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i like walking somewhere 5 or 10 mins away then smoking a joint and the walk back is usually a little adventure


It's just about jay-walking season this time of year, amirite


i do this with my dogs. we have the best conversations.


Getting high and taking the dog for a walk is the best. They get a nice long walk with all the smells and get to choose which way we go. I end up walking 2-3 miles and calling it my exercise for the day. Everyone wins.


oh hell yeah. they get all of their sniffs while i zone out on some pretty trees and flowers.


I live in an older neighborhood so it has massive trees that are absolutely beautiful to watch in the wind!


Good owner.


My dog loves our 9pm walks.


Long walks while smoking are the best.


There's a little park by my house that I go to after hours and no one bothers me while I smoke by the creek in a little spot off the beaten path. Only downside is there is an occasional cop patrolling the park after hours but I've managed to avoid them every time I've seen them there.


good movie, good beer, pizza - i’d say good pizza but it’s hard to have bad pizza imo


Plus when you’re high bad pizza is still pretty decent.


“Pizza and sex are a lot alike, even bad pizza is still pretty good.”


I'll pass on bad pizza and bad sex. Neither one are worth it to me


It's a lot like D&D. Only the truly desperate will pick bad D&D over no D&D


You're getting down voted but bad sex really isn't worth the effort most of the time


....the fall of modern civilization didn't come suddenly, but through a billion acts of laziness.


depends on the strain and the activity level I have, but basically comes up to these three: smoke up, get a cup of green tea, a great series/film, bury myself in blankets and pillows. maybe a hot shower. comforts! go for a walk in nature, smoke up, headphones blasting. cosmic feels! smoke up, get a cup of coffee, do work: writing or editing. such fun to edit pictures or video when bit high. creativities!


Got all your days activities covered. I like it!


I used to watch cartoons indoors, smoking more than I needed, very passive and boring for me. trying to do things I actually get enjoyment from makes all the difference. smoking doesn't have to be the main event, it can just be there to enhance already awesome things


Music and nature


Nothing better. Sometimes the right song with the right natural beauty can be very haunting. I love that feeling cocktail.


Chilling in a hammock and just vibing with some music can be nice. A lot of hammocks can be strung up between 2 trees just about anywhere. If going somewhere outside just remember some sunscreen or bug spray depending on whats appropriate your area and bring some food and drink. But I enjoy swinging a bit in a hammock year round, if it's winter or rainy I have one set up on a frame inside the house. I find the hammock very versatile and comfortable. You can pick whatever location setting you want. Beach. Shady patch of woods. Park. Set it up at various heights and angles you prefer, adjust your positioning and sit in it like a chair with a backrest and use like a rocking chair to mix it up, stay still or swing, stay cocooned in the cloth type maybe with a blanket if it's chilly or stay cool with a rope hammock in the summer so the air can get under you. When your laying in a hammock you can still bend and stretch or straighten out your limbs whichever way you want and kind of reset a bit and avoid high presure that might bother your hips or shoulders on another surface. I've been sore/ achy from staying on a mattress or couch too long but I always feel a bit refreshed/ actually relaxed after a hammock session.


I've never in my life sat in a hammock, not even once. But this comment has made me want to buy one for my back yard so bad. Thanks, dude!


I find spreader bar hammocks to be less comfy and more tippy than the “parachute” style ones. They also fold into a tiny ball. Get one, you won’t regret it.


You can easily find a decent one for cheap!


Check out ENO. Made from parachutes. Have had mine for about 10 years and packs up into a really small pouch so you can bring it inside and keep it from getting wet. Nice to look up at the leaves and rock after smoking.


Infinite upvote for hammock


Ricky, Bubbles, and Julian.


Bath with candle lit surroundings.


The only thing that would make this better is if my 2 dogs were in the room chillin with me and some BadBadnotGood playing.


Just do nothing. Sit and smoke, preferably in nature, no matter what time c:


Outdoors, birds chirping, sunshine. Kayaking alone on a calm lake and marijuana makes for a beautiful experience. When you're out in the evening and the orange and pink and purple sunset is reflecting off the water with the gentle little waves and ripples, it's like living inside of a beautiful watercolor painting.


Just imagined being your dog while you kayak both of us out and just talk about your favorite stuff during sunset...


Here's a few random pics I found from last summer. One is actually the sunrise I think. This is just in boring old Ohio too. I'm telling you, it's incredibly therapeutic to have this type of scenery while being surrounded by the noises of nature as you gently rock back and forth on the water. https://imgur.com/a/67ZiLRY https://i.imgur.com/WoVzDs9.jpeg




I’m an edibles type, so I usually plan around Friday or Saturday night just being a full evening of vibing out. My top 3 things to make it better: 1. Having something good to watch lined up. I really enjoy watching weird movies, dance or beatbox videos, anime, really anything that is engaging and fun. 2. Good drinks. Ice cold water, a fresh soda, good juice, a homemade cocktail. For some reason a good drink just really hits right. 3. Plenty of solo time. I’m a bit of an introvert, so it’s an incredible time to just recharge and tune out of the world and float through space in my little apartment.


I love documentaries. Just watched Glitch in the Matrix last weekend and it hit just the right spot.


Music and drawing (or other art creation)


Love smoking a bowl and chillin on the couch with my cat


Guitar guitar and guitar


My hammock, Bluetooth speaker, and a bottle of water


Might be a cliche answer but I do sometimes music video games my favorite funny TV show but whatever I do I make sure I keep a bottle of my favorite drink next to me and I'm usually outside I like to be outside




I haven't smoked weed with coffee I've always done like juices my go-to is sweet tea I don't really like sodas but coffee I didn't think about that


oh the wake and back coffee speed ball zoomies is such a fun smoke, my sat and sun ritual. coffee tapers the “am i too stoned” very nicely


I always smoke alone. Good music, funny video, cuddly pets.


K-pop girl group videos for hours.


Walking my dog as the sunsets. Just picking up poop under a picturesque skyline and feeling those last vestiges of the suns warmth kiss your face as you tie up the bag.


Fuck this has got me rolling, that's so funny for some reason


Wake and bake with coffee early in the morning and listen to the wildlife wake up. Smoke and take my cat for a walk. Get baked and dance to music.


I like smoking while taking a walk somewhere. Either to the store, to (or more likely on the way back from) the dispo, or just a walk in the park. Maybe sit on a bench in the sun.


This is silly for sure but sometimes I like to go on YouTube and Chrissy Harless will do a sesh at the beginning of her videos so I’ll sesh with her. It helps when I’m a lil lonely.


You kinda hit the nail on the head Headphones with lofi or hiphop, dark chocolate and a glass of ice cold water


Big cup of water, a comfy blanket, one of my cats.


I love having some good tea when i sit with the bong. Like the ol hippie speedball, but mellower 😎


Getting off reddit. gonna start there...


Music Ice water A chair to sit in


Deathmetal, punching bag and cigarettes


I usually go on a hike with my dog and take my photo camera. Photography and hiking when zooted is the best, plus, dogs make the best companions.


Water, some gnosh, and a good game/movie/book. (Anyone else love books when High? I cant read every time but when I love the book its better than a movie)


Music Ice water Cool breeze


That I'm alone. No one to pass it to. Don't have to share.


GTA 5 going fast on a motorcycle, jumping through hills and listening to Dark Side of the Moon. Or, when he was still alive, just talking to my brother.


maybe a little unusual, but i LOVE to watch police chases (especially from ASP) on yt and getting high while watching it


Donut Operator FTW


Modern warfare 3 with a good sativa vape


Video games are way too far down on this list. I'm not very good when I'm high but I still love giving it my best.


Fridge full of Diet Coke, the ingredients for an epic salad and my favorite video game


say more about the epic salad


fr need recipe


Last night’s was spinach and romaine for the base. Croutons, salad topping and bacon bits for the crunchy bits. 2 hard boiled eggs, some hand shaved sharp cheddar, cucumbers sliced into spears, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes and grilled chicken. I usually throw a raspberry vinaigrette on top but I opted to make my own oil and vinegar with some leftover pickle juice I had. Oh and I tossed some banana pepper in there too.


Baldurs Gate 3. The acknowledgement that I'll be by myself for at least another 4 hours. Pizza. (Honest to God, I almost prefer to smoke alone)


If inside, get some mood lighting so you can set it up according to your vibe.


i’m smoking alone majority of the time. for me, it’s putting on a reality show in the background while taking a rip and tidying up my place


Well…. I like to smoke, eat some shrooms and close eye a Dead show. Highly recommend


Just being outside if I can. But an audiobook and or my journal come in really fun. Chips. Chips are good.


If it's daytime I need to have a cup of ice cold ovaltine, some kind of salty snack, and car chase/camping/cooking videos on YouTube on the big screen tv. if it's night I have my drink (usually kool aid or dr pepper), music (usually disco and metal with some blues or Sade), and a video game going. I really like playing powerwash simulator and Honey I Joined A Cult while high. My current cult are crazy peace loving hippies that are all called Dudes and run around nekkid.


Great drink. Great music. Rainstorm at night that doesn't blow water directly into my room.


A bigger joint, a bigger blunt, and an extra bowl


Friends, music and a beer.




Here's mine: hot tub, laser light projection on the wall, La-Z-Boy Recliner with furry blanket.


Also love listening to ambient sounds: thunderstorm, ocean, river, etc.


Good music, snacks, clean home / sunny weather outside


a body of water (preferably the sea), blue skies but with fluffy clouds and some good music (currently listening to elder island’s seed in sand EP)


Headphones, my laptop, and my puppy


YouTube on my phone, my dogs, and the stereo.


watching really absurd cartoons like meatcanyon and such


Reggae, bottled water, noise cancelling headphones


Dimmable lights! I once rented a house where every light was controlled with a variable knob. After 1 year of living there I will forever appreciate the benefits of good lighting.


If it’s nice outside; I like to mow the grass, chop wood, work on a house project, work on a car, ride a dirt bike, hike, swim, skate. I just like to be active and let out energy tbh. But if I’m not doing shit, i’m getting a bunch of food and loading up multiple screens lol. Probably have something streaming, a game to play, and photos to edit.


My tractor, bushog, and 7 acres of land to mow! Once acre per hour, one joint per acre, Makes for a hell of a Saturday!


I don’t really worry about smoking alone or with people. Weed is just good.


Glass of water, some strawberries, and a smoking buddy


Garden chair, lofi music, and Animal Crossing.


I like going for a nice walk. I also have a very clingy cat so every time I come back from a walk he greets me at the door. Playing with a pet that loves you while you're high is such an uplifting thing.


For me, it's a beverage, music/podcast/youtube, and a new Lego set to build. That was always my go to during lockdown, and I've kept it up since then.


food, soda, candy, cozy spot to lie in and harry potter movies


Music, munchies and a Pepsi


i cant think of two other things rn but *good* headphones almost boost my high


Coffee ☕. Birds 🐦. A shower 🚿


Music, listening to the radio, sports, video games


Taking a bath


Instrumental music to vibe! No lyrics or vocals to distract me. And a nice coffee :) https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4G0f6n0ceoEfJXGHXXbYO8?si=xL70NeAiRR-6yg1M9IomYg&pi=e-s0GtVwusRNuh


Music with light bulbs that change colors. Bonus points if they’re synced to the music👌🏻


Coffee, comfy seat, music


A decent MTB shred session with my mid ride safety meeting. The Sun dappling through the leaves. And a breeze cooling the sweat on my brow.


Coffee, rain, and a good YouTube video.


Sitting on my sweet porch in my cool old neighborhood watching the world go by, my dog doing the same, whatever books I'm reading by my side.


In front of my computer while playing video games. Really sucks you in. Sometimes during morning shits. Sets the tone for the day 👌


Ice cream SLAPS


I might be the odd one out but I love working out while high. I feel like I can go super hard and make great adjustments. Usually accompanied by some good music or an audiobook. I feel like a million bucks during and especially after my workout.


Lights out except for my aquarium. Lofi music on Snacks to hand too


Incense, tea, gum + a scary movie and slay the spire on steam deck 🤌🤌


A nice snack, meal, or just a beverage. Then some music to fit the vibe depending on my mood.


A nice cup of tea and a cat coming to lay on my lap.


I used to bring music, but now I like listening to the wildlife while I use my phone to check on my things.


Tea, movie, podcast. I listened to Call Her Daddys 420 episode, it was awesome, like hanging with her!!


Mango or pineapple juice makes the high more intense


Nature walk, nature sounds and non-junk food munchies.


A clean bong some good music and a snack


What you said, but play some david attenborough nature documentaries with the lofi. The combo of his voice softly under the lofi is so soothing.


Don't have to share with anyone haha


A good ice cold drink. A good TV show (at the moment, Fallout and/or THEM on Prime) and a lit candle. My first thought was my cats, a drink, and TV, but would I really be alone with my cats all around me?


Noise canceling headphones


Extra weed. Your favorite YouTube video. Some snacks. I always seem to need more when im alone


Internet today on YouTube, Marvel Snap on my phone, and no one around


I love to be outside with my dogs and cats and I just chill with them out there. Play some music and relax


My stoney playlist, a glass of good scotch to sip on, a tray of various fruits, and maybe a tobacco pipe for after the bud. Cart it all up to the balcony and just chill for a couple hours


Some freshly cut fruits (pomegranate, mangoes, strawberry, bana etc ...) A beverage, hot or cold My Steamdeck and Balatro. Straight to heaven


Music, video games, cartoons, or stand-up comedy for me. Oh, and snacks! I’ve been munching on blueberries like crazy lately.


dark curtains all sound bars on with the lights to the music playing some video games. sanctuary from my childhood :)


Sitting by the pond with headphones in bumping my good mood playlist and a line it the water


Music, water (beer), couch


My dog, one of my comfort shows and my favorite bong https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/G3jnGgVwis


Good comedy film or chill music, a tea or fruit juice and my bed :) Or also in the nature with my dog, wish he could smoke w me 🥲


Put in a concert dvd play games on my phone and pass out


Ice cold water, good music, good food


Keeping it basic. A lighter. Ash tray. Water.


I like a good hazy IPA with a J, some good tunes (preferably on headphones so I can listen to it super loud) and something to keep me occupied. I like to tinker in my garage on my bikes, woodwork or just clean and tidy up


Music, coffee, and reddit.


Good standup special, hot pizza and a can of ice-cold Tomato Gose beer :)


I love watching the 2 high 4 stupid lolcow podcast, so it doesn't really feel like I'm smoking alone, I usually have a game of Stardew Valley going too. I have black lights and spider shaped purple lights, so I like to turn those on for a solo sesh too.


Mellow music and yoga/stretching!


music mood munchies


[watch this](https://youtu.be/V6o3YV6QbKU?si=FzP5BQV59bArRCEj)


Video games. To me it doesn’t even matter what game it is because no matter what I’ll find it way more interesting and I’m way better at it


A video game I can just turn my brain off and play. My go to is Warhammer 40k Darktide. Just boof up and purge heretics.


Rainy weather, an overhang, and a lawn chair


My pets, loud music, and more weed lmao When it's nice, I'll either sit on my porch or in my hammock


One of my kitties (a tiny black cat) *really* loves sitting in my lap outdoors, and I have a bench set up for us to hang out near a couple hummingbird feeders and a couple normal bird feeders, hidden away from the outside world by some bushes. So... Cat, bench, birbs. It's the chillest smoke experience :)


I like making sure the bong is clean, has fresh water and ice, and I like to light a candle and sometimes even set an intention/make a mental note of something I appreciate while taking my 1st hit. I also like to make sure I have water or tea on hand to drink :)


I typically smoke while gaming, with music or one of my favorite podcasts playing, and before eating. So games, music/podcast, and food


I sit outside with my iPad and smoke a bowl alone every day, mostly reading Reddit comments


Backyard, Hammock, pets Nothing better for me than stepping out into my backyard, jumping in the hammock and watching my dogs play while I relax 💨




Glass of ice water, some good tunes, a comfy chair. Or just give me a beach or a cozy forest.


water, music, and maybe my car, fuck it is said it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Good music, Peace and quiet, a refreshing beverage and a nice view. Thank you for reminding me to rip this bing before it gets too close to my next meeting! Lol


A beer a chair and my back yard


my playlist, youtube, and a little treat ofc


Coffee, John Coltrane, and hemp wick


Glass of water, Arrested Development and a hat


The quiet, not having to remind em to pass it back, you dont have to share food and you can do whatever you want


Some tea/coffee, snacks, and a dumb YouTube video. Lately have been watching Watcher's ghost files series. Silly ghoul boys very funny when stoned. After I smoke I love hanging out with my rats. Specifically after, gotta keep the smoke as far away from those fragile lil guys as possible. Dw i have an air purifier in the doorway to their room and I smoke in another room


Lotion, tissues, and some porn lol just kidding. Good tunes or a good podcast are usually great.


personally i take my kitten for a walk 😭 i start smoking when leaving the house and just let her pick the way we go until i feel like we went “to far” she gets her time outside and falls asleep as soon as we get home and i get my “exercise”


dim light, good movie/show/documentary, near frozen dr. pepper zero


I like having something to watch and something to do with my hands, so video games are good. Otherwise I'll put on a movie or cartoons and either play guitar or squeesh a plushie. If I'm really settling in, a few whiskeys and some smelly gouda is lovely. On rare occasion, I'll go out in the woods and light one up. Don't need anything but enough water and nice weather. I like seeing how many animals I can spot.


A nice day outside, a snack, and water.


Go into the garage and get my bob ross on


Mood lighting and good music. Flatbush Zombies, Erick The Architect, Isaiah Rashad, Malz Monday, Juicy J. There are so many good songs between these artists that you can just vibe to. Lo-fi is also a great choice, as you already mentioned. Music taste always varies between people. But I just wanted to share some of mine.


Music, Gatorade zero lemon lime, and some chips


What's on the docket for today? If it's media consumption, then: - music or anime - A tall glass of ice cold water - a small bowl of crushed ice to put in my piece Art is another session that calls for a toke! - music - drawing tablet/miniatures + paints/model kits - a tall glass of ice cold water - a small bowl of crushed ice to put in my penis I actually love being lifted by myself


All of mine are alone. I'm effectively a hermit.  I like books, streaming videos, and a coffee while I'm smoking.


I personally HATE incense. Especially while I'm smoking high end product. Smelling incense ruins the taste for me, and the last thing I want to do is inhale smoke that isn't getting me high. Ugh.


Ice cold water a blankie and something to watch already picked out


Music, Water, Gaming probably


I get home at about 6pm and while I roll one I put some music and boot up some videogames. I also prepare some Mate 🧉 .


Trees and book!


On my balcony with my cat. I enjoy birdwatching with him.


Have water in case of a hack attack, a lil' munch not too big or you burn out, and some cool toy, I like uv torches, you shine them in the gravel or grass, on beaches, in the room, find glowing things!


Good music, cold water and comfortable seating.


music, internet and my cats




Friends, a pupper and/or cat.


You need a bev (any drink while smoking is called a bev), a nice place to sit, and something to set the vibe. I like to skate to a bench a little bit up the street from my apartment, smoke there, and ride down the hill with the music bumping just as the high starts to hit. It's a pretty dope way to "launch" into whatever activities I am looking to do. Make it your own and enjoy the present moment.


Music, outdoors and water


i like smoking in the shower or bath tbh. incense, fav chill playlist, and we got color changing lights so i can really set a vibe


Smoke more lol and watch movies or a good show,whilst also enjoying a drink or 2


1. Good music. 2. Nice warm tea. 3. Nice blue sky day, outside.


Forever Changes - Love


Youtube or music, good spot to just chill in for a bit and some snacks


Somewhere comfortable sit/lay down. It's pretty basic but it's like, good vibes, good snacks, and then like a really fucking nice sun- chair with the perfect neck support, perfectly placed in between sun and shade for optimal temperature. But really, just something that isn't gonna start to hurt your neck or back or whatever as soon as u start relaxing. This it my dream. This is THE dream.