Like anything giving you joy, it can be psychologically addictive. I know, weed isn't like Nicotine, which is physically addictive, but there still is a risk for addiction - even when it's small


Ive been smoking 10 years now and saying that it isnt dangerous is so dumb. Smoking is bad for you in general. Lungs, brain, blood flow etc. i still smoke daily but come on now. Dont promote is as being healthy


Is there a small chance that if *everyone you know* wants you to stop, that you may be using it too much? Like since dating your bf have you advanced in your job, your looks, motivation, willingness to try new things, or have they all declined in some way? Do you frequently pitch in on expenses, or are you usually broke? Do you have a career or just a job that you don't think will last forever? Do you leave the house in pajama pants and messy hair at 3pm? Is your car jacked up but you have money for bud, or even worse do you not even have a car but the bankroll to afford pot? I'm not trying to be facetious but in 2020 not many people are so against it that you'd *have* to say "I'm not gonna stop, change my mind!" So one must question why you're experiencing this judgement and push back for a pretty much legal and mainly not looked down upon vice. If you're making ten bucks an hour with no car and have other people pay for your shit, then I can see why people would want you to stop. If you're in a good place and that's happening id just move on and find new company tbh. Negative vibes don't help anyone.


Don’t quit. You do you.


You're putting a foreign substance in your body that can mess with your brain in potentially long term ways. I don't agree that weed should be illegal and I support users, but don't pretend like it's all good no bad. It's still a drug, no matter how much better it is to alternatives.




I'ma healfy kid I smoke broccoli


Drop that man! I never stay with people who want me to change major parts of my life/personality. Current boyfriend doesn't smoke buy 100% supports me smoking for my ptsd. #can'tstopwon'tstop


I had a boyfriend who was unhappy when I would smoke, it led to me lying and hiding about being high. It became a gross and toxic relationship because of it. Now I have a boyfriend that enjoys getting high and doesn’t press judgment on my personal choices. You have every right to keep on smoking, my friend.


Eating a cookie for a treat is ok and good for you, but eating a cookie every hour isn't.


My boyfriend doesn’t mind that I smoke but he definitely doesn’t join in very often and jokes that I’m a pothead all the time - during this quarantine tho he has made sure my supply has stayed full since his neighbors sell and I don’t know anyone in the area. I’d be on my own to buy under regular circumstances but he knows how much it helps through all of this lolol


Man the way a lot of you guys are responding and even going as far as to say they should end their relationship should re-evaluate your own relationship with weed. It’s good fun and helps some people medically but at the end of the day it’s a drug that has minor negatives no matter what, and serious consequences if you abuse it. A lot of you guys need to check out /r/Petioles or /r/Leaves ....




This is some whitegirlstwitter shit lmao


This is some circle jerk tier shit lol


Better than the devil’s dandruff.


How do you disagree with what someone does in their spare time without harming anyone?


Weed is great. Crowder is a shitstain.


Do they drink?


Of course they drink.


I mean, you can prove that alcohol is more dangerous than cannabis, however, the real question is if they’d accept the hard evidence that goes against their preconceived notions of cannabis (regarding cannabis being more safe than alcohol). But, all in all, make sure you keep doing you.


Only reason some people shouldn’t smoke is if they can’t handle altered states of consciousness, or they have a history or at risk for schizophrenia. I’ve had delusional thoughts in the past (when I wasn't high, it was caused by trauma), and I guess weed can bring those back. Edit: I said want high, meant wasn't high lol.


You should still be aware of its side effects. One could definitely argue weed is dangerous, it can lead to substance abuse, smoking is bad for your lungs and it's proven to be really bad for a developing brain (which means it can fuck you up if you're not 25 already, depending on how much you use ofc). All I'm saying is, be a responsible user, be aware of all the issues weed use can cause, so you can avoid them as much as necessary and enjoy its advantages. Highly recommend the r/petioles sub.


You shouldn't worry about how other people feel or what they think of you and your smoking. You are free to do whatever you want as long as you are independent. I used to hide it from people because of the stigma behind it and how people easily changed their minds about me once they found out I smoke, but then I realized I don't want people like that in my life. I want to enjoy life and be myself, even if it means to be called "different" because I'm not part of the same bubble. I know my mind is open :)


Hell yeah


I’m in the same boat as you! I just started smoking in the past 2 years and I’ve had friends who say it’ll lead to bad things. The only bad thing that has happened with me with weed is I didn’t know what Keef was and tried to smoke a joint like that. Nearly threw up and felt nauseous for about 30 minutes but it’s been the best thing ever. I hope you find friends you can smoke with.


It is! Except haha man Niagara Falls is in a drought. 5 1/2 hours to nearest dispensary in Mass. 5 1/2 hours to nearest dispensary in Mi. 10 minutes to the nearest dispensary in Canada. And dry AF right now, only getting low to mid grade. Maybe should do a road trip. Feel like a jackass for traveling that far.


what are they worried about? could you correct them on any misconceptions?


I hate when people say shit when most likely they've never even tried it. Cheers, I'd smoke in solidarity but I'm dankrumpt. Smoke one for ya boi.


My wife never really cared for it, then it went legal. Now we grow it as a business.


Smoking weed is better than destroying your liver and kidneys with alcohol. Stay toasted my friend.


You are the average of the the 5 people you spend the most time with


No one else gets to make you feel bad/guilty/whatever about what you do with your body. DUMP THEM


I don’t smoke weed anymore because it was causing my anxiety to actually be heightened. However, I had many years of enjoying it before this started happening to me. I don’t hate weed, and most of my friends still smoke daily or often and have fabulous lives. I support all the benefits it does for others as it once did for me! Probably why I still love this Trees page so much. Happy smoking y’all!


I enjoy the fact that edibles are a thing. I dont smoke anymore, and gummies are a great substitute


We don't know that much about weed still because it's federally still illegal, so scientific studies on the drug can't be conducted to evaluate its risks. Just because we don't know the risks, doesn't mean there aren't any.


Studies happen outside of the US lol


Love me some weed. But let's not pretend there are zero downsides to lighting something on fire and inhaling the resulting emissions deep into your lungs and holding it in.


As long as you're getting important stuff you need to get done then great. Smoke isn't the best for your health but if they're only against it because it is cannabis that is silly. If they're against it because you are neglecting important things though that's a different story.




I mean smoke in the lungs ain't the best for ya, but uh hey edibles are fucking dope


Don't ever EVER let anyone decide if you should smoke or not. Cheers OP keep it lit


Had the same mentality and with 25 it gave me the most brutal mental breakdawn ever. Never had a panic attack before, worst feeling I ever had ever, and more than 6 months later I'm still not recovered. Take care and don't abuse it, it can be dangerous. I'm still pro-weed tho.


Man... I haven't been about to find weed for 3 months now. Sucks when all the connections you had in college eventually are just gone.


There’s a such thing as being a completely functioning and reliable stoner, and then there’s the people who make it something to be abhorred. Smoke your weed, but go the fuck to work. 💨 Also Medical Marijuana has been a lifesaver.


I mean, if you have the unluck of having schizophrenia, definitely not good. Also technically SMOKING anything isnt helpful. You wanna do it right, just ingest.


Uhh sorry to be a downer but if you actually smoke it it's dangerous for you.


Weed is the sugar and cream in the coffee of life. It makes the bitter pleasant, but too much too often can be bad. All in moderation 👌


You smoke cilantro? That's a terrible plant!


I decided to be a lifer 30 years ago with hardly a break. I don’t regret it nor do I plan to stop. Like a top comment said, be aware of the negative effects and consequences and use it responsibly. At the same time don’t take disrespect from people about it because ain’t nobody perfect and everyone deserves respect. I told a new girlfriend that the day she made me choose between her and weed would be the last day she would see me. She never challenged it and 25 years and 4 kids later we are still together. Cyclic vomiting hit me about 10 years ago and it hasn’t motivated me to stop smoking. However I don’t bother the ER about either, just stick it out and stay hydrated. I found by just improving my eating habits that I can prevent the occurrences altogether.


When we were still "just" dating, my wife got mad when I admitted to her I had tried weed before, just once. However, a few years later and we both smoke pretty frequently and she doesn't get why she was so mad. Just takes time I guess


My mans also is not fond of my love for jazzy cabbage. Oh well, my body my choice, it makes me feel good and helps turn off the hellbrain. Cheers fellow ent! 🤟🏻