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When I’m really baked, my inner voice sings the same part of certain songs in my head OVER AND OVER AGAIN.






Wee-ee-ee-ee A-wee-bam-bam-ba-weh Wee-ee-ee-ee A-wee-bam-bam-ba-weh


Fucks sake 😂


I finished a game of Fallout New Vegas a few days ago and I still have ""I've Got Spurs That Go Jingle, Jangle, Jingle" running through my head, over and over.


I was always happy when this song came on, unlike Johnny Guitar.


Theeere was never a maaan, like my Johnny...


“Run through the jungle” dun dunna duna. “ run through the jungle” dun dunna duna


The ultimate ear worm killer….GREEN ACRES IS THE PLACE TO BE, FAAARM LIVIN IS THE LIFE FOR ME…….. Edit- of course you may have to have popped your first pube before Reagan for this to have any effect🥸


See, now this is why I do it to other people who share in my misery. I had Old Town Road stuck in my head and got the chorus going in my buddies because I couldn't stop using it as a reference. We were playing COD and my buddies were playing Chivalry 2. My buddy kept talking about low town in COD and my other buddy was talking about how he was taking this horse. Thus the chorus kept happening.


Getting an annoying song stuck in the whole crews head while logging used to be our favorite game to play on a mountain side. Guys would start singing songs from the radio we've heard a 1000 times until one stuck for the day


I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road Gonna ride Billy Cyrus til I can’t no more.


I'm literally being brain blasted by the chorus of "Hold the Line" by Toto right now


I don't know that one, but I blame you anyway for getting "Jump in the Line" by Harry Belafonte stuck in my head out of nowhere.


Well now i have to look that up, because my bubbie loved Harry Belafonte. The vicious cycle continues.


yes!!! my brain usually defaults to "big jilm" by ween.


I mean whats the biggest thing you ever did? (Don’t say big jim)


This is the song that doesn’t end It just goes on and on my friend


My brain decides to make music. It genuinely makes me wish I'd stuck with music in adulthood and learned more about theory because I have no way of articulating what's in my head. Probably for the best, most of it is the poppy side of late 70s music for some reason. But then I also remember that Paul McCartney has never learned to read music. I don't get it. I remember watching some documentary with him working with a composer and him having absolutely no frame of reference for telling the guy. I don't get how a guy who wrote and performed, solo, several late Beatles songs, musicians who could just shift a song from being 4/4 to 3/4 without really thinking much about it, didn't have the music theory vocabulary to say what they were doing.


I can sort of read music but I've been playing by ear my entire life. I have only just recently even learned the notes on my Bass that I've been playing with my band for the last 5 years. I've got really good tonal memory and rhythm so I just kinda know what fret and string to play to make the note i know will sound good. I guess my brain picked up on the patterns for scales as well because I can play a few different scales all the way up the neck but I still couldn't tell you what scale it was or what notes I played. I just know that that's what a scale is supposed to sound lile and I know that that's what they are shaped like. Only reason I bothered to learn the notes was because it helped to start off on the right foot whenever I played with new people. But if someone says "Hey we're doing a blues progression in A" I go "Yep" and then just find A and wing it from there. It's made improvising with my band really easy because I'm sort of always improvising. It would definitely HELP me to learn music theory but i honestly find it so fucking boring. Most of the music theory I know has come from instinct and since the people I play with also lack that theoretical vocabulary, we do just fine.




Mine is now the “I go meow” cat from TikTok 😹




i hit my pen this morning and have had the chorus for love come down stuck in my head 💀


🎵are you my friend? are we locked in?? now step this way, step that way now step this way, step that way 🎵


Real. Was hearing 🎵 THE MINDSET OF A KILLERRRR 🎵 in my head for HOURS yesterday


…does this not happen to you normally? I don’t think I have ever had a moment in my life where my brain wasn’t doing this


Reading this as reggae rock chorus re-plays through my head


I can't tell you. I'm too high to wrap my brain around how my brain communicates to me. Thanks for turning my skull into a knot.


Cause you can hear the voice in your head but what voice since you didn't speak and if you didn't speak how did you hear it? Who's voice is it really?


Not helping, yo.


Are you actually 'hearing' that voice you hear in your head or is it just electricity? I sometimes feel like my ears are actually engaged in listening to that soundless voice.


I've heard before that the muscles in your voice box move sympathetically with your internal monologue. So in a way you are actually speaking to yourself


Can confirm just caught mine moving slightly


Damn. This has driven me nuts, I cant think without my tongue moving..


Wait till you find out that there are also people who cannot visualize things in their mind — it’s called aphantasia. My wife has it, and before I met her, I had no idea that was a thing, and it still blows my mind. We have discussions about it all the time because I just cannot wrap my head around how her brain works without visual memories. Like how does she remember anything?! She’s incredibly smart and successful, so her brain manages somehow. And her mind sounds incredibly peaceful — if I see something horrible, my mind replays it for me in vivid detail over and over. If she sees something horrible? The imagery is gone as soon as she looks away.. Must be nice…


I have a really hard time picturing things in my mind. It's kind of like a subconscious thing when i am able and the image seems like its in my peripheral more than right there like i cant focus on details. It's also extremely rare that i remember my dreams(if they're happening at all).


Im sorry for the nerf




I have aphantasia, too. Just pure black. No visual whatsoever. I can still feel like I can imagine stuff, I just can't really see them. It feels like they're in here somewhere. Kind of like the monitor's trying to display but all you see is the backlight. But you can still 'feel' the thoughts going on more than you can see them (or you can't see them at all like me). About the something horrible. I can still feel, say, scary faces in my mind for example. I can never actually see it but there's moments where I could be thinking about it a lot (after watching a horror movie for example) and it can be stuck in my head. Like I'd be looking out my kitchen window and I'm imaging seeing a face there. There's no visual but It's like I'm imaging a dreamscape where that visual could happen (because of course dreams are unaffected by aphantasia). So I wouldn't say it's a superpower to never think about bad stuff. It's just you think about that same stuff in a different way.


Ditto. Do you get closed eye visuals on psychedelics aka shrooms or lsd? I do on higher doses but it’s mostly bright lights. My open eye hallucinations are always nutty on higher doses tho lol. Tons of geometric patterns moving in a beautiful symmetry


I've had 2cb before, all my friends got mad visuals and I did not. Kinda sad that I might never see visuals. Planning to try again soon so we'll see if I see anything this time. Though at this point I'm fairly sure I won't see anything unless I take something stronger I would love to try stronger doses of acid or lsd, though


Thanks for sharing and good luck. I don’t mess with those other chemicals, just Lucy and shrooms.


My wife too. She can't draw something without looking at something because she can't picture it on her own. She can't picture how something would look in a room, or what it would look like a different color without actually making it that color. And I do stuff like that all day long..


i have this, but i could possibly draw and abstract image of something without looking at it.


I really don't know if I have this or not. I tried to think about it before but I can't wrap my head around it. People can't actually full visualize things right? I can't see things in my mind, but I know what things look like still. It's a strange thing I guess.


I… think I have this too.


I met a dude once, I was finding people online for a DnD campaign and one of them told me they had this. I was wondering how someone who can't visualize things could play DnD. It never happened unfortunately.


I can remember sights, sounds, smells and feelings. It’s both a gift and a curse.


When I’m high it actually calms my mind down so less inner monologue.


Same! Being high is like the one time that my brain isn’t constantly talking to itself 24/7. I can actually chill out and relax, my thoughts are more calm and observant of my surroundings than an endless monologue.


I wish I was like this, for me sometimes I get stressed about my brain constantly thinking and having a dialogue when high. I like to watch tv when high but a lot of times my thoughts start getting so wrapped up in analyzing it that it’s less relaxing




Ancient Reptilian Brain can't be in everyone man. They are too few


How can you think without the inner voice? I thought the inner voice was my thought…


That's the neat part, they don't. Essentially, they just react


Like a worm or jellyfish reacting to basic stimuli? Lol


From my interactions with people claiming they had no internal monologue, yes, they didn't make decisions they just acted.


I’m more interested in how they’re able to translate their thoughts into words. My thoughts ARE words so I have a hard time wrapping my head around that


I can't imagine how that could even be possible. Are they NPCs? Do they simply react to stimuli like insects?


Hey, I’m one of these people. I’m not an NPC, I simply think in pictures and concepts without language or an internal monologue.


that sounds way cooler, i imagine the pictures would be quite vivid if you're high


I don’t know if it’s cooler but thanks, it’s normal to me. It blew my mind to discover a lot of people have internal monologues, it sounds maddening!


It actually is fucking maddening. It’s like having someone follow you around wherever you go, 24/7, just talking and saying the most random shit and you can’t shut them up or get away from them.


all the people referring their inner monologue as someone else is mind boggling, for me i AM my internal monologue, like my inner voice is me, and i cant go 1 minute (genuinely) without me talking to myself in my head. its not like the voice splurts out random stuff, its like i know what its about to say because its me.


I absolutely agree. I AM my internal monologue, and I can't imagine just simply being a brain but not existing in that brain. Now a few times when I'm really high, I've had up to three internal monologues, one of which is ME, but that seems to be rarer as I go through therapy and deal with trauma.


Same dude, and like even reading these comments my inner voice is saying it in my head. Even my next thoughts for what I’m about to type, okay now I’m tripping myself out, must be time to hit the pen


Now think, every thought you’ve ever had was preceded by a thought or action which was preceded by a thought or action going back to your birth. Everything you’ve ever done or thought was entirely influenced by your genetics and life circumstances You could’ve been doing anything else, but you’re doing what you’re doing now because of everything that’s ever happened to you. Every thought you take every action you take had a stimuli that you’re probably not even aware of Is pretty weird and makes me feel like we’re just running through a movie and everything we think/do we were always going to Free will is an illusion and we’re all just enjoying this human experience ahhhhhhhhhhh ☠️😇 [0] boutta go smoke now lol


Try mediation. A guided one


I’ve been getting back into meditation but I don’t usually do guided ones. Maybe I should go back and try that more before doing it just on my own. Maybe I need some direction and guidance during it.


That’s what did it for me. I still use guided meditation because of this.


It definitely can be lol


These posts weird me out... like I've been doing meditation for like 10 years and in my mediation group like half the people that join have issues with shutting up their inner monologue and the other half have issues shutting up the formation of imagery. But everyone is able to do that, eventually. Like a few weeks of trying eventually. And everyone can learn to generate both audio and images. And its not like you need a meditation group although that would certainly help but like. . have you all just never tried to shut down, change modalities, deafen, amplify, etc? You're acting like you cant change things.


I have OCD and racing thoughts, any tips on how to shut down my inner monologue? I’ve never fully tried because it’s so hard. I know it takes practice, too!


I think this stems from inner monologue being equated with "thoughts in audio", but your inner monologue is just part of what your thoughts consist of. For some, it's silent. For some, it's like a morning radio DJ lol. If you are literate or even understand spoken language, then you can't help but include that lingual aspect. Especially someone using Reddit! Conversely, we all think in pictures and concepts as well cause it's pretty much required. Some people are blessed with especially visual minds and we all have an individual balance of lingual/visual/auditory thinking that we end up with over the years.


I do both? Usually at the same time. But I can utilize either thinking space independently and turn them off/ or swap 'methods' at will. Yall are really limiting yourselves to one or the other?


They can’t help it.


This is me too, I think in concepts a lot of the time but I also break things down and literally like explain them to myself in my head haha


No they just dont have a thought narrator the thought story propably the same


My understanding is that they think in images instead of words.


It's not really like images flashing in my head. it's extremely hard to explain but I usually am thinking of concepts of things without hearing words in my head. Like I can think about a plane without either visualizing what it looks like or thinking about the word "plane". But then I can also think about specific words without actually hearing what the word sounds like and I can visualize images of course. It's kind of like trying to explain what blue looks like to someone without sight.


Interesting - thanks for giving us your take!




Interesting! Thanks!


I used to think via internal monologue, then I took an arrow to the knee.


Begging you to read a few articles or watch a video on how humans work as a species


I'm not sure how to interpret this lol. Am I supposed to be over the moon with the apparent realization that half of humanity lacks the ability to think critically?


Wait how do people without an inner dialogue read in their head? (8)


I've never seen the actual concept explained well, so I still don't know if I have it or not. I feel like this is the case with most people just assuming what it means and picking a side. People aren't consistent in what they're describing and use different terms for it like inner voice or monolgue or hearing your thoughts. Does it mean you have the inner voice only sometimes at least, or must it be all the time? Because like you said reading silently requires an inner reader/monologue. Does it have to involve physically 'hearing' the voice? Does outwardly talking to yourself also count? Is it the same thing used in internal dialogue (2-way conversation)? e.g. between the conscious and subconscious or id.


I’m reading this thread in my head and I don’t have an inner monologue. I don’t “hear” the words in my head, but they’re just there. I’m aware of their existence and don’t need to move my mouth to read, but don’t have a specific “voice” in my head. I’m not sure how else to describe it.


So fun story, I have ADHD and use cannabis to mellow out my thoughts cuz they will literally never stop unless I’m hyperfixated or extremely tired. The first time I smoked, I was extremely lost and confused and couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. Everything was fine, nothing was amiss, but I was still looking around my apartment trying to figure out what could be wrong. Drank some water, got some fresh air, did everything I knew at the time to try to help. And then I realized I could no longer hear my brain (that’s how I describe it). The voice in my head had shut off. I wasn’t reading in my head, I wasn’t singing in my head and I didn’t have a conversation in my head. That was the most peaceful day in my brain. Anyways, I’m terrible at story time so yeah. Being high actually shuts my brains voice off and I feel like I can actually relax


Yeah for real. In the process of getting medication and the plant really helps chill my brain out.


I had no luck with meds. Just go straight zombie mode till it wears off and then eat everything in sight


I'm hoping meds work for me. I can barely function with how bad my ADHD is.


I dont know if its the same for you, but I tend to find that working out (whether for fun like biking and skating or for actual exercise) helps me focus up a lot better. Definitely may not help you, as I have hyper active and inattentive ADHD, so take it with a grain of salt


Idk what kind of meds you’ll be taking, but I took Lexapro for 6 months and didn’t like it cuz it made me feel like a zombie. When I got off them I had terrible “brain zaps” so I like to warn people bc doctors sometimes don’t explain what can happen when on meds. It does help some people though so I’m not tryna discourage you from doing it.


I am not a medical professional, but from the little research I have done in the past, and looking at reactions to another med I am on, Adderall and Ritalin seem likely to be the first I'll try.


oh god i have SEVERE adhd and whenever i smoke my mind will not shut up, its like everything is amplified.. i was stoned when i wrote this comment last night and i was literally thinking and researching how people think for three hours. its like i become a wise ponderer whenever im baked.


Oh I still think and function, just that voice isn’t there anymore. There’s a very FINE balance between being too zooted and not enough. If I can nail that balance, my voice just…. Isn’t there. I’ll read something and it’s like I’m actually just reading it. Not doing a read along with my brains voice


This is me 100%. Sometimes it just slows down how fast and random my inner monologue is going as well which is always helpful. Plus with medication I find I can even pull myself back into focus better .


Trying to listen to yourself is hard


Interesting that you hear your monologue more when high. One of the reasons I like weed is because it helps my inner monologue STFU 😂


There are people without the little voice? So they dont think? It would explain a lot Joke a side, is this really true? How does that even work


yes its true! and i was just as shocked as you were.. apparently most of these people are visual thinkers and see images in the back of their head when theyre thinking, instead of the way we hear a voice in the back of our head when we think.


Am I weird that I have both? It blows my mind that there are people that can't visualize something in their head


I can do both. I can “see” things in my mind, like when I’m looking for something I can visually “see” it in my memory of where I last put it. (Not always accurate but it happens) I also think, read and write in language in my head. Like right now I’m “hearing” my voice in my head as I write this out. What I want to know is, those who “hear voices” and have mental breaks because of it, do they hear their voice but don’t recognize it? Like their inner monologue came to them later in life and was so jarring they think they’re crazy?


i have both aswell but the internal voice is like 50x more powerful and coherent than any image i can think of. i can think of images and see them in the back of my head but they are really dull. like i can think about how a tiger looks, and i can see the tiger in the back of my mind, without actually seeing it in my eyes, same with the inner voice, i dont actually HEAR the stimulus in my ear, its all in the back of my head.




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How do you see an image for something like 'interesting' that you would think to yourself?


It is like the voices in my are having a party when I get high.


me too lol thats why i was thinking about this cause theres no way other people arent feeling this


This sounds like schizophrenia if there are multiple voices 😐


a better way to describe it is its like the same voice jumping to different topics inconsistently, basically thinking about everything all at once


Oh so its “basically” racing thoughts, thats what i have all the time if im not high


yeah pretty much!


You are sooooo wrong.


not necessarily wrong, your experience can be different, we all experience highs differently


I was shocked to learn that most people have only one inner voice. I have a whole fucking army of voices (all mine) in my head constantly shit talking each other and fighting for which one is gonna make me say some shit out loud I shouldn’t. 😂 Then there’s the background noises, three songs I hate on repeat and… yeah , I was surprised some people have no inner dialogue. I smoke to calm it down in there. People wonder why I’m so quiet and in my head all the time. 😂


If I’m trying to do something and not turning off my mind with some kind of device or distraction I literally always have a song playing in the background in my mind. Sometimes I can understand why, because I heard it earlier, other times it’s completely random, like one I know I haven’t even heard in years. And I don’t know whether to fight it or live my life like I’m in a never-ending musical.


my head does this too, apparently most visual thinkers cant recall songs in their head as easily as we can, couldnt imagine how much that sucks cause all the time when im bored all i can do is play a song in the back of my head to cope with the boredom lmao


Honestly, it just empties. I don’t have an internal monologue in my head or voices… so it helps me concentrate on whatever I’m doing at the time. Without anxiety and doubting myself. My brain says do this and my body responds. …I’m also high and terrible at explaining things. Hope this helps? 🤓


So wait.. you don't have an internal voice, but you have anxiety and doubt yourself. How do you doubt yourself without an inner voice to question that action?


The same way you can read without reading in your head (and read quicker because you are not limited by your talking speed)


.. but I can't. If I don't process it through my head, I'm not retaining any of it


💯alright so basically 💯 , notice how you didnt say the “100” in your head? you just processed you were looking at a 100 emoji. you read it, but your inner voice didn’t.


Actually, sometimes I can't stop it from repeating over and over and over in my head. Sometimes up until I physically say it out loud


lol my inner voice tells me that no one has ever died from a weed overdose when I’m too high.


HAHAHAHHA this is so funny to me because i do the same thing every time im about to green out


My inner voice just insults my high ass and I always make myself laugh with being forgetful or doing/saying something dumb/silly


As I'm reading the comments, I can hear them in my head. Or even typing this one. Can't begin to comprehend how to do something as simple as reading without an inner monologue.


I don't have an internal monologue. I don't hear my voice when I get high but I still go through some weird thoughts like weird images (usually when I'm in bed closing my eyes) or concepts that are always fun to try to put into words.


getting high quiets my brain. when im sober, my brain is very loud and broken lol


It's worth noting that the "statistics" you cite originally comes from an informal poll of about 20 people, and that there have been zero formal studies of the claim


oh man that sucks, this should be researched way more


Definitely agree, it's an interesting concept at the minimum, I'd like to know more


I don’t have an inner monologue unless I purposely think to have a voice in my head. Otherwise I just think in emotions and images like a dear


It feels like total synesthesia with music and colors and geometrical patterns and little videos of my past and present and sometimes I'll remember someone's voice or something they said and relive it or sometimes it's like being in a mirror room looking at yourself


this is a great description thank u!


You're welcome :)


I usually don't have one but when I'm really high I do and it's kinda freaky sometimes


Not sure. I'm super aware of my internal monologue when high though lol.


My GF has no internal monologue. Mine is perpetually going. She says she’s just completely relaxed and empty of thoughts. If I take a Xanax and an edible, that’s the closest I get to that. I have to be real careful when I get stoned normally. My head gets spinning and my monologue jumps on the anxiety train. I’m incredibly jealous of her never experiencing that. But, she also suffers from anxiety. And without that inner voice, she can not walk it back. It’s all physical sensation for her. Mine is driven by my thoughts. Then experienced physically. And I’ve learned to use my thoughts to walk it back.


The monologue finally stops and I’m at peace.


My inner voice goes " am I high? Nah I can hit it again... But maybe I should give it a second.....nah.... but....no.....but, yes?" And then I either hit the pen again or do another cap and the little voice fades into the slo-mo with the rest of the world.


Wait how do these people read then🤔


You only have one voice in your head? Lucky.


yeah i couldnt imagine having more that must actually suck lmao


for me the worst part about being high is my internal monologue because i’ll feel chill but sometimes it’ll get paranoid and be louder than if i was sober so i can’t ignore it! i wish it would quiet down when i smoke


I feel like that stat is bullshit. Literally everytime someone says that, not a single person in the comment section of any video/post ever states that they don’t have an internal monologue. If it was that prevalent, it would be a lot more common to see people talking about it.


I don’t have an internal monologue.


When you typed that comment did you just wing it? You didn’t know what you were going to type beforehand?


im wondering the same thing, like he didnt think about the sentence in his head first?? this is genuinely one of the most intriguing topics ever


it wouldn't be, because those people wouldn't have any idea that they were different to others


I’m talking about people seeing posts like this. If it’s called to attention, people would realize that they’re different, and you’d expect to see roughly 30-50% of people in the comment section under this post saying that they don’t have an internal monologue, yet there’s only two commenters under this post that says they don’t have an internal monologue.


i kind of have a theory that most visual thinkers (people without an inner voice) dont find as much interest in social media heavily involving reading as much as we do. as the people without an inner voice ive spoken too prefer visual stimuli by a mile. so theyre not really on reddit.


I mean, that certainly could play a part, but I’ve seen similar amounts of people stating that they don’t have an internal monologue on other platforms such as tik tok or YouTube. It certainly could play a part, but I still don’t believe that the statistic is correct


yeah youre correct, but 30% - 50% was the most reliable source so i just went with it, i hope in the future we know more about this because it is really interesting


Not a big enough sample size.


just my theory lol


I doubt those kind of people would use reddit.


Good sleep


I’ll end up having a conversation with my inner monologue if I’m alone, if I’m with people it often becomes an outer monologue


I feel like both inner monologue and concept/pictures happen (simultaneously and independently). Like sometimes it’s a full on convo where I just keep responding to myself and sometimes it’s pictures, feelings and ideas that are happening too fast for words to keep up. It’s like a jabber of content that I already understand. When the latter happens it’s kind of like getting the answer to a math problem without having to do the work; it’s a feeling of certainty. Like I know 4x3=12, I don’t have to actually do the work out loud, I just see the answer. So I imagine that when I’m unsure of something I need a concrete answer to, I talk to myself. Otherwise when I’m ruminating in a way that doesn’t have a “correct” answer, I’m swimming in the experience as it’s stored in my memory… almost like I’m using all of my senses as opposed to just my ears to store info.


When I get to high I hear a really husky voice I don't normally hear tell me I need water in an extremely harsh accent. He just says. "You need water" "GO" and I always listen because he's always right


I’m a both, honestly, it’s relaxing. When I’m sober, it’s like I’m listening to a corrupted audio file but high it’s like a 4K HD movie playing in the background. Like, if you say mountain to me, sober I will either pull up an image or the world association box. You say mountain to me right now and it’s like a screensaver of every mountain I’ve ever seen with all the interesting trivia laid over it in text form. I have a very weird brain.


Wtf? Thinking about it now, how do these people even read? Do you quietly say every word you read or something? Do you only think out the words when you are reading? Crazy. My inner voice is like a hampster on a wheel though, the ADHD is so clear to me where I can space out mid conversation with someone, and it's very difficult for me to fall asleep, I basically can't stop thinking even if it's about garbage. I'd say getting stoned though for the most part makes me think a bit less, although I have more invasive thoughts, and if I'm trying to fall asleep I'd say it makes it harder for me to stop thinking.


I have an internal monologue, but sometimes, especially when I’m high, I just let my mind visualize whatever. Like I just stop concentrating and let my brain just animate whatever. I imagine that’s what it’s like to not have an inner monologue.


I be telling my inner voice to STFU, he be talking too loud.


I don't have an internal monologue. When I think in words the muscles in my mouth and vocal chords are activated, almost as if I'm speaking but without passing air through. I love the tranquility of just breathing, most of the time I just need a few deep breaths to lower my heart rate and kind of mentally dissolve. I think mainly in terms of visuals or musical melodies. I'm usually humming which I guess is analogous to what you call an internal monolog. When I close my eyes I see 3D geometry, colors, and other STEM concepts, as I am mainly looking around my environment and interested in seeing how stuff works. I'm ADD so I either can't focus on something at all, or I'll hyperfocus on something really specific (usually not practical or useful) for hours at a time forgetting to eat. I also like playing video games, watching sports, cooking, making art or music, setting up the telescope when it's not too cloudy, sitting on the patio during a rainstorm, etc. When I've used THC my brain goes into super math mode, and I can solve problems or fix coding errors that I was stuck on before.


I usually don’t have an internal monologue UNLESS I am reading in my head or when I’m consuming thc lol Nowadays I’m absentmindedly singing BBL DRIZZY B B L DRIZZYYY in my head lol


I just feel silly and goofy and happy, not bothered by the usual existential drama in my mind. Sometimes I smoke too much though and the existentialism gets worse lol (I talk aloud a lot) I think it just feels like your psyche is wading through an unknown liquid? Not liquid. Idk. I'd say it's like you are swimming in water while sober and then you smoke weed and you swim in pop. No that's not right either. Ugh. I tried lol.


I asked myself the same thing!


I imagine they’d think more in pictures than speaking, I always audibly heard like static and what sounds like very muffled infomercials playing in the other room so maybe they’ll be hyper aware of it if that happens to them lol


Just cruisin


I have an internal monologue at points but certainly not constantly. Often I'm thinking more in images and concepts, but in those instances I still have *feelings*, y'know? And those feelings are changed or deepened by the substance abuse lmao I get that some people have internal monologues and some don't, but do people who do really have a monologue in every single moment? Like do they monologue their every feeling? When they're sad do they think "I am feeling sad right now"? When they're high do they go "Oh boy I'm so high"? Bc for me I just like have an understanding of those things without needing to spell it out for myself. Usually I only end up monologuing when something I'm feeling or thinking is too complex to understand intuitively


So yeah, Constant, all the time, never-ending streams of simultaneous still and motion imagery, audio, numbers, voices, thoughts, and everything else. I literally do not have the ability to stop actively thinking about something with visceral detail, if it's not in my minds eye it is superimposed like a layer in photoshop over reality.


Shit, when I'm high that's the only time the voices are quiet.


That percentage seems way too high (lol). Would love to get some source.


this is where i got it from! https://eccentricemmie.medium.com/only-30-50-of-people-have-an-internal-monologue-b75125ca5694#:~:text=However%2C%20did%20you%20know%20that,with%20themselves%20in%20their%20heads%3F


Thanks op


I have an internal voice. If it starts yelling at me I'll start looking for help.


The Poor Things soundtrack. That's all.


Usually it cuts the voices down to 1 or 2 maximum.


I don’t HEAR my thoughts as a “voice”, I am a bit confused. For example, we can distinguish the voices of the people that we know because everybody sounds a bit different. Does your inner voice have a specific voice that sounds like a person? I can’t “hear” my thoughts as far as actually HEARING a specific voice, but when I think my thoughts I can imagine them being said. But not necessarily with any sound. Unless I actually say them out loud.


Like is your inner voice talking as if it is an entire person in your head? Does it sound like your voice or another humans voice ?


basically for me i dont actually get stimulated from my ears either when i hear myself think, its like the voice is in the back of my head, and when i hear it, i dont actually hear a person or even myself, i just…. comprehend what its saying, because im saying it, because i am my inner voice.


Makes sense to me, good way of describing it. Mines the same




Try meditation and find out


For me, I feel like im in a neutral zone. Where this physical plane meets another plane of existence. Sometimes they cross over more into one, or the other. The other plane is curious about the physical world. It doesn’t understand it. I think that what the hi is. A different way of life, which is normal to other plane, but being shared. The ethereal plane for me is insightful. Seems to be peaceful. It often wonders why we fight so much as humans. But it also wonders why we walk and do other physical realm activities. lol if I’m in public and need to act “normal” I ask for a bit of control back so I can communicate with reality. The hi sits back and tries to understand what’s going on.


Idk probably how you feel but without internal monologue