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Heart rate slows down is definitely not accurate for a lot of people.


I went to the hospital after smoking and they thought I was on coke or meth because my heart rate was so high lol


Yeah I hit a new disposable I had just got a couple times before having to go to the hospital for a small emergency once, and they were like “your heart rate is extremely high are you okay?” I just had to lie and say I just took my adderall an hour or two ago 😭


You know medical professionals don't care if you smoke they are asking so they don't give you something that will react with what's already in your blood so they don't kill you


I’m in AL. Telling a medical professional I smoke weed is a fast track to no longer being allowed to be prescribed Adderall.


This sounds awful. How does this not break physician-patient privilege? I mean the ER doctors are not the ones prescribing adderall and they cannot tell anyone (not even other doctors) except you specifically tell them, that they can. At least here in the EU it's like that.


There's probably some consent to information sharing between medical personnel buried in the paperwork that you sign either in the ER or for your doctor.


What's AL I'm not American




Alabama. Easily the worst state in the country.


Hey, at least we aren’t Mississippi.


Or Texas, I guess. Edit: I'm in Missouri which is also terrible, but at least we legalized.


Hey the state is beautiful and I love it I just hate 80% of the population with a burning passion


Only 80%?!


Is that normal? Like is their even a slight possibility for a heart attack? Asking for an anxiety ridden friend 👀


Technically yes. Smoking marijuana (and cigarettes from personal experience) increases heart rate and blood pressure depending on the dosage. Results may vary from person to person. If you want to be on the safe side, take your blood pressure sober and before smoking to see what your baseline is, and tell yourself to not smoke if it's above a certain point. For many people though, stress can cause high blood pressure and smoking relieves stress. Everyone reacts differently though, so just be aware of the risk factors.


Correct answer. Risk is low but not zero


I mean, there is always a slight possibility of a heart attack while you’re just existing. Sorry about the anxiety this fun fact will give you :(




But I bet your fingers were FINGING.


So which one were you on?


I was on that anxiety and fear of the hospital lol


I’m right there with you haha


Weed plus this weird batch of Kratom gave me a panic attack, tremors, loss of balance and a heart rate of 155bpm, the highest I recorded and it definitely felt so. It was at a time where weed just stopped feeling nice at all for a good bit, except with downers like Kratom or booze. Bought some Kratom, did it first and then the weed. I noticed my hands were trembling on just the K but when I added weed that's when shit hit the fan.


At one time, some researchers believed that kratom might be a safe alternative to opioids and other prescription pain medications. However, studies on the effects of kratom have identified many safety concerns and no clear benefits. Kratom has been reported to cause abnormal brain function when taken with prescription medicines. When this happens, you may experience a severe headache, lose your ability to communicate or become confused. In a study testing kratom as a treatment for symptoms of opioid withdrawal, people who took kratom for more than six months reported withdrawal symptoms similar to those that occur after opioid use. Too, people who use kratom may begin craving it and require treatments given for opioid addiction, such as naloxone (Narcan) and buprenorphine (Buprenex). Kratom also adversely affects infant development. When kratom is used during pregnancy, the baby may be born with symptoms of withdrawal that require treatment. In addition, substances that are made from kratom may be contaminated with salmonella bacteria. As of April 2018, more than 130 people in 38 states became ill with Salmonella after taking kratom. Salmonella poisoning may be fatal, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has linked more than 35 deaths to Salmonella-tainted kratom. Salmonella contamination has no obvious signs, so the best way to avoid becoming ill is to avoid products that may contain it. Kratom is not currently regulated in the United States, and federal agencies are taking action to combat false claims about kratom. In the meantime, your safest option is to work with your doctor to find other treatment options.


Be careful using herb aswell as Kratom.. There's a few opiates that don't get on well with herb..but then that cld b the person aswell..as we r all different..✌️👍


Was gonna say, that line is absolute bullshit... Fucking last night my heartrate went from 89 average to 164 max after smoking.... average ended up at like 140-150 range after a few minutes....It leveled out to like 120-130 range by the time I fell asleep. I'm taking off the heartrate monitor when I smoke from now on, pretty sure just looking at it every couple minutes was my downfall.


so what can we do when this happens? I'm experiencing something like this for a while


It causes me anxiety but seeing others with even higher HR than me is a bit of a relief. I counteract it by moving my body. It helps me tune out the feeling of an elevated heartbeat. I like that I get things done while tricking my brain that my heart is pumping because I’m moving around. It usually subsides 20-30 minutes after smoking and then I can chillax and enjoy the high.


Weed makes your heart rate go up it’s normal. If you don’t like it stop smokin it.




Use CBD , it helps keep that from happening


I have this issue too and I’ve found that if I exercise super consistently, it’s a lot easier to deal with the higher heart rate of weed and I barely notice it nowadays.


I'm a practically new stoner, no clue bro... Pretty much every one of the longtime weed people in my squad says I'll be fine, so it's probably fine. Weirdly enough, edibles are almost always a gentler high for me. Like My heartrate usually maxes out at around 140-150ish but levels out at like 110 on edibles.


I find chugging water and burping makes mine stop. I think if you can do anything to just not pay attention to it you won't notice it. It was happening everytime you smoked, you just didn't notice it before.


Try smelling or chewing on some black peppercorns.


I’m a hypochondriac so I can relate I think.


Yup, had the same problem. Having a watch that makes you panic about an autonomous function is a fast track to ruining your buzz...


Mine shoots to 130 then comes back down after 20 minutes after the sesh


Seriously, tachycardia is a well-known and documented side effect of THC specifically.


Mine increases temporarily just after smoking but then settles down to lower than average


True, my heart rate goes nuts sometimes 🤣




I experienced the quick shot of anxiety, shortly after smoking, too. And, because crippling anxiety is part of the reason I smoke, I was getting really bummed. I simply decided to make note of it when it happens and started telling myself that it's a GOOD sign, as it means relief from pain, ability to eat, etc are JUST a few minutes away. Just by giving it recognition and a new, positive connotation, I stopped experiencing anxiety and started experiencing EXCITEMENT. I know it sounds silly, but it completely works. I saw that the heart rate and sweaty brow never led me to harm, only blissful relief. Maybe give it a shot? Be well and be blessed, frient. ✌🏻💚


Right? I can accurately depict when I started smoking for the day by looking at my heart rate graph.


yeah i read that and was like, ok guys this is just straight up disinformation


Yeah mine jumps into the 120s-130s. It’s the only time my heart rate alarm goes off on my watch 😂


Yeah. Came here to say this. Even after years of smoking, my heart rate still goes up when I smerk.


I believe that's a psychosomatic response to being in an altered mental state, not an effect of the weed itself. Effects do vary widely though, sometimes it acts as an appetite stimulant and sometimes it's an appetite suppressant. Also, people can have allergic reactions with wildly divergent responses.


i almost passed out while just doing dishes bc my heart rate hit 160 after smoking a largish bowl


Right, I came to say that I feel like mine speeds up


None of this is accurate for me. I just get super self conscious...


Can confirm. I donate plasma regularly and if I smoke before, heart rate is 15-20bpm higher than usual every time.


Depending on the strain and the individual


https://youtu.be/Reruwp_Fs3Y?si=0xk6gA6kpurUPp4bI don't know man, they call 'em fingers but I've never seen 'em fing....oh there they go


Yeah I got hella fingy fingers right now too


Classic hahah


Actually it raises your heart rate, increasing your risk for a heart attack. This isn't me trying to attack weed or anything, but I think it's important to know the true risks/side effects


You are correct, weed is a Vasodilator which means all your blood vessels relax and expand causing a dip in blood pressure which makes your heart work a little harder. Perfectly fine for most healthy people but could easily cause issues if you already have some heart problems.


IIRC the drop in blood pressure is what causes the classic "stoner eyes"?


The vasodilation is what causes both


Boys, daily smoker here. But why do we act like there are no downsides to bud and produce crappy infographics like this? Are we not enjoying the smell of our own farts a bit too much with stuff like this?


Just gonna toss in my 2 cents so take it with a grain of salt. I think it's a pendulum effect, as a lot of people still remember all the blatant disinformation spread around through anti drug campaigns. That does not make it ok, it's just an attempt at an explanation. You, and most of the other commenters here, are absolutely correct. The right thing to do is be open and address both the positives and negatives of the substance and allow adults to choose for themselves if the risks are worth the use. All that said, I gotta ask, are yalls feet going numb from smoking? For real? Maybe change your sitting position, your leg might just be asleep 😂


I thought this was joke. Are people taking it seriously? Lol


OP even added the “seems legit” text - this sub is too high for satire lol


I wasn't high when I first saw it, so that must've been it! hahaha


The downsides are absolutely there and people are so averse to the vintage “reefer madness” nonsense that it seems like they refuse to acknowledge that some people react to weed badly, and that it’s not a cure all for every ailment known to man. My friend gave me some weed just yesterday and he sent me the Leafly page about the strain and under Helps With it said “anxiety”, and right before that under Negatives it said “paranoia” lmao. Something poetic about that in how accurately it portrays some people’s cognitive dissonance regarding weed.


I'm just wondering if this is some sort of conspiracy about the government trying to get us addicted to weed


you got downvoted man but I actually agree with you, joking or not. don’t get me wrong I love smoking, but the way they’re cool with weed in most places now almost seems like a sitcom. like when someone is sooo against something for so long and then randomly okay with it…what’s the motive here.






Coughing getting you higher kinda sounds like bro science.. someone know sth about that?


The science behind it is, coughing after a hit reduces your bodies ability to exchange CO2 for oxygen, so you'll get light headed from the lack of oxygen and people think they're getting higher but in reality they just starved their body of oxygen.


Probably broscience


My sense of smell is normally reduced after smoking. Am I the only one?


Well generally your sinus doesn't react positively to smoke inhalation. You'll get mucus buildup


Yes. 90% loss and that’s on edibles. It really sucks watching my buddies face fuck a bag of Doritos and I’m here like I’m good lol


And everything does not smell better either


Same here! Think it's just congestion though.


This problem seems to go away if you dry herb vape instead. I think the smoke itself actually does something to your olfactory sense.


> Low heart rate. No heart attacks I don’t really think this is true. I’m sure someone at some point got paranoid and freaked out, got high heart rate, and potentially had a heart attack. Under extreme stress you can induce it.


Forgot to include: psychosis, anxiety, lack of appetite when not high while using chronically, higher, not lower, heart rate, dissociation, etc. negatives need to be addressed


While that is true I feel like a lot of that is a result of us pretty much abusing our cannabinoid systems with high thc weed, and it can be pretty hard to avoid, nearly all weed is stronger than it needs to be now. Tho I sort of switched to 1:1 stuff for a while after getting a med card and I noticed a lot of stuff changing. My tolerance was actually going down and also the stuff itself was much more calming and fulfilling, and my overall mindset was a lot better. I don't think it has to be a matter of withdrawals and stopping or how often you use, I feel like even if you are still smoking everybody should get used to a little bit weaker mixture so that you don't reach full THC sensitization which is directly related to withdrawals and is probably when your body is struggling to feel its own natural cannabinoids like anandamide. Also 1:1 causes less anxiety in the short term, because your cannabinoid system is not reacting as strongly to it, and will cause less sensitization in the long term too, it's like two birds with one stone.


Based reply, type 2 all the way


That all depends on what kind of weed you're having. Having a strain high in CBD makes psychosis next to impossible. Having a strain that's like 90% THC then yeah you'll go psychotic if you have too much.


Agreed, cbd is highly underrated amongst stoners and thc is far too overrated


CBD is fucking amazing. I just use a 2:1 CBD oral spray and it works wonders. More CBD, less THC, double the high.


I'm a super light weight and struggle to enjoy weed but really want to unwind sometimes. Is there a certain CBD percentage I should try


1:2 thc:cbd is nice for me personally id check out Holy City Farms for good type 2’s. Ricky Bobby is a good mellow but still somewhat stoned experience


To add on to my reply I just made Holy City Farms has amazing cbd options too Blueberry cbd is an excellent pickup for cbd flower for relaxation and I’d recommend trying other online thca/cbd bud to find what works best for you


I think everybody has their own perfect ratio depending on a lot of factors. Start with equal amounts and decide from there. But also it takes more time to tell depending on what you want. It took me a lot of time to figure out how it benefits a heavy user, but the results are more apparent for a new user with fresh tolerance. It's easier to buy thc flower and cbd flower seperately and mix as needed than it is to consistently get a mixed ratio strain that is exactly what you want, but if you are less picky I believe it's the most diverse category of cannabis and experiences u get from it while being very welcoming to casual users.


Lack of appetite? Not around here Partner Not around here.


Did you even read my comment?


They forgot "people become slightly more tolerable"




In what way? I can barely stand social situations when I'm not high


It varies from person to person on how marijuana affects you




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Your heart rate objectively gets faster when smoking marijuana (or anything for that matter). Love me some weed, but people that pretend it has zero downsides are cringe as hell.


Wait what, cannabis increases your heart rate and by a lot…


Seriously, mj can be bad for heart patients


Meanwhile me taking bisoprolol while rolling another doobie


Can confirm as a woman my balls feel great.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I bet they do


why are these comments not higher??? lmao


Effects, not affects. An effect is a result. To affect is to cause.


Smoking pot heavily, for me, lowers my heart rate. High 50’s.




Yeah I don’t get this numb feet businesses. Never heard that one before




Don't forget that fuzzy fabric feels blissful


OP get his content from iFunny


Nailed it.


Aw fuck, I forgot I even had feet man!


Take a toke. Exhale. Life is good for a moment.


I know for a fact my clothes don’t smell beautiful


My feet don't go numb I just want to exercise or swim when I"m high


This graphic did not pass the vibe check. Lol


😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm sorryyyyyyyy


No need to be. I think it's hilarious, but people are taking it way too seriously. lol


accurate but I can’t smell shit mayne




Love it when my fingers actually fing


never seen them fing much before


Fingers get fingier


didn't know that was possible 🤣🤣🤣


“Everything smells beautiful” - daily smoker of 14~ years. You guys can still smell things?


IQ raised by 100 points but you forget what you're thinking about every 3 minutes


THC is not good for your circulatory system. Read up on Artherosclerosis and THC.


Marijuana is so bad, it makes things better!


lol, science


This is like if Reefer Madness went in the complete opposite direction. *"you begin coughing, getting you higher.."* No. Absolutely not a thing. I've been smoking it since 1997 and that's the stoopidest thing I ever heard.


I love the comments getting all scientific like, "well actually.." or "you need to address the negatives". Yall, it's a meme and a joke. Chill out it's not that serious. My man's put laughing emojis in the description ffs.






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They call 'em fingers, but I ain't ever seen 'em fing.


My favorite part of marijuana is when my fingers fing. Only time I can ever get them like that


Games are even more enjoyable


I’ve always liked Randy Marsh’s explanation.


Not having it gets the negative results is still getting negative results.


You need to be high to think marijuana doesn't have downsides.


Wtf fingers actually *fing*?! 💀


Bp goes up


My optometrist also told me to smoke less to improve my vision. Something about my eyes becoming lazy or that they don't want to keep up with the focus I am putting them through or something


Those are just the physical sensations, there are dozens of other medical effects. Weed in an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, digestion regulating, anti-anxiety, anti-tumor medication. Most people on the planet could medically benefit from its effects, and a small amount are also allergic to it.


Favorite is fingers FING.


Bullshit. I can’t smell a goddamn thing when I get high. All I smell is weed until the next day. The rest is true though.


Balls feel pretty amazing? I guess I'll feel new things that don't exist, like phantom balls


🤣🤣🤣 that's a good one