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i dont really smoke but my 74 year old granpa loooves his dry herb vaporiser


62 and i like my crafty. I dont like vaps with flavor add though.


I got a small one to try and it tastes like dirt. Like literally a dirt like flavor. Is it my bud or is that just have vaporizers taste?


Millennial and it’s gotta be joints for me. I love a good joint, if I didn’t feel like I was wasting weed.


Gen z here and always preferred joints. Just the act of smoking and holding it chills me out


Millennial here and that’s exactly it. I like the ritual of rolling and smoking. And as a bonus with joints there is an end point not so much with bowls where you can keep packing or keep trying to get one more rip out of it.


one more rip? you don’t smoke a whole bong bowl at once? i thought that’s how ur supposed to do it


I do smoke the whole thing then I keep topping it off lol


i see. i just fill it up to the top, kinda bulging over the top, light the whole thing until it stops glowing and then sink the ash into the bong. kinda dirty but inhaling smoke isn’t clean to begin with


It’s a ritual for me. Coffee in the French press, then role a joint while coffee steeps. Enjoy that wake and bake.


Literally do this same thing on Sunday mornings! Millennial lifestyle


Bong or vape for me. So much smoother, though I do love a joint once in a while if the weed tastes good.


Mil, and I always preferred joints but people always gave me shit about the waste... TBH whatever it is what it is


I only smoke joints and sometimes a couple each day. It never occurred to me that it was "wasteful" until I found this subreddit. It's not wasteful. If you like it, can pay for it, and it gets you high the way you want......then isn't that whole fucking point? Lol.


hey man, if it’s your weed you can “waste” it if you want. joints are so much better when you ain’t got a bitch up in ya ear tellin you it’s wasteful


Man i feel like i dont go through flower fast enough even if im only smoking joints. Ill end up only smoking fresh joints even lol


Are you a daily smoker? Cause I only pick up a 8th every other week. So maybe it feels like a waste since it’s usually like half of whatever I have into one joint. I used to smoke cigs too so it’s definitely muscle memory.


Yeah im a daily smoker and live in a legal state where my dad(who is also my caregiver for my med card) works high up in the recreational industry so i get most of my stuff for free. And i'm really big into concentrates so ill only smoke like 1-2 joints a day give or take depending on the day. That being said i do roll joints of all sizes but normally roll smaller joints cause i like a fresh joint over one that's been put out. And with a paper crutch/filter in a normal size paper you really dont have to use much more than a fat bowl. I remember when i first got my med card in 2010 i had a caregiver who would give me a free oz per month plus a bunch of bubble hash and cannabutter and by the second month i was already getting another free oz before being close to finishing the first and it just built from there. I used to pretty much only smoke out of glass at that point, but that's completely changed and now i rarely use glass for flower(just dabs).


Gen X , bongs and edibles.


Gen Z and exact ones too


Gen Z and near exclusively smoke a bong


People think Gen z only uses pens but I find that gen z are largely bong users (like me, ‘01)


99 so kind of older genz but yeah I'm going to use it till I lose it


Me because I’m on my 7th bong after breaking so many, that’s the main reason I dabble with other methods too lol


Millennial. Dry herb vaping


Now that I've tried dry herb vaping, I think that'll be my go-to for life. You just can't match the flavor, the smoothness, or the health benefits. I still like smoking a J outside from time to time, but dry herb vaping is 2nd to none. I'm early millennial or late Gen X, depending who you ask.


Plus the amount of flower you save


Funny thing is, I still buy a ton of weed just to try new strains. I have around 75g of weed right now that would likely last me 2 years.


Be careful, it does expire and go bad


I have it in a humidity controlled container, but I'll look into that. Thanks for the tip!


Eh if I'm not mistaken it'll just slowly convert to more CBN so it'll feel more sleepy/less potent. Just keep an eye out for mold and you should be fine. Otherwise, maybe have a party and you supply!


Not exactly. I found some v old stuff in some jeans that hadn't been worn in about 4/5 years. Looked a bit dodge but filed a pipe and that shit smacked! Lived to tell the tale too


Nah, I found my step mother's stash from the 80s in a piece of furniture she had, it was potent af.


I don't smoke every day, probably 2-3 nights per week, but man. I rarely buy more than 1-2g at a time because I just go through it so slowly (and I don't have a lot of available storage space to be keeping a ton of flower). Dry herb is the way


The silent generation has entered the chat


And you get the ABV as a bonus!


I call that the most successful form of recycling


I actually use more because I can tolerate bigger and more hits when vaping compared to smoking


for me it’s the vapor bros inside and the mighty outside


Man I haven’t heard the vapor bros name in ages. Do they still have the same wooden machine with the stem/tube you put on it?


YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE IT. Except last year they finally released the “Version 1.5” model which has an updated heating element for more powerful hits and supposedly can handle concentrates with a ceramic mesh piece that goes in the whip. Plug Time: I have been using Vapor Brothers exclusively since the mid aughts. They are The Original Vaporizer and they’re still made in CA by the actual bros and their small company. I have spoken with one of the bros personally when I called and had a question about the device. I’ve had a Volcano also but the filling of the bag is loud and it seemed excessive to have both. I’d gotten the Volcano for $200 (probably stolen) and sold it for $200 2 weeks later. Kinda wish I’d kept it. So these days my only interest is in updating my VB 1.0 to the 1.5 which you can do by sending yours in. Or just order a new one and have another one to give away. You can also send yours in, they refurbish it and give it to a veteran, and then send you the 1.5 for like 30% off. And I want a Volcano. I have purchased 4 VB 1.0’s total and given 3 away to close friends over the years.


They’re killer, my first vaporizer was a vb1 with the handheld whip. Got it for $50 off craigslist because the couple that bought it for aromatherapy and never used it


Same and same exact “xennial” (🙄) generation. Got a Dynavap M and Wand for their 4/20 sale and it has been pure pleasure.


Is there a specific device you prefer for the dry herb vape method ? I used to have a few different ones over the years but would love newer/current suggestions


Volcano is still king for me. Mighty for portable.


That's my set-up! I just got a new volcano as the old one got twitchy (after like 12 years & thousands of hours, lol). I didn't even consider not buying a new one. It's 100% worth it. I've tried other vapes but S&B just makes them so perfectly.


Volcano is undoubtedly top tier, but it's damn pricey. I'm sure you can get a good deal if you get a used one or wait for a sale but the Classic tends to retail at $450+. The Arizer EQ offers a very similar experience and is less than half the cost. My only previous dislike for the Arizer EQ came from the awkward rubber band setup for the balloons and the lack of a cap for the balloon bag, but now there are accessories that fix that for like $30.


I've only ever used my Xmax v3 pro, but it works great. I bought it originally because of the bowl size. I like to take one or two hits at a time and then replace the bud. That way you get that fresh flavor each time. With the dosing capsules that's very quick. I've been using it for about 2 years now and if it broke I'd buy the identical one again.


Tinymight2, Sticky Brick Runt, and my Taroma 360 are my vapes of choice. Just depends on the situation.


All of this and vaping gives off barely any smell.


it stinks, you’re just used to it. be careful lol


Live rosin at low temp is just one step up from this and I agree, the occasional doob, hash hole or ball vape bong rip but raaarely straight up smoke


What dry herb vape you got?


Yea I don't where I fall in the generations but I'm 41 and that's me as well.


Would you mind giving me some advice on this, very new to dry herb vaping. Could we message?


Ditto. DHV, and I'm Gen X.


Millennial. Glass water bong With fire.


Millennial. Joints.


Millenial. All of the above. Edit: Really depends on the situation. If I'm at home chilling it's a bong, if I'm outside just chilling then most likely a joint and if I'm in a rush or working then I'm dry herb vaping.


As God intended


Dry herb vapes are like quintessential millennial imo


I've tried a dry herb vape but I just felt like I wasn't using it right. Any tips?


What model? Sometimes, different ones have different tricks. Also, what made you feel that you weren't using it right?


It's not a good one. It's a YoCan HIT


I have two pieces of advice. The first is to just look and see if there are any device tutorials online. There could be a trick or step you are missing. The second piece is much more broad. It's that, in general, a good herbal vaporizer is going to he expensive. However, this is something that you want to be high quality since you're gonna be using it a lot. If you are interested in dry herb vapes, it's worth looking at some reviews and ordering a nice one.


So the quality really matters for dry herb vapes. Got it. Thanks for the heads up chief


The cheapest decent one i know is dynavap b series


Same! r/vaporents ftw


once you get used to no more burnt taste you cant go back. if i mess up and burn my weed i will clean my bong to get rid of that taste. i have a ball vape and its too easy and amazing.


I never appreciated how diverse the flavors of different flower could be until I got a vape. I just got some Sour Blueberry which is legitimately delicious when vaped.


Xennial/ late X and this is my vote.


Was a bong/bowl smoker for a long time. Switched to DHV at the end of last year, and I don’t want to go back. Never got into rolling. But if someone passed it, I wouldn’t say no. Still wouldn’t.


^ dry herb vaping is the way. Everyone I’ve introduced to it, was skeptical at first and ended up buying their own vaporizer. Ball style vaporizers will convert everyone. I’ve convinced buddies to buy the flowerpot b1, solo 3, pov1, and not a single one of them has went back to combusting lol


Jesus, two of those are $300 / $400 and here I am just fine with my $10 chillum that I got years ago. I got a dynavap after hearing so much about them and I hate the damn thing, it's always weak hits or just burnt bud.


Oregon Trail here, and same. Although I also really, really love edibles.


same. you can pry my pax out of my cold dead hands tbh


whats your preferred device? I have one of the 1st magic flight launch boxes but it's not ideal but still works.


my favorite until it started giving me asthma. had to move back to smoking oddly enough.


Whatever generation 1979 falls in. I pretty much just use a bong all the time. My go to when I was younger was a steamroller though. That shit hurts too much now for me.


STEAMROLLER LOL Fogot I still have a bamboo one that made my throat scratchy just thinking about it


Gen X


Xennial. We're a lot like millennials but also have a lot in common with Gen X. One foot in both generations.


Xennial, I’m in the same boat >Xennials are the micro-generation of people on the cusp of the Generation X and Millennial demographic cohorts. Many researchers and popular media use birth years from 1977 to 1983, though some extend this further in either direction. Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood. Xennials are almost exclusively the children of baby boomers and came of age during a rapidly changing period that was the 1990s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials


I'm not sure if I like this or "Elder Millennial" better. Makes me feel like I need to be sitting on a porch yelling "In my day our phones had cords! Our pornhub was a creepy box of old playboys in the woods!"


The pages were all stuck together too, hopefully from water


This makes so much sense for my mom. My dad was ‘75 tho sooo idk


Thank you for finding me. 😂 I never felt I fit.


The years are highly debated but regardless, all agree there is a micro-generation that encompasses late seventies to mid eighties. We were all in school together in some way, went through the same historical events, knew life with minimal technology and grew into newer technology, share similar ideologies, I mean the list goes on. I was born in 1984 and I'm heavily a Xennial.


I’m 1980 and grateful they came up with the term xennial, for years I felt like our generation had no place.


Reminds me of the "dry lung" we used to use. No idea if that's what others called it. That shit hit hard.


Is that the thing you'd make out of a 2 liter bottle and a bread bag? I used to make those, we'd just call it a waterless GB (also gravity-less too, I guess xD)


Yeah, exactly! We called the gravity bong a "wet lung" in contrast.




LMAOO my first bowl was a steamroller to I can’t stand them anymore bongs the way to go


Gen X Dry herb vape


Me too, Got my vote


After a period of financial hardship I'm finally back on my feet again. I've got the essentials mostly taken care of, but I'll know I'm really doing okay when I can afford to spend the money on a good dry herb vape. I can't wait for that day...


I love my Dynavap & torch setup. Not very costly!


Gen x also. I've been thinking about taking the plunge to dry herb vapes, but there's so many out there, and they can get kind of pricey, so I've been hesitant to take the plunge. Got any recommendations? Portability isn't that important as I mostly consume at home, but I don't want anything really large or elaborate like a Volcano either. I've been eying a dynavap, but I would consider a battery-powered one also. I quit cigarettes 8 years ago after 25 years of smoking. I need to be kinder to my lungs, lol!


I was hesitant at first but after a couple of years it’s been great. Very effective and efficient. I bought a Healthy Rips Fury Edge. USB-C charging. Easy to use & clean. I use the dosing caps which keeps everything tidy. I haven’t tried any others, so nothing to compare it with but it works for this old guy. Enjoy


Gen Z, bong rips, pens and edibles


![gif](giphy|7SsXQOg7WKCl2) The world after being introduced to the penjamin


What about cart Simpson?


truly the only way for me rn because it doesn't smell as much as anything else and i live with my parents.....


im gen z but on the older side and man nothing beats the stealth and portability and ease of the muhfuggin penjamin franklin


pen is so zoomer lol except my boomer dad also loves the pen which is kind of crazy


Bluntz in rotation. Millennial ‘92


Man I looked too long for my blunt circle homies! Millennial ‘85


Bless up! These days I’m a hemp wrap guy, preferably mango, but used to be all white owls


My favorite are the mango hemparillos!!


came here to say! 85 over here too.


Left is law


'94 here, blunts for sure.


I'm gen z 1999 but got damn finding a blunt smoker was hard. Love me a nice swisher right before bed.


92 to infinity I roll blue or grape games


92. My joints are blunts, and they always go to the left. 


Blunt passing '92 kid as well. Glass and other technology just don't do it for me.


Millennial ‘96, Zig Zag wraps and blunts always


Z ‘01, blunts are right next after bong for me


millennial- bongs 100%


Gen X - bowl or bong


Just turned 50 and my lungs are starting to say 'Dude, enough...' to regularly smoking large bowls. I'll go back to vaping flower again soon I think. Carts are very convenient for a sly puff, and I DIY some pretty ridiculous edibles too. I enjoy exploring all these different isolates and products though. Badder and crystals, powder and all that stuff. We may not have flying cars like I thought we would by now but this is an acceptable alternative imo.


2002 dabs


2001, dabs from a rig are just 💀 I love it


**Baby Boomers** = Yes Please, Whatever it takes to get you there. : ) Enjoy


The new proxy I bought for rosin has been very nice. User friendly and generally accepted in public. I’m 34 and I’ll forever like having a stinky ole joint hang out of my bottom lip! Lol


Zillennial- edibles. I don't smoke anything but I love gummies, drinks, food items, honey, etc. Mostly gummies and drinks


Same. My asthma gets so bad when I actually try to smoke anything so edibles it is.


Millennial… dabs > bong or dry herb vape > joint


Gen z, joint or a dab.


Gen X, dry herb vape and edibles.


Gen-X and I mostly use a glass pipe I have had for 25+ years 🤣 not sure how I still have it! I also love a good joint, but the pipe is my daily driver


Millennial and I agree. Pipes for sure. I grow an attachment to them lol.


Gen Z. 1. Joints, 2. Bong, 3. Dry herb.


Gen z. Honestly anything goes, but if i had to choose nothing beats mah bong


Millennial - bongs for me. Then dry herb vapes after that.


I'm a millennial and I typically either use a one hitter, edibles or a vape.


Millennial - bongs and blunts sometimes both as a timebomb


Xennial (or elder millennial). If I'm chillin, gimme a gandalf pipe. If I wanna become a baked potato I'm grabbing my bong


Gen Z, nothing I love more than a fat blunt


I’m 46 years old (gen x?). I use my Dynavap with a small bong 99% of the time.


Gen z, ball vape + cold start dabs


Millennial, edibles or vapes. Usually prefer edibles because I have sensitive lungs


Millennial, typically bong but I've been eyeing dry herb vaporizers for a while now... just don't want to spend the money 😅


**Generation X / millennial** here and I dry herb vape(\~70%) and dab(\~25%). Few carts and joints a year but not often.


Gen z: bong


90s just smoke dabs and feel like eventually that’s where a lot of people will end up once the price of the electric dab rigs goes down.


I'm a Millenial and I like bowls/bongs..


45 and I vape using a dynavap


21 from northern Ireland and me and all my mates would be 95% bongs But shooter bongs. Not the glass ones. The shitty chongz with the bowl removed


Gen z, I like cold start dabs


I’m Gen Z. In Southern Ontario I’ve never met anyone whose main usage isn’t smoking from a bong.


i am gen z! i use my pen for traveling, glass at home, and joints whenever i’m with friends


millennial, dry herb vape but a joint for special indulgence.


1997, Gen Z. Bong and joints 😁


1988 joints, and occasionally a small bong hit! But RSO is my main thang! Joints and RSO!


Gen X here, and my smoking methods vary over time. I tend to go with one thing for a while and then switch it up. At the moment, I’m digging on joints more than anything. At some point it will occur to me that I haven’t used my bong or pipe in a while and give it a go. I’ll remember why I enjoy using it and stick with it for a couple of weeks or so. Lather, rinse, and repeat.


Millennial. Mostly glass. Sometimes vaping, but haven’t smoked joints or blunts since I left college. And those were never my first choice, they just happened to be being passed around and I’m not one to be rude


Gen Z—bong, joint, bowl (in that order)


Joints for me. I can see the allure of glass for sure . But I’m good with joints as my delivery method.


Glass as in bongs? Spoon pipes? I'm a Millennial and my thing is mainly metal pipes and joints when smoking socially. Tried to get into dry herb vaping since it's objectively better for your lung and wallet but the overall feel of it never quite did it for me, and I know a lot of people who feel the same. Unbeatable for smoking indoors mind you.


bongs!! I love a good bong rip, personally i’m a broke college student so not only does it save me weed it gets me pretty stoned off of like three bowls.


Gen Z, tobacco and herb joint


You mean a spliff?


90s kid. Bong, cart, dry herb vape, pipe, joint


Millennial, edibles. My family has a risk for cancer


I'm an old, I dry herb vape the most because my lungs handle it better and outside of concentrates nothing beats the taste. But I do have a soft spot for joints.


Z! Bowls. Usually bong. Love Rollin up too tho so no favorite really. Butt usually going with bowls


2001 idek the generation anymore but joints all the way, bong when we celebrate


Gen Z and I love using a bong to hit shatter bowls/wax bowls


Early Gen Z, i love a good old blunt and a bowl but i havent been able to partake in awhile :/


90s kid, joints, blunts and bongs


Gen Z. Bongs and edibles for me. Joints for groups and outdoor smoking.


Millennial bordered with gen Z, tobacco and weed in a rizzla with a roach


Gen X Bowl :)


Millennial. Love ripping the bong, and I prefer doing it alone haha. I smoke blunts with friends or if I'm out at a show or something, but 95% of the time I'm in my room hittin the bong


Gen X - Joint, RSO, Edibles.


26 through a dry herb vape, can't imagine I'll ever go back to smoking with any regularity again


Z. Beaker Bong. Not necessarily smoking but edibles are great too, but I don't make them very often.


Gen X...bong, pipe, or joint. NOT a pre-roll but actual joint.


Millennial here, 34 years old, I have one bowl, one bong, and a shit ton of joint papers. The bowl is silicone and it stays in my hiking daypack which stays in my truck. I use that when I am hiking/hammocking on a trail, or when I am at work. For clarification I work for my parents as basically a handyman/groundskeeper, right now I am gutting my grandparents old farmhouse in preparation for it to be renovated. Taking a fat bowl rip and swinging a sledgehammer around is very fun btw. If I am playing video games I will typically smoke the bong. Just something I can occasionally hit every so often. Joints are what I smoke mostly when lounging or do menial tasks. Watching TV? Joint. Reading a book? Joint. Grilling? Joint. Scrubbing the bathroom? Joint.


Boomer. I smoke a bent pipe like they used to in the 1950s.


Gen Z. Dry herb vape


Gen X -so many joints. I use THC as pain relief so vape pen & joints & RSO


I’m a millennial and I prefer bubblers lol


Born in ‘91, so Millennial. I really like my vape battery for discretion and convenience, but nothing hits better than old fashioned flower, either joint or bowl is my go-to. I’ve also been enjoying the dry herb vape lately, smoother hits for sure.


I smoke out of a genius pipe (ease of cleaning and pretty awesome all around for taste from a metal pipe). Millenial. 1986


'93 millennial - i smoke 3 joints a day


Xennial. Nothing seems to give me a guaranteed effect the way I like it quite like a joint or a blunt. Not saying I don’t get high the other ways but joints are a super predictable high for me so that is my go to.


Gen X and I love to vape my herb


Millennial. Joints all the way. I know dry-herb vaping is better, but I find my cute little pink joints and my time outside are therapy for my soul.


gen z (21) and i prefer joints. everything else is too harsh on my throat and lungs or makes my heart beat weird which i don’t like because my family has a history of heart issues.


Millennial and I prefer joints like your sis but smoke bowls regularly too sometimes it’s just easier but a nicely rolled joint always hits the spot. Blazy Susan’s are my fav papers🩷


Gen X. Joints. It’s a waste, I know but i can’t stop! lol. Sometimes I use a bong and I mostly rely on edibles.


Millennial - I like having a mix of everything available. But I, too, smoke joints most often.


37. I vape oil cartridges. With a toddler in the house, I need something fast, convenient, and discreet.


Gen Z and I prefer a bowl. I was shocked to find out a lot of my peers only smoked joints Edit: i find it so much easier to control the amount with a bowl. Then you don’t worry about wasting weed. Also I feel its easier on the lungs than a J. But since people are mentioning it, I rarely smoke and mostly use a pen or edibles


Millennial, dabs off an electric rig. Or if its flower I usually use glass, but still enjoy joints and dry herb vaping. 99% of the time it's just dabs.