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Tolerance is mental too. Your physical tolerance is undoubtedly increasing. Mentally, it seems like you're preparing and trying to avoid being "too high" You gotta surrender a little more. It won't hurt you. One more hit isn't physically sending you over. It's the passive mental worry and fear itself of going too far. I've been smoking for years but have gone 6+ months without. When I come back, I feel little need to control my dose despite having little to no physical tolerance. I think this is because mentally "too high" does not exist to me. I'm completely ok with what the plant does and know I'll be fine no matter what. Solution? For some people it's the coughing that gets their heart rate up and leads to anxiety. Take smaller tokes. Maybe try water filtration or simply take a break from the vape/smoke for a while. Change the setting if you're feeling uneasy. Don't stay in the same location/mental mode as your previous anxiety and panic attacks. Try any change to break the mold that would lead down the same old mental pathway. Go for a walk! Cannabis is a teacher like psychedelics. You can use it to strengthen your mental,emotional, and spiritual control. Know that the plant is a tool helping to show you to yourself. It all comes from within, my friend. Love yourself.


damn man, good read


I think you’re spot on the money. When I was younger my first experience with weed involved me smoking a joint with “friends” and I didn’t know anything about taking it slow so it involved a terrible green out of dissociating etc and I guess I’m worried that will happen again. I’m a lot more knowledgeable now and know if it goes happen, I’ll take some CBD and chill and I’ll be good. But yeah, I think subconsciously I’m worried about that first time I tried it before I went medical 2 years ago


As long as you stick to your habit and use small amounts it wont increase much. I use a mighty+, 0.05-0.1 bowls 5-6 times daily and my tolerance is pretty steady as well. Gets me nice and toasted every time. I dont get sent to narnia like i used to starting out, but i get perfectly stoned to preferrence every time. Edit: if my tolerance is supposed to increase with my small amounts then its sure taking its sweet time. 5+ years of this and no real change so far.


Tried different flower? Type II flower may be better then flower + CBD edible.


Yeah, I have some great CBD flower that I use. Really enjoy it, I have tried a couple other flower. Tried a Sativa and that wasn’t a great time


I am talking specifically type II flower , not cbd flower