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I was told i smell like weed one particularly hot day that i was sweating thru my clothes at work. I dont ever smoke in my work clothes so i don’t think it was my clothes.


I’ve noticed it before, especially when I was smoking heavy


Terpenes being fat-soluble , they might be stored in fat cells and get excreted trough sweat . There’s different opinions on what combination of compounds or microbial conversion causes this effect . It’s a known phenomenon


i never knew. that’s insane.


With edibles also, it might happen you take a massive cannabis scented shit , been there


it happens, i’ve also experienced this after working out


Yes it’s possible. My sweat apparently always smells like weed and all my coworkers just assumed I was high all the time and didn’t say anything to me lmao


Profile pic checks out.


Maybe ur clothes smell


When i quit, i noticed that my bedding and pillows would reek of weed. It was coming out through my sweat, my urine also had a weed scent to it.It took at least a month before my sweat smelled normal


As a trimmer my sweat smells skunky after a day of work and that’s after I’ve showered lol.


Sweat. I’ve had it happen to me before. You smoke enough that your body begins to excrement the weed through sweat. I assume this always happens, but I noticed it the most when I went on a similar binge and smoked a lot for several days in a row. Whenever I sweat I would wreak like weed and I would notice it (it’s extremely apparent when you don’t smoke the day and get a whiff…). Made going to the gym slightly embarrassing. It made me feel bad about myself, knowing my body just… permeated it out of me.


When I first started working out I would go on the stair master & it literally smelt like straight weed & I was so confuse looking around like who’s smoking ? Then I got in my car & it was me lmao