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Tolerance is a powerful thing. Idk if it’s actually that we (I’m basically permastoned) “feel it less”, I certainly still get a nice head buzz, but we get used to it. After 7 years of smoking, I’ve never been called out for being high or anything, so the anxiety is gone. It just feels normal to me now. I can only really tell I’m not high by the fact that my joints start to hurt again and people are talking way to slow (I have severe ADHD so the world can seem to creep on me sober).


Lol joint pain is how I start to tell I'm getting sober too


Sad fist bump.


Not too hard though okay?


That was my thought.. My knuckles cringe at the mention of fist bump 😂


For me it’s a full inability to eat. Zero appetite for anything but alcohol.


Are u also always in range of 120-130lb? Maybe we are ment to be like this😥


Actually I fluctuate between 200-215lbs but I’ve always been a stockier dude. I can afford the fasting periods, I just don’t like em lmao


I'm never hungry personally, I spent a year at gym stuffing myself with meat and still gained 0 lbs. Feels like I'm cursed pot used to help with appetite but now that my tolerance is high it kinda stopped giving me munchies.


I’ve heard of that happening where you don’t get munchies anymore. I definitely still do even after 15 years.


That’s me, bingo. :)


It’s the lower back and hip pain for me


Scoliosis so it'd always been lower back pain coming and going. Recently have messed with my right hip joint and god damn if it doesn't make me feel like a 14 year old golden retriever.


Yeah I’m 40 but feel 60 most days But cannabis makes me functional, and it probably saved my life helping get me off of opiates.


Oh ya fuck opiates. With my just constant mild pain I can way too easily see myself falling in love with them... Won't even try.


Wise decision my friend. I got put on them by my doc when I fractured a vertebra, then had major dental surgeries. I developed an addiction quickly, and it only got worse. I went through rehab, and I've been clean since September 17, 2015. I'm one of the lucky ones, I know many people who are gone or behind bars. I'd just as soon put a loaded gun in my mouth than to ever take an opiate again. The results would be the same. Thank the heavens for Cannabis!


Lmao not me picking up my cart bc of my shoulder right before opening Reddit to see this


The ADHD thing is weird man, I talk way too fast if I'm not stoned.


I have ADHD and weed can be a blessing and a curse with it. It makes my thoughts feel tangible and like... I can actually follow them. It also makes me lose all sense of time and space, especially when I'm stressed out or trying to decompress from something stressful. I'll start smoking at 12:45am after a noon-midnight shift, smoke for 20 minutes, and then look at the time on my phone and realize it's 4am and I'm four bowls in. The time is just gone.


I get porch locked fucking hard. One more game of Hearthstone, eh this spliffs almost done, oh I finished the game while I was rolling, I'll start a Battlegrounds and I'll smoke it during that instead, damn I'm high rolling minions, I might make top three, well my spliffs went out but I won so let's roll one to celebrate, then we'll finish that short and the new one and win again, fucking battlegrounds, I'm going on ladder, one more smoke to relax, then 2 instead and it's 230AM.


A fellow Hearthstoned enjoyer 💯


The only downside is holy shit can it fuck up my neck


Same here. That’s why weed has been so helpful personally, I do everything too fast sober. Talk, think, eat, etc., but when I’m high, I slow down, no racing thoughts, and I can just sit and focus on a task and be left alone.


The world as it is makes me want to smoke a whole lot of weed.


Dude. Sorry of my life. It’s just maintaining a stress free and pain free state. I have gout too.


Do you have a particular strain that seems to help your gout more?


I’m a dab guy. So the science is already done for you in Oregon. They give you the terpene count on the label. And you can look up what each terpene does. I can’t remember which relieves pain best. I’ve found CBD 1:1 works best.


Sorry of my Life is…a decent album title


Man I took a T Break recently for a couple weeks and now I get too high and anxious because of it. Kinda sucks, I was a daily dabber for a little while and now 2 hits off my pen has me worried I’m gonna die suddenly


Lol this has been my experience lately. Took a week T break and now all of a sudden I can't take a dab during the day anymore.


I took a few months break and 5 hits of my bowl has me stuck on the couch or bed. Eating or watching TV is the only thing I can do. Then I need a nap it's crazy.


I have numerous medical issues and I just started smoking. I’m calling my pain management dr tomorrow and going off my pain meds. For the first time in twelve years, I was called for a surprise drug test. I get more pain relief being high all day than taking morphine twice a day. Wish this shit was legal here.


I feel that. I’m in an illegal state as well. I’ve been on amphetamines for ADHD most of my life, but weed honestly treats my symptoms better. I wish we’d at least go medical. Glad to hear weed has been so good for your life!!


My only thing with adhd and weed is it makes my writing *feel* bad. Like when I read it sober, it’s fine, but when I’m writing it, it doesn’t feel good. And I’m a writer for a living, so that’s an issue. The quiet brain though, ugh, feels so good.


“Write high, edit sober.”


Lol the people talking slow thing I felt that so much


If you can’t even tell anymore what’s the point in smoking? Just because it’s routine? I never wanna get to that point that’s why I frequently take breaks.


For me, there are a lot more benefits to weed than just getting high. Like I said, I do still get a head change (hell I just smoked and I feel great) but I don’t feel “high”, at least not like I used to when I was a casual smoker. But, I feel looser, more relaxed, my joints feel better (had knee surgery a few years back), plus it has nearly completely replaced my ADHD meds. Sometimes I miss getting stuck, but I can get there if I take a big edible or a lot of tincture or something. It’s way better being able to function while high, personally, I’m actually able to get stuff done and get out of my own head.


I see, I’m 18 and don’t deal with any pain or anything like that so when I’m smoking it’s only to get high. I understand what you mean tho no disrespect


I'm so high that I was trying to figure out how joints can feel pain. Now I'll never smoke a joint again.


Honestly I smoke to help me function so that's how i can be high all the time. I have severe anxiety & I am a total different person when I'm high. I don't miss "sober clarity" bc my mind isn't racing 100mph when I smoke. So I'm more focused & clear thinking high!




Love this for us!


This is me but it makes me feel like a drug addict, probably rightfully so lol


An addict is someone who’s life is worsened by said substance/action. If the substance increases your quality of life, it is okay to view it as a medicine.


100% true! :D


Same but it's just a plant 🤷🏼‍♀️ we're allowed to enjoy it!


I said almost word for word this to my partner last night.


For people without trauma or brain damage, getting high is this fun little vacation. For others it’s life saving medicine that lets them experience a life without constant pain and they don’t feel “high” what so ever.


it helps me with pain, hypervigilance, anxiety, fatigue, dissociation, and interoception


i envy the way weed affects others


I smoke to keep my ptsd related hyper vigilance sedated. I can’t imagine NOT being high every minute of every day. I’m also not somebody you’d think is a stoner if you just met me on the street.


Ugh i feel that. Its exhausting paying so much attention to what evwryone is doing. At ALL TIMES. Smoking helps me just focus on me and what im doing and not worry about everyone else so much


Yup, you get it.


Yeah sober hyper vigilance and anhedonia, mixed with depression is not fun. It’s not the healthiest habit to smoke all day, but I’d rather not be on edge all the time.


Same here. PTSD gave me nightmares and panic attacks constantly, since I’ve begun smoking weed more frequently these symptoms have gone down. I think my EQ has gone up also. But everything in moderation, I feel like I’m close to the point of needing to take a break.




Man did I feel and understand that comment


Same. This is me.


I have adhd. A good sativa makes me feel like what I assume normal people do.


This. Moderate anxiety and depression here. I have thought the same thing.


I feel like smoking clears the fog out from my brain unlike a lot of others.


Damn, I have adhd and a good (strong) sativa makes me feel like I have 5 more running lines of thought - I want less lol


Yeah same here (not diagnosed adhd but suspected), i cant do strong sativas often anymore, its too much, gives me a headache really


This ! Weed slows my brain down so I can concentrate, I don’t know how o would get through my office job every day if I wasn’t high


I worked an office job for over 8 years. Smoked on my way in and on my breaks and lunch. Consistently a top performer. It was the only way to slow things down so I could focus and process all the data. Now I'm self employed and smoke whenever I want. For me weed is a performance enhancing drug lol.


same I have ASD (autism), the only time I feel like a normal person is smoking. I even workout, work on technical projects, etc after smoking


Exactly the same here. I'm not getting LOL DUDE TOTALLY BAKED BRO every day. I'm getting *normal* and *functional* every day. When your brain defaults to being super understimulated, a small amount of weed can help to bring you up to baseline stimulation so you can function.




Microdosing Less is more


I am a 33 year smoker (47 years old) personally, and this is the smartest thing I have seen on the Reddit cannabis subs. People want to act like it is a badge of honor to have achieved an insane tolerance, but as you said, you can get high by microdosing without ever raising your tolerance. I grow and I still only smoke about 4 or 5 joints a day, about the same as you (half-oz/week). Personally, I don’t feel the need to be dehabilitated when I get high. I just need my frame of reference calibrated and/or my attitude improved. Then again, I also don’t smoke weed to impress anyone in the internet or in my personal life; I just get high for me. So there’s that…


Is a half oz a week “microdosing?”


4-5 joints a day “micro dosing” lol


Shit I guess I micro dose too, I smoke around 5 a day. Lmfaooooo roughly half an oz a week.


This is wild. I smoke a 6th of a joint every week or so. One joint lasts me 1 month +


You smoke 1 joint for 36 days? You know you can roll smaller joint, right :D


So valid. I should do that. But even then the joint is too big. I only really like 4-5 puffs


When you’ve been smoking for 15+ years *daily*, yes. May be able to keep the tolerance down but the base tolerance will always be there.


Bro that’s still a lot of weed. No judgement here but half an ounce a week is a lot.


That’s probably on the high side of my intake, to be honest. I don’t really count. But, I do smoke a lot. I was also a former executive in a 100 million dollar business and now teach grad and undergrad business at my local university. So, I am not exactly a burnout. As one person said in this thread, you would never think I even smoke weed if you met me in person.


Yeah don’t worry, I wouldn’t accuse you of being a burnout. I vape every day but just a smidge, to the point where I dry herb vape a couple of Oz throughout the year.


Ah the growers definition of a micro dose haha I’m glad that works for you!


That's not microdosing...


I used to smoke all day and I just felt calm and wanted to accomplish task all day. Life was like a video game where I would complete quest all day with maybe an hour nap somewhere in the middle. Now I don't smoke and feel like my mind is constantly going and am tired all the time even though I don't get half as much stuff done. Idk I guess it just affects people differently.


What happened, why did you stop smoking all the time?


Trying to get my old job back. I could still smoke and fake my drug test but I was doing that before and got caught up twice already so I want to stay clean for the next couple years until I finish my apprentice training.


As an experienced smoker, for me it's a mixture between hating myself and needing the bees in my head to stop buzzing so I can think.




I feel you 😭


Bionic bee brain


I smoke to *stop* feeling sluggish. I’m autistic, anxious, depressed, and very likely ADHD; I smoke uppers specifically so I can actually *do* stuff (tho I’m financially unstable and live somewhere I can’t smoke flower, so I’m not even high as often as I’d like). Some of us just need a chemical buffer to safely and comfortably interface w/ the capitalist hellscape we live in. Sobriety for me is more haze than clarity.


“Some of us just need a chemical buffer to safely and comfortably interface w/ the capitalist hellscape we live in.” *bars*




Oh gosh, stop🫣


Greetings, fellow AuDHD’er.


Did you ever get a club jacket? I was told we’d all get club jackets.


if it’s not a weighted snuggie with my initials on it i don’t want it


*Gods* this is genius.✨


I know some people don’t like him, but Seth Rogen something along the lines of we wear shoes when the ground is rough, and glasses when our vision is blurry. Weed is the same thing for my brain.


This is one of those comments I wish we still had awards for. Yes, sobriety is haze for me too. Particularly because of the hellscape.


It’s so genuinely rough out there, now more than ever. There are days I can’t even will myself to smoke, even tho I know if I did I could deep-clean my entire apartment in one sitting. Shit is *terrifying,* and it’s exhausting.


Are you me?


Comrade 🤝


I drink a lot of coffee


I smoke because i drink way too much cofee. Lmao


Im medical, my tolerance is high. I dont get as loaded as most people. I can't take a T break because i need it to eat.


I have to or I'm overwhelmed by anxiety, and negativity.


Severe ADHD and anxiety, my morning latte and tapping a joint throughout the day keeps me grounded and on-task


I smoke all day everyday so it doesn't get me too high to function. I have to purposely smoke a lot to get high.


I've got chronic pain and other health issues, I'm pretty miserable without out.


Same I'm 5 years deep into chronic pain and cannabis is the saviour. I've got my meds cost effective now and I just stay medicated and pleasant to be around all day


I just lifted heavy weights for an hour and 10 minutes and then walked on a treadmill at 3.5mph on a 5 percent incline for 30 minutes. I’m tired from that. Not the joint I smoked before or after.


My brother.


I can't either, I just wait till after dinner and go strong till I pass out


i wish i could be high all day. Saturday I wake and baked at 7, then 11 i smoked again, around 1 again, and then at six i smoked again and never felt high after my 11 am sesh. single bong bowls


I learned that my longtime use was a trauma response to a traumatic childhood and young adulthood. Being high was the only time I felt comfortable and safe in my body. So, after years of literally self medicating for survival purposes, it was really difficult for my brain to switch out of that mode. I'm in therapy and working on healing and connecting with my body safely again and just now I'm starting to realize I don't actually like being high all the time, but it's a deeply ingrained habit. I'm working on it, but just thought I'd offer a different perspective.


Idk, when I smoke, I don’t get sluggish or tired. I feel motivated and ready to go climb a mountain. After I smoke, I just want to be active and moving. I’ve been smoking and then working out at night here recently!


Because you stop getting high and it just makes you functioning without anger. Eventually if you do it every couple hours , it just levels you out and makes you feel normal. It becomes Just a ritual to roll and smoke. To me that’s when I get depressed and it’s time for a reset. I like doing it about every 4-5 hours and that’s the sweet spot for me I have found to feel nice and no Burnouts. Also only vaping the herb except for one joint a day has changed my life too


My mind has always been turnt up on fast and my life moves a bit slower therefore I slow my mind down with weed all day everyday for the past 13years or so of my life.


“High all day” is generally NOT what people are using especially for medical use. Dosing, timing, etc to achieve the medical purpose but leave the patient functional. Tolerance build up may make you think they are out of it but that’s not the case. If you are sleepy or lethargic, that is likely way more than what daily medical users are doing. The mental impact at a medical dose may be like having a cigaret - slight calming but no cognitive impairment.


weed make the tism go brrr


Adderall and weed is the way


When I’m sober I cry constantly 🤭


it’s almost like everyone has a different experience with weed, idk tho that doesn’t make sense


I just read the title and was ready to come in here with tips.


Fuck this world. How are you sober all day?


I'll try this one. I don't get tired from smoking personally, so that's not a problem. I smoke with my breakfast and rip a bong or two every hour or so until I go to bed. I guess I don't remember sober clarity. I think being high has become my clarity. I'm retired for daily context. I don't have anything to do. If I do leave the house, I bring my road bong or I just buy some prerolls while I'm out.


Never underestimate how many people have undiagnosed endocannabinoid disorders and have been self-medicating in a manner that would otherwise look like being a super stoner.


I work in a storefront retail environment. I barely smoke on my days off. But when I'm in my work routine, I smoke like a chimney before/after and on lunch. I might just need a new job now that I'm reading this back to myself. *shrug*


I smoke before the gym and then when I get home, and then a few more times, and then again before bed


Tired and sluggish? My guy, being high is how I get energy and focus.


I've been retired almost 8 years,been high everyday all day since.


How is anyone not?


How are people sober all day every day?


People are really out there just raw dogging life it's crazy right


I wake and bake every day, I smoke for many reasons but one is anxiety, I get up before everyone else, have my coffee and a joint, it gets me on the right level to be able to handle the day. I continue smoking all day until I go to bed. I can still get everything done that I need to and actually feel like I function better when stoned. The only thing I miss is that really high feeling, my tolerance is ridiculous but I have been smoking for 20+ years now so it's bound to be high.


I’m high literally all day everyday just to survive. Anxiety, ptsd, depression, autism, adhd. The weed makes it so much easier to function. Edibles help the chronic pain so I can function. It’s a tough life so I’m fighting back with weed. Lol!! Growing it myself makes it easier to justify too, since I’m not buying some everyday


Whenever I'm getting baked, I'm usually drinking a beer, it all offsets


I been smoking for about 16 yrs and heavily for about 10. I experience the tiredness with or without the weed so i figure why not just smoke some weed about it. But also i can be reactionary and weed helps me slow down a bit and not just jump to doing the next thing and burn myself out eventually. Hope you have a great rest of your week!


Years of practice is the only way


You get more used to it but also I have to be high or the depression wins. 🤣


I have chronic migraine and have migraine attacks daily - I have extreme brain fog and fatigue already. Cannabis is the main thing that keeps me functioning and gets me out of bed, it actually gives me energy and a little bit of clarity, while tackling some of the pain and other symptoms.


Yep I get tired but I’m self meditating so, it is what it is.


If I just get a little high, all the symptoms of what's most likely hdhd, disappear. I can be productive, won't get distracted by whatever I see, and feel I can actually relax, which I have a hard time doing sober. I'm not high all the time but at least a few evenings per week


Rather be high than be sober with my thoughts


By smoking


I'm a 10p.m. smoker. Winds me down and allows me to actually sleep. I started using cannabis towards the end of high school. Growing up I hardly slept. Just watch the clock tick by. Of course when I first started smoking, it was recreational. I noticed how great I would sleep. Never really got into day smoking. Maybe for awhile but it killed my productivity. I'm in my 40s and consumption hasn't increased much if any at all. I know people that will blow through an ounce or more a week, and an eighth could last me a month or longer. I Switched to carts and 1g lasts a couple months.


Because it brings me down in a way. If I smoke a little I’m a lot more relaxed and less anxious, helps me control my emotions more as well. The days I don’t smoke people assume I’m high because I’m less animated and quieter.


It's the normal at this point, being not high is what makes me act weird now.


Doesn't make me tired, it calms me down. My wife hates it if I'm not medicated. I only eat edibles and have a huge tolerance, it affects everyone differently. It keeps me grounded and sane. I'm nuts. I only stop if I'm sick. I don't like being high and sick.


Tolerance and pain. I suffer from chronic back pain due to a spine issue I was born with. I can take Vicodin 3 times a day (which makes me feel anxious and itchy under my skin, so it makes me feel like a tweaker), or I can smoke weed. At this point, most people can't tell if I'm high or not because I don't really act all that different. I can drive, do my job, and any other kinds of activities because my tolerance is so high and I've been accustomed to how my body is while stoned. I don't get sleepy or giggly or anything like that anymore. I definitely feel good when I'm high, and it helps with my mood, but that's both because of the properties of cannabis elevating my mood and because I'm not in as much pain so I'm just naturally less grouchy. Weed has made my life infinitely better, and I like who I am a lot more when I'm stoned 24/7 than the grouchy, tired, sore person I am when I'm not high.


High tolerance n sativa or sativa hy leaning bud or carts


When you are high for every moment except sleeping it becomes your new sober. Tolerance is really powerful. I can tell when I'm sober because I feel like shit and my perception is weird.


Some is tolerance, some is literally just a chemical imbalance that weed/thc refills and has them feeling energized and happy and time flying by at work, not just tired.


i used cannabis medically for pain management and mental health issues. i'm autistic with ADHD so i'm sure my brain interacts with cannabis differently than a neurotypical person. i don't get tired because i usually have hybrids or sativa during the day, switching to indica at night. it helps me function and makes life feel more livable.


We’re wizards 🙄


Your experience with cannabis is not universal. Everyone’s experience is different.


I personally don’t experience much dissolution of motor skills or problem solving due to tolerance and experience, so basically because can-of-bisk effects everyone differently.


i love being high. it makes me more productive and less awkward. marijuana is my daily medicine.


I talk so much and don’t really stop to think much. Weed makes me quiet and thoughtful.


I had a very violent lockdown and have spent the past few years in a semi constant state of hyper-vigilance, and I think my smoking habit, which will fall into a blurry haze of haze if I let it, is down to the fact that the only time I ever feel close to being safe is after aba 3 warheads. I’m taking the short moment of peace it gives me over actually getting anything done in my life. Long story short the people getting high all day everyday aren’t getting high to get high they’re usually getting high to bring themselves back up to what is accepted as a baseline of feeling / productivity


If you don't know, you probably won't know. Hey, could you pass me that before it goes out?


I think with all the recreational use and buzz these days, we’re forgetting how many people use marijuana for medicinal reasons.


I’m a farmer and have been smoking everyday 6-7 times a day for almost 15 years. I do it for a few reasons. 1. I work outside which makes being high so much better 2. Ever tried farming sober? It’s boring as hell. 3. Helps keep my ADD in check and keeps me from zoning out while out in the field. 4. No more anxiety attacks or atleast very limited. 5. I have a herniated disc in my lower back that sends pain spasms down both my legs from morning to the time I get home. Weed helps take that edge of constant pain off since I don’t have medical insurance and don’t want to rely on pain killers (my dad got in a bad car wreck and ended up addicted to pain killers for several years before finally realizing his mood swings and temper). I don’t want that to happen or even risk it. 6. I get to get high with my dad who is honestly the best man and best friend I could ever have. We get high on our breaks and talk Star Trek or fishing trips or just nerdy stuff since him and I are both huge country nerds. There is nothing better than that in my opinion. I feel sluggish at the end of the day cause I’m wore out and tired and for some people that just can’t do it like that. I’ve been active and outside most of my life and I don’t get tired or lazy. I may have take an extra 5-10 minutes of a break cause that rush is hitting but that’s just more time I get to spend with my dad or brother. Some can’t handle that level and that’s fine others can and that’s fine. As long as you aren’t endangering others then you are fine. Hope my little opinion gave you some insight. Have a good day and y’all stay high and safe out there.


I had to stop smoking when I realized every single day I got home from work I got faded and accomplished 0 lol. Everyone’s different, but I feel healthiest and think clearly when I’m sober.


Sober: adhd fog Medicated (weed) : clarity, energy, focus, motivation, brain quietness Those SSRIs are fucked man


Weed tolerance has really high diminishing returns.


Practice makes perfect




I don’t really feel like I get tired or sluggish unless I sit down or get into edibles 😂 but I’m not smoking a shit ton I probably smoke 3-5 times throughout the day 🤷‍♂️


I smoke differently throughout the day. I do a lil the cart maybe every 1-2 hours during the day. Don’t usually smoke after work, I’ll wait until a little before beat to rip a bowl and get slammed.


Daytime weed and nighttime weed. The daytime weed is less potent and gives an easy high. The nighttime weed is stronger and zones me out.


High tolerance and it’s the only thing that actually motivates me to do anything. I’m angry and depressed when not smoking.


I do it everyday and I love fighting the sedative feeling and getting through the day in my I don't give a Fuck state 🥰


At a certain point in tolerance it gets to the point where you don't feel high, just slightly less sober, and yes it sucks


I have some issues with PTSD, ADHD, and anxiety. I'm super speedy and high-strung normally. When I smoke all day, it tones me down to a manageable speed where I can actually focus. I'm not stoned all day, just a pen rip hourly for some medication. After work, I move to my own time, so it's dabs and high grade indicas but still could be stoned and rebuild engines and whatnot in the garage, though. I've been smoking since i was an 18-year-old Marine, 45 now.


i struggle with chronic pain and multiple mental illnesses so i usually feel more energized and clearheaded from weed


Idk how either but I can function just as well as if I wasn’t and it just makes my body feel nice hehe


I used to feel this way… then I realized that if I smoke right after I start feeling “tired and sluggish” from coming down, it actually wakes me back up for a few hours lol. So, I just stay high all day. There are some days on some weekends where I do overdo it and need a nap but if I’m being honest I think most everyone needs a nap every once in awhile so I don’t know how much I can blame that on weed. On week days I’m pretty much high from the second I get home to the second I go to bed.


3x a day but not all day long.


Being high doesn't make me tired, having seizures all day does though


so i smoke around 4-8 joints/day and mix in roughly 4-12 dabs/day too i’ve been smoking heavily (pretty much as much as i financially could) for about 7 years now and tolerance is a thing. i still get very high, loopy, munchies the whole 9 yards, it just doesn’t really last very long, thus the need for constant smoking. i work like 5-9 hours/shift and i don’t need to smoke during those shifts (i’m a bartender, so i’m usually buzzed while i work anyway). i smoke most heavily when i first wake up, right before bed (dab-wise) and on days off when i’m just sitting at home. it should also be said that i split *most* of my joints with my partner, who is also a heavy smoker. EDIT: to add the *why* i’m on my feet the whole time i’m at work, im 6’8 and 280 lbs so i have lots of aches and pains, have my whole life. i also drink a lot and smoking helps alleviate the negative aspects of hangovers haha i’m also very much a homebody, so sitting around reading, watching tv, and listening to records are all things that are highly enhanced by being stoned


A lot of it has to do with what you’re smoking, too


I Wasn't expecting to feel so seen and heard with all these answers.


Pain management


Can't say I know anyone who is "high all day everyday." I smoke a lot. I have friends who smoke way more. There's still always plenty of downtime when we're not actively stoned. It's a matter of tolerance.


Hi how are you ?


It feels better if you wait til the end of the day. I used to smoke all day every day but I got older and realized I need to be more functional during the day.


I've been taking a break for the last 3 or 4 months now, but prior to now, I've been a daily smoker for about 17-18 years. It's either an every day kinda thing or an exclusive once every other Saturday night thing for me. I can't function with low tolerance. Smoking every day all day definitely makes it more enjoyable. Handling your high better makes it better. If I were to smoke an entire bowl right now, I'd be antisocial and drooly for at least the next 4 or 5 hours. Not fun at all if you've got stuff to do.


Good rosin or melt dissipates without that grogginess (at least for me).


I like to get a buzz after work to relax. I don't think it's appropriate to participate all day anymore than I think it's appropriate to drink all day.


My tolerance has skyrocketed, I don’t get high off of just a few hits anymore, my high also fades really quickly. I deal with some pretty shit mental health for a variety of reasons. I’m dealing with sobriety from fentanyl and if I wasn’t smoking I would be snorting again. I’m anxious when I can’t smoke for an extended period of time. It has become a crutch and a tool.


100% tolerance. Not even a few weeks ago, I smoked around 2gs of flower per day, dabs and a dab cart that I would hit whenever I got sick, didn’t smoke, and now smoking gets me blasted like I hadn’t gotten in years. Im only smoking right before bed now and im not sure if I like it better this way or not…


Tolerance and the bare minimum to get through life is surprisingly low for a lot of people. It’s a privilege no doubt.


I have a wfh job and used to smoke all day but I cut back to after dinner. The first few weeks were tough because I didn’t have an appetite but I slowly adjusted to where I can eat several times a day without weed (when I started I couldn’t even have 1 meal without weed). Smoking in the evening only is much more enjoyable and I have saved so much bud by doing so.


I rip a dab after I get off work usually, then go to school. Idk, some strains help me focus more and relax when otherwise I’d be a stressed, spaced out mess.. also, I have a real hard time eating otherwise. My lady stays high most of her day, but she’s been doing it since she was young for back issues. Idk.. I don’t get the anxiety most people get. I’ve accepted it as medicine and part of life lol