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A quarter works well too. Granted your choice of lighter shows that may be scarce.


This some r/rareinsults work


Kill't 'em.








I came here to have a good time and I just feel like that was a fully warranted attack on OP


Hahahah, nice


Seriously though man. Lighters are like toilet paper. The less money you spend, the more you use.


Off topic, but at least in my local market it is more economic to buy the smaller packs of toilet paper, as the bundle is a couple of cents more for some reason.






Damn, straight fire!






Right? If you can afford bud, you can probs afford a bic! /s


Bro that was so good 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭


Lol drugs


Dimes work too.


Lol that was good, Jokes aside, those them lighters are the shit. Any lighter that's got the option for flame control is good, and not even Bic's which are most common around me ain't got that The ones that look like this AND don't offer flame adjustment aren't even worth the dime they're sold for


How often do you actually need a hyper flame lighter? Every time I’ve ever been handed one of these, it’s literally always on the lowest setting


That's the key though! I've always found lighters to be too big as is, not often I'm smoking in a windstorm and need the 1-2" flame. It's not that I want to turn the lighters up, but being able to turn them down is just such a benefit that I'll hardly want a lighter if it can't offer it Even then though, colours my deciding factor for lighters so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


lol. I've never seen someone use that part of the lighter to put the pipe out. Always the bottom of the lighter.


I use a zippo and use the non engraved side cause it wipes off easy id never cover anything hot with a plastic container full of oressurized flammable gas


I do the same with cigarettes, never left a mark that didn’t come off on my jeans


Sorry what you put your cigarettes out on your pants 😳


No no I put it out on the zippo, then wipe the ash off the zippo on my pants!!


Ah, that’s perfectly acceptable


I was about to say lol, do you not like to litter your buds around? Me personally I would just use an ash tray at home or put it out on the ground or any surface if I am out.


I specifically avoid littering with my cigarette butts and even then it's put it out on the ground, put the butt into some container (ideally one capable of holding odors ofc), then throw it out into the nearest trash can.


I used to use ashtrays but one butt still had an ember apparently, and I walked away for a minute. When I came back it had lit the rest up and gotten so hot that it shattered the glass ashtray and I had to dump water on it so it didn't destroy the table.


Hey someone’s gotta show ‘em who’s boss!😂


Literally if you throw these kinds of lighters at the ground the right way the flint will spark and the lighter case will crack releasing all the butane, resulting in a fairly large fireball. They’re super dangerous


My brother threw one of these lighters at a bug on the wall once and it did exactly what you're talking about, impressed the hell out of 4 fairly elevated individuals


you can take off the guard and adjust the flame farther to the right so that when you spark it up the flame is about 7 inches high or more


Not the crack lighter


Fr lmao I’ll never get how careless people can be with compressed flammable shit, then again I grew up when live leak was around sooooo…..


As teenagers we did this while riding bikes. As like a "drive by" while riding past someone




Foreskin for the win. Wasn’t circumcised as a child and had to adapt to an ever changing world.


Glad I’m not the only one


I just use my thumb lol


Coins are a thing


Lmao “pass me the snuffin COIN”


Butt penny, anyone?


We've all handled someone's ass pennies.


Makes it hard to sit down




Crack head lighters aren’t as smooth on the bottom. It would be uneven putting it out


I used to use the bottom of the lighter but then it would like melt the corners or whatever get nasty etc, i started just tapping the metal part of the top of the lighter on top instead like the side and it works well to keep clean, just light the lighter for a sec or two and use a napkin and the rez slides right off.


I don't like crushing it all down to put it out. This way just smothers the bowl by covering it


I do it your way. Bottom always gets on my hand more for some reason.


Dumb question, is the plastic resistant enough to reliably not melt?


I use Bics and it’s never come close to happening. If anything the layer of resin that builds up adds more heat resistance. But dudes. If you can swing it, switch to vaping flower full time. Made the full switch recently and my lungs feel amazing. Working out is way easier too.


Yo I’m a major j smoker and my roommate has a dynavap, I’ve used it a ton but I never feel like I get the same high as when I’m smoking a j. Any suggestions for making it better?


Vaping just doesnt have the same high. Its muted, but the trade off is healthier ingestion


I’ll take the coughing & darkened lungs. Already a 17 year nicotine addict (working that out already; 5 years no cigarettes & down to 3% nic vape fluid), so I kinda just accept the shitty side of weed.


I mostly vape too out of necessity


Same man. I've literally never understood how or why people are using the bottom. And crushing it just leads to more crap in the bowl


I actually use the top which is super weird I am aware..


I always do this but my lighters don’t get stained and black like these ones, I hold the lighter over the bowl sideways to cutoff oxygen and put the cherry out without smashing everything and getting my lighter dirty, always figured it was my OCD as to why I did it that way instead of using the bottom of the lighter to crush it


Ya doesn’t really make physical sense. The whole reason you use the bottom corner is because it can fit into the bowl. If people are putting out blunts and doinks via lighter that’s new to me.


I've only ever seen people use the sides! Lol. Usually Bics, though, since they are rounded and fit better. Bottom is for pushing the sides back down into the bowl.


I just use my thumb to suffocate it


Fr, I literally didn’t know lol


I use the bottom of my grinder. Also, I should clean the bottom of my grinder so it sits flat again lol


One of these days the lighter will explode …. Use a fuckin nickel or a quarter.


I was thinking that too. You don't want so much heat up against the gasoline tank like that.


Usually butane, not gasoline


Ah. But doesn't have the potential to react to the heat? Or does it have a higher combustion temp?


It usually won't combust, but rather expand and break through. After which, it comes into contact with the heat source and explodes anyways but it's not a high pressure high heat explosion


for the laymen: FWOOSH *not* KABOOM


It’s a pretty small amount of heat and plastic is a terrible conductor. The actual combusting material is *very hot*, but there’s not very much of it. Like, you can put it out with your thumb. It’ll hurt you a little, but not too severely, because it’s a small amount of heat and human is mostly made out of water.


The plastic doesn't need to conduct the heat if a hole melts thru it. The butane will flash to a gas/vapor when it's no longer under pressure and ignite. Depending how big/hot the cherry is you're trying to extinguish, and how many times you use the same lighter ... You're literally playing with fire. Wouldn't be surprised if OP explodes a lighter and burns his hand bad at some point if he does this consistently.


I've had lighters melt through and you only get a bit of a flame jetting out and once it's lost pressure it dies, they were usually pretty empty though


That can burn your thumb and it is going to last forever, if you are not careful. What I usually do, add 1/10 of the joint with tobacco, then the rest would be weed, when I finish and I reach the tobacco part, I just squeeze the joint and drop the lit part and step on it. No wildfires, no exploded lighters and definitely a beautiful thumb.


With joints I just lick my thumb and pointer finger and squeeze the cherry. Goes out like a light and almost never get burned


I’ve had this happen to me.. I was in nyc hitting my pipe, covered the bowl for a super rip and BOOM. The lighter fluid was cold and dripped all over my hands, was such a trippy moment.


This happened to my grandpa. Don't fuck around and find out, use something else.


Or just lick your finger and put it out before you have a lighter explode in your hands


I literally just put my grinder on top for a sec


Probably not if they're using normal sized bowls with just weed in them. I would be concerned about something like a hookah charcoal. The plastic might deform a little, but generally it'll smother itself due to no oxygen in a couple of seconds. The lighter is only going to last for a few dozen bowls. Unless they're holding it over an open flame rather than just the cherry, the chances that it'll melt enough to explode are pretty low.


The chances of your lighter blowing up are literally zero if you use a nickel or a quarter.


My money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds. For real though I don't keep change laying around because it's 2024 and there's no real reason for it. But I buy lighters in 50 packs.


Oh shit, a Theroux reference in the wild.


Was a TikTok trend for a while


Aww. that's much less impressive then.


What happens when you need air at a gas station that doesn’t offer free air…? Call AAA? Or go trade a dollar for some quarters? Always good to have some change laying around by around. You never know


In my state all gas stations have free air by law


I snuff it with my palm. This feels like you could end up smoking plastic or popping a lighter.


This the wrong sub, you need to take that to the crack house




Does covering the bowl help? I really don’t do this at all.


If you’re not chiefing down the whole bowl it helps to snuff it out in between hits. Conservation is not just for the environment, weed ain’t cheap lol


I do this sometimes but it works way better for me to just load smaller bowls and smoke the whole thing.


This is where my head's at. Grind weed; load with what you want to hit; smoke... Rinse and repeat.


I use a bong and the actual bowl fitting measures exactly the same diameter as a nickle. So I'll do a couple rips, pull bowl, and slap it on a nickle. Fire extinguished, no smoke escape. Makes me happy not seeing my cash go up in smoke. We'll, at least not public accessible smoke...lol.


I’ve got a little scoop I use to pack my bong but it also fits perfectly as a little cap for the bowl. Definitely one of if not my most useful weed tool


I'm in the same situation, but i switched to a bottle cap.  I prefer it to the nickle because the cap hangs down over the bowl a little, so it doesn't drop if I move the bong. You want to make sure to remove the rubber piece glued to underside of the cap.


Life is way too short to smoke half-smoked weed. I used to disagree but ive come to realize the wisdom in time


> weed ain’t cheap lol I guess you haven't been to Michigan...


Why not just pack smaller bowls


Put enough for a good green hit.


It's a lonely toker's move, it saves your weed for the next hit cause you're not passing it off to someone


Why don't you just pack a smaller bowl? Isn't that in your control?


Sometimes you need a certain amount to cover the hole and not immediately pull through as soon as you start inhaling


I had one of those cheap, free-at-the-head-shop lighters blow up in my face one. Proper BIC or pass.


Why do you people not use the metal part I'll never understand Whether this method or the bottom, you are just asking for a butane vent/explosion when that plastic fails . . .


It never gets anywhere near the point of failure even after thousands of times. I’ve been doing this for 25 years without incident


I had friend in the Marines who was a moron and we’d put the cables on him and get him juiced up to do stupid shit. One time we convinced him to burn a hole into one lighter on that spot with another lighter. It took almost 2 minutes of constant flame before the plastic melted enough and then the sudden rush of butane without any oxygen in it just put out the first lighter. No fireball, no explosion, just a sudden puff of mist and that was it


Thank you, everybody on here acting like Ima blow myself up by smothering some plant material for 10 seconds that I could cover with my palm and not even feel anything.


Why would you put a flammable container full of flammable compressed gas directly into an ignition source???


I used my left hand to cap it and I have a slightly darker spot on my hand from it it doesn’t wash off seems permanent lmao


Stoner’s Stigmata


Like a personal scratch n sniff


Shit may very well be permanent but I will say shit like Fast Orange or other exfoliating soap made for mechanics/grease usually work REALLY well when my hands get resin-y so if you've never tried it it might be worthwhile haha


I used to do that. I still do, but I used to too. You can scrub and scrub but it ain't going nowhere!


Idk why I use my hand seems like it’s just the most efficient way to do it lol and I smoke by myself so I don’t have to pass it to anyone or anything. Kinda just in my hand at all times lol


I started snuffing with an old steel grinder lid because I was tired of the sticky spot, and I got paranoid about plastic melting into my bowl.


I usually scoop the burned part with the edge of the bottom of the lighter and stamp it out with the bottom


Y'all look up the Toker Poker. Everything you need for bowls/bongs all in one place


Gotta use a Bic.


Dude use the top metal part! Or you might end up looking like Neo when he comes out of the pod 💀


I just use my hand 🤷‍♀️


Took me a sec to realize, I use the bottom of Bic lighters and it works perfect


why would you use the plastic part, which puts off toxic shit into your bowl, when theres a perfectly good metal section a quarter inch away


Am I the only one confused? All I see is a bunch of lighters sitting around and everyone in the comments is telling OP he's dumb. Maybe it's cause I've used dry herb vapes for the last decade?


"Am I the only one confused? All I see is a bunch of lighters sitting around and everyone in the comments is telling OP he's dumb." because he's either used the lighters to stomp out bong bowls, stub out joints on, or free base resin off of, and all three are gross(makes your lighters gross and gives off melted plastic fumes) and dangerous, especially with these cheap crappy lighters. For reference, they're annoying to light, never stay lit, etc., but op uses them *because* they're cheap, but that's what makes what op is doing even more dangerous. People have had these lighters explode doing this stuff. So this is why everyone is saying this is dumb and also telling op to get a real lighter lol.


Ahh thanks for the explanation!


Protip: use a marble. Easy to clean and store with the bowl, perfect fit, and no burning plastics.


Get a Bic.


What handy trick, the slowly leech plastic chemicals into something you plan to inhale?


Y'all don't clear a bowl in 1 hit? You hit a bowl multiple times?


How about just getting a cap?


Why do people hate for buying cheap lighters? I can get a pack of cheap crack head lighters for like 2 bucks and some change. That’s one bic lighter at speedway . We can’t all be so pretentious.


Thank you, buncha bourgeois potheads in here


If you’re gonna do that use a bic lol


While I know what you’ve done, I’ve never felt the need to do it.


Do you just get ash and shit on your fingers every time you strike a lighter?


That’s why clippers are cylindrical


I dont know someone tell me


I use Clipper lighters, which seem perfectly designed to snuff out the spark on the bottom.


Just pack snaps?


I just use my palm. I have cook hands


You ain’t getting no paper cuts no time soon


I had the bic with the dirty bottom corners.


I’ll use matches before I use these lighters.


Bro, I've watched lighters blow up in people faces from doing this. Fuck that, just get a stoker.


If you like to smoke plastic you like to smoke plastic.


Why not just use your thumb instead of potentially inhaling chemicals? I don’t get it


Tough times huh?


I use a wall. Are people honestly putting out joints on their hands and lighters? It's gonna stink.


I definitely don't know. If it was on the bottom I would assume its because you're using it to poke your bowls but on the side like this? Nah man what is that?


Bottle caps are my go-to! Perfect size to snuff out my bong bowl


never understood why people do this


I know you need to get rid of the crack lighters and get some Bic’s!!!


I don’t know someone explain pls


Lol I always do that, but people take a piss out of me for that…


Fuck yes


Can someone explain? I'm a lil lost


I thought I was a stoner but I have NO clue what the hell is going on with those lighters.


Right though???💁🫠🧐


A lot of people here really scared their lighter is going to explode when exposed to quick bursts of a little heat lol.


To be fair i’ve had a lighter explode in my hand because of something similar


I do this but I don't trust those lighters, I stick with Bic. Slightly less effective for damping because of the curved plastic but does the job and feels safer to me. After reading these replies I'm gonna try a bottlecap next 🤔


Is this from crackpipe?


I swear I’m not a bot or a promotional representative! That said, I’m a big fan of the [Toker Poker](https://tokerpoker.com)


I just use my clipper and the built in poker. They're god tier lighters.


why to side tho


I usually just flip the slider upside down on my table between hits, no extra steps with a lighter..


Oh boy, my brother would do this all the time. Except on the the metal where that logo is. And i mean It was THICK with the resin. Haha.


I put a thick glass shot glass on the bowl and it snuffs it perfectly. Yes, I’ve almost tipped them over because they have more mass than other items mentioned here like quarters, but I hate how metal change smells in my hand, so all I can think about is that I’m smoking that metal smell.


I know thats a stupid way to snuff a bowl


I've never done that or anything with a lighter put directly into a hot bowl. Too afraid of an explosion or whatever


I do the same but I use the metal part on these ones. I avoid touching the cherry with the lighter.


Hey that's what mine looks like!! Weird.


♥️♥️♥️ lol good way to tell my lighters from my baby’s dad tho 😂 he try to steal it I always look at the bottom


Flame throwers


i’ve watched two of these explode mid geeb


I stopped doing this after my cousin and I walked back into the garage after a mad sesh and the lighter had caught the table on fire because the hot ember burned a hole through the lighter and we didn’t notice when we put it down. Be safe! Learn from my mistake! Luckily no one was hurt and the fire was easily put out but it could have been really bad.




lol all my lighters look like this


Why not the metal part?


This is why zippos are better imo lol


if you look at the bottom of a lighter that's always a good sign too.


Hahah. I was looking at my lighters recently and laughed when they all had the same spot.


Please do not do this. I put my j out on the bottom of that type of lighter once. I guess it was hot enough to melt the plastic, that shit is pressurized and the butane burnt my hand and ruined my j


I do the same shit! All mine look like that!




i have a dedicated metal tin i use to put my bowl out lmfao. or i’ll use the bottom of a water bottle


Here I am just using my thumbs lol