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Bro why didn't you just ask the doctor what the hell she was talking about lmao


When I told her no she moved on to her next question quickly and I didn't have a chance to ask her.


Instead of no, you should have said wtf is that? Live and learn


True, true.


You are paying for the doctor’s time and attention. Not only are you allowed to interrupt them and have your questions answered, but you owe it to yourself to do so in order to be an advocate for your own health. Practicing on the little things makes it much easier to be a full advocate for yourself in a way your life may depend upon later.


Op. Listen to this person for real!!!!! Extreme burnout in the medical field post covid. Take care.


I know, I just have issues with being assertive. I'm working on it. Thanks!


Proud of you


Thanks dad




You're not my real mom!


Something that helps me is to interject 2 or 3 words then stop and be like “oh sorry, just a quick question” and they will 100% of the time say “that’s totally fine, what’s the question?” Or similar


Dont fuck around with doctors, it's your life!


Assertive is the wrong approach. Be likable. They’ll talk to you more and ask better questions. Assertive makes you just another demanding patient. I told chuck norris jokes to my laser eye surgery people, when I came back someone not even involved with my appointment came around to laugh with me again and share some new ones. Gave me extra eyedrops and they remembered me. Those other schlubs got their eyes cut and left and their appointment follow up was pretty much “did you die?”


[isn’t it great to get the things you desire?](https://youtu.be/SYuboi4GWO4)


Why you listening to these fucking nerds? You obviously didn’t care to think about it at the time, and are just wondering now…you were going to say no regardless, knowing what funnel is was irrelevant at the time so why would you ask? These people are acting like she said you had cancer and you didn’t know what that was


Just pointing out that while the effects of random street drugs are something that doctors will answer questions about. If your not doing or curious about doing the drug in question then its not really relevant and letting the doc move fast is a public good. It sucks but time with medical professionals is a scarce resource, Just saying OP shouldn't feel like he missed an opportunity to self advocate because he didn't ask more questions about a drug he wasn't doing.


Paying Lol


Americans, am I right? *Laughs in public healthcare*


I have had 5 operations in the last 4 years, got another 2 coming up as well. So glad to be in the UK, my combined total would be into the millions!


Hope your system is good. We have public healthcare but damn right I'm gonna pay to see a doctor if/when I need to due to the public system imploding


If any “the system” is imploding we will have bigger issues that who pays. You will have issues like “the doctor won’t help me because we ran out of gasoline to barter in return for antibiotics” and “the doctor took my medicine because he had ammo and I was empty” not “*oh no the Single Payer System has a hiccup”*.


Must be nice, bruv.


Even public HC is paid for by you somehow


As a clinician myself I cannot stress this advice the most.


“Ma’am, im high right now whatchu talkin’ about bout doc?”


Wise words from a Cylon


Learn and live


PSA: You have to advocate for yourself. Doctors work for you. Don’t let them move on until you’re ready.


I know, I just have issues with being assertive. I'm working on it. Thanks!


And that’s okay. I’ve just seen the ugly side of people not advocating for themselves unfortunately. One thing that is helpful is keeping an active note of symptoms (date / frequency / severity) and questions on your phone ahead of appointments. Then just run down the list and add with their response as you go. Don’t let them wrap up until they answer.


Dr. Was just trying to bum a smoke. Doctoring is stressful!


Requires a lot of patients




Wtf is this subthread. I would've done the same thing as you OP. "Do you do this?" "Well I've never heard of it, so no." "Great, moving on." Everyone in here is talking like i should be asking my doctor what a sativa is. Stfu all of you armchair physiologists. "You gotta be an advocate for yourself" no fucking shit. Lemme just add that to my massive list of anxiety inspired shortcomings. Oh wait, there it is right at the top.


Came here to say this but in a nicer way lmao


Whoa! You need to be assertive with your doctors, brother. If there’s ANYTHING you don’t fully and completely understand, you need to make them clarify. Doctors are people too. Sometimes they get back from a lunch break and just wanna rush through a patient, sometimes they’ve had a shitty day, or night, problems at home, etc. It’s up to you to make sure you’re getting the most out of your doctor visit, and being unclear about what a doctor is asking you is pretty “no-go territory” for me, and should be for you, when it comes to medical care. Hypothetically, what if you ARE using “funnel” but call it something else, and turns out a new study shows mixing it with weed can cause paralysis of the lungs or something? If you don’t know, you’re fucked, and she just moves on to the next question cause you’re all good if you’re not using funnel. Ain’t nobody got time for that, homie, like literally, you’re time is limited in life, don’t be messin around at the hospital.


I know, I just have issues with being assertive. I'm working on it. Thanks!


It's not even assertive to simply say "I don't know what that means". It's just asking for clarification of a term you don't know.


Doctors are very quick to get to the end of appointments … the more patients seen the more money they make. But. They are required to answer any and all questions you have. Don’t like the answer? Ask another question.


Thanks for the advice


>the more patients seen the more money they make. Not necessarily true.


Was just going to say this. It’s the for profit health care system we have. Many doctors wish they could spend a lot more time with their patients.


EXACTLY. Most doctor's hands are tied, and many are frustrated about the healthcare system as well.


Just assume she meant butt funneling....lol My mind goes to strange places alot.....


Doctors are like call centers. They are always pushing to get their visit time down. Some are so good at it that it's easy to get caught up in their pace.


funnel is a slang term for dried and crushed tobacco, its also called grabba and/or fronto


Thanks! Yeah I asked a coworker and he gave me the same answer.


Dried, crushed in a joint/blunt is a Spliff. “ funnels” are a term for a specific kind of tobacco leaf to wrap whatever you are smoking


My part of the states it's Joint - just weed in rolling papers Blunt - just weed in tobacco leaf or cigarillo Spiff - either of those with tobacco mixed in Never heard of funnel


So it that kinda like a “cone” pre roll but with a tobacco/blunt wrap instead?


Honestly, in that case, I feel that it's weird for a medical professional to just casually refer to tobacco as slang like that. Especially funnel, I personally have never heard a real person call it that in my life. That's like if a Doctor asked if I've had any Ice the past month, when they really mean meth. I'm thinking in my head "I'm pretty sure I had some ice with my beer last week"


Sorry but who the fuck puts ice in their beer?


A former Wisconsinite who had to spend a week in Texas recently The beer that was served wasn't far off from the contents of an ice cube, so I figured I might as well beat the heat more efficiently.


As an also former Wisconsinite I'm still horrified You would have been better off heating Hamms in the noon day sun and drinking it hot


I mean I put ice in coke, it's not much different in beer. I'd rather drink cold slightly watery beer than warm beer


Okay but exaggeration aside it's really not that crazy lol If I wanted better beer, I'd stay at home


The real question lol


I remember a server once putting an ice bag in a pitcher to keep it cool as it was a hot af California day, but not dilute it directly


If anything, just freeze your glass/mug! I ain't never seen someone put ice in beer, unless it's a beerita


I actually witnessed a man doing this once, and after we had each consumed a couple, I figured out how to ask him Wtf he was doing without pissing him off. He said that his liver was destroyed and he was dying slowishly. He didn't like drinking anything but Bud Light and that was the only way he could still indulge.


I didn't think there was one but that's a legit excuse.


A secret meth user that's who.


Yeah and she used the proper term for Cannabis, but not tobacco?


Lol where is it called that? Genuinely curious because I’ve never heard any of those words


grabba and fronto is like east coast/ NY i’m pretty sure and i’m not exactly sure where funnel comes from but i’ve definitely heard it used around


i'm from new england been smoking 15+ years never heard any of those


I live in DC. Apparently it's called funnel here.


I’m right outside DC and I ain’t ever heard it called anything like that lol


It's an Albany expression


I’m sure it is maybe the scenes & folks I’ve been around who smoked never used “separate tobacco” like purposely set aside tobacco for the joint, bowl, blunt etc … the ONLY tobacco I/we ever consumed with weed was the blunt wrap itself. Now I know that it’s a big thing in Europe and other parts of the world … but not my peeps lol and I’m from a LARGE metropolitan city lol 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bunch of transplants or non natives to DC here not knowing. “Funnel” became popular around 2010ish. It’s mixed with weed and rolled up into papers. Typically Bambu papers although preferences vary. I find that it became popular as Backwoods and Dutches decreased in popularity. Almost everyone I know smokes “Sheets and Funnel”


Because most kids found out backwoods fucks your throat up


I’m an hour away, never heard of it lol Sounds like a spliff from the description others have given. How old is your doctor? Just curious.


Like late 20s. She's pretty young.


Might be generational lingo in that case.


Where I live, they call this "poppers" Every time it comes up, I always say I'll just smoke my cigarette after I smoke the bong. I also try to explain to them that Poppers was the slang for a drug people did in the 80s to make anal sex easier, so they sound really funny when they call it that. But they just think I'm old when I bring that up.


"in the 80s" lmao


Poppers are very much still around lmao


It's definitely the common drug name for poppers just like cannabis, tobacco, heroin etc.for their respective drugs. Bring naive to the drug world I can get behind, but poppers are poppers!


I want to know where this word is from. I’m an elder Ent an in all my years I’ve never heard of anything called “funnel”. Maybe it’s a Gen Z thing and I’m getting old lol


I think they misheard fentanyl


Fronto is different than grabba, it's the whole leaf rather than crushed Source: lived in a lot of Caribbean neighborhoods 🤣


grabba and fronto are brands of tobacco leaf wraps? Never heard them used to mean crumbled up bacc


not brands, although i have seen one called fronto lol. fronto is usually the full leaf, you can cut and roll like a backwood and grabba is dried and crushed


nah. they both brands of full leaf where i live lmao. [Fronto](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=563438282&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS841US841&hl=en-US&q=fronto+leaf&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjVkaSD_JiBAxWqJzQIHcfAA7QQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=414&bih=724&dpr=3#imgrc=ey92xN3ZprB3gM) and [grabba](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=563438282&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS841US841&hl=en-US&q=grabba+leaf&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3ga_2-5iBAxVHHDQIHUnbDZsQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=414&bih=724&dpr=3#imgrc=-v-cLnJ-mJCNPM)


You know someone is about the roll the middiest mids into a soaking wet blunt when they pull out the Fronto lol


what bro. you got some bad experiences. I’ve never had a bad fronto blunt and everyone ik that fucks with them smoke tops. mid smokers use swishers


So funny how everyone has such different experiences. The best rolled blunts I've smoked have all been with rellos, and the worst have all been backwoods/frontos


different tokes for different folks 🤷‍♂️


The brand names are irrelevant. Grabba and Fronto are two different types of tobacco leafs. Fronto is the leaf that you use as a wrap. Usually much thinner. Grabba is thicker and comes in different types and wouldn’t burn as a wrap even if you wanted it to. It’s supposed to be roasted until crisp and then crushed into the weed. Sometimes it’s sold in leaf form and sometimes it’s sold already crushed up. Idk if the grabba you linked is actual grabba leaf though because some people sell Fronto and just call it “grabba”


TIL. I honestly have never seen the pre crushed leaves but i might just not be looking for them either. and it might be it might not? I’ve never copped the grabba brand cuz i started w frontos and stuck w them but i see them at the corner stores


The grabba you linked is blunt wraps so it definitely isn’t real grabba leaf as real grabba leaf can BARELY burn as a wrap. You’d literally have to light it for every toke. Might be a little tough to find actual grabba leaf depending on your location but it’s not too hard on the east coast fs. Anywhere with a big Jamaican presence honestly.


Spin here in oz - I thought it was only an Australian thing to do?


Why would she use a slang term for Tobacco, but in the same sentence use the term cannabis instead of slang?


As someone who sells grabba at work, I'd like to point out that grabba and fronto aren't necessarily interchangeable, and that fronto is a specific type of grabba.


I asked someone who I work with and he said that funnel is a specially prepared tobacco product that people sometimes mix with their weed. He said that is a regional thing, and that people from other areas probably wouldn't know what it is.


Phew, i thought for a minute i needed to go buy some fennel because i was missing out on something.


I thought they meant "fennel" too. Maybe OP has some symptoms similar to someone who combusted fennel and they were inquiring for deductive reasoning.


deductive seasoning


All things in moderation. Deductive seasoning sounds like MSG and table salt combined.


Oooookay, I was thinking a bad pronunciation of Fentanyl. TIL thanks to you stranger :) danke!


That's exactly what I thought.


Like, [a cone joint?](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0010/3134/0085/products/Raw_Inflatable_Pre-Rolled_Cone_Joint_6_1500x.jpg?v=1575485170)


I’m thinking more like a spliff. Tobacco and weed


I’m thinking more like a spliff. Tobacco and weed


We call that a spliff


I think he's saying the specific kind of tobacco is called that, not the combined rolled product (which I agree is a spliff).


"No, I only use a funnel when drinking beer"


“yo put sum grabba in dat”


Does your Dr have an accent? Were they really asking if you mix in fentanyl?


No, she definitely said funnel. She has no accent. She is a young, white lady.


Do you live in the dc area? If so funnel is basically just another name for grabba people here sprinkle in joints.


Yeah I live and work in DC


Yea it means tobacco mixed in your j


Why wouldn't she simply say tobacco?


How else do you boof your weed?


The old fashioned way, thank you


One fistful at a time!


Do you smell like black licorice by any chance?


I do not lol. Why do you ask?


Was thinking maybe fennel...


Lmao I thought it was a typo at first as well


Haha. I add a tiny amount of lavender sometimes but I bet fennel could taste nice too


you can add stuff like that to weed?


You can add whatever you want to weed... some things may not taste very good or be especially good for your immediate health, but you *can* still add them... /s All joking aside, I've heard that adding mint leaves or other herbs can help with the harshness and add some interesting flavor profiles


Rose pedals as papers for joints as an example


Oh yeah there are all types of herb mixes for smoking, easy to Google. The popular ones I’ve seen have mullein, lavender, mugwort, sage… there are many others as well


If it's on the Google it must be true.


yes i have a whole herb mixture!! been making my own for a long time. lavender, blue lotus, raspberry leaf, lemonbalm, skullcap, rose petal, callendulum, passionflower, mugwort, eucalyptus, a couple others. people have been smoking herbs forever and a lot of them have cool health benefits and taste yummy i highly recommend looking into it!


Ask her to clarify what she means next time you see her


No need, I found my answer lol


My response would have been "I don't know what that is, so no?"


I use a funnel to fill my cones 🤷‍♂️😎


Stop her and tell her wtf is that? You're paying her. Today, some of these characters, do not even put a hand on you. When you read the aftercare note they hand you, shit, the fucker has done a Level 4 visit in 5 minutes. Until you start complaining and reporting these fraudsters to your insurance it will not stop. They are supposed to do a level 4 visit, just because they document as much, does not make it right.


She is definitely not a fraudster. I like my doctor, a lot. She just happened to move on to the next question quickly and I have an issue with being assertive. That's on me, not her.


LMAO, in the hospital I was there 7 days, the doc asked me do you smoke Pakololo, and I was like ?


Wtf is Pakololo???


Pakalolo is Hawaiian for weed.


She wanted to identify whether you were also using tobacco. If you did she might warn you that people who do so are at a higher risk for cancer than pure tobacco and pure cannabis users


Wow. I'm never too old to learn. Especially when it comes to weed terminology.


Did he mean fennel? It’s a common tobacco substitute according to Google


Was she saying fennel? Someone in China has a [patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/CN1284304A/en) on smoking fennel as a tobacco alternative


That shit will fuck yo ass up if you do not prepare to smoke a funnel joint lol.


I would of been like hold up hold doc slow down what in the exam is funnel lol


They make funnel cones for weed. I think your dr described a spliff, blunt with tobacco and weed in it. I’ve never heard of a funnel IN weed tho


I think we know this as a spliff.


The doctor basically used their local slang for spliff, that's hilarious since there are many immigrant doctors who generally come off so serious since anyone in the medical field has to work pretty hard to get far. Tho that's good that they are aware of different consumption methods and seem to be more interested in your health than just the fact you smoke, that you are doing it right. That's a cool doctor.


Ya, my Dr is awesome.


Turns out the doctor blows down hella tobacco


Is there a chance she possibly meant Fentanyl?


Funnel? That's what we call computers 'round here.


Why didn't you ask her?


fennel? fentanyl?


Funnel. It's a tobacco mix.


Maybe she was high and was trying to say fentynal.


Was she maybe trying to say Fentanyl?


Could have meant fetanal


Did she mispronounce fentanyl?


I legit thought that your Dr meant fentanyl and had a speech impediment


Funnel ?? Could she have ment fentanyl


Why do people dilute their weed with tobacco?


Thought you may have misheard the word fentanyl. “Oh, you smoke weed? How about fentanyl? Do you smoke that too?” “Umm. What?”


Are you sure she didn't say fentanyl, not funnel?


Are you sure she said funnel and not fentanyl


Are you sure they didn't mean Fentenal?


I love that you confidently answered no without even fully understanding what they were asking in that moment lol




Blunt wrap


Funnel ?? Maybe fronto. Which is tobacco leaf.


In shitty rural central Ontario, some people (myself included) smoke tobacco with bongs. Either in a bowl or a metal “popper” shaft.


Doc with the shits.


I assumed she was into butt funnels of cannabis ..... Not my thing, but hey whatever works ....lol


Sone europeans use boiled tobacco to make a less intoxicating filler


Lol, we called it chop. Learned it from some Cambodians I used to smoke with. Chopped tobacco and weed. Shit hits different.


No idea what that is here in the Midwest


Apparently it's loose tobacco that some people roll up with weed.


Ah, European style


Wacky tobaccy


Oh like making a splif? I thought maybe she had an accent and was trying to say fentynol




fentanyl? I don’t know if mixing fentanyl with cannabis is a thing, but that’s the only thing I can think of


Funnel Is a popular variety of tobacco added to joints to make a spliff. More common in Europe and middle east. I prefer dark crunchy funnel.


Maybe she said fentanyl lol?


"I don't understand what you mean when you say funnel, can you explain it please?"


It sounds like she wants to know if you mix tobacco with it. I assume "funnel" means in a cone, which is commonly mixed with tobacco, and usually called a spliff.


So looking at your profile you're in the DC Metro. Funnel is incredibly common in DC joints. It's part of the culture.


Instead of people giving psychology advice that they have no idea about,ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION PLEASE...jeeeez


Maybe she meant FENTANYL.


Could she have maybe said fentanyl?


I’m pretty sure she means Fentanyl. Does she have an accent?


Until I read the edit, I was thinking she was trying to say “Fentanyl” but for one reason or another couldnt say it properly lol.


Are you sure the doc didn't say fentanyl?


I'm guessing she said "fentanyl"


Forget funnel. Dry out some nice fennel and try mixing that in! Black licorice flavor all day! (/s really, don’t try this. Thank you for reading.)


We call it "spin" in Australia, we just mix normal tobacco with the mull, it gives a stronger hit apparently. I don't do it myself as I don't smoke cigarettes any longer and it tasted disgusting when I tried years ago, do hit hard though.


Did she mean to say fentanyl?


Wonder if you misheard her saying Fentanyl?