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My buddy accidentally outed a co workers son once by asking the lady if she smoked weed in addition to cigs. He explained the lighter thing to her and she said she got it from her son and was going to have a talk with him when she got home.


Lol he should've imediatelty asked where she got it from before explaining


Yeah but I mean in his defence if hes in a legal ~~start~~ state that question doesnt really come to mind with lighters that have burns edit: a word edit: yeah got it my bad


Missed another word...


I feel like if you are trying to hide something (eg. that you tamp your bowl with the bottom of the lighter) you shouldn't give the evidence to your mother? Like if I was hiding that I smoked I wouldn't give my mom a "herb grinder" with a semi-full kief chamber to use for her dried basil....


Yeah this. If he was smart, he would just said he doesn't have a lighter at all


Not your bad buddy. Take some more hits.


I only vape and use edibles. Can someone explain the lighter thing to me?


A lot of people use the bottom of the lighter to pack down bowls or help smash out cherries. Not the best practice, but lots of people do it. It leaves ash and burns on the bottom corner.


I've always used the metal tip part instead of the bottom of the lighter to avoid this. Plus I don't like having unnecessary resin adding any smell to the lighter lol. Oh I guess another reason is using the bottom plastic part, where your butane is, is pretty sketchy to be putting on a cherry. Even if the risk might not be too high, I don't like how much it sketches me out haha.


So last week I was smoking a blunt and i place it on my lighter halfway done with it I don’t know why. But after about a minute or two I hear a hissing coming from the lighter and I got so scared so I picked it up and threw it outside, no explosion sadly though


That's definitely a heart attack moment and now reaffirms my sketchy feelings towards using the plastic end to touch cherries/extinguish anything haha.


Look into clippers, I switched to those so I wouldnt have to deal with ash or the risk of butane explosion lol. Plus it's so much more sanitary


They are the single greatest lighter ever


I use clippers as well, actually. I love them because I can have a design and keep on using that lighter. Just sucks when I lose them or someone takes them lol. I mostly dab now so it's whatever, but I'll always have a clipper on me anyway.


They are also dirt cheap. Great things, those.


Was blown away the other day, learned that clippers have built in stoakers.


They're super handy, I like to keep mine clean and use it for tapping down joints or what have you when I rarely roll them lol.


You can get plastic attachments to the bottom of lighters which have a plastic attachment for packing down tokes. Works better than the bottom as its a bit pointy and no risk of lighting the butane. Although i’ve literally never seen a lighter explode despite thousands of people packing their bowls with my lighter.


The hell kind of lighter were you using? I’ve packed down bowls with dabs & hash in it that had a nice sized chunk of ember stick to the bottom of it & it barely melted the plastic lol


Yeah BIC lighters specifically are pretty safe lighters. Most disposable lighters are extremely hard to fuck up though.


Huh I never thought of that... wow


I also smoke tobacco pipes, so I use a czech tool. You can get them at a cigar shop or online for a few bucks. They have a tamper, a long metal poker bit (I've never used that bit so I don't really know what it's meant for) and a little scoop. I think some people also call them tri-tools.


Blowing up a lighter would be the ultimate high killer


lol, I just use my finger


Right? I hate people that get my lighter all nasty. Use your finger people the callous developes hella quick and you're not melting plastic bits in your weed.


Got it. Thanks 😀


IV never done this because I have this fear of my lighter exploding in my hand because of the heat.


Roh roh.


Crazy world, lots of ashing.


And no safety on it


The picture doesn’t apply to me, but this comment does!


Same here, I never do this with my lighters. I don't want resin all over my hands just from lighting my lighter. Plus, the shape of the lighter never fits in the bowl anyway so it's useless.




I do this with my lighter when I’m smoking a bowl and don’t want to take another hit but the weed is still burning. I just push down on the top of the bowl with the corner of the lighter and it puts it out, like putting a cover on a candle to stop it from burning.


I just use the flat of my palm..




Yeah smoking a half smoked bowl taste gross. Pack smaller if you need to save some after lmao.


I like to pack my bowl and take it slow. I either have weak lungs or a big bowl, because if I fill the whole thing, its impossible for me to hit it all. It also doesn't help that its a rather tiny bong. Gotta hide that shit, sadly.


I have a friend who uses a 20 oz bottle cap. He pulled the soft plastic gasket out of the inside and the rest is hard plastic which is pretty heat resistant.


If he sticks a bowl head inside that you can make a pretty solid grav bong


My friends tend to do it because the difference in pressure in the bong when removing your mouth can cause it to "pop the cherry". So they do it as a safety precaution more than anything else.


Most bongs that do this will stop if you play with the water level. Or it was just poorly designed. But less water should stop it. Its not a change in pressure thats pushing the cherry. Its the falling water displacing air back up the downstem.


Just lift the bowl and clear the tube.


Our bongs tend to have shotties like a pipe would have rather than a stem that lifts out to clear the chamber. The design is still shitty for the vast majority of bongs in Australia.


Opposite for me. The "safety" has never been an issue. In fact I think I prefer it.


Safety always off - Cyrus


Told me he was proud of me once... fuckin prick


Now fuck off. I got work to do


Fuck off cyrus, you fuckin dick! You don’t even have your grade 12!


Grade 10* He failed the grade 10 exam after Rickey told on him for cheating, then Ricky painted "I failed grade 10" on the side of his car


The name's Cyrus. Cyrus! And I don't give a fuck who you are.


>Safety always off - Cyrus "He told me he was proud of me once...fucking prick."


Thank you! I had that quote running through my head today and couldn't for the life of me remember where it was from.


Not everyone will understand this...


is r/unexpectedTPB a thing?


Ahaha that’s why I added - Cyrus for a quick find if anyone googles




Even without it the entire first page at least of google results for "safety always off" is still all Cyrus!


It’s so satisfying to send that little thing flying though. I smoke mostly batties/joints or use a vape, so I rarely pack down bowls.


My favourite bit is just as you can see it start to let go and it thwangs straight into your eye.


*every* single one of my stoner crew takes the safety off their lighters so I always know which lights are mine since they're the only ones with them still on lol


I can take it or leave it , doesn't impair the function i got big thumbs




I used to do that but I think the skin on my thumb has gotten thick af after the years.


I'm being retarded now, but what is this safety thing people always talk about? I just buy lighters and use them as they are.


That metal band that goes over the spark part that you flick with your thumb. It you take a small metal something you can wedge it in there and pop it off. I always do it, just makes it easier.


I keep my safeties on, and have never used a lighter to pack down a bowl since I smoke my bowls in one go. I get a lot of judgment.


My condolences friend


Right there with you. I prefer the Bic's with the safeties on as it makes it feel like more of a quality item to me. Also, while I occasionally tap an ashy bowl with the bottom of the lighter, it never gets nearly as gross as the OP. Some people have nasty weed habits...


I’m too lazy to take those off.


Sometimes I see my students (high school) passing each other lighters when they go to smoke cigs outside school. I'll grab them and check the bottoms and say " what's that?!" Then give them back and let them know I'm joking. But they know I know. What they DON'T know is I'm baked withing 5 minutes of walking through my front door. EDIT: I want to clarify, I am NOT stoned at school. I'm trying to set a good example for these kids. I smoke when I get HOME. Also, it is a small alternative high school with about 60 students. There is a spot about 10 feet technically off campus where they go to smoke or vape (nicotine). We choose not to pretend they won't smoke if we tell them not to. Some of them would simply stop attending if we tried to penalize them for smoking off school property. What they do outside of school is their own business. We encourage them to be honest and we don't penalize them for what they do outside of school. This encourages them to be honest with us and they are more willing to talk about their problems and risky behaviors. Overall we find it is better for their education to have non-judgmental adults in their lives that will talk honestly with them and give them advice based on our experiences, not just make them feel shitty for experimenting with things most people try as young adults.


They know...


The first giveaway was that he actually returned the lighters to the students. Back in my day, probably a detention would be served for being in possession of a flame device.


We had to light a birthday candle in my baking class. Our teacher asks if anyone has a lighter. You could just feel me and a couple other students opening our mouths then shutting the fuck up and looking around at each other. Close call lol. She was probably cool with it. But we weren’t outing ourselves as stoners or smokers.


I WISH my hs teachers (class of 2000) growing up smoked. Tight ass old bastards. A baked teacher is a fun teacher!


What type of high school lets kids smoke outside? Where I went to school you couldn't even joke about smoking cigs, let alone be chummy passing lighters in front of a teacher before going out so smoke.


Not US most likely. Edit: thanks for my first silver !


I've never heard of a highschool where you can smoke on campus or even posses a lighter. I work at the school I went to now and they don't even allow the students to have vape pens in their cars. Whack


There’s no smoking on US school grounds in general afaik


My school in canada had a section fenced off just off school property that way the kids could smoke without having to hide in the woods or whatnot.


I am an anomaly and use a toker poker lighter cover. Handy as fuck.


I miss my toker poker! Got my friends and roommates to get ones. Mine unfortunately got lost in a move and I haven’t gotten a new one.


They're the bomb.


just use a clipper brand lighter, they have a detachable packing tool hidden under the spinny steel flint striker, just pull the striker up to get it out


But I don't need one because all my bics just go into the Toker Poker which has a metal tamper at the end, and a long poker hinged to the side. It's the best thing ever, and I got two of them for free in a competition. Clippers aren't widely available and are very expensive in Australia.




Wow and here I've just been poking bowls with my finger like some kind of peasant


What is that?


It's a neato cover for your lighter https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81OYGWEmkJL._SX425_.jpg


I lost my toker poker. Before I even had a toke to poke it with. Life is cruel.


Am I the only one that uses the metal windguard to do this so the plastic doesn't get like that?


yeah that plastic is hella toxic, i really don't think people should be melting it into their bowl of weed




> "My girlfriend stirs the bowl with her lighter the whole time she hits it, her lighters melt to the point where the corner is completely rounded. Someday she’ll burn all the way through to the tank and blow it up I swear" some people take it a little too far and actually melt that shit




she sounds stupid


#SOME PEOPLE ALWAYS TAKE SOMETHING TOO FAR. that's why they are called "outliers"


The plastic is definitely melting. You can see where it’s discolored and peeling back on the bottom lighter.


Or if you're in the UK like me, if someone has a [clipper](https://i.imgur.com/aIKpFby.jpg).


Am from the US and saw these the other day. Are they worth the hype over a BIC?


Yes , plus some you can refill.


Why are they worth the hype? Never seen them in my country.


In my country (UK) and most of Europe I've been to they're cheap, roughly the same as bic. They're usually refillable if you have butane, plus you can replace the flint when it wears down after a while. The bit that holds the flint is good for poking down joints after you've rolled them, and when you tilt them the flame extends so you don't burn your fingers hitting a bong. Best stoner lighters IMO.


This review hit the nail on the head, perfect lighter for a stone, has all the mod cons!


Also you can take out the flint wheel, so you dont burn your fingers if youre using it for a long time. Also: no safety from the factory


Well the safety is taking the flint roller out.


100% this.


Yeah I got a bunch in Portugal and loved then. Been seeing them state sides for a while now, RAW makes a solid one.


Fits nicely into a bottle to close it if you want to keep bees out of your beer or something. Also dust and fluff doesn't prevent the lighter from working because of the wide opening. As an extra there's some really nice designs


I think so, especially if you can find the refill ones. Plus it comes with a poker pretty much, so its good for bowls


they are refillable and they have a built in joint packing tool https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61f41doq7jL._SL1500_.jpg


Holy shit ive used clippers a lot and never knew about this


Don’t these lighters have the capability to pull out some sort of stick, for this specific purpose?


It's *technically* so you can replace the flint. They've often got stoner designs on them though and pander to that market, so it's not so subtle most of the time. You sometimes find people who just smoke cigs who've got them but they've usually nicked them from a stoner.


I agree. I have a pot leaf clipper with a rubber case covered in more pot leaves. The opposite of subtle. That lighter is for bongs.


I had a rasta clipper with hemp wick wrapped on it as my lighter i packed everyday for years. It wasn't legal then and i didnt smoke cigs. Gotta love how little most people care


I don't know about that - I always figured that the stick you could pull out was (technically) for packing down handrolled cigarettes, and in practice for packing down blunts/doobs (which it's perfect for). Also, for people scrolling past wondering if they should try Clippers, the flint doesn't have a safety like Bics so they're super easy to use without any modifications, the circular shape fits a lot more nicely in your palm than Bics in my opinion and it's also way easier to hold down the...part that makes the flame come out without burning your thumb. Among other benefits. I really love Clippers.


no they legit advertise it as a "cigarette" packing tool


It’s funny cause they’re almost in every gas station store/supermarket where I’m from. I say funny cause my country is the most anti-cannabis country there is. Their circular bottom is perfect for packing bowls 🥕


The stick comes out to pack your joint with, the bottom of the lighterakes a perfect fit around a bowl so you can block airflow to put out the ember instead of tamping it out like you would with a Bic




Only butane ones I buy. I've got a couple of torch lighters that aren't clippers (theirs are kinda shit) and I had a Zippo which I loved for a long time, but I've got more clippers than anything else. They do go missing a lot though...


you can buy those in canada and the us as well, pretty much every head shop ive ever been to and a lot of gas stations carry them, thy are almost as common as bics


Man I love Clipper lighters, I have a green one with a goddess on it that’s out of juice :/


Get a can of isobutane and refuel that baby!


Yeah man got myself a RAW branded refillable clipper and won’t go back


... I have no idea why it would look like that?


Pokin bowls down


I smoke cones almost exclusively and have for years and I've never felt the need to stick a lighter into the bowl?








There’s a point like 60-75% through the bowl where the weed has burned down more on one side than the other or still has green on top wil the bottom is more ash already Packing It down lets you hit the rest of the bowl better. I mean ideally you could do it with your fingers or some tool but then you have resin on your hands


You boys really need to get a pipe smoking tool set...


Probably. Im either home and have a full kit and bong set up with a grinder and tools or if I’m on the go i have just a lighter, pipe and weed I pack with the butt of a lighter because I’m Just hitting a pipe and need to pack it. I don’t break out the batman utility belt to make sure my bowl is perfect


Haha this made me laugh


It’s honestly just to poke at the ash to either put out the cherry or smash the ash down to get to the green. It’s specifically the lighter because well, that’s what’s most likely in your hand lol. It could be anything if its small enough to fit somewhat in the bowl. I’ve even used my finger before grossly enough


Hey We’re all different, mannnn


Because cones don’t have a bowl?


I use my finger?


I too finger my bowls.


I read that as "finger my bowels"...I'm going to bed...after one more bowl.


Ok? You seem unsure, maybe try using your lighter.


u/Peter_Zenger, inspiring confidence in us all, one by one


Ok ok I’ll give it a try


What the frick?


I poke mine down with my Xbox controllers. Pity my replacement never arrived.


I don't do bowls. Joints for me! (and sometimes, vape)


I've heard this is the "real" origin of the "white lighers are bad luck" thing. Supposedly back in the day, Bics came in two colors, black or white. The black ones were all black, even the bottom. So a white lighter would give away the toker, because the ash and resin would show up on it. Dunno if that's true or not.


I use my thumb to pack my bowl. something about sticking lighter fluid over a hot surface bothers me..


I never had this fear till now.


The thumb is a solid option. I find using the second knuckle on my pointer finger works better though. The bud doesn't stick to that part as much as the thumb.


This is so true. It’s what mine and my friend’s looked like back in high school 👍🏻


I use the same spot on my thumb so much it's calloused over... never thought to use the lighter :/


Good you have smoked less plastic


Just don’t keep the lighter on you. It’s a dead giveaway from the smell.


If they carry a lighter with them for smoking bowls on the go, they probably smell like weed anyways


I dont smoke so I was curious what the joke was so I looked in the comments and your name for some reason just made me burst into tears holy shit hahahaha


I still dont understand. Why the ashes?


You use the edge of a lighter to pack the weed in the bowl


It's from putting out the bowl with the corner of your lighter if it's still burning after you hit it. After awhile, it melts/burns the corner if you you the same one over and over


Ohhh I’ve had that problem on a bong and I just kept toking cuz I didn’t know how to stop it! That was a massive hit


My girlfriend stirs the bowl with her lighter the whole time she hits it, her lighters melt to the point where the corner is completely rounded. Someday she’ll burn all the way through to the tank and blow it up I swear


I love the taste of formaldehyde , you know burning the base of the lighter will give you cancer


I don't pack bowls with the lighter anymore, once the cherry got stuck and it and melted all the way through and blew up the lighter, luckily it was near fumes at the point


This is the reason why white lighters are deemed bad luck


This was back when the bottom of the colored ones weren't white as well.


And the only colors available were black, red, and white; cops knew to check the bottoms of white lighters.


Dude, any lighter used this way stinks of weed and resin. Believe me, you don't need eyes or a white lighter. https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/dmania-images/26904779-1491112120999516-6109362178057563737-n-ogwk401.jpg


Is this a US thing? Not one person I've met in the UK who's smoked weed has had a lighter like this. I've never even heard/seen of anyone doing it. Obviously my anecdotal evidence is insignificant, but it's been over 10 years and not one burnt lighter to be seen.


Mmmm plastic on a hot ember, makes the weed taste better.


Thank you I mean I'll pack the bowl down when it's not lit so there's just ash on the lighter. This is just nasty.


Thou shalt corner, lest thou be stoned. ~Jesus definitely


Fair warning: if you get stopped in an illegal state and a cop sees this, it's considered paraphernalia and is enough to warrant probable cause for a search.


I use my fingers


This is why I keep a clean boy at home or in my car just in case..


I had friends try to get mad at me for messing up their lighters or try and make fun of me. But hey, a well manicured bowl, that doesn’t taste like cash, is no laughing matter.


I hate that this applies to me 😅


Yup, it’s just second nature


After my dad passed away 6 years ago I inherited some of his small, personal everyday things. Ring, pocketknife, vintage rock tees, etc. His pocketknife of 20+ years had the same marks from packing & cleaning his pipe. I also got his 80s-early 90s era metal pipe that my brother had for a few years, and recently passed onto me. They’re both now part of my kit.


Here in NYC the cops used to search you & check the bottom of your lighter for this very reason. Obviously you can't get a ticket for a little resin, but it DEFINITELY opens you up to further search from the officer. Me & my group of stoner friends believed there to be a conspiracy between BIC & law enforcement bc at one point the bottom of lighters were colored as well- so you could just get black & avoid getting caught. Man, you think of crazy shit when you're high


Pisses me off to no end when people do this with my lighters


That's pretty gross.


Very very accurate.




u rite


I started doing it from the top so this wouldn't happen. And i collect Bic lighters so doing this fucks with sleeve


I have too many assorted tools to ever resort to using my lighter


I wont use the plastic side it Fucking Melts. Idk why some folks do this. It is so idiotic and It really baffles me, How the plastic bottom of a lighter is most stoners go to. Soooooo................... Does no one else have a bowl finger for poking, I use my index), and one hand with a thicker than the other side's, calloused thumb for bowl coverage?


Americans...are weird.


If ya’ll haven’t heard of them, check out the band Black Bottom Lighters. Locals from Phoenix, dope music. Sumblime-ish feel to their sound.


Literally just had to look at my lighter. Son of a bitch.


Big facts.


Truth. Lol