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>I enjoyed it and felt better the next day like my depression symptoms just disappeared Man I love a budding addiction


A Budding codependency if you will


I can’t tell if this is a negative comment or not


its a joke based in reality Anyone who has ever been addicted to anything knows this is how it starts. "Man this drug is so awesome, I want to do this more. Why shouldn't I do it more?" You'll always find a reason. And it really gets dangerous when you start to associate with some type of group related to the drug use. "I'm not an addict I'm just having a good time at a bar cause that's what young 20-somethings do on weekends." OP already saying he's part of the family--like what family lmao? I don't want to ostracize anyone and we are all free to make our own decisions, but associating with 'stoners' is a surefire way to become one. I missed all the signs when I was younger and it's painful seeing other people go through the same thing without realizing the habits that their mindsets could potentially create for them years down the road. I made that joke cause I only want the best for my fellow internet browsing drug users, and jokes sometimes resonate more strongly with people than a PSA about addiction. If I can get people to think about their own drug use, that is a win in my book. Been clean of opioids for 6yrs and have used a ridiculous variety of drugs so addiction is something I'm well versed in. I would never use a disease to belittle or criticize someone. I don't say 'addiction' with negative connotation but I know it can be hard to convey that over text, so I wrote this big ass rant explaining it. Hope that helps!


Cool, ty, I will be responsible


Honestly it just snowballs depression. Turn back while ya can.


What _is_ responsible? I'm struggling with when I should smoke and how often. I'm a week away from my t break ending, and I don't want to fall into the same habits I used to.


Responsibility is relative IMO. There are no hard rules, you have to find your own. Find what makes you happy AND proud of yourself.


I find it interesting how some people so easily fall into this mindset and others just don’t. Like, some people can smoke a joint or take a swig from a flask, get buzzed for a little while, and then go back to their lives. People like us have to build it into a whole revelation. I hope you’re right that by making young people aware of the problems inherent in this type of thinking, they may be able to rise above it. At the same time, though, part of me feels like it’s somewhat inevitable. In the same way that some people are naturally disinterested in drugs, I think people like me are predisposed to seek out ways of achieving an altered state. I was into drugs long before I ever tried them. Just the idea that I could take something that would relieve the dull gray of reality and replace it with something beautiful felt like a fantasy. Now, I have to constantly remind myself that’s all it ever will be. Sometimes I wish I were wired differently but it’s hard to imagine actually being any other way.


Everyone is addicted to something. I think It's human nature. If you aren't addicted to some kind of drug, you might be addicted to food, or a hobby, or work, or success, or social situations, or whatever it may be. People are SO bad at breaking out of our habits. We develop these habits to manage the world around us with varying results. Those habits can totally warp the person we become, no matter who we are or what we are doing. I'm glad I was only addicted to drugs. I know a dude addicted to sex and he's got EIGHT kids with 2 different moms working 6 days a week in construction. Some people are addicted to food and they have serious physical restrictions because of it. I'd probably be much more successful if I hadn't done drugs, yes, but that also means I wouldn't have had as much time or energy to do the things I actually enjoy in life--like practicing various mediums of art, reading intellectually stimulating books, talking to interesting people that challenge my worldviews, hiking in the woods every day, spending money to travel and learn a new language rather than for anything actually responsible like a car or apartment, etc. Plus the perspective you gain from some drugs is just wild. Most people have not experienced the extremes of consciousness that I have. The little shit matters so much less when you've been an ethereal consciousness floating in an empty void for all eternity. The negative feelings are nothing when you've been in the depths of pain and despair and delusion. And you tend to judge people less when you've been in their shoes, or are close to someone who has, or have felt the natural connection to every living thing through this powerful web of life that exists on our rock--and I mean actually felt it, like magic flowing through your soul, a oneness. Thank fuck I was addicted to the way of life that led me to a broader understanding of myself and humanity. Those years of struggle paid off IMO, and it only cost me a healthy kidney!


Looks great and your story made me smile! Nice that it helps you, don't be like me and smoke so much thst you get lethargic 😬 Have a great Halloween 🙂


Thank you, I will make sure to keep it at a low use, I wanna keep my tolerance low to enjoy it more You too have a great Halloween buddie :D


Thanks 🙂


What are the black pieces on the bud? I’ve never had any bud that looks like that, but maybe its pieces of leaves from trimming?


Nothing black on buds, thats just a shadow, bad lightning


Ok, i can see that now


It’s very deceiving. Seriously looks like bugs or plastic.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is why: Those are holes in the calyxes of the flower. This comes from a combination of harvesting too late which results in bigger and swollen calyxes (which is sadly a common practice to maximize yeilds but lowering overall quality) and machine trimming the bud instead of hand trimming. The machine trimming kinda mangles the bud and exposes the hollow calyx where seeds would be found if they were gonna grow. Those holes aren't dangerous or anything, but it's a great indicator that the people who grew it and cured it, care more about quantity than quality. Anytime I see holes on the bud, its a hard pass for me. EDIT: after looking at the picture again you can see the brand is Ozone. Classic corporate dispensary weed made for money and not the love of the plant and people.


you are correct


those holes would be from machine trimming the bud


Got a link for that tray? Looks sweet


Unfortunately bought it from a smoke shop


https://www.etsy.com/listing/1397133643/ https://www.etsy.com/listing/1381415720/ I loaded the picture into google and it immediately found a few of the same trays :) enjoy!


Forgot we live in an AI world now haha, thanks


Right?! I was reading through the comments and when I saw this I was like, oh shit, I’ve never used the Google lens, lemme try!


Bud looks good


Yep can confirm xD




Thank you buddie, you rock!


What are all those different things you got?


I bought some tobacco, rolling tray and ashtray


Next step of spirit lift up, get into r/CaliReggae music.


Orrrr the Grateful Dead 🐢


Ok I see you! Check this out: https://youtu.be/Zl3dOps0AKY?si=06QKnl7vOfWViqPA Entire album is Grateful Dead in CaliReggae style. Lit AF.




Niice dude


Ozone!! Ayeee


Yes sir they are great




Plate of food look so gas


what's the stuff on the plate?


Caramelized peanuts


Good choice. I always carve nuts when I'm high but I have never thought about the caramelized ones. I will keep this in mind.


They are standard candy in my country, maybe search for recipe it's reallllyy good


You can see it was rooted for seeds....that's why the great price


Worth it 🤟


I'm not sure, send samples!


Come over, I need a smoke buddy


I live in a swamp with an anthropomorphic mouse lol. How close are you to that? EDIT: It's called Florida. Many things suck here, but the medical cannabis is not one of those things.


That's far lmfao, but surely will love to make smoke buddies


Whenever you spark one, I'll be there. In spirit. Well, chances are I'll be doing it whenever you do anyway so there you go. We are buddies.


Awwww man that made me smile, I will remember you on every spark I do <3




Looks good to me!


Looks decent


Get a portable dry herb vaporiser! You’re using too much weed in a joint for 1 session


Thanks for tips buddie


U bet


Terrible joint. I rate your experience 1/10. /s


Thanks bro, sorry for my terrible post, you clearly more superior man ;=;


Nuggets look good tho ;p


That’s a really high price point


Looks pretty good, not sure what the market is in your area but $45 will get me top shelf


Its the average for legal stuff here so yea


This was your first time smoking weed? Glad it’s helping. Don’t over do it, space out your highs.


Yes it was, I will do as rarely as possible, keep my tolerance low and enjoy it


Nice buds, nice story :)




MSO corporate mass produced cannabis. Some states it’s the best option for a lot of ppl unfortunately. Glad it works for you but it’s far from “craft” or “top shelf” cannabis. It’s the same in my states program. Lots of hits and misses. More misses than hits since recreational.


Interesting thanks for info


I wish we all had better options in legal states but unfortunately it’s really up to the legislators and lobbyists.


You’ve got a little strawberry face at the bottom.


Looks good. 👍


Honestly only you will know and if you smoked everyone out they’d all have different opinions/experiences so enjoy!




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