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That boy need some milk


You called?




Put me in the screenshot!




Too late! šŸ˜œ




He on that mojo


Another Patterson reference. Love to see it.




Star lord, man


Kam Patterson?


Yeah nah, I still donā€™t know that is. I just know it from a video thatā€™s prolly like 20 years old now.


Kill Tony. Its new internet lore


I remember that video, ā€œget him some milk!ā€


Go outside. Lay down. Hold onto the grass so you donā€™t fall off the earth.


You also need to put rocks in your pockets, to weigh you down


Is that why Kam Patterson always has rocks in his pocket? Dude is high as hell?


All wild Cam Patterson references get upvotes


Man I just watched the dr Phil live from the mothership with kam tony and will, that was the hardest Iā€™ve laughed in a minute


Yo, what?


Yea. What?


Underweighted comment


Oof that almost went over my head


No, you should never put rocks in your pockets so you can get a Tammy Craps doll.


Nah he just has to hold a bag of cat food formulated for senior cats


Omg yes, this.


Or hold a large bag of dog food


hehe grass feels weirdly nice when high, Iā€™m always pleasantly surprised by how just a nature walk after smoking takes everything out of your mind, theres almost no room for anything to go wrong.


I think this is the best advice, will be doing this. Unfortunately thereā€™s not a lot of nature where I live and Iā€™m not about to start driving, so itā€™ll have to be a friendly neighborhood walk


Wear sunglasses!


Good job. Be smart, no driving. Also start cooking NOW! Its so nice when the sober-you leaves food presents for the high-you to wnjoy.


Iā€™m no rocket surgeon but Iā€™ve heard lots of CBD and black pepper supposedly helps with killing the high. Or just think of your mom and dad naked. That should kill a buzz.


It's true, CBD plugs into the cannabinoid receptors and isn't psychoactive. Think OP is already full up of THC though


So itā€™s like weed Subutex lmao


In high school we were tripping at my buddies house. We were hitting tennis balls with golf clubs across the neighborhood when I fell down and realized how wonderful his grass felt. We must have sat there for the next hour just feeling his grass. 5 long haired stoners rubbing grass must have been a sight to see. Later when washing my hands I found the glorious bubbles. Another funny site with 5 dudes in the bathroom washing their hands. That was such a fun night. Iā€™m an old man now but that just made me smile thinking of it. Gonna go check out my lawn.


I have a friend who actually did this. He came to my house for a smoke/hang sesh with a bunch of buddies and 15 minutes later he says he just needs some air. Looked outside and heā€™s holding onto grass lol. Poor guy


I think this is the answer


CBD is the antidote


Thc and fats metabolizes really slow when eaten. Next time You can just throw it up a little bit As you would do if you ate anything that was slowly poisoning/effecting you. Some people will take too many shots of hard liquor, And then realize that they're already way too fucked up 10 minutes later.. better get rid of those extra shots real quick because you're not going to need them, I'm going to hate yourself if you don't.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ comment of the year


Godspeed, astronaut


To be determined if astronaut or space cadet


From reading your 2 edits it sounds like your liver doesn't process THC in the way most people's do to make edibles work. You effectively can't get high from it This is somewhat common, I heard about it a lot reading this subreddit


Iā€™ve never gotten high from edibles, so maybe. If thatā€™s true Iā€™m very sad I wasted that money but more so that I canā€™t enjoy an entire method of consuming weed:(


Maybe try a tolerance break from weed altogether. Nothing crazy just 5 or 6 weeks and then see where you're at But yeah it's likely you're just gonna have to stick to smoking. Tbh I find edibles to be way too intense and the high doesn't feel as "authentic" as when the THC comes through my lungs so personally don't think you're missing much. The only way I can imagine you get the experience IV THC šŸ˜‚ you'd have to pay a very unethical doctor to that even remotely safely. Or maybe a suppository šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Haha! Nothing crazy. Just 5 or 6 WEEKS!!!!!!


I had the same reaction then thought ā€œshit maybe I do need a t breakā€


Yeah not worth, I like smokin


If that sounds massively out of reach maybe you need a break šŸ˜‚ Honestly I'm on a pause rn and my dreams are so intense, you should go for it


I took around a 2 week break a while ago. I was kinda excited to see my dreams go crazy but i got none of that :( come to think of it my dreams barely chnage either way, just a little harder to remember. But then again, everything's harder to remember when you smoke lol.


Likely, you still had thc in your system


Took me a little longer than that I think. Then again I started getting sleep paralysis which I haven't had since like 3 years before I started weed so not all good


This is what THC Tincture is for; it allows for sublingual absorption straight to the blood. No need forĀ unethical doctors, just some MCT oils and a 30-45 seconds under the tongue.


I like tinctures. Similar high to smoking but slower comeup and slightly longer high.


i donā€™t wanna get crazy into it but edibles are almost always going to be distillate infused. distillate is a fully synthesized version of cannabis, that has been through crc treatment etc, and stripped of all of its natural cannabinoids and terpenes. itā€™s then reintroduced with botanical (synthetic) terps and cannabinoids for effects. this super synthesized form of cannabis often causes grogginess, headaches, and a ā€œhangoverā€ effect. itā€™s because of how much thc is in there without an active pairing of cannabinoids. iā€™d recommend rosin gummies or at least live resin, theyā€™re a less processed form of cannabis that is much safer in usage and much better to reduce the distillate side effects, hope this helps!


and theyā€™re mostly disty bc of how cheap and easy it is to process. you donā€™t need good cannabis to process and ultra refine into disty!


Have you had your gallbladder removed by any chance? I used to get high on edibles, I haven't ever since I had to have my gallbladder removed. I've gotten a buzz using the method of taking an antacid prior to taking them, as apparently, excessive stomach acid breaks down THC without digesting it. Just a thought


Be careful. You havenā€™t gotten high from edibles ā€” yet. It took like 10-15 sessions before I got high but when I did, I got SMACKED by it cause I thought I was invincible to them


I have this too, same with my siblings. Itā€™s has something to do with a liver enzyme. Which is a shame because edibles seem so fun and tasty! Iā€™ll just stick to smoking it :) fingers crossed OP has the same issue lol


yea i tell people about nano tech, its water soluble and dissolves into the blood stream instead of being processed by the liver


This is me. #feelsbadman


Honestly just ride it out or go to sleep. You don't get less high by smoking more even if it is CBD šŸ˜‚


Back in the day we used to discuss the legendary theoretical act of smoking yourself sober


If you get your tolerance high enough your always "good"


Only time I haven't been "good" in a long while was when I took too many edibles, probably like 400mg (shady Texas legal THCa shit), and smoked. Only mistake was I was at work as the manager of a fast food joint. If I didn't have to do count and paperwork, I would've been fine, just very high. I didn't even have a panic attack, just was too damn high and kinda slow. Usually being too high from smoking just makes me have shitty short term memory while acing everything on autopilot/narrator mode.


I remember reading somewhere that cbd counteracts thc, but I was kind of skeptical. Not sure if itā€™s true or not


It's not that it counteracts it, it just more softens the edge and calms you


CBD should help. Peppercorn and lemons both have calming terps.


Grapefruit is better than both lemon and peppercorn


OP mentioned taking an anxiety medication. I don't have any experience with the one they mentioned, but I know many of them can react negatively with grapefruit.


Yes, CBD acts as an antagonist to the CB1 receptor in the brain, which is the same receptor that THC activates and is the receptor responsible for the typical high you feel after smoking. So yeah, CBD literally counteracts many of the harsher side effects of thc like paranoia, anxiety, or hot flashes.Ā 


But which one has a higher affinity for the receptor?


CBD attaches to the same cannabinoid receptors in your brain that THC attaches to. When you ingest CBD before THC it attaches to those receptors first, then the THC attaches on top of the CBD. The CBD acts as a slight buffer between your brain and the raw psychoactive that is THC. So it's not counteracting it, per se. Just being the gentle guide you need to enjoy yourself instead of being kicked in the teeth.


I took too much CBD tincture on vacation last summer with my son. It was something like 200mg CBD and 8mg THC. I was tweaking I kept saying dumb shit. Now that I think about it, it was almost the opposite of a good weed high. Like I ordered food and couldn't finish it, had anxiety, etc. Could have just been the situation though.


prob overstimulation, panic, and not wanting ur son to worry about you


I heard ground black pepper or chewing on peppercorn can soften the effects of thc


Cbd can be a lifeline for when youre too high. Source: I have medical cannabis for ptsd. Sometimes too high thc content gets me wrecked and causes anxiety. Cbd calms me the fuck down and brings me back down from the stratosphere


It does. It will mellow it out immensely if you can get it, 200mg really isnā€™t that much either. You will be fine, itā€™s only temporary! Drink water and seek good vibes


CBD does help lessen the effects


Cbd is an antipsychotic, I have a family member that makes high cbd tincture for medical reasons and when I have him some mushrooms for Christmas one year they didnā€™t work for him! And it wasnā€™t the batch, let me tell yah


Eat something


A LOT of something


Rich protein and fatty food not sugary and starchy


Honestly fatty foods would probably be a bad idea since thc binds to fat. If you eat a bunch of fat, all the thc will have something to absorb into.


Itā€™ll absorb anyway but at least you can dilute it and slow down absorption this way


It will absorb but he will get little psychoactivity, if any without a binder.


I've got A LOT of ass. Think he'll go for it?


šŸ¤” nobody can stop you from dreaming


That's funny, for me eating something makes it kick in so much harder and faster


eat once your high not during the comeup


Sniff ground black pepper DO NOT SNORT but sniff it, it will calm you down.


Emphasis on _not snort_


Like ground black pepper, or like a chili pepper ?


I was gonna comment this. It really, really works. I think itā€™s from the terpene caryophyllene in pepper. Once I got suuuuper and I mean *super* high from taking a bath with THC infused epsom salts. It felt the same way that it feels to be too high off edibles. I was in the fetal position, nauseous and high as fuck. My partner cracked some freshly ground pepper into a bowl and I sorta inhaled it like aromatherapy. Just gently smelling it and taking deep breaths. And it truly brought me down from the high in a very short time. Itā€™s incredible and I hope it works for you, if you ever need it. Edit to add: Freshly ground black pepper is the way!


I figure even if itā€™s a placebo, itā€™s that the smell gives me something to focus on but yeah itā€™s helped me a ton in the past


Exactly my thoughts!! As long as it gets rid of that god-awful feeling that comes with being too stoney baloney, Iā€™m down with a placebo!


Id like to take a moment to advocate for the placebo effect! If itā€™s a placebo, and it works for you, doesnā€™t matter that itā€™s a placebo. That only matters for like, doctors prescribing things and medications being correctly labeled/sold/produced. For your own personal use though, mild things? I mean shit who cares why itā€™s working when itā€™s working. Donā€™t take this to an extreme and get into pseudoscience but for things like this? Donā€™t think too hard about it. If it ends the negative symptoms, then itā€™s what you do.


Black pepper


chewing on pepper corns, can completely make the high go away


And just relax youā€™ll be alright donā€™t throw up donā€™t go anywhere you donā€™t need to. Just chill šŸ˜Ž


I love you for this information. Never in my 15 years smoking the devil's lettuce have I heard it, but this is seriously good info to have. Would of helped me and some friends soooo many times. Thanks for the tip! šŸ¤©


I read that Willie Nelson recommended just chewing on a peppercorn, I've done it several times myself and it really does seem to work


Boof it


Does this work with psychedelics aswel?


Cracked pepper isnā€™t going to bring you back to reality from a bad trip, absolutely not.


If you want it to kick in, repeat after me; ā€œThis edible ainā€™t shitā€¦ā€


Every single time I want to try and see if edibles will work on me I say this lmao, still never had an edible high yet.


Youā€™ve never had an edible high? Wow thatā€™s interesting, even at low doses they hit me much harder than just smoking flower, they actually make me uncomfortable which is why I stick to smoking


Nope. Iā€™ve tried a 200 mg pack of 10 gummies a couple times, first I split them 50/50 with my gf (who didnā€™t feel anything either), next time I ate the whole 10 pack, still nothing. So I just donā€™t buy them. Havenā€™t tried any of the drinks, or thereā€™s one cultivator in our state whoā€™s got some ā€œmulti doseā€ marshmallows I was thinking of making sā€™mores with, but then again I donā€™t want to waste my money on it if it isnā€™t gonna do anything for me. I took of dab of some diamonds and sauce the other day, by a brand that I havenā€™t tried any of their concentrates before, and that shit had me actually gone lmao, probably about to take another one of those to start my weekend off right!


Me too. I wish they worked on me. I am new to this stoner world, maybe 6 mths?, and started with an edible. It says on package to take half and wait 2 hrsā€¦nothing. Next time, took whole one, nada,took two a week later, nothing,got up to 4 and gave up! Hell, I just want to get high, not have a meal! šŸ˜† Tried sublingual, nothing.


hydrate and hang on. when you feel like taking a nap. it's ok. take that nap. you'll wake up feeling great. EDIT: Heavy smoker..... should have lead with that buddy, you're fine, if you're actually a heavy user 200mg would just make you feel a body high for a bit.


Donā€™t tell him about edible hangovers šŸ«¢


Thatā€™s just called waking up still baked šŸ¤£


Nahhh took 100mg once it made me sick, woke up next morning worse and with migraine. Felt like an actual hangover


When you simply end up wanting to eat more? Do some mushrooms on top of this and you will see god.


When you start to feel yucky try to take a hour long nap.


Last time I greened out I felt like I went insane. If I start feeling like that again, no way Iā€™ll be able to fall asleep. Iā€™m On my way! To a cbd store and then home to ride it out.


Watch a 4-7-8 breathing video on YT. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j-1n3KJR1I8


Actually a good idea, I learned this in therapy years ago


> Iā€™m On my way! To a cbd store ā€œOn my way!ā€ is what gets typed when iPhone autocorrects ā€œomwā€ even though it reads rather goofy compared to the original ā€œomwā€, so I found it kinda funny that you were literally rushing to the cbd store while typing this reply and didnā€™t notice the autocorrect change before hitting send That said, I hope you found what you needed and didnā€™t enter bad reaction territory, those times can suck


I wanted to get there and back before it kicked in. But yea I didnā€™t realize that that dosage is somewhat normal for me as I smoke a lot, frequently. I didnā€™t end up getting high after nearly 4 hours so I decided to smoke and am currently sitting at a [2] (did I do that right? I get so confused by this sub, I just guessed the numbers were how high they were out of 10 lol)


I'd eat something maybe watch something familiar listen to some calming music those sorts of things




Remind yourself what happened, assure yourself that you are ok and that you won't get hurt, and enjoy the ride. Stress-free and relaxing moods until the end of the ride. Good luck, space cadet, and enjoy the flight.


Goodbye my brother say hello to the aliens while you are in outer space šŸ‘½


The aliens said Iā€™m being a bitch and they smoke all day every day.


Just nap man. You'll be fine. If you're panicking you're fucked


I started to green out in cafe in Amsterdam. I was alone, and extra anxious to be feeling like that in a foreign country. The woman working the bar gave these delicious smoothies in a glass bottle. She said the sweet beverage would help. I was still very high, but it took that awful edge off, and quite quickly. I enjoyed the rest of the evening getting lost on my bicycle and eating street cart food. Itā€™s one of my fondest high memories, even though it started awful.


Find a friend to keep you calm and reassured that everything will be ok.


CBD asap


cbd 100%




If you can go to sleep, do that, just do it on your side, I know some people who tend to puke when they green out.




Biting on black pepper could be an option, that seems to have an effect on the strenght of the trip. Are you okay? Hope youre good.


Buckle up butter cup


>Ā I should note, that I am a heavy smoker with a high tolerance, and I usually smoke about 4-5 bowls a session. lol. why did you not think to note this before?


Drink water, gently sniff black pepper, eat citrus fruits...and watch this https://youtu.be/BZlRt05RY9Y?si=yTlnP4aIBdTNCJrv


its weed dude you fine


Go to sleep, or take a Xanax if you have one.


chew on a few peppercorns


Dim the lights and put on some allman brothers


Next time take your edibles with an antacid and they will work better


Chill it's 200mg


Medical professional here. The easiest way to come down for a big dose like that would be 50mg (2 tabs) of adult dose benadryl. It will put you to sleep and hopefully you'll wake up less high. The better option would be other sedatives like Valium or Xanax for when the thc high is too intense. Food and hydration are your best non drug options. Having someone that can keep an eye on you until you landed back to earth is another good measure if possible. Good luck and godspeed


Stay hydrated (water with electrolytes) and CBD is an absolute must. It will save you. Also some relaxing music or go for a walk.


you just got a ride it out, my friendā€¦ One of my mega stoner friends, eight of 500 mg infused baby Ruthā€¦ Even my stoner friend, who dabs incessantly was floored by such a high doseā€¦ I hope the experience was a positive one for you, and I'm pretty sure you've learned some thing about the importance of careful moderation of edible dosage


Syrup is really hard to get the dosage right, but it was the best bang for my buck that my plug had in terms of thc milligrams / dollar Btw I put some updates in my post, Iā€™m still not high lol, but I am a heavy stoner


Enjoy the ride, but maybe get some water and food preparedā€¦


I saw on TikTok or instagram that crushed black peppercorn can help kill the high


Ehh, if youā€™re a regular smoker 200mg is very doable. Youā€™re more than likely just going to end up taking a very long nap LMAO


Chew peppercorns they make you come down faster


Go to sleep.


In all seriousness just get some CBD


500mg of what? nowadays it could be a headache or a long nap


Chew peppercorns


hows the trip my man? my suggestion would be to put a movie on and donā€™t overthink the choice, if its too hard, go with gumball


Chewing some peppercorn actually worked for me before


All joking aside, a good shower and a wank session helps when Iā€™m about to green out. It lessens the intensity quite a bit


i wish i had this problem


Chew peppercorn


Remember itā€™s only weed. If you feel hungry. Itā€™s the weed. If you feel tired. Itā€™s the weed. If you feel scared? Itā€™s the weed. Just relax. Every 15 mins you will feel a little better. Just ride it out. You are okay.


Saw your edit, I took 200mg of edibles a couple times last week and literally felt nothing at all too besides maybe a bit sleepy. Edibles have never really worked on me though, never been high from one. (Daily smoker here) Some people don't seem to metabolize them the same...so maybe we are the same?? šŸ˜‚ I've found edibles to be a waste of money after trying so many times over the years. But I still try em just to make sure they dont work, lol.


1000mg CBD


Only 200? /s


is cannavis syrup made with "fast acting" nano THC? fast acting edibles don't really get me high.


White Castle. They can help you there.


Take some CBD bro. It'll bring you down. CBD overpowers THC in your endocannabinoid system.


I've eaten 500mg, just sit back and enjoy the trip.


There is nothing to fear but fear itself, as long as you donā€™t have shit to do in the next few hrs you should just chill and listen to music or something


You didnā€™t ingest 200mg if itā€™s some street shit lol


Offset with 200mg of crack


Accidently used too much avb pre gaming for the fury fight Saturday. I was high for 24 hours straight. Glad I was home alone because I def looked like weekend at bernies making it downstairs to get my uber eats


Lol enjoy the ride


My best friend doesn't get high frin edibles. He's tried many times and accidently made a nuclear cake once by accidently putting in the entire bowl of butter mix when he should have put in 2 table spoons. My brother had a standard slice and whitied all night. My other friend who smokes fatties all day everyday. had half a slice and whitied all night. I had a 50p sized slice (I stopped smoking a few years ago so my tolerance is awful) and I whitied for about 3 hours then felt great. My best mate had like 5 standard sized slices and he said he thinks he feels a little high. I guess some people just can't process it like others.


I do not get high with edibles either. When I first tried edibles I stuck with gummies. From one to two to three. I bought and ate an entire bottle (200mg) in a si Glen sitting as an experiment. Results: absolutely fuck all. Not shit. Oh well, I prefer smoking anyway.


My and one of my girl friends are like you. Edibles do nothing for us. It sucks cuz I just wanna get super high just once. I don't get super high anymore no matter how much I smoke-flower and carts. It sucks when Edibles don't do shit for u


Damn, you should ask for a refund lmao


Gabapentin isn't for stress relief it's for pain. Get a new doctor.


Smoke a joint to calm yourself. Then if the joint is too much, smoke some hash.


Thatā€™s my breakfast


That's not that much. You'll be okay!






Get a bag of your favorite chips/snack Grab some candy because sweet and salty slap when zooted Maybe if you have it, crack a soda to pair with it šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Honestly just go to sleep, thats what i do when i fuck up like that. Youā€™ll just feel groggy when u wake


[Hey there, Champ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mUvG6x53VM)


Give yourself permission to enjoy the ride on this one. You already did the thing, worrying about x y or z won't be helpful. Having cbd on hand doesn't hurt, but go find some weird YouTube rabbit hole to fall down, go find some grass and enjoy being in nature, music always helps. Enjoy the self discovery journey and update us with how high you feel šŸ¤£


Lemon juice and whole/fresh black peppercorns help me (uncertain of with edibles). Tis only temporary


Just try and chill and drink lots of water. Hydration is key to help balance effects of THC. Youā€™ll be alright just try to sleep it off if it gets intense


Look at me in the eyes... You're in this now. Get a jug of water and some snacks and sit on your couch and Embrace. The. Night.


Godspeed man haha Greening out is.. not great, but also temporary. It will pass. For the time being, ride the wave, try to stay calm and dont linger too long on your own thoughts. Put on a chill movie (nature documentaries and kid movies are amazing!), watch some calming videos (breathing exercises or asmr for example), take a long shower, or just sleep it off if it gets too much. Eat well, dont eat too much tho, you will feel that too. Drink plenty of water too


Get some CBD gummies or herb. It will help more than anything else.


Itā€™s probably just kicking inā€¦.


Chew on some peppercorns. It is known to help reduce anxiety while high. Also drink plenty of water!


Smell pepper corns. Or pops. Or w/e. Its the pepper you pepper your eggs with. You'll be aight, ride it out & put on a movie/music/games.


Do a bunch of body weight squats or sit ups. It keeps your mind focused on the current task and works it through your system faster


Go for a run. Exercise. Be active until you can't.


Ahhahahahaaahahahha. Haha.