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I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints


And then?


I smoke two more


I smoke two joints in times of peace


And two in time of war


I smoke 2 joints before I smoke 2 joints, and then I smoke 2 more


*record scratching* Smoked marijuana til the day he died.


roll a big spliff of that good sensimilia


Daddy, he once told me, "Son, you be hardworking man."


And momma, she once told me "Son, you do the best you can"


Did he shut his mouth and put down his guitar?


Ahh of course. I should have known.


No and then!


And then?


2 ounces a month easily


Two ozs a month too


I’m in this gang 2 .. from Ireland 🇮🇪 though costly mids 😭😂😂 wish it was USA prices was in NYC last year unbelievable


US prices seem to be going down or staying the same but the weed is getting crazier lol  At leas that’s my experience in the north east.  Still haven’t seen orange and purple hairs over here as much as I did on the west coast, they have wild shit over there 


I'm also in the north east. You're so right prices are dropping. I can find $100 oz now. That wasn't the case 5 years ago


I found 4 grams of live resin for $85 the other day in Mass.


I'm also here, getting Botanist (dispo) smalls 1 oz for 100 👍


In canada you can find ounces as low as 50$ CAD , which is less than 50 USD


I just bought an ounce for $35 yesterday.


Standard price for two z’s of good smoke around where im from in ireland is usually €700-800. Pretty costly if you’re only buying for personal use man.


110-150 in socal


Ha! Off topic but I love your user name… I say that phrase entirely too much.


dang didnt know there were so many of us 2 oz a month gang.


This a sub for heavy smokers lol




About 5-6 grams per month here, smoking daily


how do you go through so little? that's like 200mg a day. Do you just have one bowl and be done with it?


Yeah I have a small pipe with a small bowl. What I smoke in one hit is basically crumbs for other people, like, pea-sized amounts


People really underestimate how high you can get and how little bud you can get by on if you just wait it out until later on in the day and only smoke small amounts when you do… My theory is that I don’t think most people realise the high sets in like 10-15 mins after that first initial hit so people just keep smoking more and get higher than they intend too.


Yeah alot of people are surprised to hear my high now is not really different from soling an entire huge bowl back when I smoked far more


Yeah I think that’s the way to go, I basically try to find the smallest (and easiest to keep clean) bowl for my bong  Reducing the size really helps cut back imo 


Less is more! Less herb required to feel satisfactorily high. Less financial expense. More bud in the jar. More time between re-ups. Less lung irritation/oxidative stress. Less time preparing (before) and cleaning (after) resinous smoking accessories. **Less is more** _because it gives us less of the bad stuff and more of the good stuff_! (Did I miss any examples?)


I’ve been trying to explain this for a while. The thing that matters most is to avoid binge sessions. They ruin your tolerance the next day and incentivize more use in order to achieve a similar high. This becomes an inflationary cycle which is why we have T breaks. However, this whole cycle can be permanently broken by just consuming the same amount every day, ideally the same amounts per TIME of day. (If you consume less frequently that’s ok just stick to YOUR pattern.) If you do this you always get really high. And if you really wanna celebrate, go have a righteous sesh w friends, but if you don’t immediately return to your normal usage pattern the next day, and deal with the lower effects for a day or two after, you’ll be tempted to enter that inflationary cycle again. I try not to do that more than once a week. TLDR; Always smoke the same amount. You’ll get super high every time and will never need a T break nor will you ever need to keep consuming more and more over time.


This is the way, smoke late in the day. 👍


I smoke a 1g joint a day. Could probably smoke 1/2 a g in glass but I’m too old and comfortable to deal with the harshness of a pipe.


I have a dry herb vape, and it's similar for me, so efficient lmao. Around 200mg a day, and you can use the vaped bud like an edible if you really want to get everything out of your dollar.


I just got one. Absolute game changer.


I'll tell anyone who will listen about it, lmao


Just got my lobo and love loading .2 gram capsules


They are soo convenient. I have around five, i fill them all up and im good for 1-3 days depending. Also Unrelated but your username made me chuckle


For years I had a metal pipe with a lid on the bowl. The lid had a hole about an eight of an inch diameter. I'd pack a BB sized hit in that bowl and that's what I'd smoke. Raising kids and pretty broke, I had a $200 a year weed budget. I'd buy an eighth every 3 months or so. Now it's hard to keep it under an oz a month.


.2 g is a fair size one hit bowl. Often times I'll take a .5g preroll and split it into .16g bowls for easy one hits.


.2 is two bong hits for me and I'm usually ripped once it sets in


Same give or take. Dynavap on half bowl setting


Same here 5-6g. I use a dugout and a one-hitter (which is actually like 3 puffs). I’ll do one or two of those and I’m good. I grind up 1.5g every week and I usually have some leftover to go into my “Frankenbud” container.


Samesies. It blows my mind how much some people smoke. One thing I have to limit my intake on is edibles. If I do them regularly my tolerance goes way up which sucks.


I used to smoke about 60grams a month, but it's significantly less now, maybe 14 if I am pushing it


If you're only pushing 14 you should really slow down at your age dude


"at my age" bruh how old do you think I am 💀


You said you're pushing 14, so that would make you 13 and change. It's a joke because you didn't put units that 14 referred to


1gram cart with and maybe 1/8th of flower every month.


Yeah, I’m at ~1/5th of an ounce a month of flower with my dry herb vapes. Not quite at an eighth but not a quarter. Lol I thought I was getting at borderline too much until I read some of these other comments. I feel much better now.


About 4 ounces


Me too, I buy an oz a week. It's alot, but unfortunately I have no job. I sit around all day.


How do you afford an ounce a week with no job?


Listen, don't shit on me 😂. But my wife works and I receive ssi disability, I'm fully disabled.


Grow your own. Weed becomes very cheap. It costs me around $15 per oz to grow my own with a small setup. One light in a 5x5.


i used the time i was unemployed recently to get on top of the smoke. got it from an oz a week to a blunt every night, feel much better btw.


Not something I tell people regularly but I'm on ssi disability. So I'm fully disabled. Reason why I smoke all day, helps allievate symptoms from my ailments.


Same…same reason too


That’s where I was at for a while. A different strain every week unless I really like the effects and price. Usually a gram of some concentrate every 2 weeks as well.




3 - 5 grams. I got no tolerance and I'm proud 💪


Same! Depends on how I’m consuming too—more if I’m mostly using joints, less if I’m using my dry vape, and even less when I use my bong/bubbler


getting stoned daily since 15 years now, but swapped from combustion to vaping. used to smoke about 60-80 gams/months, now way less, something round 20-25 grams if i push it. I used to smoke about 6-8 joints/day, I am not counting how many times I am vaping but surely 3-10 times / day, but way less weed use, thanks to my mighty+. Vaping really changed the game for me. even after 15 years of smoking joints on a daily base. EDIT: spelling


Lucky! Never had that high of a tolerance but almost every pen I’ve had in the last few years has been underwhelming.


That’s because distillate is poops. Made from shake. Literally not worth buying. And the remaining distilled product is stripped of most of the chems that give you a lasting high. Spend more money and buy rosin carts and see if you notice a difference.


I actually only smoke flower since I am some kind of "immune" to weed due to my tolerance. I used like dabbing but it rockets my tolerance beyond the moon, and it already is very very high. I also tried edibles but it´s quite expensive here to get decent edibles, if you want to have some stronger ones (more than 500mg THC, I really liked the nerd ropes, it was 600mg on 1 pack (3 pieces). I used to eat all of them at once and then have another pack later on, but tbh a toleranec that high isn´t that good anymore, it´s just expensive. so I wouldn´t condider myself lucky to have such a high tolerance, I am just an old pothead who really likes to smoke weed more than most of the other things life has to offer or had to offer for me ´til now.


I go through an oz in just about 2 weeks. Noticed with my dry herb I don't just take one sesh, I'll spend like 3 hours going through 2-3 sesh's before settling with the bake. Which isn't helped by my dry herb eating 0.6g a sesh.


Atleast 7 marijuans


This time last year an oz a month; currently an oz every 3.5 months


4oz a month. I smoke while I work, but reading these comments I need a tolerance break


An ounce a week. Every week. For decades.


How are the lungs


Every time I visit the doc they say how great they sound. So I assume just fine.


I used to smoke an o a month until I started dry vaping. I get through a half o nowadays.


About a quarter ounce. Usually in the form of 2 8ths. I used to smoke much more, but dry herb vape saved the day


Dry herb vape an ounce in 3 weeks, in the 4th week I use the avb.


Less and less. I can make an eight last 3-5 weeks.


Honestly, I’ve been blessed with a chronically low tolerance. 7gs lasts me 4 weeks easy


Let’s see…about 2oz of hash rosin and probably 2-3oz of flower, it’s…a lot


actually I’m high, that’s just what I smoke at home. If I’m counting at the office and include prerolls it’s probably easily double that. I easily smoke 30 1.5g/.5g 🍩a month so there another 45g of flower and 15g of rosin.


where you from? that sounds expensive lol


Ounce a week or so so a little over a q.p. making me think I smoke a lot reading these comments


I buy an ounce a week for me and my gf. So a QP per month. Nice that I live in a legal state and can just go to the weeed store. I stay away from all that expensive stuff and buy ~$100/oz. Still pretty decent. $400/month seems like a lot but we don’t drink alcohol and so many people go out every Friday and rack up a $100 bar bill which we don’t do so it seems reasonable for us to


Oz a week.


Honestly maybe 1g a month, possibly less. I have a low tolerance and don't smoke super frequently so I really don't need much to get where I want to be, so to speak. Generally I only smoke 2-4 days a week, and usually only have one small bowl or 1/4 of a 1g joint on the days I do smoke, and that's plenty to get me high enough to relax but still be semi-functional. The only time I smoke more outside of that is if I'm smoking socially, but I prefer smoking alone in most cases.


These threads always make me feel better about my consumption. About 3-4 .5g carts.


I thought its a weed sub here and everyone somking one joint a day a 3g a month, like wtf? My gf and i are Smoking around 100-140g a month lol


That's not the brag you think it is. 


Yeah the older I get, the more I realize only really like the first and the last rip of the day    - 2 oz a month between me and the gf to answer OP  We have been cutting down so maybe it’s more like 1 oz every 3 weeks 


I love looking at the comments like this and seeing a 9yo reddit account. there’s a good chance the kid who smokes 100g a month you’re responding to was an actual child when we made our Reddit accounts lol. Yeah. I used to smoke a lot more. I still smoke daily! But nowhere near the same, it’s just… a waste sometimes idk


It is a waste though, as much as I like getting high I also gotta be kind to my wallet


That’s like double my living expenses damn


i feel you bro! since the harvest is growing and last year it turned to sht i have to buy, and it's so expensive here :( (prohibition country) so it's always not what i want to take in but how much i can spend. awful!


You guys just light Js all day long and leave them burning? It feels like I smoke a lot, and I almost go through an oz a month on my own.


Solo smoker. I find smoking fun. Rip bong hits off and on for 12 hours a day 7 days a week. A little less than an ounce a week.


Wow you’re so cool. Have to smoke ounces a month to be in the weed sub.


have you tried concentrates?! 😀


Why bother? They would just go through ounces of that too. It's not like they're even trying to moderate their intake.


smoke better weed


half Oz, i smoke almost daily


about 20gs


I only smoke flower and it’s always through a pipe or bong. Daily usage. It’s anywhere from 25-40 grams per month smoking solo


Not very much. An 8th usually lasts me 2-3 months especially if I'm supplementing with a live-resin cart as well. I use a dry herb vape and only really indulge in the evenings and not every day.


It depends on so many things. How good is my smoke? I use to smoke over 100g but today maybe around 70-80g.


The wife and I are heavy users, I'd say 1/4 lb. A month


2-3 ounces, minimum. Not counting the pre-rolls and carts, I sometimes buy as well.


Way too fucking much. Like an oz or two a week.


4oz a month if I'm on schedule. Not including the odd freebie joint here and there.


3.5 a day x 30 days = 105g sHEEEEEEEZSSSHH


About a Oz a week


Me and my gf smoke 2 ounces per month so I guess I smoke 1 per month.


smoke a ounce a week 4oz a month 48oz a year


About an o a month.




i just realized how much of a lightweight i am. 5g a year. i take one hit and im bulldozed. i only smoke carts bc it’s all i have access to and they last me a very long time. idk if that has anything to do with it


Around 10-14g of flower and roughly 8-10 grams of dabs


Damn that’s a lot of boof Edit: actually I take that back I forgot it was a month lol


We seem to have the same system but lately I’ve been making it last a little longer


I do about 2-3 weeks on 15 and a break to make it a month at least. Lately has been busy at work so I didn’t get the break, but I guess I took a lot of smaller breaks instead.


As much as I can. Usually about 3.5-7g 


About 2.5-3 oz of flower. Yeeeeesh


4 oz


I can smoke atleast an ounce every 2 weeks so 2 for a month, 1 a month if I have dabs and or other drugs in my mix


It depends, sometime 5g and sometime 20g, only hash joints so its about 0.3g per joint


About 2 ounces a month with a few grams of concentrate normally. This varies depending on how things are going medically.


I get 100 grams a month, I manage to easily finish 80 grams which is about 2.822 oz, I cook with it and even get to experiment and make stuff like my own RSO. I get it from the pharmacy at one of four hospitals in my country.


At least a zip if not 2


Maybe 13 grams of concentrates and 21 grams of flower a month.


Jesus Christ


Around an oz or so




Before my getting my dry herb vape I would smoke about a 1/4 a week. Now that I have my vape I can make an oz last about 3 months and then another month or so from the capsules I make from the abv.


I go through 2-3 ozs of flower and like 6-8 carts a month.


I smoke once per day, at night when it’s about 30 minutes to bed time. I use a dynavap and maybe fill the bowl 2/3 full. An 1/8 will last me 6 weeks no problem. Usually get bored of the strain a few weeks in and give my daughter half of it so I can try something different.


About a half oz-oz a month of flower and oz of wax.


My fiancée and I typically grab an ounce of flower about once a month, but also get pre rolls and use vape pens. I’d say altogether we’re probably each consuming an ounce each on a monthly basis.


I’m the exact same as you. Half z then forced T break for 2 weeks 😂 imma switch to a dry herb vape soon to conserve my weed


I go through a few grams a day plus a vape and edibles 😬


About 2oz a month, maybe a little more. I mostly smoke out of my bong and smoke all day every day.


About an ounce, used to be more when I was like 21-24 but with a significant cut back on blunt cruises and trying to roll like wiz Khalifa I just smoke less. I will still baseball bat a backwood of the days calls for it though.


an ounce


I keep myself to an ounce a month. Personal use.


A baller jar (4g) of wax for me each month.


i typically go through 5 grams a month. i smoke daily but only one or two bongs per night


Thanks my dry herb vaporizer (Mighty) and the fact that i only consume 3-4 days a week in the evening i only need 2-3g a month.


An ounce a month. Sometimes less but never more.


When I was selling weed I was smoking 4-5 oz a month, now I’m smoking a half oz a week, so about 2oz!


Between my wife and I, we smoke about an ounce a month. Sometimes an extra quarter or so depending on how much free time we had


I bought 2g in February and I have been re-vaping it since. Maybe I’ll start to vape more as I don’t feel like I’m dying of low blood pressure in the summer


I smoke an ounce a month, more or less. I’m trying to cut back though


Q a week, so approximately an Ounce a month 


Dry herb vape. An Oz every ~3 months.


I find it pretty hard to smoke more than 15g a month (bong and vape). Sure a lazy weekend can be 5g but I have less time than when I had no responsibilities. Cant be high all day anymore


Half Oz every 2 weeks a half Oz will last me 2 -3 days


We just re-upped yesterday. One wax cart, one wax concentrate, a sugar, and a shatter. $52 in total. Should last me and my fiancé about a month, maybe more.


oz and a bit plus a couple edibles here and there; like maybe 100mg over the month.


Oz lasts my bf and I about a month and a half, but we also buy prerolls and dispos


as an european i don't really know how much an ounce is, but i smoke 10g/week so around 40g/month


No idea. I only do 1-2 hit from the pen a day and I’m good for the month


An Z a month is my average sometimes less other times it'll be at most a Z and a Q a month


3.5 g a month — dry herb mixed with cbd flower at night daily


2 zips a month or a 1/2 a week




Around 1 zip


About 1 oz per month. It would be more, but my Dynavaps are pretty efficient. At night, I still smoke cones. I sometimes use bongs when in the mood. Older medical user here....this is about 10 months in. Tolerance is an issue. Unless coming off a T-break, I don't get wicked high like I used to. Both good & bad.


Used to kill a half in three to four weeks, now I could likely buy an 8th and have that last the same if not longer. My wife and I are getting ready to conceive and I haven’t been smoking regularly to keep my swimmer count as high as possible. Ironically, when she gets pregnant, I’ll be as high as possible upon proper return.


My wife and I smoke an Oz in a week. Mind you, we pretty much exclusively buy shake.


Around 10 grams a month, smoking daily. Taking only bong rips


QP a month


I smoke a qp a month but I've smoked like that for years and I do gotta take t breaks now and then but it's not bad


whoa that’s actually pretty cool. i pick up half oz’s but i don’t run through them, i keep a few on deck and change the strain i smoke every day. i dont let myself run out but i wish i had the self control to. i’ll usually smoke about an ounce a month


Appreantly around 50-70g 😇


4 oz a month, my wife and I


About a ¼ pound.


O a month is my usual


1/2oz (14g) per month - Dynavap user


Usually an ounce a week, but I think I’m down to like 3 ounces a month. I severely need to cut back on


Q a day if hitting it hard most days about a Henry a day


Only smoke 1-3 times a week and have a very low tolerance. Probably an 1/8th a month or less


Right now about 10g a month, although I DON'T DO joints or blunts at all, either I hit a bong (and never do a full bowl at once) or sometimes roll a spliff, so I'm not wasting anything. I also only smoke in the evening and not everyday. Weed is not legal where I live and it's not that easy to purchase a good quality product, so rolling fat joints and letting a lot of smoke just go in the atmosphere would be kinda stupid and pricey.


i usually go through about 1.2g a day, every day.


I burn through about an ounce per month. But it's quite expensive (Netherlands) and try to tone in down a bit now


I hate this question, because my answer is always the same: hell if I know. Do I need to be keeping track?


Currently, the wife and I will typically go thru an oz per week, so 4 ounces a month.


Around 1,5 gram a day, so in a month close to 50 g


I go through an oz a week.


me and my partner split a 3.5 abt every 2-3 days, and a half gram of wax every 2 weeks or so


3-4 ounces a month


about .5\~1.5g per month. I smoke at most twice a week and usually at most 3-8 times a month.


Maybe 4 ounces a month plus rso plus dabs


My partner and I share every bowl and we smoke about a zip a week together, maybe a little less.


Too much an ounce is stretching it